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Homeopathy Forum Archive: bleeding piles

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase bleeding piles. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

34 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for bleeding piles:
Aesculus Glabra3
Hamamelis Virginica2
Nux Vomica9

Internal bleeding piles since 4 years. 119

I have internal bleeding piles since 4 years , this was initiated by going to motions regulary 4 to 5 times and heavy flautency, the going of motions have been reduced only to 2 ti...
Remedies: Ananassa sativa, Nitricum Acidum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Sulphur, Kali Carbonicum, Nux Vomica, Plantago Major, Aesculus Glabra, Ignatia Amara, Hamamelis Virginica, Arsenicum Album, Opium, Carbo Vegetabilis, Tuberculinum, Calcarea Carbonica, Bovista, Sanguinaria Canadensis, Caladium Seguinum
Started by rameshm. Last post: 2019-02-10

Bleeding piles 10

My daughter aged 26 years suffers from bleeding piles occasionally.She applies a lubricating cream and takes Isabgul besides having the following medication: Sulphur 30 in the morn...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Hypericum Perforatum, Silicea, Ruta Graveolens
Started by chaitalichat. Last post: 2020-11-17

Bleeding piles 1

Doctor I am 20 year old female from uttar pradesh India I am suffering from bleeding piles since 2 years I have taken homeopathic medicine Peonia collinsonia aesculus and hamamel...
Remedies: ADN
Started by Anjali4. Last post: 2019-02-27

Bleeding piles - Consultation by Dr.Reva 4

I have internal bleeding piles since 4 years , this was initiated by going to motions regulary 4 to 5 times and heavy flautency, the going of motions have been reduced only to 2 ti...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by rameshm. Last post: 2019-02-01

Non Bleeding Piles 8

Dear Doctors I am a patient of non bleeding piles. I am 38 year old and do office job. I had typhoid at the age of 15 and swear constipation. Doctor gave me an injection, which re...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Tabacum, Belladonna
Started by Patient Piles. Last post: 2018-02-21

Bleeding piles grade 3 3

Dear Sir, i have suffering from bleeding pilesfrom 4-5 years,2 year before i consult a surgeon & he operate it, but after a couple of month again it was bleed. now i consult a...
Started by snayak225. Last post: 2017-02-27

Bleeding piles 29

SIR,my mom is 41 years old..she has been suffering bleeding stool from 3 months..there is always an urge to pass stool but feels it is incomplete..there is no pain or itching issue...
Remedies: Heracleum Sphondylium
Started by ANIMITA. Last post: 2016-10-06

Non bleeding piles 12

I am 19yr old boy and have been suffering from IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome) from past 7-8 months. I had frequent diarrhoea and constipation problems. The doctor took the following...
Started by pratik20990. Last post: 2016-04-17

External bleeding piles 1

i am suffereing from bleeding pilessince 2011. initially internal bleeding without any pain but after allopathic and ayurvedic treatment these are now external bleeding piles witho...
Started by cheiro. Last post: 2016-02-16

Bleeding piles 6

My brother age 34 is suffering from grade 3 piles He has been taking sulphur 30c 40 drops in morning Aesculus 30c 20 drops twice a day Arnica Montana 30c 20 drops twice a day And A...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Sulphur, Aesculus Glabra, Arnica Montana
Started by pinkflower. Last post: 2015-06-18

Colitis and bleeding piles 1

Dr Nawaz please take my case. I would be thankful. Iqbal...
Started by iqbalshah94. Last post: 2015-01-06

Suffering from bleeding piles problem 4

i m suffering from bleeding pilesproblem since 3 years nat-mur 200 medicines usually helps me me but since last 15 days it is not having any effect and bleeding persist on passing...
Remedies: Phosphorus
Started by win51. Last post: 2014-09-06

Bleeding piles 5

Dear there is bleeding since long time about 12 yers with contupution and now constipution is in normal due using of Fiber Ispaghol in very hot water and bleeding was stoped but no...
Started by anweraleem. Last post: 2014-07-31

Non Bleeding Piles & Dysentry 10

I have been facing burning in the anus during passing motion.Stools are sometimes sometimes liquid (100%) sometimes sticky and semisolid. Smells like rotten egg. I am having this ...
Remedies: Lycopersicum, Piper Nigrum
Started by smarty100. Last post: 2014-04-19

Bleeding piles 2

1. Describe your main suffering? Bleeding internal pilesmay be grade-3 and chronic constipation with gastric troubles. Stomach bloats after having food. low metabolic rate. bad dig...
Started by pintug. Last post: 2014-04-12

Non bleeding piles 1

Dear Dr. I am 36 years male and suffering from pilesfor the last 16 years. I am regularly taking twice daily 2 drops of acidum nitricum 200 for the last 6 years. It becomes ok if ...
Started by sisirrai. Last post: 2014-02-25

