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healing through forgiving final part (3)


final chapter

In my ongoing explanations of self curing I have tried to open up the eyes of as many people as possible, I have been overwhelmed with the response and some of your forum members have improved their health status enormously, unfortunately I cannot take any patients this year anymore – although online help will be there for those in need of explanations or direct help.
If you have a sickness/ailment or in general are having difficulties with life, you are free to contact me, and I will always respond.

Today I release to final installment of forgiveness. Those of who have read the previous two posting on forgiving will be satisfied.

Learn to Forgive

Forgiving is the only liberating power in the Universe.

Forgiving the cause frees us from disease, life’s difficulties and all other negativity. How does one forgive? It isn’t as easy as you thought it would be? All right, lets practice some more!!!!

1. If someone has harmed me I forgive him for that and forgive myself for taking this negativity inside me.
2. If I myself have harmed somebody then I ask his forgiveness for harming him and forgive myself for the same reason.
3. As, in harming others and letting others harm me, I have made my body suffer, I will always ask my body to forgive me for harming it.

You can do it either in your thoughts or out loud. The main thing is that it has to come straight from the heart. This is the easiest way to forgive.

Almost anyone can understand this sort of forgiving, although forgiving oneself may prove to be an unsurpassable difficulty to many. Asking your own body to forgive you seems somehow strange, too. “It’s my business if I hurt myself or not” one argues although the sickness is residing in one’s own body and nowhere else.

If the only thing you can accept is forgiving others and asking forgiveness from others then you should ask yourself, “Who am I and who is he?”

I belong to myself in exactly the same measure as I belong to the ALL THAT IS. The same goes for everybody else. This way, my body is me and It at the same time. I have no right to destroy it. I have my body but I don’t own it.

Try to release your reasonable mind from your materialistic intellect. To do this, you need to forgive your intellect for being such a collector of dogmas.

Sometimes it may be equally as difficult to forgive another person, especially when the other has hurt you a lot. (think about your parents, partner, son or daughter)

Christ’s teaching of forgiveness is ancient (and unfortunately well kept secret by some Holy people in Italy) but its deeper analysis is something more recent and needs more clarification.

The formula for forgiving is briefly the following:
1. I forgive the bad thought for coming into me.
2. I ask the bad thought to forgive me for not understanding that it has come to teach me and that I haven’t known how to set it free, but have kept it prisoner within myself where it has grown larger and larger.
3. I forgive myself for having taken the bad thought inside me.
4. my dear body, please forgive me for having hurt you by growing the bad thought inside me and for all the suffering that followed it.

The teaching of forgiveness should be approached in the light of the following principles:

1. Everything that is harming me is connected to me by an invisible bond of energy. If I want to be rid of the negativity then I myself, will have to release both ends of the bond. This is done by forgiving.
2. Whatever a human being has inside himself, he will also attract.
3. Where there is good, someone will come along to do some more good. Where there is bad, someone will come along to add to it.
4. The one who is allowing me to learn a lesson is like a contractor; I want him and he comes.
5. Everything negative in a human being that hasn’t been released in the manner of wise people – by forgiving – is an unlearned lesson of life that has to be learned through suffering. In order to do that, someone must come along to cause the suffering.
6. Together with forgiving comes understanding. Understanding is wisdom.
7. A human being is ignorant until he sees the cause of bad in other people.
8. The person who understands that he himself has attracted the negativity to himself by his incorrect thinking is reasoning correctly. His forgiving is understanding the wrong deed, learning, and becoming wise from it.

The school of suffering

We measure others by our own nature and views. What we say about other people adequately mirrors our own character. A person’s character is the sum total of his life experience, straddling his past and his present. Even the slightest of emotions has its roots in the past, emerging over and over again until the lesson of a current life is learned. In most cases, only suffering is able to provide the person with the kind of unwavering knowledge that shall remain with the spirit forever. This is a wisdom of life that brings a peaceful mind with it. The particular problem will never return to test the person again. This way, past lives have a place in our present and future days. Nothing will ever be lost.

Everybody knows that the same type of difficulties have a tendency of cropping up in our lives over and over again, indicating that we have failed to make the right kind of conclusions from the problem and hence – failed to learn a lesson. The specific difficulty has to return to enable us to learn from it. We haven’t understood that the freedom to learn and to transform negativity into positivity is an inevitability of life. When you find yourself in a difficult situation, ask yourself, “Why am I having this experience? What is it trying to tell me?” I am sure you can feel your body answer.

