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Agkistrodon Contortrix

, AGK.

Not available to buy through our store.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Agkistrodon Contortrix in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Cenchris Contortrix Copperhead snake.

1, Mr. Arnold, Med. Times and Gaz., 1873 (2), p. 461, symptoms produced on John Brown by the bite; 2, Mr. A'Beckett's account of the same case, ibid; 3, Mr. Woolridge's account, ibid.; 4, E. M. Schaeffer, M.D., Field and Forest, vol. i, p. 12, a man, aet. twenty-one years, was bitten on the right hand.

Symptoms of coma (after two hours),

Semiconscious state (after some hours),

Cornea insensible to touch (after six hours),

Pupils sluggish and dilated (after some hours),

Pupils possessed only of the minutest power of contraction and considerably dilated (after six hours),

Indistinct vision (after two hours),

Wild appearance of countenance,

Countenance rather approaching a livid hue, features swollen (after six hours),

Considerable swelling about the upper lip (after two hours),

Vomiting (after two hours),

Breathing rather slow (after six hours),

Weak pulse (after two hours,)

Pulse slow and very weak (after some hours),

Pulse of large volume, weak, and about 70 (after six hours),

Limbs paralyzed (after six hours),

Pain in the finger,

Paralysis of lower extremities (after two hours),

Stiffness of the legs,

Complete prostration (after two hours),

Drowsiness (after two hours),

Cold perspiration (after two hours),

Surface of body cold and clammy (after some hours),

The wound at once gave him some pain, like the sting of a wasp, as he described it, and in a few minutes he began to vomit. This continued until his stomach was emptied, when he still experienced violent retching. He then became deadly faint, and lay down. Dr Klein-schmidt described his appearance four hours later as that of a person in the last stage of collapse; skin cold, pulse nearly gone, respiration feeble, and pupils widely dilated, with great dimness of vision. The right hand and arm were fearfully swollen, of a grayish-black color, resembling gangrene. He passed a feverish night, but was much better Sunday. On Monday evening I found him nearly free from pain, though the arm was still swollen to nearly the size of a man's thigh. From this time he progressed rapidly towards recovery, and in less than a week was out, with his arm in a sling,

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