Suffering From Bleeding Piles 10

I am 29 Years old male and I am banker and most of time I have to site for more than 9 hours in my office for work. Last year I started to have a bit of constipation and after 4 to...
Remedies: Solanum Tuberosum, Nux Vomica
Started by FaisalAziz. Last post: 2013-11-15

Bleeding piles 1

Dear Doctor.. I am 34 years male suffering from 2nd degree internal piles(Painless bleeding)since last 3 years.I had gone through scelerotherapy 2 years back and was completely fre...
Started by matrudatta. Last post: 2013-09-20

Gas, stomach pain and internal Bleeding piles 36

I am suffering with gas trouble since last 2 years, especially during night time pain in legs is their which gets relieved by pressing the pain areas with burping,have to go 4-5 ti...
Remedies: Collinsonia Canadensis
Started by rameshm. Last post: 2013-08-01

Bleeding Piles 8

Dear Doctor, I am Male 29years Old. I have been suffering from bleeding pilesfor about 3 years. I have tried the following Homeopathic Remedies about 1 Year ago on prescription o...
Started by Ahmadkh. Last post: 2013-01-12

Bleeding Piles 1

I am suffering with piles for the last 15 years. I have got rubber bending treatment twice. Still the problem has not solved. Now my problem is as and when the stool is hard or I u...
Started by Sanjeev Khanna. Last post: 2012-10-09

Bleeding piles 45

i had an heart angioplasty operation on october and having bleeding pilesfrom that time. every 2or 3 days bright red bleeding occurs during stool. iam taking bc 17 alongwith other ...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Hamamelis Virginica, Nux Vomica, Aloe Socotrina, Trillium Pendulum
Started by aguptachandanagar. Last post: 2012-06-24

Chronic Bleeding Piles 5

I am 39 years old male suffering from grade II hemorroids for about 20 years. I have the problem off and on and recently it has aggrivated. I have tried different remedies like, Nu...
Remedies: Sulphur, Nux Vomica
Started by msajidm. Last post: 2012-05-18

Bleeding Piles 1

Dear Sir, I have got bleeding pilesfrom 1 months back, and have constipation and acidity for last 3 years. 1. ID - kuldeep 2. Age -32 3. Sex -male 4. Single/Married - single 5. ...
Started by kuldeep_katiyar. Last post: 2012-05-16

Bleeding piles 5

i am having bleeding with stool and also leakage of blood and sticky liquid from anus. I am taking hamamelis,silicea 12x,cinnabaris3x.is it right remedy?...
Remedies: Cinnabaris (Maercurius Sulphuratus Ruber), Silicea
Started by babusona. Last post: 2012-04-17

Bleeding Piles 4

My age is 42, two months back I had pilesfirst time... it is badly painful and bleeding. Bleeding externally and internally. before piles I was having stomach problem for the las...
Started by sadiqsons. Last post: 2012-03-06

Bleeding Piles 19

Hi, I am now suffering from bleeding pilesfrom last 11 days. The bleeding occurs everytime I visit the bathroom but there is no pain. I contacted a doc and he advised me Bakson BC...
Remedies: Sulphur, Nux Vomica, Aesculus Glabra, Salamander
Started by ashishthakur78. Last post: 2011-12-30

Bleeding piles 2

Hi I have had bleeding pilesfor the last two days. I am breast feeding and the piles only showed up during my pregnancy. After I had my baby 2 months ago the piles reduced in size...
Remedies: Salamander
Started by jerrodvw. Last post: 2011-12-30

Bleeding Piles Dr Joe 0

What is your first remedy for bleeding piles? Female about 55 yrs, looks 65, profusely bleeding piles with and without stools....
Started by 75daud. Last post: 2011-10-28

Chronic Bleeding Piles 2

I am a 29 years old man suffering from chronic pilesfor a decade or so. I don't know to what grade my haemorrhoids can be classified into. My haemorrhoids can be pushed in b...
Started by tusharchakravorty. Last post: 2010-06-13

Bleeding Piles 4

Dear Friends In last days i am suffering from bleeding piles, Can any one help me to cure it please Thanks...
Started by Krish7474. Last post: 2010-01-19

Bleeding Piles 1

I am 30yrs old and have been suffering form bleeding pilesfrom last 12 yrs. Although it started off with bleeding occasionally, but from last 3 yrs it has almost become a regular a...
Started by punkpro. Last post: 2009-09-20

Bleeding Piles 5

Hi Sir, I(age 24) am facing the Haemorrhoids problem since last year. Initially it was a rare when I used to have bleeding with stools but Now I face bleeding issues whenever I go...
Remedies: Sulphur, Nux Vomica
Started by santosh_it4u. Last post: 2006-10-18

Bleeding piles 5

I need help i have bleeding pileswhenever i go to the toilet fresh blood spatters on the loo and its driving me nuts. My doctor says i should go for an operation this also scares m...
Remedies: Nux Vomica
Started by safarris. Last post: 2006-09-27

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.