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Slow Metabolic Rate


I used to have a pretty good metabolic rate and could eat anything and not put on weight.

After I had chicken pox my mother suggested I take Phiphos (not sure of spelling). Now unfortunately what that has done to my system and what a doctor just recently told me it does do is slow down your metabolic rate and make you feel more hungry. So the over all result for me has been weight gain and now I can't eat without putting on weigth. Potatoes are the worst.

Is there someway to get my metabolic rate back to what it used to be - as in is there a homepathic medicine that will do that without any other effects? I'm fine with being hungry and eating more than I used to because I did need to put on some weight but not being able to eat without putting on more is definitely not good.

Thanx so much.
  Em on 2002-09-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you are probably talking of Five Phos a mixture of biochemic medicines which you were prescribed for your problem you need not worry because there is no documented case to say that it does in any way interfere with your metabolic rate.
Dr.Venugopal Gouri 2 decades ago
Im not sure if there is a medicine, but my metabolism is shot now too, causing me to gain tons of weight in such a short time. I found eating lots of fiber, like dried beans, brown rice etc. I am starting to lose the weight quite fast, but as soon as I go back to eating the same old sugary and starchy foods, I can gain it as quickly. Plus I drink a gallon or more of water a day to help flush me out properly. I noticed quick results and even a better mood, I dont even have to be on antidepressents like the doctor thought I did. Hope this is a bit useful to you.
cute_buttercup_99 2 decades ago
Brown Rice is a starch? Or is that the only starch you allow yourself? Maybe you are eating fewer calories.
Faithfully10 2 decades ago
well im 15 years old and about 85 pounds
i dont know why i am not buliemic or anorexic or any of that junk
i just wanna know whats wrong with me
my doctor says i dont eat enough but thats a lie i eat as much as a normal 15 year old would
i want to know maybe if theres something wrong with me
someone please help im tired of looking like a 12 year old
lilaaliyah653 2 decades ago

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