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Corona Virus



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Consider pyrogenium for corona virus
momof5&9 4 years ago
Additional information regarding Coronavirus.
Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Robin Murphy suggests Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) as a preventative tonic to help boost the immune system (note: not as a treatment once infected). This can be taken as a Tea, Wine, Lemonade drink or Tincture). The studies on Elderberry that show its benefits have only been observed in healthy persons.

He also refers us to books on Pneumonia from classical homeopaths such as Borland, Nash and Pulford which may prove useful. (these books are contained in your Vision system if you purchased the Rhodium Library with your software)

Remedies for SARS may also prove helpful (as Covid-19 is more accurately referred to as SARS-CoV-02) :

acon, ars, ars-i, bac, bapt, bell, blatta, bry, camph, carb-v, carbn-s, caust, dulc, eup-per, gels, influ, ip, kali-c, lach, laur, lyc, merc, op, oscillo, phos, pneu, pyrog, samb, sang, seneg, spong, tub, tub-a, verat, verat-v.
Homeopathic suggestions based on observed symptoms :
Justicia adhatoda 3x (or 3d) once daily 10 drops in a teaspoonful of water
Arsenicum album 30c

Bryonia, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Gelsemium and Eupatorium perfoliatum (ordered in likelihood of being needed)
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Italian MDs Study Results on Homeopathic Treatment of 50 COVID-19 Patients None of Whom Needed Hospitalization
Symptomatic COVID-19 positive and likely patients treated by homeopathic physicians – an Italian descriptive study

April, 2020

SUMMARY (by Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH)

A group of 24 Italian medical doctors with an additional specialization in homeopathic medicines treated 50 patients with diagnosed or highly probable cases of COVID-19.  Patients were prescribed a single individually selected homeopathic medicine based on each patient’s unique syndrome of symptoms, as per the homeopathic methodology.  A review of 26 countries hospitalization rates for patients with COVID-19 is 32%.  In Italy, the hospitalization rate is 20.4%, and the rate of patients in intensive care units is 18.7%.  A listing of each homeopathic medicine prescribed is listed in this report.  This study of 50 patients treated with homeopathic medicines found that their hospitalization rate was zero.

Below are excerpts from this report.  Here is a link to the full report.

On the initiative of SIMO – Italian Society of Homeopathic Medicine (www.omeomed.net), a working group of homeopathic physicians and independent researchers began in January 2020 to collect documentation to prepare for the prevention and treatment of patients with COVID-19, which was immediately considered a very serious threat to public health.

The level of hospitalization is one of the key factors in assessing the ability of the health care system to respond to the epidemic. The recent ECDC report states: “Hospitalization occurred in 32% (48 755 of 152 375) of cases reported from 26 countries”(9)

In Italy, the bulletin on the Covid-19 epidemic of March 30, 2020 produced by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità writes: “Information on the place of treatment is available for 88,257 cases (about 70.8% of total cases). Currently 18,047 cases (20.4%) are hospitalized and of these 2,734 (18.7%) are hospitalized in intensive care”.(10)

Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of hospitalization of Covid-19 patients treated by doctors with additional expertise in homeopathy.


From 25 February to 7 April 2020 we collected 50 symptomatic case reports in home isolation, positive or probable COVID-19, followed by the family doctor and, since the patients requested it, also by a physician expert in homeopathy. The patients were in isolation in different Italian locations.

The classification to which this study adheres is the 16sixth WHO classification which is the basis of the classifications of the various Ministries of Health. It divides patients, compared to the diagnosis of COVID-19, into “suspected”, “probable” and “confirmed” cases. Confirmed cases are those found positive to the nucleic acid enlargement method, usually by pharyngeal buffer. Since in the Italian epidemic emergency it is not possible to perform swabs in all suspected cases – and this leads to diagnostic uncertainties -, in order to try to increase diagnostic accuracy we have chosen to qualitatively implement the WHO guidelines with clinical and anamnestic parameters (see below).

The clinical records we considered includes 10 confirmed symptomatic patients for COVID-19 and 40 probable symptomatic patients semasiologically similar to the previous ones.

A total of 24 homeopaths were involved. They are clinicians with extensive experience in homeopathy and are all registered in the lists of homeopathic medical experts with the respective Orders of Physicians and Surgeons. Each doctor involved in the project was required to send all consecutive cases under treatment, whatever the outcome of the treatment implemented.


We publish the results of the 50 individual cases received corresponding to the inclusion criteria, evaluated at the end of the treatment without waiting for a further follow-up.

The 50 cases examined consisted of 29 females and 20 males (in one case the gender was not specified).

In the 4 pediatric cases (years 6-9), the average age was 6.75 years; their course lasted on average10 days (from 3 to 17).

In adulthood (the cases observed were between 22 and 79 years old), the average age was 49.47 years; their course (varying from 4 to 34 days) was 14.09 days on average

In each individual case only one single-component homeopathic medicinal product has been diagnosed and prescribed at a time with only one potency, chosen individually according to the symptoms presented.

During the same homeopathic treatment a single medicine (50% of cases) was used, i.e. a sequence of 2 to 6 different medicines and specifically: 2 remedies (32%), 3 remedies (10%), 6 remedies (4%), 4 remedies (2%), 5 remedies (2%).

The prescribed medications were, in order of frequency: Bryonia alba (21 times); Arsenicum Album(16 times); Phosphorus flavus(9 times); Atropa belladonna (6 times); Antimonium tartaricum (6 times); Eupatorium perfoliatum (4 times); Phosphoricum acidum (3 times); unspecified patient’s basic remedy (3 times); Lycopodium clavatum(3 times); Sulphur (3 times); Hepar sulphur. (2 times); Kalium phosphoricum (2 times); Gelsemium sempervirens(2 times); Mercurius solubilis, Chelidomum majus, Spigelia anthelmia, Solanum dulcamara, Psorinum, Spongia tosta, Ferrum phosphoricum, Ruta graveolens, Causticum hahnemanni, Thuya occidentalis, Streptococcinum, Ignatia amara (once each).

No adverse events were observed during homeopathic treatments. An overall recovery of patients at resolution of specific symptoms has been commonly observed.

All patients were symptomatic and classified as COVID positive or highly probable; they were all treated homeopathically in extra-hospital home isolation regimen. Under no circumstances, given the favorable clinical trend, was hospitalization necessary.

The hospitalization rate in this group of 50 patients treated homeopathically for COVID-19 was 0.


A much larger sample of homeopathically treated patients is required to begin assessing the effect of homeopathic treatment; a control group must also be set up.

It will also be important to have a long-term follow-up (indicatively 2 months) to verify the clinical course, as COVID-19 disease may present recurrences, beyond the well-known apparent critical remissions.

However, in the opinion of the authors, this study has provided interesting information and opened up prospects for study.  The COVID-19 disease is extremely complex, so it is essential to combine the contributions of different medicines to increase clinical results, as is beginning to be demonstrated by the integration of allopathic medicine with traditional Chinese medicine: “Treatment practice of COVID-19 showed that early intervention of TCM is important way to improve cure rate, shorten the course of disease, delay disease progression and reduce mortality rate.”(24)

DANA ULLMAN, MPH, CCH, is one of America’s leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books,
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Coronavirus–natural cures? by Elaine Lewis

with the assertion that Coronavirus allegedly came from bats located in an outdoor food market in Wuhan, China; but, a more likely suspect was the virology lab located in the same town! Well, look at today’s headline:

Intel officials probe whether virus escaped from a Chinese lab

Wow! Scroll down a bit and you’ll see this:

“According to the Washington Post, U.S. State Department employees visited the Wuhan virology lab in 2018 and sent a cable back home listing safety concerns about the lab’s bat coronavirus studies.”

OMG!!! It goes on to say:

“Public videos and articles have revealed poor safety standards on the part of some Wuhan researchers, including being exposed to bat urine and failing to wear proper protective equipment. Additionally, there have been incidents of SARS samples escaping from Chinese labs in the past.” 1/

Dear God!

Well, this is just great, isn’t it!? But you know what? Part of the reason this is such a monumental catastrophe is due to our dependence on a Medical System that touts itself as The Greatest in all the world but in reality, can’t cure a single virus! Even worse, it disallows any alternative methods or thoughts on how a virus can be properly handled! So we are stuck with a medical model that has no ability to turn the tide, offers no solutions, and can only promise that all will be well in a year or so when the “fast-tracked” vaccine arrives! If it weren’t for the choke-hold Big Pharma has on all of us, we might be seeing a completely different picture right now. How do I know? We have the example of the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.

There were actually Homeopathic Hospitals back then, and thousands of homeopathic doctors! And what a difference!

Tidbits 70: Coronavirus--natural cures? Part-2 2
Denver Homeopathic Hospital 1900

Here writes homeopath Frank Wieland, MD, practicing during the pandemic in Chicago: “In a plant of 8,000 workers we had only one death. The patients were not drugged to death. Gelsemium was practically the only remedy used. We used no aspirin and no vaccines.”2/

Homeopath Dudley A. Williams, MD of Rhode Island writes:

“I did not lose a single case of influenza; my death rate in the pneumonias was 2.1%. The salycilates, including aspirin and quinine, were almost the sole standbys of the old school and it was a common thing to hear them speaking of losing 60% of their pneumonias.” 3/

[Funny, they called what modern medicine does today “old school”, as it was already showing its inferiority, and here we are, still stuck with it after all these years.]

“One physician in a Pittsburgh hospital asked a nurse if she knew anything better than what he was doing, because he was losing many cases. ‘Yes, Doctor, stop aspirin and go down to a homeopathic pharmacy and get homeopathic remedies.’ The Doctor replied: ‘But that is homeopathy.’ ‘I know but the homeopathic doctors for whom I have nursed have not lost a single case.’ -W. F. Edmundson, MD, Pittsburgh.” 4/

(In case you’re wondering what happened to the homeopathic hospitals? You might as well ask what happened to natural healing in general. The AMA, in partnership with the budding pharmaceutical industry, ran it out of the country through bribes to politicians, mischief, threats to medical societies–any way they could.)

Big Pharma and its many lackeys in the medical field apparently prefer death and despair until such time as their questionable vaccine appears and perhaps they will influence governments the world over to mandate its use and reap wealth beyond their wildest dreams. In the meantime, we should all do nothing but wash our hands and stay indoors.

Not so fast! Here are the homeopathic remedies you should have on hand, though with this disclaimer: these are our flu/viral remedies that have worked for us in the past; the assumption is that you will most likely see the same need for these remedies in the present.

Homeopathic Remedies For Viral Pneumonia
Coronavirus is an illness with many presentations. Some cases are mild, like an ordinary cold. Some have no symptoms at all; but, the worst cases seem to descend into pneumonia and are noted for high fever, dry cough and shortness of breath. Some cases have had gastro-intestinal symptoms as well. With that in mind, any one of the following remedies might be a match for you or your patient:

Ferrum phos. —Take at the first sign of any cold! I take it as soon as I feel a sore throat coming on. One dose of Ferrum phos. 200C, and that should do it! It’s for the first stage of inflammation, early stage of fever, before symptoms have become clarified. Always treat a cold right away at the first sign! You never know what it might morph into if you let it sit. Will it go to your chest and turn into pneumonia? Don’t wait to find out!!!! However, if you miss giving this remedy at the early onset, it might still be useful for the following later-stage symptoms that fit its profile:
Apathy, listlessness
Shortness of breath
Short, painful, tickling cough
Hard dry cough with sore chest
Hacking, spasmodic cough
Worse morning and evening
Cough with retching and vomiting
Worse bending forward
Worse touching throat
Bloody expectoration
Fever, thirstlessness
Chest feels heavy, sore
Sharp pain, right side, worse coughing
Worse deep breathing
Better resting
Rattling mucus
Worse open air
Better cold applications
Aconite—Ailments from cold/dry winds (yes, the usual Aconite presentation!) Aconite is for sudden onset of symptoms with high fever, full bounding pulse, hard painful dry cough, chill, hot skin, fear, restlessness, thirst for cold drinks; short of breath, sits up; hoarse, dry cough; worse at midnight. Stabbing pains in chest. Sensation as if lungs will not expand. (This is a symptom I’ve heard a lot from Coronavirus patients.) Worse least motion, worse lying on left side. Pressure in chest.

Belladonna—It’s often hard to tell the difference between Aconite and Belladonna. They both have sudden onset. They both have high fever. They both have hot skin. They both have dry cough. But Aconite is likely to turn pale when they sit up. Redness, red face, is a keynote of Belladonna. Blood rushes to the head, throbbing ensues, face is hot and red, dry heat radiates from the body, hands and feet are cold, eyes are glassy and pupils are dilated. May be delirious with fever. Bloody taste in the mouth when coughing. I had that once, and I said, “I sure hope this is in the Repertory!” It was and it led me to Belladonna, which cured.
9 pm aggravation time. They can be thirsty but more likely, thirstless despite dry mouth and dry lips. A Belladonna case usually gives the care-giver a fright and the need to act quickly because the patient seems so desperate and even frantic. Both of these remedies tend to show up at the beginning of an illness. If the illness drags on, it’s less likely to respond to either Aconite or Belladonna; so, if your homeopath tells you, “The remedy is Belladonna!” don’t wait around til tomorrow or the next day to give it, by tomorrow it might be something else!

