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Alstonia scholaris

, Alst-s.
Available in 4X-30X, 2C-30C from $6.59
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Alstonia scholaris in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Alstonia Scholaris, R. Br. Nat. order, Apocyneae, (A large tree growing in India and Malabar). Preparation, From the bark.

Authority. Month. Hom. Rev., 10, 508.

Violent purging and cramp in the bowels, vertigo, and general weakness. Lt. Col. D. l'Haste (from the tincture, in water).

Editor of M. H. R. took a part of a grain; it had a bitter taste; induced sharp purging, with considerable pain, uneasiness in the bowels, and great sense of heat and irritation in the lower bowel.

Dysentery, (Col. D. l'Haste.)