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I experienced very similiar burning to my tongue and lips, has gone on now for 6 months, My Doctor and a mouth throat specialist are treating me for acid reflux.
kenny 123 last decade
I'm on my third day and not seeing any change, I also have a pain in my stomach and glass of milk soothes it. Should I ask my doctor for some other kind of test? Was your tongue affected also? My tingue still looks like the one in the picture above.
BryanMcD last decade
I've been experiencing similar tongue problems, with red papillae on the tongue, tiny red spots on my pallate and a burning sensation that won't quit. I've had it for three weeks now. I recently had my tonsils removed for a persistent sore throat. Unfortunately, my sore throat problems are still with me, but now I also have this problem. I felt OK right after the surgery, but two weeks later I was once again feeling pain in my throat. I saw my ENT and he said everything looked fine, except for a little irritation, 'lumpy, bumpy' to be exact. After my visit with him, my burning mouth syndrome started. I am wondering whether it could be psychological. He put me on acid reflux medication, which I was not taking when this stared (so it's not the meds).When he called to find out how I was doing, I told him about my tongue and that's when he said I have BMS(burning mouth syndrome). He gave me meds for candida ( yeast infection). I still haven't taken them. I don't think that's what it is. I will be getting a second opinion soon from another ENT. I don't feel like subjecting myself to more drugs without a definite diagnosis. I'm tired of docs pushing pills. There are a host of reasons why someone may get BMS. I'm just not really sure what mine is. The different sources I've looked at on the web listed the following: menopause, acid reflux, vitamin deficiency, oral thrush ( yeast infection), nerve damage to the tongue(which controls pain and taste), psychological. I'll be seeing a few specialist, like an allergist, a gastroenterologist, and another ENT. AS a last resort, I will be going to a nutritionist. I've seen her before for a simple problem my doc at the time could not figure out(lactose intolerance). Can anyone tell me what herbal supplements might work for this? I'm starting to think that this may be all be anxiety driven (although I am not feeling anxious; the mind is mighty powerful, though), but I shall see what the docs have to say. I'll be in touch.

FIORELLA last decade
Welp, isn't gone yet... Still taking Nystatin, blood tests were negative (not sure what they tested me for). Probably unusual levels of white blood cell count from an infection? Now I want to see an ENT or an oral surgeon. Guess I'll call my Doc after the weekend. I am taking acid reducers just because my stomach tends to remain empty for longer periods these days due to irritated tongue.
BryanMcD last decade
I've been having these identical symptoms for 2 months as well. Being an ex-tobacco user/drinker this made me really nervous, but my dentist has reassured me that it is not cancer. The one thing that has helped is that the dentist smoothed down the backs/bottoms of my front teeth - it seems to be most irritated when I talk (specifically when I say anything with the letter 't'). This has made it much better but not quite 100%. The only diagnosis I've found that jives with these symptoms is 'transient lingual papillitis'. But I've found not good cures for it. 'Magic Mouthwash' also helps (a mix of benadryl and malox). If anyone figures out anything, please post it. Thanks and good luck!
kwr242 last decade
I've had similar symptoms for the past few weeks. At first I thought it might be related to acid reflux because my tongue always feels like there is acid burning it on the sides (not so much on the tip) but antacids did nothing to help it. Like several others mentioned, it is better in the morning and starts back up as soon as I eat something or brush my teeth etc. I have also had the tingling lips/gums/face occasionally. I have had TMJ problems and back pain for years --my left jaw pops whenever I open my mouth so I wondered if this could be some nerve irritation or other referred pain related to TMJ...So last week I went to the chiropractor which helped my neck and back feel better and my jaw released and does not pop for the first time in 4 years, but it did not seem to make a huge difference in the tongue pain. So I got out my book on myofascial pain (The trigger point therapy work book by Clair Davies) and I read the 'tongue pain' section which suggests massaging several jaw and neck muscles -- which I did --it hurt like crazy to massage some of them, but pretty soon the pain on one side went away...I have not been able to get the other side better yet (it is still VERY sore) but I am convinced that is the problem for me...I think with a little more time, more massage and more ibuprofen (to help the swelling) this will eventually go away. So if you & your doctors, dentists, etc. can't find a cure for this weird tongue pain, here is something else to try! Hope it helps!
cmquilter last decade
My irritated tongue symptoms were identical to Mike's. Being a slim, non-smoker, non-drinker with no prior health issues (apart from having had my appendix removed at age six), I made the mistake of ignoring it for many months. However, with time, other weird, undiagnosable symptoms (besides the intermittent tingling tongue & lips, malaise, insomnia, some dizziness, post-nasal drip, burning/tearing eyes, flat moods, tingling face, etc) manifested and progressively worsened. Had numerous tests including serology, a cardiac stress test, CT scan, etc over a six month period and all were normal, except for suddenly rising good HDL and bad LDL. I have since learnt that elevated cholesterol can be a sign of intestinal candida.

Finally, while waiting to see an immunologist, I had an O&P stool test which revealed giardia even though I never had diarrhea or any significant GI issues. Since the doctors I consulted here in Australia seemed to know little about parasites, I read extensively on the subject and was amazed to note that ALL my odd symptoms, even subtle skin darkening (bronzing due to adrenal fatigue) of my entire body over the last few years, had been long documented, except that modern doctors depend on diagnostics and do not recognise the physical signs in the patient. Parasites modulate the host's immune system to avoid detection and symptoms cycle due to life cyle of the parasite and variable shedding in the stools. Intestinal candida is known to go hand in hand with giardia and other protozoa/amoeba. I think my tongue dots/tingling was an early indication of GI dysbiosis.