A remedy prescription is only good for the symptoms you came in with.

If your symptoms change the next day, it’s not Belladonna anymore. And also remember, you don’t have to have all these symptoms at once to give the remedy. When I had the “bloody taste in the mouth when coughing”, that was the only symptom of Belladonna I had! It worked anyway! But what we’re hoping for is a remedy that matches the “characteristic” symptoms you have. Almost all remedies have “cough”, “fever”… “Oh! I have a fever! Give me Belladonna!” No, it’s not like that. “Fever”, by itself, isn’t a “characteristic” symptom, and won’t lead you to a remedy. BUT, fever with–glassy eyes, dilated pupils, redness, red face, high fever, sudden onset, cold feet, hot head, thirstlessness…now there’s Belladonna for you!

There might be a painful headache, it might be right-sided, better for firm pressure and in general, these Belladonna patients are pretty frantic, they’re not placid, and like I said, you’re going to feel the need to do something fast!

Bryonia—Here’s the opposite of Belladonna–Bryonia. Bryonia has a slow onset. They are not the least bit frantic; in fact, they are lying quietly in a dark room and they don’t want to be disturbed; not because they are resting peacefully; no, not a bit. They are very sick! They are so sick, they can’t even move or talk! Any movement makes them worse. Any conversation makes them worse. Breathing makes them worse! They can’t take a deep breath. Robin Murphy says, “Any pneumonia with pain!” Pain is always a big part of a Bryonia case.
Trouble breathing, dryness of mucus membranes, dry mouth, dry tongue, and because of that they’re thirsty, very thirsty. They won’t ask for water often but when they do, they’ll drink it down. Moderate fever. Lungs feel as if they can’t expand. Dry, hard, hacking, painful cough. They must hold their chest when they cough. Sharp, stitching pains in chest (also Aconite and Belladonna). Breathing makes the pain worse. They want to lie on the painful side which is often the right side. A Bryonia virus often includes a very bad headache as well.

Carbo veg.–The last stage of pneumonia. You know, they say this Coronavirus ends in pneumonia; but, some doctors are saying that it’s like no other pneumonia they’ve ever seen, and that, in fact, it appears to resemble Altitude Sickness more. They say the patients turn blue and are gasping for air. Their lungs work fine, but their hemoglobin is being attacked by the virus and it can’t carry oxygen anymore. They say the respirator is making these patients worse and is inappropriate; they need oxygen. Carbo veg. is our remedy for Altitude Sickness!
These patients (Carbo veg. patients) need air, crave air. They want the fan turned on, the windows open. It’s often described as “air hunger”. They’re very cold, weak pulse, exhausting sweats, prostration, apathetic, unresponsive, comatose. Panting and gasping. Spells of coughing, rattling of mucus, burning in chest, spitting of blood, worse exertion. Think of the color blue. Remember for Belladonna we think of the color red. For Carbo veg, we think of the color blue. Here is Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, an ICU doctor, who swears these patients don’t have “pneumonia” as we know it; watch his video below:

It sounds like the ICU could use some Carbo veg. 200C.

Antimonium tart.–Another last stage of pneumonia remedy. But with Antimonium-tart., the problem is mucus in the lungs; with Carbo veg, the problem is lack of oxygen. Antimonium tart feels like they’re suffocating. There’s bubbling, rattling in their lungs, but little expectoration. They must sit up! Belladonna must sit up too but that’s because their head is so congested and lying down makes it worse.
Prostration. As if a weight on their chest. Coughing and gasping. They might have a thick white coating on their tongue. Afraid to be alone. Despondent. Pale, blue, cold face covered with cold sweat, sunken features. Lungs filled with rattling mucus.

Antimonium tart is our drowning remedy! Gasping, panting and blue just like Carbo veg but one has too much mucus and the other doesn’t have enough oxygen. I’ve noticed that this remedy is a boon especially for the elderly, who often are trying so hard to bring up phlegm, and they’re trying and trying, and they just can’t seem to get that mucus completely out. This remedy would be a great help to them.

Arsenicum alb.–Oh, where would we be without Arsenicum?! So many conditions, so many diseases–viruses, food poisoning, asthma, pneumonia, anxiety, anguish, fear, DISEASE…where would we be without it? You can never miss an Arsenicum case; if you see the mentals, give the remedy, it doesn’t matter what the physical symptoms are. Here are the Arsenicum mentals:
Fear of death!
Desperate need for company and hand-holding.
Need for reassurance–constant need for reassurance and yet they won’t accept it! They don’t believe they can get better.
Begging for you to help them.
Fear that if you leave, they will die! (“Please don’t go!”)
They don’t want to go to the doctor or the hospital even though they probably should. This puts you in a bind since there’s nothing you can do but they can’t be left alone.
Restlessness. May be tossing and turning, may be moving their head from side to side, may be moaning and groaning.
Anxiety about health.
What else?

Clammy perspiration
Cold limbs
Cold and shivering
Desires warmth
Brown tongue
Burning pains
Cough, worse lying, must sit up
Pulmonary edema
Oppression of the chest
Better sitting up
Thirsty for frequent sips of water
Now remember, as I said before, you don’t have to have everything on the list to give a remedy. You just have to try to find the closest match. Are you going to not give Arsenicum just because the patient doesn’t have clammy perspiration? Or isn’t wheezing? Or isn’t thirsty? Or doesn’t have a brown tongue? No. No one ever has all the symptoms that you see listed in the Materia Medica under a remedy.

Phosphorus—This is our main remedy for pneumonia and bronchitis. I once gave my sister Phosphorus 200C for a spell of bronchitis, she was completely better in 20 minutes! She was full of energy, up and moving around, being creative…she talked about it for months, it was so incredible! So, OK, Phosphorus has weak lungs, tightness of chest, oppression of the chest as if a weight on it, trouble breathing, hard dry tight racking cough, worse talking, worse laughing; burning heat in chest, stitching pains, worse coughing, worse breathing, worse lying on the left side, sensitive to light, noise and touch. Worse cold air. Fear of being alone, better for company and, unlike Arsenicum, is easily reassured!
If you say, “You’re gonna be fine!” they’ll believe you! Also, night sweats and coughing up blood. Phosphorus is a bleeding remedy. They may have a history of nose bleeds. If a person is hemorrhaging, think of Phosphorus, especially if the blood is bright red. Now, here’s the most famous symptom of all. In almost all cases, Phosphorus craves ice cold drinks! A burning thirst! And, they may also have a craving for salty things like pretzels and may also have a craving for ice cream. Better for being rubbed, like a back rub.

Kali carb.–One of the top five remedies in pneumonia according to Robin Murphy. Chilly with hot hands. Now, this is a great source of differentiation! Because most of the other remedies have cold hands and feet–Carbo veg, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Phosphorus, Antimonium tart…in fact, if your patient has hot hands, you may be deciding between Kali carb and Sulphur. And maybe Pulsatilla. But, we’re not going to get into Pulsatilla here because it’s mostly a children’s remedy and children tend not to get this disease–thank God!!!! But, yes, Kali carb., chilly with hot hands. Very unusual.
Trouble breathing with mucus in chest, can’t sleep or drink. Wheezing, rattling breathing with choking cough. Fails to raise mucus like Antimonium tart but Antimonium tart will not have hot hands. Sharp, stitching pains like Bryonia. Worse motion like Bryonia. Intolerance of cold. Thirsty. Must sit up and lean forward! You see, Bryonia does not have that. Bryonia wants to lie perfectly still. See? This is how you differentiate these remedies; otherwise, they can all look alike.

Worse 2 – 4 am. Worse lying on the painful side, unlike Bryonia. Better heat. Cold feeling in chest.

Never Well Since pneumonia.

Irritable and demanding.

Swelling over eyelids.

Sulphur—Any stage of pneumonia. Left lung. Flushes of heat, dry hot skin, great thirst, night sweats (nape of neck, occiput). Heat on top of head. Dry tongue. Weak and faint. Irritable. Air hunger. Irregular breathing. Loose cough, worse talking, worse morning. Rattling in chest, burning in chest; stitching pains shooting straight through back. Worse deep breathing, heart feels too large, chest feels heavy. Dyspnea middle of the night, better sitting up, wants windows open. 11 am aggravation time.
Now listen, here’s the tell-tale sign for Sulphur: They throw the covers off! And they have hot feet!

Veratrum veride—I know, I know…. Nobody has it! But maybe you should get it. It’s here because it’s essentially a Belladonna case with nausea and vomiting! Sudden onset like Belladonna, with high fever, strong rapid pulse like Belladonna and Aconite. Pneumonia with faint feeling. Blood pressure drops. Red streak down center of the tongue. Delirium and dilated pupils like Belladonna. Burning distress in heart region. Oppression of the chest. Sudden fainting, prostration, nausea. There seems to be a lot of fainting or near-fainting with this remedy from sudden drop in blood pressure; so, if you see that, think of Veratrum v. Face flushed but becomes faint on sitting up; so, may turn pale. Thirsty.

That’s it, that’s all I got for right now! By the way, Robin Murphy, author of Murphy’s Repertory, says that Oscillococcinum is the best preventative remedy.

Take a dose once a month (but maybe if you’re a nurse in the ICU, once a week?). A dose is a few pellets on your tongue.

And I am also hearing that Camphora is not turning out to be the panacea that people thought it would be, according to Jeremy Sherr. This from:

Covid-19 and Homeopathy 4th April 2020

“Some observations received from New York. Good results when symptoms clear. Camphor is failing even in collapse. Some patients ‘stalling’. Reinforces to Jeremy that different (better) remedies still need to be found.”
Potency and Repetition
30C would be a good potency to start with; but, if it’s a severe case, I’d be more comfortable starting with a 200C and I’d kind of want to have the next potency, the 1M, on hand as a back-up. Generally, I tell people that as soon as a remedy is working? Order the next potency right away because the fact is this: potencies wear out! It doesn’t mean you have the wrong remedy, this is just par for the course. If your remedy is working, repeat it the minute you start to relapse. I’ve written an article on dosing in acute cases so, please see it for more information:

Folks, I could go on; but, my point here is, the idea that there is no way to treat a virus other than wait a year for the vaccine and hope you don’t die in the meantime? How ridiculous!

See you again next time!


Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

About the author

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
A COVID 19 Positive Case Treated with Classical Homeopathy

Dr. Maria Peppa shares a case of COVID-19 in a woman of 43. Sensation that the bed was hard, bruised pain on parts lain on, and pain during chill were among the symptoms leading to the simillimum.

Clinical Cases
A COVID 19 Positive Case Treated with Classical Homeopathy
May 18, 2020 Maria Peppa
A COVID 19 Positive Case Treated with Classical Homeopathy 1
Dr. Maria Peppa shares a case of COVID-19 in a woman of 43. Sensation that the bed was hard, bruised pain on parts lain on, and pain during chill were among the symptoms leading to the simillimum.

 This is the case of a female medical doctor, 43 years old, who developed mild symptoms of sore throat and running nose on 11th of April. By the 13th she had headache, nausea, chills watery eyes, loss of appetite and fatigue.

On April 18th she developed a fever of 38.5o C. There was also nausea, body ache, dry cough with pleuritic chest pain. She took paracetamol 3 to 4 times a day but that did not help. She was advised to test for COVID 19 on the 20th. The test came back positive on the 23rd.

Meanwhile, the patient approached the homeopath on April 20th for her complaints but the remedy had to be ordered, which reached her on the 24th. Thus, the patient was only on paracetamol till the 24th.

On 24th, her condition was very bad, and she could not get up from the bed. She still had the symptoms – pain in bones, muscle pain, pain in thigh, nausea, headache and chills. She also had the sensation that the bed was too hard 

On April 24th, she received Pyrogenium 1M one dose at 9pm and another dose at 11pm. By 3.30 am of the 25th, she had no fever or any other symptoms except fatigue.

The next week there was slow improvement in the fatigue. She did not have any other symptoms but there was fatigue, such that she could not stay out in her yard for more than 20 minutes. She would need to rest. On May 2nd , once she received the remedy supplies, she took the advised Muriatic acid 1M, one dose. She immediately felt better and resumed her work from May 4th. As of May 7th, she is very well except for her chronic Meniere’s disease vertigo.

About the author

Maria Peppa
Dr. Maria Peppa - Specialization GP since 2009 - Diploma of International Academy of Homeopathy (2004-2006). Certificate of IACH E Learning 2017-2019. Certificate of Competency in Emergency Prehospital Medicine 2008.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Sars-CoV-2. Update 21.5.20. Where are we currently? Can homeopathy, which we therapists use responsibly, help when conventional medicine reaches its limits?

:Antimonium-arsenicosum, Asphyxia, case of COVID19 infection, case of pneumonia, Corona-Virus, COVID-TOE, COVID19, Genius epidemicus, homeopathic treatment, Kawasaki-Syndrome, Lobelia purpurascens, Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome, PMIS, pneumonia, POST-COVID-SYNDROME, Rashes, Sars-CoV-2, Sars-CoV-2 in children, Sars-CoV-2-Repertorisation, shortness of breath, toxic shock syndrome
Sars-CoV-2. Update 21.5.20. Where are we currently? Can homeopathy, which we therapists use responsibly, help when conventional medicine reaches its limits?