Fortunately we have come to a point in the progress of mankind where we no longer have to learn through suffering alone. It is possible now to learn to free ourselves from negativity by changing our way of thinking. Who learns from suffering, shall gain life experience from his negative experience. Experiences are like subjects at school – each following year the same subject is dealt with in more depth, until perfection is reached – the same subject has been learned to the extend where it has become living knowledge to the student. Now he is able to use it without having to look it up in a book. Who has not learned life’s wisdom, has to learn through suffering. Like keeps attracting like until you get wise.

“What is suffering?” people often ask. We have been taught to suffer and are continued to do so even now. Suffering is a lesson for the ignorant. Who wants to be wise has to learn to think – then he can graduate from the school of suffering. He doesn’t have to let himself to be ordered, directed, forbidden, punished, or scared by threats. A free human being does everything by himself – the way is supposed to be done. He can, he is willing and able.

I have seen people learn the same lesson through several lifetimes. For example, a man with a lesson of dignity. In one life he lives as a rich man, in another – a poor man, in one life – in the mountains, in another – in a valley. In one life he is a woman, in another a man, in one life he has education, in another he has none. And one life after another he keeps on debasing himself, not understanding why others are humiliating him. He is afraid of self-respect as he has it mixed up with arrogance and egotism. By now, his anguish has grown huge and is starting to destroy him.

Coming to this life, he chose a set of parents who could afford him the so-called hereditary sicknesses that he needs, to fill his cup of suffering to the brim and learn the lesson for good.

People have enough understanding not to call life difficulties that resemble each other, hereditary. However, a person’s health adequately mirrors the problems he is having with his life.

When the person starts looking for a way out, his spirit guides will lead him to a mentor, teaching the wisdom of forgiveness. And should the teacher be me, I will teach him to forgive his fear of not being loved as this stress is the root of all other stresses. I will teach him to forgive his fear of being an egoist, I will teach him to forgive his fear of not being understood, his lack of lust for life, his feeling of senselessness, his inferiority complexes, his fear that it is too late to change anything, etc.

A lot of people sigh, “Why nobody told me this before?”

Firstly, because mankind was not ready to receive this kind of teaching before. Secondly, because you have done nothing to find this kind of wisdom. Nobody can teach you by force – may it be the most valuable knowledge in the world, forcing is still violence and you will not be able to receive it. If you are reading this and feeling annoyed that nobody has told you this before, then you know that you are ready to receive this knowledge.
But there are a lot of people who are not. And should you now decide to make an effort to change your way of thinking, you will be helping them too.

By doing good to yourself, you will do good to the whole humanity.

So, according to the experience of past lives and in order to gain perfect wisdom, we need even more experience of the same kind. We seek out and find ourselves the sort of parents who are able to afford us this experience. The same goes for husbands and wives, friends and life events in general. We are unable to see what our spirit needs, and we don’t really know ourselves. Our spirit is an energy entity moving towards perfect wisdom. The spirit has a need to become perfect but perfection is not only positivity. Perfection is a continuous wave like movement of negativity and positivity. The spirit has an unwavering need for the specific knowledge that was not achieved in the last life.
Don’t ask, “Why do I have to go through so much suffering?” you yourself or in other words, your spirit, has chosen this lesson, only your mind can’t remember it. Instead of complaining, learn to forgive.

Don’t ask, “Why does my neighbor has such a good life?” He himself has chosen this and worked for it, carefully cultivating the ground inherited from his parents and, like a healthy plant, making himself grow in it. He himself has marked down his path – he has needed this sort of life. And his life too, has its negative side; only you can’t or won’t see it.

Even among closet friends, people notice when others have it better. It is irritating, especially when things are not going too well for yourself. When you are upset, you don’t think about your own thoughts, you only can see other people. For example, take a situation when someone asking a perfectly innocent question like; “What should you like me to make for dinner?” The other, worried about the situation at work, can only see worry on the face of the person asking the question. He interprets it as an accusation. He starts screaming, “Why do you have to ask me that! (He would love to say that to his subordinates.) I have enough to worry about! You know nothing about real life! (Someone has said those exact words to him.) You only want to get and to get and I have to be the one to get it for you!” There seems to be no end to his shouting. He has lost all his reason. This way a person dissolves his negativity that has accumulated to a critical limit. However, he is doing nothing to improve the situation, as he is pouring out a completely valid emotion in a totally unsuitable place. The person who takes his family problems to work and pours out his bitterness on his unsuspecting colleagues as well as the individual who takes his problems home from work, punishing his innocent family members – above all his children – for his failures, will never be free of his tensions. All he does is to make the situation worse.

