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Atttention to John Stanton

I'm still suffering from sore throat(swollen) as if something in my throat, bloating stomach, air reflux, especially while eating. So what is the best remedy for me?
My ear is also buzzing
  servantforever on 2006-04-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I also can't stand hungry for a long time. take the meal very quickly.
servantforever last decade
Please John Stanton, answer me as you promised!
servantforever last decade
no hear from you for few days---why so impatient now....i am not your servant...get that clear..i willhelp---but you must show willingness..

lets take this from the top.some questions are repetitive --so be patient and answer-with some thought and depth..

how much antibiotic use in health history?when (dates)?reasons?

what symptoms yuo experience when "cant stand hunger"?
John Stanton last decade
I used antibiotic for sore throt in the past ten years, don't remember the date.
When I can't stand hunger, I feel pain at my stomah and air comes out through my mouth.
servantforever last decade
how often get sore throat? in past 10 years?

what illnesses have prior to 10 years ago?

what is exact current diet consist of?snacks?drinks?please list all foods and drinks..everything
John Stanton last decade
please explain ...how much you have changed over the past 10 years? in all aspects..
John Stanton last decade
I like curry, hot and spicy meal. Sweet and cold drink.
servantforever last decade
Natrium Phosporicum is good for me, right?
servantforever last decade
John Stanton, answer me quickly! I can't wait any longer, please...
servantforever last decade

Why don't you give Nat Phos 6x a try. I have read several instances here where people have reported it helps them.

Hope you give it a try.
Pat2006 last decade
i have no quick prescription for you...you do what you must--but i need believe in my prescriton....you seem over look my questions--when you ARE really ready for my help..you'll read carefully and answer the questions -with some thought..and if not you have so many others willng to follow case so closely....they are more than willing give a qick fix you up..
John Stanton last decade

I have been under the care of a homeoapth for a very long time. And I am still having bloating problems. I orginianlly went to him complaining about severe bloating problems.

After many, many, many and I mean MANY hours of consultations with him talking about my past and my childhood, etc and a lot of money and I am still bloated.

Now I am worst because he has not addressed the REAL cause of my problems. Now my esophogus is so erroded that I have suffered SEVERELY with difficulty breathing and eating and drinking. Arnica is what is keeping alive. And I am serious!!!!

The REAL cause of my problems is my stomach.

I had a very long list of symptoms that originated with my stomach problems. I know when my bloating problems started and I know that I have suffered with other terrible health issues because of it.

My homeopath has managed to just keep me alive so he can earn a living.

I am not kidding. If you want to find out for yourselves, I will giver you his phone number.

You will see that he will never address the REAL cause of your troubles: YOUR STOMACH.

I really strongly suggest you GIVE Nat Phos a try and to keep looking for cures for your stomach which is the real cause of your problems.

If you look at other posts here you will see that people are coming here saying that they are seeing a homeopath but yet they are here complaining of stomach and throat problems. Look at the previous posts for throat problems and GERDS and you will see what I mean.

You are doing the right thing by looking for answers yourself without depending on any one person completely.

Always keep an open mind and you will find your cure. Each remedy you try will help in it's own way so just keep moving on to the next and then the next and then the next.

Take your remedies in water because it is a lot more effective.

Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing and keep a record of what you are taking as I would be interested in knowing how you reached your cure.

Take care
Pat2006 last decade
remedy 'pusher''---nice touch pat---eliminates study and everthing--the EAAAAASY way..and if works ---MY GOD! YOU WILL BE A HERO...!thus help soothe the need to be wanted ---and all you had to do was join the nat-p and arnica club...
John Stanton last decade
Why don't you e-mail me and I will give you his phone number and find out for yourself????

Anyone here who does't believe me can contact me and I will give them his phone number.

I am not the only one who comes here knowing what homeopaths do to us. Just look at this website as proof.

I am not pushing anything. Just giving people some help until they find the CORRECT remedy.

There is no such thing as JUST ONE CORRECT remedy and you know it!!!

If that were the case, there would be no need for people to keep posting over and over again.

One or two magic pills would cure all of our problems, wouldn't it?

But it doesn't.