This platform is not intended as a treatment recommendation for patients – but only for exchange among colleagues! [Recommendations and measures of therapy for patients see below]

Update 21.5.20
Sars-CoV-2-complications in children
What is the consensus on the most frequently displayed homeopathic remedies in Sars-CoV-2?
A „Theoretical-Sars-CoV-2-Repertorization„
Shortness of breath as part of a „Post-Covid-Syndrome“ and homeopathic therapy options
Sars-CoV-2-complications in children
(COVID-Toes, Rashes, Kawasaki-Syndome and PMIS(Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome)

npr: May 7, 2020 Mystery Inflammatory Syndrome In Kids And Teens Likely Linked To COVID-19 Sixty-four children and teens in New York State are suspected of having a mysterious inflammatory syndrome that is believed to be linked to COVID-19, the New York Department of Health said in an alert issued Wednesday. A growing number of similar cases — including at least one death — have been reported in other parts of the U.S. and Europe, though the phenomenon is still not well-understood.

Symptoms of PMIS are similar to Kawasaki disease, which is characterized by inflamed blood vessels and toxic shock syndrome

These symptoms include:

fever that lasts more than 5 days and gets higher
severe abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea
bloodshot eyes
skin rash
change in skin color, which can include becoming pale, patchy, or blue
difficulty feeding or too sick to drink
trouble breathing or quick breathing
chest pain or racing heart
confusion, irritability, or lethargy
In the course of the Covid 19 crisis, more and more children and adolescents around the world are showing symptoms of Kawasaki syndrome. A 14-year-old New Yorker talks about rashes, heart problems and the healing. „It was as if someone had injected fire into my veins.“

In the „Theoretical-Sars-CoV-2-Repertorization“ shown below, an attempt was made to depict also the special pathology that Sars-CoV-2 apparently triggers in the body [inflammatory autoimmune reaction in the blood vessels, which among other symtoms can show in the so-called „COVID-Toe“] through the rubrics „Allgemeines-Entzündung-Blutgefäße-Arterien“ [„general-inflammation-blood vessels-arteries“] , „Extremitäten-Schwellung-Zehen-rot“ [„extremities-swelling-toes-red“] and „Extremitäten-Farbe-Zehen-rot“ [„extremities-color-toes-red“].

It is striking that Carb-veg. again stands out as a remedy (apparently also for the immunological vascular reactions), which can also be seen as the main remedy for shortness of breath (with the well-known symptom „Desire to get fresh air fanned out …“).

What is the consensus on the most frequently displayed homeopathic remedies in Sars-CoV-2?
If you compare the recommendations of the world’s leading homeopaths (Andre saine, Jeremy Sherr and others) that they have gained from extensive patient experience and detailed case data collections, the result is mostly a uniform picture with confirmation of a few very successfully used homeopathic remedies: Ars. , Bry., Ant-t., Phos., Carbo-v., Gels., Sulf., Ant-ars., Lob-p., Carbn-o..With severe clinical pictures Ant-t., Ars., Ant-ars., Phos. and Carb-v. are more likely and successfully used.

A „Theoretical-Sars-CoV-2-Repertorization“ (german):

Shortness of breath as part of a „Post-Covid-Syndrome“ and homeopathic therapy options
As can be expected from the pathology that Sars-CoV-2 triggers in the lung tissue, even after the end of the acute stage with life-threatening shortness of breath, long-term shortness of breath occurs, for which conventional medicine (again) offers no help. This symptom, which can often be observed, could be subsumed under „Post-Covid syndrome„. At this stage, too, we can see that we can provide homeopathic support. From earlier cases with persistent shortness of breath after (sometimes antibiotic-treated) viral and bacterial pneumonia, Ant-ars. and Tub. resulted as the most positive homeopathic remedies. Likewise, in the current Sars-CoV-2 cases it was possible to remarkably improve persistent breathlessness at low loads several times with these two remedies (see also the Examplary COVID19- Case below).

Update 10.4.20:
Additions to the Rubric COVID19,
Further course of the exemplary COVID19-Case,
Antimonium-arsenicosum as a presumably also important Genius epidemicus remedy
Homeopathy in Epidemics
A possible homeopathic rubric for COVID19 (with additions* based on new experiences)
GENERALITIES; COVID-19 (22) : Ant-t*, Ant-ars*, 3Ars.2160, bapt.2160, bell.2160, 2beryl.2160, 3Bry.2160, 3Camph.2160, carb-v.2160, chin-ar.2160, chin-m.2160, 2eup-per.2160, 3Gels.2160, just.2160, lach.2160, 3Lob-p.2160, lyc.2160, op.2160, ph-ac.2160, phos.2160, puls.2160, pyrog.2160, stict.2160, tub-a.2160 (quotes from Christoph Abermann)

Further course of the exemplary COVID19 Case
Corona case 2 40 years, female, no permanent diagnoses or previous illnesses (self-presentation), [additiones]

17.3.20 Headache, Arsenicum album [self-medication], malaise 0.5

 18.3.20 Headache, limp, nausea in the evening, Arsenicum album [self-medication], feeling of illness 1

 19.3.20 Headache, limp, Arsenicum album [self-medication], malaise 0.5

20.3.20 flabby headache, furry coating in the mouth and throat,

Feeling sick 1.5

 21.3.20 limp tired, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, no taste and Sense of smell, slight fever in the evening 38.3, feeling of illness 5

 22.3.20 limp tired, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, no taste and sense of smell, slight fever 38.5, enema, then hardly any fever 37.5, Feeling sick 4

 23.3.20 limp tired, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, no taste and sense of smell, no fever 37.5, feeling of illness 4

 24.3.20 limp tired, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, no taste and Sense of smell, mild dry cough, mild fever 38.7,, imupret, at night woke up with slight shortness of breath, feeling sick in the morning 4, at night 6

 25.3.20 limp tired, headache, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, none Taste and sense of smell, slight dry cough, pressure and tightness in the chest, light Fever 38.4, 1xBryonia, [self-medication], noon test on Covid 19, at night no Shortness of breath, feeling sick in the morning 6, evening 5

 26.3.20 limp tired, headache, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, none Taste and sense of smell, dry cough, pressure, tightness and stinging in the chest, light Fever 38.2, 1xBryonia, [self-medication] woke up at night with difficulty breathing, Chest tightness and stinging, palpitations, circulatory problems, dizziness, diarrhea, panic, Bryonia and Belladonna [self-medication] a little better after about 1 hour, then with the upper body a little higher up, that helped a little, feeling sick during the day 5-6, at night 8-9, after Bryonia and Belladonna 6-7

 27.03.20 extreme circulatory problems, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, extremely limp, Headache, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat subsides, taste andSense of smell slowly comes back, slight dry cough, pressure and stinging in the chest, Back pain, no fever 36.7, feeling of illness 8,

around 14:00 Elaps corallinum C200 [self-medication], nausea and dizziness somewhat better, feeling of illness 7

around 6:00 p.m. Lobelia purpurascens C 30,

circulatory problems better, makes you very calm, makes your chest “open up”, relaxation, there is some strength again, the remedy has everything I had taken best helped, feeling sick 6

 about 20:00 acupressure lung meridian and colon points and circulation, further improvement in Chest sickness 6, no shortness of breath at night, with the upper body helps to sleep a little higher up

 28.3.20 very weak, weak circulation, but much better than the day before, slight headache, furry coating in the mouth and throat continues to subside, slight dry cough, some pressure in the Chest, no more stinging, can breathe deeply, no fever 36.9, RKT acupressure points for lung and reservoir Chest sickness 6, woke up at night due to slight shortness of breath,

Lobelia purpurascens C 30, –>was able to continue sleeping, slept a bit with the upper body raised

 29.03.20 very weak, weak circulation, but again better than the day before, slight headache, furry coating in the mouth and throat subsides, hardly any dry cough, some pressure in the Chest, no more stinging, can take a deep breath, no fever 36.6-37, acupressure pulmonary points and reservoir on the abdomen and Kidney points foot-knee

Illness 5. In the night towards tomorrow again chest tightness and circulatory problems, with the Upper body sleeping a little higher helps, sickness at night 6

 30.3.20 very weak, weak circulation, as on the previous day, slight headache, furry coating in the Mouth and throat better than the day before, tongue less covered, 1/3 less dry cough, some chest pressure, no fever 37.1, acupressure pulmonary points, circulation, feeling sick in the morning 6,

Lobelia purpurascens C 200, –> then grade 5

31.3.20 [Feedback: I’m better, I’m over the hill, got Lobelia purp C200 again yesterday morning taken, the circulation is still weak, the lungs are still a little tight, but all symptoms are better than yesterday.

[3.4.20 Since there is still latent shortness of breath and a feeling of pressure, especially of the left lung despite taking Lob-p 200 several times, the patient, who herself has experience in homeopathic therapy, wants to take Tub C 200 and I agree.

6.4. 20 On Tub 200 C 200 only slight improvement in breathlessness and weakness. Another remedy will be sent to her

7.4.20 Taking the sent Antimonium Arsenicosum C30 (and C200 sent)

9.4.20 The patient reports a marked improvement in shortness of breath (> 50%) and weakness. In particular, the symptoms (feeling of pressure and tightness) in the area of the lower left lung are remarkably better. The pain in the left ribs (presumably in the sense of a pleuritic irritation) has also decreased significantly.]

* Ant-ars is a very underrepresented remedy in the repertories, but it has proven particularly useful for interstitial infiltrations [which can persist after pneumonia]:
* Antimonium arsenicosum: „Found useful in EMPHYSEMA WITH EXCESSIVE DYSPNEA and cough, much mucous secretion. Worse on eating and lying down. Catarrhal pneumonia associated with influenza. Myocarditis and cardiac weakness. Pleurisy especially of left side, WITH EXUDATION, and pericarditis, with effusion. Sense of weakness. Inflammation of eyes and edema of face. Chest inflammations of children, restlessness with thirst and prostration, loose mucous cough, oppression, hurried respiration, crepitant rales.“ (See also MM Stauffer, Singh, Boericke, Schlegel, Imhäuser, Choudhuri, Grandgeorge, Dewey)

Update 29.3.20

A possible Genius Epidemicus

As indicated by several case reports, Lob-purpurascens (Lob-p) may have the ability to positively influence symptoms such as shortness of breath (with the feeling that there is not enough air in the chest) of COVID19 infection. The experienced homeopathic doctor Farokh Master also refers to this remedy as a possible indicated adjuvant homeopathic remedy for dramatic courses of COVID19 infection (which, however, do not yet justify inpatient or ICU-treatment). A final assessment of whether Lob-p has the ability to develop into the genius epidemicus can only be derived from the observation of further, directly and clearly positively influenced disease courses.
Update 23.3.20

Jeremy Sherr´s suggestions for additional homeopathic treatment in COVID 19-cases:

Prophylaxis with Acon. can be useful from the point of view when the psychological constellation can definitely lead to an Aconite state

Acon. appears to be indicated most likely at the beginning of the disease

Therapy must immediately follow the course of the disease, which means that more frequent changes of Remedies may be indicated.

There will probably not be „a panacea“ for the entire course of the disease

There will be no „waiting“ to let a remedy „develop“, the effect must be immediately readable or noticeable. There is no time to waste.

The question of whether a mixture of GE-Remedies can/must be given if the picture is unclear, is answered pragmatically with: Yes, the individual will probably resonate with the most appropriate Remedy and ignore the others.

Which potentiation? Very pragmatic, the one at hand, also the highest potentiation levels

Probably the most important remedies for dramatic courses: Ant-t., Ant-ars., Sticta, Phos., Bry., Lob., Lob-p
Update 19.3.20

Leading Austrian homeopaths are currently drawing attention to a homeopathic remedy, the image of which bears striking similarity to all stages of the disease of the corona infection and in which snake bites are also given as the cause [see below considerations for the use of snake products]: Lobelia purpurescens

Rubrics from MacRepertory: Complete 4.5 with
additions of A. Saine to LOBELIA

VERTIGO; HEADACHE; during (164) *
HEAD PAIN; GENERAL; influenza, with (4) *
HEAD PAIN; LOCALIZATION; Forehead; eyebrows, between (2) *
EYE; OPEN lids; hard to keep open (15) *
STOMACH; NAUSEA; headache; during (187) *

CHEST; PARALYSIS; Lung (67) **
GENERALITIES; CONVALESCENCE, ailments during; influenza, after (40) *
GENERALITIES; SEPTICEMIA, blood poisoning, pyemia (118) *

GENERALITIES; WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity (765) *

GENERALITIES; WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity; disease;
acute, in (51) *

GENERALITIES; WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity; influenza,
after (26) *

Böricke MM:

Profound prostration of all the vital forces and of the nervous system; RESPIRATORY

Drowsiness; dizzy headache between eyebrows; cannot keep eyes open; tongue white feels
paralyzed as also do the heart and lungs; intense prostration of all vital
forces; deadly chill, without shivering; useful for the low, nervous prostration of

Confused and depressed. Headache with nausea, vertigo; especially between eyebrows.
Cannot keep eyes open; spasmodic closure of lids.

Superficial respiration; heart and lungs feel paralyzed; respiration slow. Heart beats sound
to him like boom of a drum.


Lobelia purpurascens [Lob-p.]
Clinical: Influenza, breaks out in hot weather, prostration, a deadly chill without shivering
but that overpowers the whole system, giddy, headache, and often a sickening

stupor, worse motion. Teeth decay, in persons who are nervous, liable to boils, of
hasty disposition and who sweat copiously.