The person who asked him the question, should not feel insulted, but say instead, “Wait a moment! Your feelings of guilt have grown dangerously big. You didn’t see my question for what it really was – my wish to prepare something extra good for your dinner to help you feel better. Let go of your feelings of guilt. They just came to tell you that there is no guilt – there are only mistakes. You have taken too much upon yourself – too much obligation, too much responsibility. You have the fear of being held at fault if something goes wrong. This way you will only wear yourself out.

I forgive you for accusing me. And please forgive me for expecting too much from you. I forgive myself for I was the one who drew your accusations to me. I too have taken on too much worry, obligations and responsibilities – guilt and fear – in me. This is drawing accusations to me. I have been greedy and wanted more material things – I am sorry for that.

Dear guilt and accusations, thank you for making me think, before both of us end up with a heart attack.”

This would be the correct way to act but not too many people know to think this way. The conflict ends in hurt – tears from the first party and angry silence from the second. Or a senseless and malicious fight with both parties competing in hurting each other. After such an outbreak, both feel guiltier. Which one will end up in hospital first, depends on whose cup of suffering will be filled up first. Only then the other may stop in regret (guilt) and see the mistakes that have been made.

There are some people who, in case of their partner’s illness, who turn away indifferently and move on to new hunting grounds. Wealth is more valuable to them than a human life. The hour of the pleasure hunter will come later in life. His lesson will be dealt by the thing he values above all in life – wealth. There’s no way round it – it is inevitable.

If you consider asking for forgiveness a shame and a humiliation, you don’t realize that forgiving elevates a human being. Asking forgiveness and forgiving can never make you smaller – you can only become a bigger person for it.

Even if the wound in your soul from a recent (or past) hurt is still fresh and painful, your spirit is ready to forgive. The spirit has learned his lesson but by forgiving and asking forgiveness, the situation will be understood on the level of the reasonable mind and this is necessary for being a human.

The superficial “excuse me” is the younger sister of the deep and meaningful act of asking for forgiveness. But even these simple words can be said straight from the heart when one acknowledges one’s mistake and feels guilty genuinely sorry for it. In this case the effect will be one of release.

We are taught the importance of good manners when we are children and in everyday life, the word “sorry” slips out of the mouth automatically, easily and without commitment – in a word, without a deeper meaning. Forgiving is a serious and important job and everyone is aware of its sanctity on the subconscious level. The more respect a person has for life, the more serious his attitude towards forgiving. Forgiving is a sacred task. It often happens that a person otherwise impeccable mannered, dropping excuse me’s and sorry’s on every step, seriously digs in his heels when it comes to real forgiving. The unwillingness to let things go may be such that one may even prefer being sick for it.

Forgiving and asking for forgiveness is balm to the wounds of the heart. Begging somebody’s forgiveness under duress, on the other hand, even if it is you who is making yourself do it, is violence, resulting in yet greater anger and feelings of vindictiveness. If you feel that you are not ready to forgive then you should know that in that case you will have to go on suffering. This is your method of learning at the moment. Try to take the suffering as your teacher, teaching you in a manner you allow him. When you have understood the reason for your troubles, you have also opened the door for forgiving.

  Alexthink on 2006-05-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is all in the mind
Dikra !!

The past is gone , the future no one can be sure....just the present, the present...enjoy it...share it...live it !!!

Leave the grudges behind...be Happy and Healthy....just like the bubly Nisha - India.

And if you want any homeo med...take Arnica...it works on everybody and for everything.

Bye now,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
The Zorashtrians (Parsi community ...who came from Middle East and settled in India) worship the Fire.

In their religion all are asked to consign the grudges of life into the fire every day and do a good act to another every day.

Even in death, the body of a Parsi is placed on a high tower for the vultures to come and eat. At the time of leaving this world also they do a last good act for the benefit of the Universe.

They are a Happy-go-lucky race. Most of them are very cheerful guys.

I am not a Parsi...but have some friends....and I see the difference all the time..just becoz of the religious teaching to consign all grudges to the flames each day!!

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Beek

I know from personal experience the power of forgiving and I have never been one to hold grudges or be hateful towards other, but as a result of severe trauma I could not let go of the past and the pain because it required an enourmous amount of energy to forgive and let go and not hold grudges. Energy I could not afford to waste for that purpose because all of my energy was going towards staying alive.

That is where homeopathy comes in to play to restore our life force so that forgiving happens easily and even instantly.

Trauma can cause people to get literally stuck in some time zone whether the past or the future. And trauma can create a feeling of being disconnected from God.

Praying, talking and counseling isn't always enough. WE NEED HOMEOPATHY AND OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY WORK TO HELP US.