I had one unsuccessful course of metronidazole and a second treatment of tinidazole (the nitroimidazole class of drugs is known to promote fungal growth) which made the back half of my tongue 'furry' (white coated) but all the tingling issues disappeared and I think the red dots may be fading. At this stage, I do not know if I am still positive for giardia and the gastroenterologist I consulted last week told me there is no definitive medical test for intestinal yeast overgrowth as we breathe in yeast and mould spores all the time. I have begun an anti-candida diet with natural anti-parasitic/fungal supplements and probitocs. Please recommend homeopathic remedies for possibly lingering giardia and intestinal candida to add to this mix? I am still belching (which is abnormal for me), stools are not always well-formed, darkness around the eyes and I do not yet feel like my old self. All advice would be much appreciated.
Kim Y last decade

please start a new thread picking up a standard questionairre and answering to the questions in a descriptive manner presenting all your physical and mentals ailments.
rishimba last decade
It doesn't sound like anyone has had relief from the tongue irritation. My tongue has had a burning sensation for almost a month now. I looked up whether it could be cancer, I don't have any of the symptoms and my tongue actually looks like it always has. I can't afford to go to the Dr. right now, but it sounds from everyone else that has replied, Dr's have no clue what is wrong. I do have acid reflux, but it is under control, I just don't eat the foods that give me it any longer. Stressed out? Yes I am but I always have something to stress over, I didn't just start getting stressed a few weeks ago! I thought it was acidic fruits and juices, but I cut those out and my tongue still feels like I just downed a cup of super hot chocolate. I sure hope this irritation goes away soon.
Whateverkim last decade
I have symptoms very similar to those described by Yorkie.
I was wondering if he and others having similar symptoms have travelled overseas before or during the time when the problem started. Can this be something that American doctors are not familiar with?
FromLA last decade
I am experiencing similar symptoms. Not sure how long. Not real noticable at first but the longer it was like this the worse it got. I have noticed the thing that is in common for most everyone is the toothpaste/mouthwash being mentioned. If the tongue is being irritated by something daily it would explain why it isn't healing up. The tongue is suppose to be the 2nd fastest healing part of the body runner up to the eyes. I know this because I had my tongue peirced in my wilder days. No longer pierced though. I just checked and everything that I have been using for some time with the exception of the equate brand flouride rinse is WHITENING. Maybe there is an ingredient used for the whitening that is common and causes all of this.

Let me know if you are using the whitening toothpaste/mouthwash!
cimreid last decade
Has any found an answer to this problem yet?
infinityx last decade
I have the same situation. It's been a couple of months now. Had a sore throat and went on antibiotics. Now I have burning on the tip of my tongue and raised taste buds. It comes and goes, but I'm obsessed with it. At one time, I was diagnosed with acid reflux but healed it naturally with aloe vera and diet. Went to Dr. B Well and he prescribed superacidolphilus. He said the antibiotic probably disrupted and killed off good bacteria. Taking it right now twice a day and hoping and waiting. I did have my teeth whitened and was rinsing with teeth whitening stuff, but stopped it now. I can't take it anymore and would appreciate suggestions
laura46 last decade
My mother has the symptoms described in this post. She was given a strong battery of Cipro antibiotics a few weeks before this started and then prescribed Nitrofurantoin as a maintenance urinary antibiotic. She was given another antibiotic battery for an infection caused by an ingrown toenail. All this within four weeks. She has seen two doctors and they don't know what the problem is. I am going to start her on some probiotics like Acidophilus - Bifidophilus to replace the beneficial bacteria killed from the antibiotics. She got relief by swabbing a product on her tongue given her in the ER labeled Sage 6012.
billk last decade
Hi every one, i have read on many web pages that burning tongue sensasion can be vitamin B12 deficency also that antibiotics reduces/destroydes your vitamin B, tingle feeling in lips, arms and legs can also me symptoms, short temper, cold feeling all over, specially arms and legs and many other symptoms, please do google all kinds of vitamin deficency´s to find out what could be wrong, B12 deficency can be serius if you stay deficent for to long nerves could be permanently damage.... many B12 symptoms are simular to vitamin D and magnesium deficency symptoms, hope you find out whats wrong, good luck

ps: someone talked about darker skin tone, this is one of B12 symptoms.

english is not my language, hope this is understandeble.
[message edited by harpilius on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 23:23:56 GMT]
[message edited by harpilius on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 23:27:43 GMT]
harpilius last decade
I know how uncomfortable everyone is with a constant burn going on in your mouth. I did have a b12 deficiency and have taken shots for it over the past four weeks. Unfortunately no change. I also have a burning in both feet. I have been taking Xanax at night, but thought I would try a half dose during the day. Both feet and mouth symptoms reduced significantly. Also, Stride has a sugar free gum called Whitemint. It reduces the pain, making it more tolerable. My son Made me laugh saying it was bittersweet--sore mouth but really fresh breath.
Jw_hart last decade
I too had all the symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS). Neither my dentist nor my physician knew anything about it. I found a study online where Diabetics were treated in a study with Alpha Lypoic Acid to control glucose levels. BUT what they discovered was that an overwhelming number of the diabetics (who happened to have BMS) found relief from the burning! I took two capsules twice a day, and in just two weeks the burning was GONE!!
cigarcitygirl last decade

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