From KONKORDANZ OF MATERIA MEDICA: Causa: Snake bites. Blood poisoning.

Outstanding Interview with Dr. Paul Herscue to epidemics in common and specially Corona to sse at unitedtoheal
Update 17.3.20:

New insights into the dramatic course of corona infection
In addition to the age of the patient, the SOFA index and D-dimer concentration provide important information on the prognosis of a COVID-19 disease, medical doctors from China report in the Lancet (2020; doi: 10.1016 / S0140-6736 (20) 30566-3) . (from Ärzteblatt 10.3.20)

This study and the findings from other recent studies show that both the so-called „cytokine storm“, i.e. the overreactions of the immune system as well as coagulation disorders and cardiovascular reactions contribute to the life-threatening complications of corona infections.

So in all considerations regarding adjuvant homeopathic therapy, those Remedies must be taken into account (in addition to those listed below) whose medicinal picture describes pneumonia as well as sepsis-like and cardiovascular complications and coagulation disorders, e.g. Crot-h., Cenchr., Elaps, Lach., Well, Vip., Both. and all snake remedies.
Update 29.2.20:

Coronavirus COVID-19:

What can we do (prophylactically) to possibly reduce the susceptibility and hyperreactivity of the bronchial system and lung tissue? Without claiming to be complete and with reference to the precautions below, the following can be recommended:

Zinc 20 mg / d: There is evidence that zinc intake reduces susceptibility to bronchiopulmonary infections
Vit D: Scientific studies indicate that an optimal level of Vit D can provide some protection against bronchopulmonary infections.

Curcuma: Inhibition of the expression of so-called TMPRSS2, an oncogene that the corona virus needs to penetrate the cells.
Lactobacilli to stabilize the intestinal microbiome and thus the immune competence of the intestinal mucosa.

Acetcylcysteine 200: In addition to the positive effect on the liquefaction of the bronchial secretion, the antioxidant may protect the bronchopulmonary mucosa from the feared hyperreactivity

Homeopathic prophylaxis against viral infections cannot exist from the basic idea of homeopathy [treat the like with the like, without symptoms no homeopathic remedy],i.e. Recommendations for „prophylaxis“ with e.g. Oscillococcinum should therefore be used with great caution.

It can be doubted whether cistus as tea or lozenges is an effective or sufficient prophylaxis, but taking the phenol-like ingredients that obviously have an immunomodulating effect is certainly not wrong

Homeopathic (accompanying) therapy, especially in the case of acute bronchopulmonary disease, should be reserved in addition to medical supervision by therapists experienced in homeopathy, since in addition to the cliché recommendations made in many places, a large number of other (sometimes less well-known) remedies such as e.g. Ant-ars. must be included in the considerations.

How can homeopathy support us with influenza (with cough), bacterial and especially viral pneumonia in case of COVID 19 infection?

especially when antibiotics are ineffective [virus] or do not respond adequately on their own [lack of improvement in clinical condition despite antibiotic treatment being tested]?
Does effective further adjuvant help exist?

Probably yes, if you are targeting homeopathic treatment, but always observing the limits of homeopathic therapy, close monitoring of success and, if necessary, adding conventional therapy options such as antibiotics if there is evidence of bacterial superinfection or insufficient immediate [!] Response to homeopathic remedies.

In the following I would like to give a few handouts for selected (mainly organotropic for the respiratory tract and the acute case) homeopathic remedies that have proven themselves clinically (and especially in personal experience, market with* or bold ). However, these are not exhaustive!

[All of the recommendations below, especially in the case of serious courses of influenza or pneumonia, do not replace medical advice, examination and monitoring and should only be done on the homeopathic side under the guidance of experienced therapists who carefully observe the limits of homeopathic treatment]

One of the most important criteria for the selection of homeopathic remedies for cough is the time of the beginning of the cough (especially at night), provided that it has a noticeable regularity.

Cough, aggravated

When lying down in bed in the evening, you have to get up / sit up again to cough up, then there is rest the rest of the night; Con. [noticeable in women, as a hormonal factor may be involved]

11 p.m .: Bell, Coc-c, Ant-t,

1 o’clock: Coc-c *, Ars, Ars-i, Ant-ars ?, * own, multiple experience with unbearable tickling cough deep down in the windpipe

2 a.m .: Kal-c, Kal-n, Kal-bi, Kal-ars,

3 a.m .: Kal-c, Kal-ar,

4 a.m .: Nux-v, Ant-t, Kal-c, Phos,

5 a.m .: Rumx, Kal-i, Kal-c,
to cough

deep-seated, bubbling, with a moderately loose expectoration: Ant-t

moist cold air aggravated: Rumx

with a salty-tasting sputum: Phos

mainly located on the larynx and upper trachea: Iod., Brom.

Pneumonia (only adjuvant if antibiosis is required):

general: Acon, Ant-t, Ant-ars *, Ars, Bry, Carbo-veg, Chel, Ferr-p, Hep, Lyc, Merc-s, Phos, Puls, Rhus-tox, Sep, Sulf,

Right lung: Bell, Brom, Bry, Chel, Elaps, Iodine, Kal-c, Lyc,

Merc-s, Phos, Sang, Stram, Tub

right lower lobe: Merc-s, Kal-c, Phos, Chel

right upper lobe: Chel, Elaps, Sang,

left lung: Tub, Phos, Lach, Sang,

with persistent, pronounced nausea and severe headache: Ipec,

with a pronounced need for fresh air (wants to have fanned air): Carbo-veg

delayed clinical improvement under or after antibiosis with persistent shortness of breath and signs of delayed regression of pneumonic infiltrations or persistent interstitial infiltration: Ant-ars *

Influenza pneumonia: Ant-ars *, Ars-i, Ars, Tub, (only Tuberculinum bov. Is mentioned in the Repertory Synthesis, but this will certainly not be the only possible means (so this section is certainly still incomplete there) -> two better / more complete sections:
Breast inflammation-lungs-viral, due to virus attack: ……… ..
Breast inflammation-lungs-catarrhal: ………………………
…. “… .- …… ..“ ……… ..- …… “…… – ……….“….: Accompanied by influenza: Ant-ar*


general: Acon, Bry, … ..

right: Bry, (section still incomplete)

left: Ant-ars, Kali-i, Tub, (section still incomplete)

As already mentioned above, these (incomplete) lists (which will be supplemented) are specifically intended for homeopathic therapists, who can ask for possible confirmatory symptoms for the respective remedies and can assess the severity of the clinical picture and, if necessary, initiate the further other therapy requirements become.

I would also like to hear from others of impressive and clear or reproducible, immediately drastic improvements in subjective and objective clinical findings (especially in the case of respiratory infections), so that we can complete the strength and the homeopathic tools for the upcoming challenges through concrete, understandable experiences and bundle them synergistically.

Dr. Heinrich Hümmer, Herrsching

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-05-22 14:50:56]
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Covid 19-Homeopathic Care & Cure
Shubham Bedi

Covid-19, Coronavirus, Homeopathic treatment, Genus Epidemicus

Homeopaths worldwide are currently searching for the genius epidemicus for Covid-19 and are determining which remedies are most useful in the treatment and prevention of Covid-19. Till now these are the following remedies:Arsenicum, Bryonia, Camphora, Gelsemium, Antimonium tartaricum, Tuberculinum , Oscilloccocinum, Mercurius, Justicia, Phosphorus , Sulphur, Carbo-veg, Lach, Iodium and Eup-perf are being seen with positive signs. Although this is not the complete list these remedies must be present in Home-kit.

As PROPHYLACTIC (a) Camphora 1M once a day (b) Gels 30 and Bryonia 30 on alternate days (c) Eup-perf 30 once a day are recommended. As a general rule coffee should be avoided as it anti dotes the Camphor. Ars-alb 30 to people who are inclined to be full of anxiety and restlessness.

The Diabetic patient should also include Phosphorus 200 on weekly basis and the strength of Phosphorus can be increased upto 1M according to the health and situation.

Antimonium tart (peculiar symptom of loss of smell and taste ) and Phosphorus (appears in high grade in most of the Covid symptoms including destructive nature in lungs and sepsis conditions) and seems to be appropriate as “Genus Epidemicus. Both these remedies must not be given below 30 or 200 potencies and not to be repeated often, but according to the situation and patient. Ant-tart may aggravate the symptoms if given in low potency. Similarly the Phosphorus must not be be given in lower potency and not to be repeated often. The repetition and potency depends both upon situation and patient. Ant-tart and Phosphorus may be taken on alternate basis.

Tuberculinum-1M once a week/fortnightly/ monthly to stop recurring the Covid -19 , after a patient is recovered and tested negative.

If its proved that Covid-19 has emerged from animal origin, Lachesis may be also given a thought.

May 09-2020

After going through different Homeopathic Doctor’s recommendations regarding remedies for Covid 19, it is suggested to take the remedies as per following procedure:-

Mild – with no respiratory symptoms. [remedies like Gelsemium, Eupatorium perfoliatum and Bryonia , Ars-alb seem indicated], Camphora 1M (once a day before sleep) and Phos seems to be prophylactic.

Moderate – with respiratory symptoms like cough and Fever. One characteristic symptom from this document is that patients have pale or pale-red tongue. Also cough is either dry or has little yellow sputum. There is dry throat too. Bryonia, Antimonium tartaricum, Arsenicum album, Phos-ac and Phosphorus seems to be indicated.

Heavy – with respiratory distress. One characteristic symptom from this document is that patients have red-tongue or yellow-furry at this stage. Patient gasps on movement. [remedies like Lycopodium, Pyrogenium, Lachesis, Bryonia and Arsenicum album seem indicated]

Critical – with respiratory failure, cyanosis and collapse. One characteristic symptom from this document is that patients have purple-tongue at this stage. Movement aggravates, there is agitation and sweating with cold limbs [remedies like Mercurius solubilis, Lachesis, Arsenicum album, Hydrocyanicum acidum, Camphora, Antimonium arsenicosum, Carbo vegetabilis, Ant-t, Phosphorus and Progenium may be useful at this stage].

20 May 2020


1. Camphor 1M thrice a day. This is the first remedy to be initiated on the day one. (As Camphor duration of action is only 1 day and it antidotes all the remedies taken.)

2. On second day Arsenic alb 30 to children, pregnant women and old people Once a day. Arsenic alb 200C to rest of the population. Since Ars-alb also has impact on kidneys, people with kidney affections should be given this remedy with 30C potency only.

3. Bryonia alba 30C, Gelsemium-s 30C on the third day, twice a day, early in the morning-and before sleeping in night. The potency can be increased to 200C if the person lives in area surrounded with thick population along-with Covid + people.

4. On the Fourth day : Phosphorus 30C and Eupat-perf 30C, twice a day early in the morning and before sleeping in night. (People with Chest affections and/or Diabetes may take Phos 200C instead of 30C after consulting the nearest Homeopath.)

5. Antimonium tart 200C once a day early in the morning on the fifth day.

Bryonia alba 30C/200C and Gels-s 30C /200C can also be taken on daily basis as preventive medicines. The action or continuation intake of these remedies can be reviewed after 7 or 15 days with the consultation of any Homeopath, whenever desired. Usually these are safe remedies.

The above PROTOCOL may be repeated on weekly basis as preventive action against Covid-19.

This PROTOCOL is meant for a layman. The persons who practice CLASSIC HOMEOPATHY may conclude the single remedy according to the patient, symptoms, Race, Country etc. etc.

The Homeopath may take note of few peculiar symptoms of those Remedies that are covering the majority of symptoms of the Covid patients.

1. Camphor: Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; collapse, with: alst-c CAMPH(3) hydr-ac

2. Ant-t : Smell; loss of, wanting; taste, with loss of: amyg-p anac ant-t chlf croto-t HEP(3) HYOS(3) just kali-bi lem-m mag-m NAT-M(3) NAT-S(3) PULS(3) rhod sil stict teucr

Stomach; nausea; pneumonia, in: ANT-T(3) IP(4) ran-b verat-v

Stomach; vomiting; influenza, in: ANT-T(3) DULC(3) hoch IP(3) kali-bi sang(2) sarcol-ac

Stomach; vomiting; pneumonia, in: ANT-T(3) apom chel ferr-p IP(4) just nat-s verat-v

Chest; fullness; lungs: ant-t(2) AUR(3) chlor echi-a HYOS(3) pyrus trif-p

Generalities; discharges, secretions; honey, like: ANT-C(3) ant-t apoc-a ARS-I(4) astac bry carb-v carc CIC(4) diom-e dys-co GRAPH(3) kreos MEZ(3) NAT-P(3) puls sanic sel thuj

3. Phosphorus:- Clinical; influenza; epidemic: EUP-PER(3) nat-s PHOS(4) SABAD(3)

Mind; delirium; pneumonia; in: ANT-T(3) CHEL(3) hyos IOD(3) kali-bi LACH(3) lachn LYC(3) MOSCH(3) PHOS(3) PULS(3) pyrog

Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; destruction of tissue, cavities, with: carb-an PHOS(3)

Respiration; difficult; pneumonia, in; pleura-pneumonia: PHOS(4) queb

4. Bryonia :- Perspiration; honey, odor like: apoc-a bry puls sel THUJ(3)
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-05-23 15:00:55]
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Two Cases of Febrile Respiratory Infection with High COVID-19 Probability Who Recovered Fully Following Classical Homeopathy Treatment

The author presents two cases of febrile respiratory infection with high covid-19 probability (due to epidemiological and clinical evidence) who recovered fully following classical homeopathy treatment.