You really need to get into homeopathy into a much deeper level so that you can experience THE many MIRACLES it has to offer including the MIRALCE of forgiving

I agree about Arnica and it is the way I have started to spread happiness and the miracles of homeopathy.

What am I getting myself into?
Pat2006 last decade
I relate to Pankaj story about the use of fire.

Praying with the use of fire is EXTREMELY effective using candles. Writing a release prayer on a small piece of paper and burning it on a candles really helps. For me personally the green St. Jude candles are the most beneficial. Other people prefer another color. The glass candles I prefer for the safety purposes. Very important to keep candles in a water container.
Pat2006 last decade
This answer-post is in continuation of two earlier post by the same title and link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/45040/
(for appropriate reference purpose)

'Alexthink' :
Dr. Beek, that was a appreciative hypothesis. Not that it does not warrant an alternative explaination, which will follow soon from Nesha-India, as usual, for debate sake and for archiving for academic theories & reasons.

Currently my question is :
1. What's the alternative to 'Forgiving'.
2. Would it work on ALL individuals. (that's on the laws of Homeopathy)
3. How different is 'Forgiving from the heart' and 'Forgiving from the mind'
4. There is a maxim ' Nothing is Permanent ' .or. 'Nothing is carried to eternity'
5. There is another maxim ' Nothing is impossible '
6. There is yet another maxim ' Time heals everything ' .or. 'Time over-rides everything'
7. How does point no. 4,5,6 relate to 'Forgiving' and NOT forgiving.

NESHA-INDIA's debate'able perception on 'Forgiving' :

1. The forgiver self-induces himself to think of his own assertiveness and his own divinity.
2. It creates an self-illusionary psycic environment of Egotism, Proud'ism, Supermacy, Divinity. .......
3. FORGIVE'ness raises self-levels of EGO, thereby misleading his own judgements.
4. FORGIVE'ness raises self-levels of PROUD'ism, thereby misleading himself to supermacy.
5. FORGIVE'ness raises self-levels of SUPERMACY, thereby misleading himself to Divinity.
6. FORGIVE'ness raises self-levels of DIVINITY, thereby misleading himself to false-satisfaction and hallucinations.
7. Forgive'ness, is a momentary thought. Bound to re-bound back, as memories inevitably linger around.
8. Forgive'ness is emotional Chronic SUPPRESSION and back-fires with severe disasterous consequences.
9. Forgive'ness is for the Weak-Willed, with very very limited thinking capacity.
10. Forgive'ness is at best an suppressed self-deception.
11. Forgive'ness is ESCAPISM.

Dr. Beek, please, your comments / perceptions on the above 'THRILLS & PERILS of 'FORGIVING' .

Dr. Beek, for thousands of years, ALL religions of the world have advocated the maxim of 'FORGIVING', to people who profess these religions. Billions of dollars are spent EVERYDAY, on maintaining or keeping ALIVE these religions, Yet the people could NEVER EVER learn or master the art of 'Forgiving' ... Wonder why..... Have these religions got anything to do with it?

Dr. Beek, THIS answer (post) to your post is NOT the end of Nesha-India's perception on 'FORGIVING' and more will follow, at appropriate time, time permitting.

ALSO, is there an no-time-limit superior alternative to 'Forgiving'. Nesha-India, says YES and will explain, as at appropriate time, time permitting.

OVER to you, Dr. Beek.

OOoops, a mosquito has just bit me and sucked a€t Nesha-India's blood. Instinctively, but deliberately, I have slapped him (mosquito) dead.
Nesha-India, .......
a) is never ever going to regret the act (killing of the mosquito)
b) neither is ever going ask for any type of forgive'ness to anybody including the mosquito
c) neither is the mosquito's soul (spirit) ever going to forgive me for slapping it dead.

Nesha-India's QUOTE :
'The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, and to have the two as close together as possible'

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Dear Nesha-India,

I'm sorry for the mosquito, and I have forgiven you for slapping him to the other side.
As always I am pleased with your reaction, and you show me the other side of the medal, however, its still the same medal. As an alternative for forgiveness I suggest suffering, this is the most easiest and longest practised in our human existence and a way of learning. People say, when you you ask them 'how are you' - they reply 'fine' although they are suffering, that's what I call an alternative.

Homeopathy is a fine alternative and will bring short term relief and even in some cases healing, although the main cause will always be a negative energy (stress) that's what the mosquito saw, and it was the only reason why he wanted to bite you. Don't worry be happy.
thanks for the reply Nesha.

