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Posts about Depression, Hypertension

Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression187Question about Hypertension1Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Rauwolfia for hypertension4Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1Postpartum depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression, lethargy, hypertension

Pls let me know is there any remedy for me I'm taking Lemna Minor 30 for croyza and Crataegus Q
  aqueel on 2006-10-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
crategus is for strengthening heart. what do you use it for ? Any prior heart ailment?

Is Lemna minor 30 indicated for your condition. Do you see any improvement after this?

what are your complaints actually?
maheeru last decade
I'm suffering from Hypertension and also had Angioplasty seven years ago.I m taking Crataegus Q 10 drops thrice daily since last two years and Lemna Minor 30 Ten drops thrice daily for croyza. I think it is lemna minor which made me lethargic but it has also cured my croyza as well
aqueel last decade
Craetegus Q is ok. It could also be used regularly. But I think 10 drops in half a glass of water shall be distributed as 3 doses rather than taking 10 drops thrice. But check this with your physician for caution if it was prescribed.

What about your complaint of coryza? How you came to choose Lemna?
If you are taking still plz stop that remedy and observe the symptoms and post your ailments.
maheeru last decade
I've stopped taking lemna but coryza hit back so I've no other option left
aqueel last decade
In homeopathy Craetegus Q...is a heart remedy that also lowers blood pressure.

Q stands for mother tincture...means 50% crude substance and 50% alcohol (carrier).

Craetegus is made from the 'Hawthorn Berries'.

In the Chinese system of medicine ...to a High BP patient ....they give the soup of the 'Hawthorn Berry'.

A person is supposed to take the soup twice a day for many months.

One chinese out of every three ...above 40 years of age is consuming the soup regularly.

(And no 'proving' takes place....Classical Homeopaths please note).

(So much un-necessary scare these classical guys have created ).

Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
kuldeep last decade
I am new to this forum. The discusion pertaining to this topic doesn't seem homeopathic in dscripton at all. It looks like that some allopathic doctors had the diagnosis made & the medicine has been prescribed . Where is the law of similiar & what we want to arrive at in such homeopathic forums!
sbahl last decade
Dear sbahl, you can always start treating patients your way but please start treating them first and make some provings of your methods.
kuldeep last decade
We take salt daily.We don't prove it. Try Nat.mur potency daily and see the result.

Certain medicines generally don't lead to proving in mother tincture form.

crataegus is one of them.However we can't rule out adverse reactions in a few cases,on continuous usage. But, generally it is considered safe.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Most doctors are recommending use of Craetegus Q...i.e. mother tincture for cure throug homeopathy...so which potency will cause proving ????

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

Crataegus is generally considered safe. This is what I said.

However can you guarantee that not even one case will not get some problem or the other with it's usage?

Normally cataegus is used to sensitize the heart for digitalis therapy later on.

After Crataegus. application
toxic symptoms of Digitalis are avoided and Digitalis gets better response.

One also gets good response from Crat. for chronic insufficiency and damaged heart musles in cases which don't tolearate Digitalis.

Another medicine to be considered for old-age heart and cardiac problems of hypertensive patients is Strophanthus.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks all of you for participating. I've reduced the dose of Crataegus to 1/3rd , Crataegus is also causing hyper acidity and it also makes my skin sticky any way I'm taking it. I've give up taking Lemna Minor so what I've to take now for coryza and eczema I'm also a patient of eczema, Lemna Minor covers both but it has also made me lethargic and depressed
aqueel last decade

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