Abstract: The author presents two cases of febrile respiratory infection with high covid-19 probability (due to epidemiological and clinical evidence) who recovered fully following classical homeopathy treatment.
The high covid-19 probability was due to epidemiological and clinical evidence. Both patients recovered fully following classical homeopathy treatment.
A couple – a man and a woman, both developed respiratory infection symptoms during and after a trip to Paris, returning to Athens in mid-March 2020. They both traveled to Paris on business, visiting overcrowded places (international trade fairs) and the busy relevant airports.

The first patient was a 37-year-old man with no diagnosed serious systemic diseases, who was in good general condition. The patient developed the first serious symptoms while he was still abroad, with a severe headache and a runny nose accompanied with fatigue; on his first day back to Athens, he developed a high fever (39.3 °C) with chills and malaise.

The fever (up to 38.5 °C) persisted for several days, often with chills and a severe concomitant dry cough {++}, (mainly during the day, worsening at the slightest movement {+++}) and occasionally with slight breathlessness. The patient also had a sore throat with a burning pain (worse on the left side), a feeling of heaviness behind the eyes, complete exhaustion, as well as a great mental distress and a fear that something very serious might happen to him {+++}.
His sleep was restless {++}; he was tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, often getting up and lying back down with severe chills. Anorexia and thirst {++}, with sips of water from the tap. White coating on the tongue.
On the first day the fever appeared, he contacted his physician and received treatment (clarithromycin 500 mg every eight hours) which he discontinued himself after three days of no improvement, and after associating the antibiotic treatment with diarrhea (without abdominal pain) that he developed.

On the eighth day of illness (and upon seeing the great improvement in his partner’s condition, who had already started homeopathic treatment) he decided to initiate homeopathic treatment himself. On the first day, based on the aforementioned symptoms (Repertorisation fig 1), he received Arsenicum 200CH (TID/one day).

From as early as the first twelve hours post treatment, the patient reported a clear improvement of his general condition (and a mental “wellbeing”), and after 36 hours, a clear drop in fever (37.5 °C max.)

At 48 hours, he had a low-grade fever but his cough was exacerbated, emerging as the major symptom, worsening during the day and at the slightest movement {++++} (even with breathing), and he developed an excessive thirst {++++} (the patient reported drinking 30 to 40 glasses of water daily from the tap!)

The patient received Bryonia 200 CH (TID/one day) with a clear improvement in the cough and a significant decrease of the thirst. After 24 hours (on the fourth day of treatment) and even though he was feeling much better, his condition suddenly deteriorated, developing high fever (39.6 °C) and a new exacerbation of the cough with a rapid heartbeat, slight breathlessness and a feeling that “something would happen to him”. Responding to a question by his treating physician, he reported a history of panic attacks (4 to 5 episodes a month until recently, before the infection).

The patient received Aconitum 1M, one globule, and the next morning he had a dramatic improvement with a temperature of 37.5 °C and a clear reduction in other symptoms; he received one more dose of Aconitum 1M and a further one in the evening.
The next morning, he woke up feverless with symptoms having almost completely resolved (including diarrhea which had persisted up to that point) with the exception of a slight cough. He now had a very good appetite. From then on, he didn’t receive any further homeopathic remedy and three days later he reported having almost completely recovered, feeling only slightly weak but being in a very good mood (much better than he was before the infection).

The second patient was a 31-year-old woman in good general condition, without any diagnosed serious systemic diseases. She had already started a homeopathic treatment two months before for mental issues (melancholy and emotional instability, and she had taken Ignatia 200CH and Ignatia 1M).

She was the partner of the aforementioned man, and she had traveled with him, following the same trip patterns. The woman developed the first serious symptoms three days after her partner, with a 39.2 °C fever (it had been years since she had last developed a fever) and intense concomitant musculoskeletal pain throughout the body {+++} (the most bothersome symptom, according to her), a dry cough {++}, a slightly sore throat, a runny nose, a complete loss of taste and smell {+++} and anorexia, as well as semi-solid stools (without abdominal pain). Thirst for cool water was normal. She felt exhausted {++} without any restlessness or fear. The patient talked to her physician from the onset of the fever and received Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200CH (TID/ one day) .

After 36 hours, she felt better with the fever dropping significantly (37.5 °C) and an improvement of the musculoskeletal pain (she discontinued Eupatorium after having taken 5 doses). She was now exhausted, with no appetite and no sense of smell and taste.

The following day (third day of treatment), the low-grade fever and the bouts of dry cough persisted, and the patient reported nausea, a “tight” stomach and slight breathlessness. Mentally, she felt trapped in the house and like running away. She received Ignatia 200CH (one dose) with an immediate improvement in the cough and the breathlessness.

After approximately 36 hours (fifth day of treatment), the patient still had a low-grade fever and reported a new sudden deterioration of the cough and a mild breathlessness along with a heaviness in the precordial region {++} and a rapid heartbeat. Mentally, she was quite scared {+++} that something might happen to her, maybe something heart related.

She received Aconitum 1M (one dose) with an immediate improvement in all her symptoms. On the next day (sixth day of treatment), the patient was feverless with very little cough and an improved appetite, while for the first time she felt like her sense of taste and smell were coming back.

Mentally, she felt much better, calmer and optimistic. She needed to rest, and she slept for many hours. Homeopathic treatment had been discontinued (she had received 4 doses of Aconitum 1M in total) three days before and the patient was feverless and feeling well, without symptoms except a mild fatigue.

Conclusion: Both the above-mentioned cases had a good outcome following classical homeopathic treatment. Naturally, whereas a COVID-19 infection is highly suspected due to the clinical and epidemiological evidence, it cannot be demonstrated without a positive diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, which is expected as soon as it can be carried out.

In any case, homeopathy’s therapeutic competency against this particular viral infection seems to be remarkable. This is also consistent with the first clinical experiences as well as past data, whether they involve seasonal influenza and a host of other viral infections or historical information such as the successful homeopathic treatment of the Spanish flu.

It would be in the best interest of the health of humankind if the potential of classical homeopathic treatment could be scientifically evaluated, transposing it into proper clinical application in the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance in the setting of a NHS clinic regardless of case severity, and possibly in combination with other therapeutic approaches without compromising the safety of patients (due to the lack of side effects of homeopathic remedies in conjunction with the fact that other treatment options would be available to them).
This way, statistics could help provide a clear assessment of what we believe is the great therapeutic potential of classical homeopathy in combating COVID-19 infection, but primarily in the protection of human health, with further invaluable social impact (even in public finances and the wider broader economic activities).

Vassilios Zinas
Dr. Vassilios Zinas, MD was born in Athens Greece in 1966. His got his higher education in Athens and a Bachelor’s degree in medicine in 1994, after six years of studies at the Medical School of the University of Rome. He specialized in internal medicine in 2008 after working five years at Sismanogleio Hospital of Athens. He has studied classical homeopathy since 1993, following mainly the teaching of Professor George Vithoulkas (International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Alonissos and EEOI in Athens). He has been practicing classical homeopathy over fifteen years and was involved in various teaching activities. Dr. Zinas is an ex-board member of EEOI (member of LMHI and ECH).
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Homeopathy in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Opportunities, Challenges and the Road Ahead

Drs. Raj K. Manchanda and Meeta Gupta discuss homeopathy in the covid-19 pandemic, including its potential, historical successes and current research needed to identify remedies for prevention and treatment.


COVID-19 is a new disease and no proven preventive and treatment modalities are available, even in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines, based on the unique symptoms of the patient and the general features of the disease have been used in preventing and managing diseases in the past, irrespective of their causative organism.

There is a globally coordinated effort to obtain experience and identify the homeopathic remedies that are most promising in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 related symptoms.

An effective, evidence-based, multidisciplinary strategy needs to be put in place to investigate homeopathic drugs for this pandemic and to validate their indications.  This will be conveyed to practitioners for wide application, to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

Also, new homoeopathic drugs may be prepared from the biological material and immunological signalling molecules specific to COVID-19, followed by safety and clinical trials.

Keywords: Homeopathy, COVID-19


Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome novel coronavirus 2 (SARS-nCoV-2). It is named “novel” as it has not been previously identified.

The clinical presentation is that of a severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) ranging from a mild common cold like illness, to a severe viral pneumonia leading to potentially fatal acute respiratory distress syndrome.1,2 The World Health Organization (WHO) was informed of an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown aetiology in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China on 31 December 2019. Since then, it assumed an epidemic proportion, deteriorating rapidly and spreading within a month to many countries, with the WHO declaring it a pandemic.3

SARS-nCoV-2 belongs to the Sarbecovirus subgenus of the Coronaviridae family and is the seventh coronavirus known to infect humans. The animal reservoir(s) and intermediary host(s) are not known at this point. Transmission dynamics of the virus are also not clearly understood though person-to-person spread among close contacts in family, community and healthcare settings has been confirmed.

Human transmission occurs through respiratory droplets when a person sneezes or coughs, although transmission through hand-to-hand contact, other personal contact, and even fomites may take place. The elderly above the age of 50 years with underlying diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and health care workers caring for patients with the COVID-19 are at high risk.3

COVID-19 may present with the following symptoms in order of their frequency: Fever (87.9%), Dry cough (67.7%), Fatigue (38.1%), Sputum production (33.4%), Shortness of breath (18.6%), Myalgia or arthralgia (14.8%), Sore throat (13.9%), Headache (13.6%), Chills (11.4%), Nausea or vomiting (5%), Nasal congestion (4.8%), Diarrhoea (3.7%), Haemoptysis (0.9%), Conjunctival congestion (0.8%), ARDS (severe cases) (3%).

Investigative findings include radiological findings on chest CT scan (86%) and abnormalities on Chest X-Ray (59%).3,4 Severity of COVID-19 is classified as Mild (81% – Non-pneumonia and mild pneumonia), Severe (14% – Dyspnoea, respiratory frequency ≥30/min, blood oxygen saturation ≤93%, partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen ratio <300, and/or lung infiltrates >50% within 24 to 48 hours), Critical (5% – Respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction or failure).5


Homeopathy has an old association with treating epidemic conditions successfully, thus reducing both morbidity and mortality. Homeopathy has reportedly been used both for prevention and management during the epidemics of Cholera, Spanish Influenza, Yellow fever, Scarlet fever, Diphtheria, Typhoid etc. during pre-antibiotic, pre-vaccination eras.6

With the evolved understanding of modern microbiology and preventive medicine, and introduction of vaccines, the incidence of the old-world epidemics has substantially reduced.

The benefits of Homeopathy in the past are also being questioned by certain critics7,8 Various studies have been conducted worldwide, including India, specifically on Influenza and Influenza like Illness.

The most relevant examples related COVID -19 is the use of homeopathy in the pandemic of Spanish Flu in 1918-20. 20% of the entire world population was infected and 20-40 million people died.

During this epidemic it is said that homeopathic medicines were widely used worldwide, both for treatment and prevention. The average mortality under standard treatment was about 30%, while 1-2% or fewer patients died under homeopathic treatment. Beside commonly used homeopathic medicines, such as Gelsemium, Bryonia alba, Eupatorium perf., Arsenic album, Phosphorus, etc., “Influenzinum”, a nosode prepared from the swab of a patient, was been widely used for the prevention and treatment.9,10

Subsequently, a randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial was reported in France (1984-87) to evaluate the efficacy of a homeopathic preparation in the treatment of influenza-like syndromes. 237 cases received the test drug (Oscillococcinum) and 241 received placebo. Cases who recovered within 48 hours of treatment were more in the active drug group than the placebo group. Most cases recovered early before the end of the week after entry. The number of patients who had favourable outcomes was greater among the active drug group.11

Another double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Oscillococcinum in the treatment of patients with influenza-like syndromes (1998). 188 patients received the test drug and 184 received placebo. The treatment of influenza-like syndromes with Oscillococcinum was found to have a positive effect on the decline of symptoms and on the duration of disease.12

A prospective, multi-centre, data collection survey of homeopathic practice in treatment of influenza-like illness in India was conducted during the 2009 pandemic of A/H1N1 influenza.

The survey examined the practice of homeopathic practitioners in India in the management of influenza with respect to patients’ symptoms at presentation and at follow-up consultation, when homeopathic medicines were prescribed. Forty-four different remedies (or combinations of remedies) were used at first appointments. Arsenicum album was the most popular choice of prescription followed by Bryonia alba.13

A multi-center, prospective, randomized, triple arm placebo-controlled trial was conducted in India from June 2009 to December 2010 to evaluate the effect of homeopathic medicines in the treatment of influenza-like illness and to compare the complication rate among patients receiving homeopathic medicines with those receiving placebo.

