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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Why no covid 19 posts?

Hello forum members and staff,

I was wondering, the Covid 19 is killing and making people sick all around the world. Nonetheless, I see no posts of people asking for advice or help regarding the covid 19 virus for themselves or their relatives.

Are such posts not allowed, or is it something else? It's quite surprising, homeopathy is a great way to avoid complications, then why is nobody asking for help?
  syria on 2021-03-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What you need to know ?
Homoeopathy can manage Covid 19 cases

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 3 years ago
What can be used when Oxygen levels go down?
There is Oxygen scarcity everywhere.
AlexN 3 years ago
If the patient spo2 levels are going down
Start ANTIM TART 200 2 hourly
This could help in rise in spo2 levels which falls down due to covid pneumonia
Also carbo veg ,ASPIDOSPERMA these are very helpful
Depends upon patient symptoms

If the patient cough is not at all subsiding
You can use HEPAR SULPH 200
But symptoms should match

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 3 years ago
Thank you drjitesh.
Lots of people are experiencing diarrhea after getting effected, what should be taken for that? Also, for body pain.
Problem is that if anyone gets effected then he cannot go out to get the medicines nor can he visit doctor, so it will be very useful one can keep a few medicines in stock.
AlexN 3 years ago

These all have affinity to work
But all symptoms has to be correlated

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 3 years ago

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