PS: remember we cannot deceive ourselves!
Alexthink last decade

Some churches depend on the holy spirit to help them. There are many ways to access the holy spirit through food, herbs, homeopathy. Fruits and vegetables are a way to connect with the holy spirit and God otherwise God would have made us to not require food or water.

There is not just one way.

God inspires humans to do things to help themselves.

God helps those who help themselves and one way humans can help themselves is through homeopathy.

And it is permanent. Otherwise, it is like saying God is temporary. God is not temporary.

Homeopathy is inspired by God.

Don't ignore God's message to use it.

Listen and he will guide you.

By you talking down at homeopathy in this manner is like you rebelling against God.

Maybe you haven't received the miracles God has for you through the holy spirit. Why do you reject God? Why are you afraid of God?

The holy spirit is in every thing. Mountains Plants, trees, water, animals. And when we eat the plants and the water, and herbs, etc we are partaking of the holy spirit.
Pat2006 last decade
Yes Nesha...I like your spirit....Like Lord Krishna told Arjuna.....fight, fight, fight....go into battle without remorse and without any doubt and hesitation ...coz the ones who have to die have to die...that is their destiny !!!
Donot grieve for them....when God's plan for them is over...they will die !!

Well Nesha...in life there is a time to battle and a time to forgive.....like Pat says ..the 'Inner Voice' is there ......and it will tell you what time it is !!

If everyone began to forgive...there will be no battles, no victory, no dancing and rejoicing, no fun !!!!

In India the street drummers will go out of business.

Be Happy and Healthy......

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
damn -a spiritual revolution in this neck of the woods..
John Stanton last decade
John...you opened the wrong thread this morning !!!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
In India the street drummers will go out of business. **Poor guys...unke to rozi roti ka sawal hai !!!!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade


homeopathy is spiritual. The only physical in it is the sugar. LOL

you are way too wise
Pat2006 last decade
Translation....**Poor guys....it is a matter of their daily bread !
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
god listens to the 'disco biscuits' with divine love..
John Stanton last decade
What is a disco buiscuit?

It sounds funny whatever it is.
Pat2006 last decade
only a true 'bisco-naut' would know..as it should be..
John Stanton last decade

You are way too funny!!!
Pat2006 last decade
John...'disco - biscuit'....some homeopath ??
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
'Alexthink' :
Dr. Beek, Thank you for being 'pleased with my reaction, as always'. AND also thank you for the unsolicited 'forgiving' me for slapping the mosquite 'to the other side', though I do not believe in the theory or existence of the other side.
HOWEVER, the mosquito who bit me and sucked my blood, has given me an Superficial surface itch, AND, 'YOU' have given me an MENTAL ITCH with your unsatisfactory answer / explaination to my questions.

Dr. Beek, you said 'As an alternative for forgiveness I suggest suffering'.

Nesha-India, theories as follows :
SUFFERING gives birth to Ambition.
Suffering induces to accept Challenges.
Suffering leads to Achievement.
Suffering gives way to Satisfaction.
Suffering gives Spice to life.
Suffering imparts Maturity to meaning of life.
Suffering is ONLY for the strong willed and NOT for the chicken hearted.

Dr. Beek, please answer appropriately, when in context to your article 'HEALING THROUGH FORGIVING'

Also when in continuning context to your article, Please comment on the existance of God, with elaborate explainations and examples justifying the existance of God, as other forum members have pointed out.

You wished me 'Don't worry be happy'. However, to be true to your words, IF you do not answer all my questions, I am going to really worry and not be happy and your wish will go in vain.

A QUOTE : 'Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.'

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
'Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.'

damn i couldnt have said it better myself-- i doubt the hell out of everyone...very cool...
John Stanton last decade
Nisha...send me your e-mail id...can't see it in your profile...my e-mail id is in my profile....will answer this for you.

Can somebody guide me how to paste some stuff from other files into this reply box.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
'alexthink' :
Dr. Beek, YOU have not answered my related questions (as above) .AND. on the contrary, you escaped to make 'small talk' in the following links :

http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/73152/ titled 'Dr.Dinesh Sharma & Joe De

Livera - Why you have trouble getting along?'

http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/72954/ titled 'Re: Gastric juices – Flatulence

and Belching'

Dr. Beek, I request you to refrain from addresssing non-core issues, with a mono prejudiced mind. Please expand your thinking and come out of that closed-ended fixed attitude (small talk)

QUOTE : Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please'

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
is not about the other person its about your attatude some people will forgive you back and thats all well and good,the ones that dont forgive or choose to any way, who whats to make thems selves sick over some one that might not even care or take notice this can kill you so forgive at alltimes and set yourself free
alangail1 last decade
Alexthink last decade

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