There was significant effect of individualized homeopathic treatment in the medicine group as compared to placebo group on the symptom complex. The complications/sequel rate was also significantly less in the medicine group as compared to placebo group. The top three indicated medicines, in order, were Arsenic album, Bryonia alba, Rhus toxicodendron.14

A pragmatic clinical trial was conducted in 2009-10 in Brazil with children between 1 to 5 years of age. The medicines used were mainly selected based on in vitro experiments (InfluBio), and in successful qualitative clinical experiences (homeopathic complex). The results indicated that the use of homeopathic medicines minimized the number of flu and acute respiratory infection symptomatic episodes in children.15

A Prospective Outcome Study with homeopathy and Polarity Analysis was conducted in the treatment of swine flu virus A/H1N1 influenza during the pandemic of 2010-11.  It involved 52 patients with influenza-like disease followed over four weeks: 62% of patients were cured by the first remedy within two days of the start of treatment; 25% received a second remedy and were cured within four days. 13% did not react to treatment and needed a follow-up consultation. Severe outcomes with respiratory failure did not occur.16

A study was conducted to develop a biotherapy (nosode) prepared from the infectious influenza A virus and to verify its in-vitro response (2013). The homeopathic dilution 30dH, (Influenzinum RC) was prepared from a pure sample of influenza A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) virus. Results showed that Influenzinum RC did not cause cytotoxic effects but altered cellular and biochemical features of MDCK and J774G8 cells.17

A study was conducted to analyse the effects of two homeopathic preparations (influenza biotherapies and thymulin) following two different rationales: isotherapy and endo-isotherapy models (2016). The biotherapies were prepared using purified H3N2 influenza virus samples (A/AICHI/2/68). The homeopathic effects were evaluated individually for inflammatory and behavioral responses against influenza virus antigen in BALB/c mice. It was found that both homeopathic treatments induced subtle changes in acquired immune anti-viral response regulation.18

The above references reflect that homoeopathy can play an important role in this pandemic provided it is investigated on scientific parameters.



Individualization is a ‘Gold Standard’ in homeopathic practice, i.e. a specific remedy for each person, based on the totality of physical, emotional and mental symptoms.

There has been evidence from successful treatment of children with acute diarrhoea in both Nicaragua and Nepal, using individualized single homeopathic remedies. In Nicaragua, 18 different remedies were used, while 14 were prescribed individually in Nepal. Other homeopathic researchers have reported treating other epidemic diseases, such as Chikungunya fever, pulmonary tuberculosis, and malaria, using individualized prescribing.

Combination Remedies

Combination remedies is not a remarkably successful approach as the composition of the combination remedy does not accurately match the symptoms of patients in the epidemic being treated.

A clinical trial in Honduras used a combination of five remedies in diarrhoea. These were Arsenicum album, Calcarea carb., Chamomilla, Podophyllum, and Sulphur. There was no difference between those who received the homeopathic combination and those with placebo.

A team in Pakistan reported results of a trial of a homeopathic combination remedy for dengue fever. Ten remedies used were Bryonia alba, Rhus tox., Gelsemium, Aconitum napellus, Eupatorium perf., China, Hamamelis, Citrullus colocynthis, Crotalus horridus, and Phosphorus. At the end of 6 days, there were statistically significant improvements in blood platelet levels, hematocrit, and white blood cell counts but no information was given about the the clinical course of the disease in the two treatment groups.

Another study compared a combination of six remedies with placebo in dengue fever in Honduras. The remedies were Aconitum napellus, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium, and Rhus toxicodendron. There were no differences in the resolution of pain and fever or the use of analgesics between the two groups. Viral testing revealed that only 3 of the 60 patients had laboratory-confirmed dengue.

Genus Epidemicus

The concept of Genus Epidemicus was first described by Samuel Hahnemann in Aphorism-241 in the Organon of Medicine, as “…each single epidemic is of a peculiar, uniform character common to all the individuals attacked, and when this character/is found in the totality of the symptoms common to all, it guides us to the discovery of a homeopathic (specific) remedy suitable for all the cases, which is almost universally serviceable in those patients who enjoyed tolerable health before the occurrence of the epidemic….”

There is anecdotal evidence that homeopathy was successful during the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 to 1919, in which the Genus Epidemicus was Gelsemium.

A most recent example of the use of Genus Epidemicus was reported by CCRH that performed a double-blind placebo-controlled trial using Bryonia alba to prevent Chikungunya fever during an epidemic of this viral disease in 2007. Out of nearly 20,000 healthy individuals in each group, 12.8% of those receiving Bryonia developed the illness compared with 15.8% of those taking the placebo.

Process of identifying the of Genus Epidemicus in COVID-19: There is need to combine the traditional knowledge with the modern parameters of clinical trials to identify the Genus Epidemicus. Various steps are:

Data collection of COVID -19 patients
Identification of groups of remedies based on the above data.
Application of the above group of remedies on actual patients of COVID-19 having mild symptoms using single arm observational studies. The objective should be to further short list the drugs and also identify their useful prescribing indications.
The short-listed remedies may be further tested using double blind add on treatment on mild to moderate COVID-19 patients. If we can complete this step and identify a remedy or a group of remedies, this will be the most rigorous experimental design to arrive at a Genus Epidemicus. Otherwise the most frequently used remedy/remedies based on observational study during epidemic can be the Genus Epidemicus provided there is consensus among experts.
The Genus Epidemicus is then further distributed to the healthy population as a preventive remedy. If possible, this preventive trial would be further undertaken using double blind cluster randomisation design, else it should be given to a at risk group population and hot spots of diseases and the outcome can be compared with the hot spots where no drug was given, so comparative pragmatic design may be used.
In the case of pandemics, networking across the nation for the validation and revalidation of Genus Epidemicus is required.

Isopathic remedies are made from the actual cause of the illness, or from its by-products, to treat that same condition. It is somewhat akin to conventional vaccination, although the preparation is in accordance with homeopathic pharmacy guidelines.

A striking example for disease prevention occurred in Cuba during an epidemic of Leptospirosis from 2007 to 2008. The entire population over 1 year of age was treated with a nosode that comprised four strains of inactivated Leptospira. Disease surveillance statistics revealed an 84% decreased incidence of the disease in these provinces in 2008 compared with previous years. In contrast, the incidence of leptospirosis in the other, untreated, provinces of Cuba rose by 21.7%.20

Challenges of Specific Nosodes:

Standardization of source of medicine: 21
From collection till preparation of base material / mother potency.
Use of modern technology/ methods.
Reproducible quality needs to be checked.
Use of in-vitro & in-vivo models for standardization.
Safety and Efficacy: 22
Safety / toxicity studies for human consumption.
Preclinical effectiveness.
Stability of product for effectiveness.
Preclinical comparative effectiveness studies.
Use of Signalling Molecules:

No vaccine or specific anti-viral drug regime is currently available to treat critically ill patients. Interferons have shown to play a crucial role in the defence against coronavirus diseases. Coronaviruses can impede the interferon induction in humans, and antagonize STAT1, a key protein in the interferon-mediated immune response.23

The possibility of using drugs from immunological signalling molecules such as Interleukins (IL) and Interferons (IFN), prepared according to the scientific procedures laid down in various homoeopathic  pharmacopoeias, in moderate cases of COVID -19 should be explored to mitigate the cytokines storm and prevent mortality.


Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI), is a world umbrella organisation for homeopathic doctors and homeopathic associations with members from 76 countries. LMHI is coordinating with the experts for collecting and analysing the data of suspected and COVID-19 positive cases.  The objective is to collect high-quality case reports of practical experience with treating patients from all over the world to develop a strategy for spreading information about the possible role of homeopathy in this crisis.

Despite the latest advances in medicine and technology having given physicians potent tools for diagnosing and treating diseases, the health system is facing challenges of re-emerging and new-emerging diseases such as COVID-19.

Vaccines are not available for many diseases. Moreover, drug resistance, especially in cases of bacterial and viral infections, has reached alarming levels, challenging the progress of conventional medicine.

Other approaches are being explored. There is a need to further explore the role of homeopathy in prevention and control of communicable diseases. This becomes even more significant in tropical countries like India where the environment is conducive to disease outbreaks that occur with seasonal regularity (e.g. dengue, chikungunya during rainy season, influenza like illnesses during winters, and gastroenteritis during summers), and where there are no vaccines or limited treatment modalities.

Prospective, Randomized, Parallel-groups and Placebo-controlled trials may be conducted to explore the efficacy of homeopathy both in prevention and treatment of COVID-19 such as:

Trials may be conducted to evaluate the efficacy of homeopathic medicine(s) (Genus Epidemicus) in preventing the occurrence of COVID-19 and in positively influencing the clinical course of those who develop COVID-19.
Adjuvant homeopathic treatment, along with standard conventional treatment in COVID-19 patients to assess the efficacy of homeopathic treatment as add-on to standard conventional treatment of patients with COVID-19 infection, and to compare if add-on homeopathic treatment can reduce the duration and severity of symptoms, length of stay in hospital, and occurrence of complications and mortality.
Comparative effectiveness study of different indicated Genus Epidemicus or Genus Epidemicus vis-à-vis Nosode.
Longitudinal time series study as a public health measure.

Homeopathy is an integral part of treatment in many countries. It is gaining popularity with increasing numbers of users worldwide, despite scepticism and the negative propaganda. As per the WHO Global Report on Traditional and Complementary Medicine 2019, homeopathy is “second among prominent medical professions after allopathy in the world, with practitioners in 100 countries”.

In India, it has recognition by the Government in the form of educational institutions, research organizations, drug manufacturers, professional associations, inclusion of homeopathy in the drugs and cosmetics act and other laws related to practice.

Above all it has public acceptance. At the National level, there is a huge manpower base of institutionally qualified physicians in the system (about 3 lakhs from about 235 medical colleges). 80% of homoeopaths are working privately and are providing services at the Primary Health Care level.

Some are associated with homeopathic institutions in teaching / OPD / IPD patient care and research centres conducting high quality research in homeopathy. This enabling environment will be particularly useful for undertaking research in COVID-19.


There is opportunity for the homeopathic medical institutes to reform to become centres of excellence and hubs of research. The faculty should focus on COVID-19 research by utilization of all their resources. In the long run, curriculum should focus on critical thinking, modern research and biostatistics tools.

Industry should consider adopting college(s) of India and strengthen research infrastructure and support independent researchers. This hand holding will ensure infrastructure and improvement in quality of human resources from India for a better future of homeopathy.

A multidisciplinary team of government representatives, medical colleges, research councils, pharmaceutical industry and virology institutes should focus on the development of new homoeopathic drugs from the biological material of SARS-nCOV-2 virus and immunological signalling molecules specific to COVID-19, and undertake appropriate safety, efficacy and clinical trials at war footing.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Posted on May 28, 2020 by homeopatheals.

Since cases of Covid-19 have increased exponentially throughout the world, the AYUSH ministry of India advised the use of the Homeopathic remedy Arsenicum album 30 as a prophylactic against Covid-19 and to enhance the immune system.

Many homeopathic practitioners all over the world have started dispensing it and many pharmacies have been selling these pills in huge numbers.


The homeopathic remedy Arsenicum album is made from arsenic trioxide, a compound found in nature and also produced by smelting of copper.

In its crude form, it is toxic. But in the homeopathic application, the compound is potentized to potencies 30, 200, 1m etc.

With each potency, the dilution of the compound increases by 100 so that for 1 part of the medicine, there are 100 parts of water.

In this way, a toxic compound is diluted and potentized to an infinitesimal dose which greatly increases the curative power of the remedy.

The arsenic alb is like the bread and butter of a homeopathic physician. There are a wide variety of diseases which are treated with the arsenic album.

Most common of them are flu-like symptoms, common respiratory infections, asthma, digestive issues, even serious ailment.

Very recently, the use of arsenic alb for Covid-19 became popular, because arsenic album treats similar symptoms of flu-like illnesses which are seen in Covid-19 (dry cough, fatigue, breathlessness).


Since the discovery of Homeopathy in the 1800s, many homeopaths have effectively used homeopathic remedies to combat epidemics.

During an epidemic of scarlet fever, Dr Hahnemann treated many patients with the homeopathic remedy Belladonna.

Not only did he use Belladonna for treatment purposes, but he also successfully employed its use as a prophylactic for scarlet fever.

In 1831, during the cholera epidemic, homeopathy was again successfully used for treatment and prevention of Asiatic cholera, the accounts of which can be read in “Cure and Prevention of Asiatic Cholera”

After the statement passed by AYUSH to use Arsenicum album 30 to enhance immunity against Covid-19, many doctors have used arsenic alb and other homeopathic remedies like camphor according to the symptoms of Covid-19 positive patients.

In fact, after the use of arsenic album, Covid-19 positive patients have tested negative within just 4 days!

An experiment was conducted in Gujarat to prove the efficacy of Ayurveda and Homeopathy for Covid-19 contacts.

This experiment was conducted with people who are in quarantine centres i.e they have been in contact with Covid-19 positive cases but who are completing the 14 days in the quarantine centre.

179 such centres were selected and 2625 people out of the total 6210 people willingly opted for homeopathic remedies to boost their immune system. The other 3000 people opted for Ayurvedic remedies.

It was interesting to note that out of these people, only 11 tested positive for Covid-19. All the rest were tested negative.

On further enquiry, it was noted that the 11 who tested positive, couldn’t complete the dose of the treatment.

It was administered for 7 days, but these 11 people had taken it only for 3 days.

This goes to show how effective homeopathy is in the Covid-19 scenario.

