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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tooth problems

I have my 6 years old boy having problems with his new tooth growing.
He has the old teeth still there and the definitive teeth is already growing behind making two tooth rows. Is the first time, and the first teeth, the incisive theeth.
So I would like to know if I can give him something that could help him in this case.
Thank you
  Izabouz on 2023-11-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Occasionally, an adult tooth comes in before your childs baby tooth falls out. It may come in behind or in front of the baby tooth. Dont be alarmed - this is a very common occurrence with children.

One complication thats relatively common during this phase is the development of “shark teeth.” This occurs when the baby teeth dont fall out on schedule and the permanent teeth come in behind them. This results in a double row of teeth thats often concerning for both kids and parents.

Fortunately, shark teeth are not dangerous and are not something you need to be too worried about. In many cases, the tooth will get loose as the permanent tooth comes in. Many children will start to wiggle the tooth on their own. If they can wiggle it out, then the problem can be resolved without intervention.

anuj srivastava 5 months ago

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