Give people the freedom to try what ever remedy they wish. That is all I am saying. If one doesn't work then go on to the next and the next and the next.

No one remedy is going to solve all of their problems.


Although no ONE REMEDY is a cure all, this website is full of MIRACLES done by ARNICA and Nat Phos.

Why don't you learn to use more complete names for the remedies. Another tactic homeopaths use to keep us in the dark.
Pat2006 last decade
hey pat .here is someting you wrote..wonder if really believe this an stand behind these words....

here is another question do ou think or maybe even know that homoeopathy used can also do what you mentioned?

just read some posts in this form --follow closely--and watch--and note effect of some of treatments-particularly when repetively dosed...but maybe you dont like where i am headeed with this---so why not read...'predictive homoeopathy' bu Dr.P. vijayakar....or hahnemann or boenninghause; or kent;...etc..

i know you have ben to a homoeopath--what makes yuo think he/she wasnt like yuo and didnt know crap..about what they wer doing...hmmm--ever think of that..
John Stanton last decade

Yes and these problems start in the stomach. DON'T THEY?

That is why the stomach is an IMPORT area to start treatment with not our childhood problems.
Pat2006 last decade

And I also said that we blame things on stress. And that is what some homeoapths claim to do. They ignore the obvious--the stomach.

We should attack the real cause of the problem which start in the stomach caused by something like antibiotics or an injury and not from a past life or childhood issues.
Pat2006 last decade
to anyone,

Anyone who is willing to be honest about their experiences with their homeopaths who never address their stomach problems, please let us all know.

Because I am sure it is not from lack of intelligence or experience that is the issue but greed and denial.
Pat2006 last decade
so stomach? whats your point?

how about think a little instead of defending stupid wors written by you?

you not see short answers he write?and how nee pullinfo?also how impatient yet not give ample interst in sharing data?are these characteristics of the stomache?hmmm--yuo forget homoeopathy is ABOPUT FREAKIN INDIVIDALIZATION...i dont give a crap---if you want to prescribe as allopaths do --thats your buisness---but when make garnd speeches --it s you who give homoeopathy a abad name--i am not a classical homoeopath either---but i approach it as a science---so dont give a oh mighty speech about promoting homoeopathy--no way you do that--just the opposite---you know 2 remeies i have been watching--you push like candy==take take take--repeat until --until what?they get suppressed symptoms?oh yes--you have cured but now they have other stuff going on they didnt have befor?and what do you say then?you humbly bow an say--geee i thoughtit wopuld work....prescription mistakes happen.but beter to have a science to method so as to kow how deal with what occurs...internet cases tricky enough...
John Stanton last decade



And there is only 5,000 remedies in the world when there are millions and millions and millions of different personalities and desease manifistaions in humans. No two humans nor animal is alike and yet there are only 5,000 remedies.







Look back at your own posts, you have helped very few people and animals and it has nothing to do with lack of intelligence nor lack of experience and especially not lack of caring or love for living beings, but from you being asleep. From lack of you not listening to what people like me are telling you who are in need of help.

Arnica is the only thing that is keeping me alive and I cannot wait for a long case history taking to help me.
Pat2006 last decade
you not of what you speak..

you not what is individualization. you make it to be some gran thing.it is nothingbut fining whai speculiar and characteristic of each case...
John Stanton last decade
If it is so individualized then why do so many people get help from Arnica?
Pat2006 last decade

I will pray for you that God enlightens you so that you may wake up and help us.


Pat2006 last decade
I must say that John Stanton is a very devoted, caring, competent and very awake person. I posted here with a sleep issue concerning my son, and after taking a case history, spending mmuch time free of charge, and me being very open, honest and responsive to his questions Mr. Stanton was able to help wipe out the problem I was having with my son. This was after seeing a local homeopath for 3 months and 4 different remedies that did nothing to help. I am very thankful to Mr. Stanton and would hesitate for 1 second to ask for his help again.
cucu111 last decade
I would also like to say that John Stanton has helped my mother. She was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and having terrible side affects from the medication that she was given. He helped her get off the medicine and naturally deal with the illness. He was a blessing!
naydies last decade

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