The following is the dosage protocol of arsenic alb 30:

If you’re at home and rarely going out and if you haven’t been in contact with Covid-19 positive case: 4 pills once a day for 3 days. Repeat after 15 days

If you’re under home quarantine for 14 days and you have been in contact with a Covid-19 positive case: 4 pills once a day for 7 days.

If you have already developed symptoms or tested positive for Covid-19, kindly contact your homeopathic physician for the recommended dose of the remedy.


While taking the remedy and even afterwards, it is mandatory to use a mask outdoors and practice hand washing.
The remedy can be taken in the morning or at night.
Before and after taking the remedy, there should be a gap of 20 mins before you eat or drink anything.
Take the remedy on a clean tongue. Don’t crush or chew it, let it melt in your mouth.
These remedies can be taken with your routine allopathic medications for diabetes, blood pressure etc, provided there is a gap of 20 mins between both.
Do not handle the pills with your hand. Take the pills in the cap of the bottle and consume it. If the pills fall on the floor, discard them.
Store the medicine in a clean, dry place at room temperature. Do not refrigerate.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-05-30 08:48:41]
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) – a Homeopathic Perspective

Dr. Ajit Kulkarni answers questions asked about his original article on Covid-19. He explains how homeopathic principles guide us intreating pregnant women, chronic patients on both allopathic and homeopathic treatment, the use of Tuberculinum, theoretical justification for Arsenicum album as a genus remedy and much more


One of my patients is suffering from heart disease and he is on daily doses of allopathic and homeopathic treatment. I have a very vulnerable and immuno-suppressed patient, a lady, following kidney transplant. What potency should be given as prophylactic?

There are a lot of patients that are on daily doses of allopathic, homeopathic or both mixed treatment for their complaints like Parkinson’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, Diabetes, INNCURABLE DISEASE, heart disease etc. What is the possibility to use prophylactic method for them?

Should they use both remedies together- the chronic remedy – every day and the prophylactic daily or two times per week? What would you suggest for liver or kidney transplant patients?


We will first categorize the patients.

Chronic patients on exclusive homeopathic treatment
Chronic patients on exclusive allopathic treatment
Chronic patients on mixed homeopathic and allopathic treatment
Patients having transplantation of organs and are on anti-rejection medication
Immuno-compromised patients who had been treated or now on immune-suppressive agents such as steroids, methotrexate, cyclosporin, Interleukin inhibitors, selective immunosuppressants or TNF alfa inhibitors etc.
In the first category, we have to define whether the patient is on constitutional/classical, palliative or organotrophic treatment. Actually, if the patient is already under homeopathic constitutional remedy, he doesn’t need a prophylactic remedy. But it also depends upon stage II, III or IV, human density and if the patient is following strict ‘stay at home’.

The second category patients have to be defined. If they are on anti-diabetic or hypotensive drugs, they become vulnerable due both to the disease and drugs. It is better to give them Arsenic album. The same about the third category.

The 4th and 5th category is of immune-compromised patients and it is better to define clearly their immune status and miasmatic activity. The general principle is that if the patient is in the vicinity of community infection of the pandemic, it is better to give Arsenic album. Don’t stop the patient’s regular treatment.

Arsenic album 30 or 200 as a single dose or once every week can be given depending on the susceptibility and vitality. On the day of Arsenic album, no other homeopathic remedy should be taken by the patient. Otherwise, he can continue with allopathic, homeopathic or mixed treatment.


You have mentioned Tuberculinum to be given when a case jumps rapidly from mild to critical state. Why Tub? And will it not cause killer aggravation? Also, you have mentioned Tub 1M for preventing relapse… reasons? The immune response basically goes out of control. Out of control is the hallmark of syphilitic miasm. So why Tub, why not an anti-syphilitic? Why not Bacillinum?
You have mentioned Merc-cyan preferable over Merc sol in throat complaints. Any specific reasons?
You have mentioned Sulphur as an option for GE (genus epidemcius). But we need a remedy covering speed of destruction… does it qualify?
What do you mean when you mention that GE must cover the pathogenesis of COVID 19 as a single spectrum?
The symptomatology of COVID 19 is very scattered, with patients in India itself presenting with differing symptoms. Will Ars Alb as GE be able to help in all cases?
What about pregnant women? How can we help them in this pandemic? I have 2 patients who are pregnant… one is in first trimester, another in final.
Kali-carb and Kali-Iod have been mentioned in the pneumonia stage of the disease. However, Lycopodium, Hepar sulph can also be considered in hepatization stage.


You have mentioned Tuberculinum to be given when a case jumps rapidly from mild to critical state… why Tub? And will it not cause killer’s aggravation? Also, you have mentioned Tub 1M for preventing relapse… reasons? The immune response basically goes out of control. Out of control is the hallmark of syphilitic miasm. So why Tub, why not an anti-syphilitic? Why not Bacillinum?


The role of Tuberculinum

In the evolutionary march of the disease, it is not mandatory for the disease process to pass through the miasmatic activity from psora à sycosis à tubercle à syphilis in a rigid chronological way.

The pace at which the disease process unfolds itself is dependent on the blend of disease potential and host response. Hence, it is possible that the disease may take its heavy toll by not following the intermingling stage(s). This is the reason why old patients, patients with diabetes, hypertension, immune-compromised types etc. land in pneumonitis, CNS and CVS problems and multi-organ failure in a relentless way.




Changeability. Erratic
Poor tolerance
Shortened sycotic phase
System becoming a prey
Forced mobilization of immune forces and poverty of controls
Patterns and pathology

Pattern of response: Sudden, rapidly spreading pathologies. Slow, then rapid
Repair through fibrosis
Erratic febrile states

Tuberculinum (Bovinum Kent) is a classic representative of tubercular miasm. It exhibits the characters of the tubercular miasm in a remarkable way. In addition to the characteristics above under Tuberculinum, the following ones are noteworthy.

Tuberculinum is prepared from the pus (with bacilli) from tubercular abscess. Hence, it covers sepsis and septic shock (which is the chief cause of death in Covid-19).
Grave troubles from slight causes i.e. a simple cold can cause havoc in the system.
Symptoms constantly recurring or relapsing, but every time appearing with a new set of them (different in character and/ or location).
Obscure, changing indications.
Rapid breakdown.
Erratic, unpredictable development of symptoms.
Symptoms appear and disappear suddenly.
Rapid and pronounced development of pathology.
Martyrs to respiratory catarrhs.
Hypersensitivity (which is the host response to develop severe to critical stage in Covid-19).
Myocarditis in Covid-19.
Necrosis, gliosis, fibrosis, degeneration and destruction as the result of pathology.
The above indications are sufficient to perceive the role of Tuberculinum. The issue of killer aggravation is related to subjectivity of the physician; it has posteriori thinking and hence it has no universal satisfying answer.

The question of “out of control” is applicable not only to syphilitic miasm but also to tubercular miasm. It is the sudden, rapid and progressive pattern in tubercular miasm that makes the system difficult to manage. Hence, many pathologies get overlapped in both miasms.

Pathologies are of three types: Reversible, Borderline and Irreversible. Tubercular pathologies fall within the category of borderline à irreversible while syphilitic ones are mostly irreversible; in other words, impossible to manage from a curative standpoint.

Every nosode is a multi-polychrest remedy and is a blend of the disease-potential and the host-response; hence, it represents the dynamic potential of germ, host and their inter-action to become the powerful and complex healing force to meet the inveterate morbific conditions. Every nosode is multi-miasmatic and Tuberculinum also covers the syphilitic miasm.

I haven’t mentioned Bacillinum but it doesn’t mean that it is not useful in COVID-19 cases. The main difference is that Tuberculinum is active and rapid while Bacillinum is indolent and sluggish. This is the main reason why I prefer Tuberculinum.


You have mentioned Merc-cyan as preferable over Merc sol in throat complaints. Any specific reasons?


The role of Mercurius cyanatus

First see this report, “Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, replicates in the upper respiratory tract before moving down to infect the lungs, which leads to people shedding huge amounts of the virus through coughing in the first week of symptoms (peak at 7.11 × 108 RNA copies per throat swab), according to a study published in the journal Nature on April 1”.

“Sars-CoV-2 takes up residence in the throat cells first and from that person’s throat… it can readily spread to others”, Peter Kolchinsky, a virologist. The throat is an important organ, hence next to the lungs in Covid-19. We have to contain the virus replication here by giving the right remedy.

Mercuric cyanide poisoning

Symptoms of both cyanide and mercury intoxication can occur. Acute poisoning: Symptoms include tightness and pain in chest, coughing, and difficulty in breathing; cyanide poisoning can cause anxiety, confusion, dizziness, and shortness of breath, with possible unconsciousness, convulsions, and paralysis. Ingestion causes necrosis, pain, vomiting, and severe purging, plus the above symptoms.

Cyanide poisoning

Cyanide prevents the cells of the body from using oxygen. When this happens, the cells die.
Cyanide is more harmful to the heart and brain than to other organs because the heart and brain use a lot of oxygen.
Immediate signs and symptoms of exposure to cyanide

Nausea and vomiting
Rapid breathing
Rapid heart rate
Exposure to a large amount of cyanide by any route may cause these other health effects as well:

Loss of consciousness
Low blood pressure
Lung injury
Respiratory failure leading to death
Slow heart rate
You can see that many poisoning symptoms match with COVOD-19 patients.

Some differences between Merc sol and Merc Cyan

Both affect the throat but Merc sol has burning as from hot vapour while Merc cyan has cutting pains; sensation as if something hanging in throat in Merc sol; in Merc-cyan, it is rawness and soreness. The mucous membrane is broken down and ulcerated and thick and greyish membrane with intense redness of fauces in Merc-cyan, while in Merc sol, there is bluish red swelling with a sensation as if a burnt spot in pharynx.

Two major points why I prefer Merc-cyan to Merc sol is 1. the necrotic destruction of soft parts of palate and fauces and necrosis are the major pathology of Covid-19 and 2. The appearance of honeycomb in throat that resembles the same appearance in pneumonia in covid-19.


You have mentioned Sulphur as an option for GE. But we need a remedy covering speed of destruction… does it qualify?


The question is related to speed of action of Sulphur. The following rubrics justify that the action of Sulphur is rapid.

Mind; sudden manifestations
Generalities; sudden manifestations
Generalities; weakness; sudden, paroxysmal
Generalities; strength; decreased, diminished; sudden
Generalities; progressive diseases
Generalities; violent complaints
Moreover, Sulphur is more tubercular than psoric. Emaciation, in spite of voracious appetite, lean thin constitution, suppurative tendency, glandular affections, tubercular diathesis, spells of weakness, epilepsy etc. typify the tubercular miasmatic activity of Sulphur.


What do you mean when you state that GE must cover the pathogenesis of COVID 19 as a single spectrum?


Totality is one. It is the synthetic whole. It includes merging of cause and effect. There is no duality. It includes the phenomenon from the beginning to the end. In the evolution when the phenomenon is unfolding, it is one spectrum. Nothing is fragmented. GE criteria must cover the evolution of the disease as one total unit. To exemplify, ARDS should not be separated from cold, fever and sore throat. The asymptomatic phase of the Covid-19 must become a part of GE and ground-glass opacities that get developed in the lugs must as well become a part of GE.


The symptomatology of COVID-19 is very scattered with patients in India itself presenting with differing symptoms… will Ars Alb as GE be able to help in all cases?


The symptomatology is not scattered; it is changing. The response of the human species will use their immuno-modulatory defences which will definitely influence the Form, Function and Structure of Covid-19. Human susceptibility as a part of immunity and as a dynamic property will manifest its alteration.

In view of the changing scenario, it is interesting if Arsenic album holds the status of GE. Please read my recent updates below to get more elaboration of your question.


What about pregnant women? How can we help them in this pandemic? I have 2 patients who are pregnant… one is in first trimester, another in final.


A pregnant woman can be affected by COVID-19. Whether a pregnant woman with COVID-19 can pass the virus to her foetus or baby during pregnancy or delivery is not yet clear. To date, the virus has not been found in samples of amniotic fluid or breastmilk.

Remember that pregnancy is the most favourable period for the action of the homeopathic remedy. If the pregnant woman has some health issues, the best preventive remedy is the constitutional remedy. However, if she is in the susceptible area, Arsenic album 200c, a single dose is recommended.


Kali-carb and Kali-iod have been mentioned in the pneumonia stage of the disease. However, Lycopodium, Hepar sulph can also be considered in hepatization stage.


There are 51 remedies listed in Complete Repertory for –

Chest; hepatization, lungs: acal ant-ar ANT-T ars bac bapt BROM BRY CACT CALC calc-i calc-s CAMPH CARB-AN carb-v CHEL crot-h ferr FERR-P GRIN HEP hippoz IOD KALI-C KALI-CHL KALI-I KALI-M kali-p LACH LOB LYC MERC MYRT-C NIT-AC NUX-V oena op PHOS plb podo rhus-t SANG sec SENEG sil SPONG stroph SULPH TER TUB zinc


It covers pleuro-pneumonitis. When there is accumulation of pleural effusion, Kali-carb is a remedy of choice. Indications: Right sided; later stages; with cardiac exhaustion; with cyanosis. Heavy oppression, with hurried or impeded breathing.


Pneumonia with: Dilated pupils; catarrh, red face, blue lips and nails; hepatization; metastasis to brain; sepsis in lungs. Constant hacking cough. Exudative pleurisy. Pleuro-pneumonia. Choking spells. Albumin in urine. Severe dyspnoea; strangling or hyperventilating.

Kali carb is more tubercular; Kali-iod more syphilitic. Kali-carb has more fluid accumulation; Kali-iod has more suppuration, ulceration and necrosis. Due to carbon ion, Kali iod is slower than Kali-iod; Kali-iod has potassium + strong halogen of Iodum which makes the process rapidly destructive.


Delayed, unresolved, neglected, continued and typhoid pneumonia. Indications: With great dyspnea; diaphragmatic breathing; unable to lie on back, or affected side, flapping of alae nasi, half open eyes; mouth hangs open, pressure on chest.

Loud mucous rales; accumulation of serum in pleura and pericardium, hepatization; old people with weak reaction and weakness of all the functions and who do not tend to convalescence.

Children wither after pneumonia. Right foot cold, distended abdomen, red sand in urine, circumscribed red chest (left), threatened suppuration; tightness across chest, aching over lungs; deep seated pain or bronchial irritation, weak voice remaining. Lips cyanosed; dusky appearance. Latent pneumonia; slight fever, no pain, little cough, expectoration: salty, grey.

Pleurisy: Left; intercurrent pleuritic attacks; continued stitches. Exudative, stitches in left chest (typhoid, chest cold or neglected, chronic pulmonary inflammation, pleurisy). Sputum copious and purulent.


Lycopodium has a prolonged sycotic phase followed by the syphilitic phase. The speed is, however, slow and it doesn’t match the sudden onset or rapid deterioration which we see in COVID-19. Lyc is indicated more for the later stage when they are tired and worried.


Respiratory symptoms begin from exposure to cold.

Dry hoarse; barking, rattling, croaking cough. Constant irritation and oppression of chest, becoming < by long continued and fatiguing coughing; finally gasping for breath.

Dyspnoea; weakness of larynx and chest. Sudden attacks of suffocation; loud, whistling inspiration; face dark red; lips bluish; bends head back and gasps for breath; sputum frothy. Snoring, hoarse, whistling, and often so short and oppressed that he starts from sleep with violent, dry, hoarse cough, with retching; grasps at larynx in the greatest fear. Involuntary deep inspiration. Choking from mucus in larynx.

Pneumonia of a septic type. Chronic pneumonia and profuse purulent sputum. Chocking, strangling, spasmodic cough; accompanied by acute dyspnoea. Fever swinging. Acute stabbing pains in chest. < from lying on affected side. Constantly cropping up position in pneumonia.

Pleurisy, croupous exudation, with yellow or yellowish-brown tint in face, in scrofulous and lymphatic persons. Very ill. With hectic flush. Moist skin surface with sour-smelling sweat. Extreme sensitiveness to cold. Oversensitive. Deep split in the center of the lower lip. Tongue, sensitive. Complain of very hot, burning tongue or burning at tip of the tongue. With aphthous patches scattered about the mouth. Extreme weakness in the chest.


Miasmatically, one may feel that Hepar sulph is psoric and it is right to assume it in the initial phase when the mild to moderate form of Covid-19 is present. But soon the system goes into the tubercular miasmatic phase. The lungs are filled with septic foci and there is constant chilliness and a very sick look of the patient. This phase is indicative of the severe phase and pre-clinical stage of pyrogen and Carbolic acid where one gets the critical phase of Covid-19.


The discussion on COVID-19 is extensive and not intensive. The GE Ars alb pointed by CCH is a routine remedy for flu. It does not cover the severity of choking respiratory system and lack of supply of oxygen to heart etc. To this GE Carbolic acid has been added. In short, a nosode from Coronavirus (CV) has to be made. The fact is that CV victims go to allopathic hospitals and not to homeopathic hospitals, which are very few and not considered fit for emergency cases. Unless the homeopaths treat a few cases of CV themselves, they are not able to experience the exact problems faced by victims of CV. The theoretical knowledge is not sufficient to find or make a true GE for this virus.


I will earnestly wait for “intensive” study of COVID-19 from Dr. C. S. Gupta.

Yes, I admit that “intensive” study has its importance. But who says that the work is deprived of intensive study? The exercise presented here is chiefly based on the data collated from patients of both IPD and OPD. I am putting an eye on every symptom, sign or pathology or the underlying mechanism which is being reflected. Indian homeopaths have fewer CV patients but that doesn’t make the work of anyone undervalued. Rather a big source makes the data abundant and fresh to work upon.

The Law of Similars propounds that when Pulsatilla is indicated, give Pulsatilla. When Arsenic album is indicated, give Arsenic album. Should Arsenicum album be discarded because it is a routinely prescribed remedy? Will Dr. C.S. Gupta be happy if a rare Bird remedy or a Lac remedy is selected? If Dr. Gupta offers his “intensive” study of a rare remedy as GE, I will sincerely read it.
On which scientific grounds does Dr. Gupta conclude that Arsenicum album not cover the severity of Covid-19? Is the rubric, Clinical; asphyxia, death apparent, not enough to perceive the seriousness of Arsenicum album?

Ajit Kulkarni
Dr. Ajit Kulkarni M.D. (Hom.) is a veteran homoeopath, an academician and a famed international teacher, known for his innovative ideas. Dr. Kulkarni has presented 70 international seminars around the world and more than 100 seminars in India. He is Director of the Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune, India.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Corona Virus (Covid-19) – A Homeopathic Perspective Update II

Dr. Ajit Kulkarni responds to questions about BCG vaccine and plasma therapy, discusses the pathology of COVID-19 and offers important clinical tips on numerous remedies.


What are your thoughts about BCG vaccination and Plasma therapy?


I think, these therapies are being experimented with due more to the desperate situation, as no concrete solution is at hand. There are controversies about them and much research is needed to put them to use for the people.

Both are based on unsophisticated use of the Law of Similars and Isopathy. As a matter of fact, the scientists are trying to find the solution in the natural curative principle of Similia.  In spite of the fact that the pharmacology in mainstream medicine is advanced and hugely profitable and innumerable chemicals are being generated and investigated, the recourse to the Law of Similars and Isopathy is evident.

Mainstream doctors need to study the Law of Similars in a serious way! Hippocrates, father of Medicine wrote about it and all wise physicians of all therapies should respect his clear concept of the Law of Similars.

BCG vaccine

I quote from the source: The BCG vaccine is an immunomodulator that boosts immune response to offer broad protection in respiratory infections. Even more protective is a vaccine from Mycobacterium indicus pranii (MIP), which has been isolated and sequenced in India’s National Institute of Immunology.

It’s approved for use against leprosy and septicaemia, and PGI Chandigarh recently evaluated its translational application as an immunotherapeutic against severe acute respiratory syndrome (a coronavirus like Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes Covid-19).

I quote from the Lancet, “The BCG vaccine and some other live vaccines induce metabolic and epigenetic changes that enhance the innate immune response to subsequent infections, a process termed trained immunity”.

The BCG vaccine might therefore reduce viraemia after SARS-COV-2 exposure, with consequent less severe COVID-19 and more rapid recovery. It is interesting that the above quotation resemble the characters of Tuberculinum Bovinum Kent (which have been discussed in this paper).

This issue again shows that Homeopathic thinking is ahead of its time. The use of Tuberculinum had started in homeopathy during 1879. American Homoeopath Samuel Swan did pioneering work in developing Tuberculinum; a few years before that, German physician Robert Koch discovered the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis in 1882.

Tuberculinum has been used in homeopathy as an immunomodulator since 1879 and BCG’s action, as an immunomodulator, is being explored in mainstream medicine in 2020.

What is Convalescent Plasma Therapy?

When attacked by a pathogen, the immune system produces antibodies to fight the infection. If the infected person can produce sufficient antibodies, he can recover from the disease caused by that pathogen. The idea behind convalescent plasma therapy is that such immunity can be transferred from a healthy person to a sick one using blood plasma. Convalescent plasma refers to the liquid part of the blood from recovered COVID-19 patients.

In this therapy, blood from recovered patients, which is rich with antibodies, is used to treat other sick people. Immunity may develop early in asymptomatic patients or persons with mild symptoms. In contrast, it develops later in severe and critically-ill COVID 19 patients. The above two therapies come with side-effects and the effectiveness of them remains questionable.


What is your view about Germ theory?


For a homeopath, it is a more complex question. I can’t deny the existence or the role of germs. But I can’t think of the germs without the host. Host is the central point around which everything revolves. I quote two authorities from Homeopathy and one from Lancet.


Hahnemann mentioned his views in the following aphorisms – §§ 7, 11, 12, 14, 70, 84, 89, 98, 107-9 in ‘Organon of Medicine’.  I quote Hahnemann from §7:

“Now, as in a disease, from which no manifest exciting or maintaining cause (causa occasionalis) has to be removed1, we can perceive nothing but the morbid symptoms, it must (regard being had to the possibility of a miasm, and attention paid to the accessory circumstances, § 5) be the symptoms alone by which the disease demands and points to the remedy suited to relieve it – and, moreover, the totality of these its symptoms, of this outwardly reflected picture of the internal essence of the disease, that is, of the affection of the vital force, must be the principal, or the sole means, whereby the disease can make known what remedy it requires – the only thing that can determine the choice of the most appropriate remedy – and thus, in a word, the totality2 of the symptoms must be the principal, indeed the only thing the physician has to take note of in every case of disease and to remove by means of his art, in order that it shall be cured and transformed into health”.

Kent In Lesser Writing

“The man who believes that he is directing his remedies against germs, or against worms, or against a tumor the patient may have, is in extreme darkness, if he cannot perceive that a healthy man will have healthy tissue, healthy blood, and therefore there can be no soil for germs and worms or morbid growths.”


The following paper published in Lancet “Limitations Of The Germ Theory G.T Stewart, M.D., B.Sc. Glasg., F. C. Path (Published: May 18, 1968) is worth reading. The author concludes, “The germ theory of disease—infectious disease is primarily caused by transmission of an organism from one host to another—is a gross oversimplification. It accords with the basic facts that infection without an organism is impossible and that transmissible organisms can cause disease; but it does not explain the exceptions and anomalies. The germ theory has become a dogma because it neglects the many other factors which have a part to play in deciding whether the host/germ/environment complex is to lead to infection. Among these are susceptibility, genetic constitution, behaviour, and socioeconomic determinants.”


The concept of ‘cause’ in homeopathy is wide and related to constitution, diathesis, sensitivity, susceptibility, immunity etc. In homeopathy, the concept of infection is not local but general.  In other words, no illness is local; every illness is general and pertains to the patient as a whole.

The human body is essentially a “germ” factory, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. A new study published as a series of reports in the journal ‘Nature and Public Library of Science’ debunks the widely believed germ theory, or the belief that all germs are “bad,” by showing that the average, healthy human body harbours more than 10,000 species of microbes that together maintain microbial balance and promote vibrant health.Germs are everywhere; a human being is also a germ. It is the altered susceptibility of the host that brings on the illness.


What will be the difference between proving symptoms of homeo-prophylactic remedy and first real symptoms of a disease? What are your recommendations if somebody develops proving symptoms?


I have combined the two questions. They have many angles.

Homeopathic proving

I must first tell you some basics, rather than jump to the answer.

In homeopathic drug proving, a homeopathically prepared substance is administered to a group of healthy people in order to produce the symptoms specific to that substance and thereby reveal its inherent medicinal power of healing.

The goal in proving is to provoke symptoms (artificial human pharmacology) of  the homeopathic medication being administered. The goal is not to mitigate the disease or the symptoms of a disease but to provoke symptoms of an artificial illness which is completely reversible after discontinuing the tested substance.

Provings are always conducted in non-toxic way, by using substances with a sufficient degree of dilution to guarantee the safety of the medicinal product.

Hence, to fear toxic reactions from homeo-prophylactic remedies is unwarranted. It is related to the individual disposition of anxiety of a homeopath.

Highly sensitive persons

So the main issue is not of toxic reactions (they occur with crude drugs and not with potentized homeopathic medicines). But the issue is about highly sensitive people. Such people are hypersensitive to stimuli as they possess a highly receptive nervous system. Before the proving is begun, it is necessary to recognize these people in advance. In my experience, hypersensitive people are not common. Hence, this is not a significant issue.

Repetition of doses

Some homeopaths believe that proving begins with the very first dose of the medicinal substance. Look at our ‘proving’ process. Symptoms usually start upon a series of doses. If, however, proving starts forthwith (upon the first dose), the symptoms yielded are superficial. For a substantial proving of the medicinal substance, a series of doses are to be given to a prover.

Prophylactic remedies are not repeated to the extent of proving the symptoms. It is a remote possibility that prophylactic remedies will show proving symptoms with only few doses.

Proving symptoms vis-à-vis Actual disease symptoms

It is the time space continuum that determines whether the manifested symptoms are related to the remedy given or the new disease in its incipient stage. First the causative modality has to be defined clearly. The causeà effect relation is explicit in first real disease symptoms as the cause may be related to infection, weather, food, emotions etc.

The proving symptoms if at all they are produced are temporary and they remain within the vicinity of the functional sphere. If the further doses of the prophylactic remedy are stopped, it is observed that there is cessation of the symptoms and one doesn’t get the proving symptoms of a deeper nature.

In the natural disease, we have to define the aetiological factors which are implicated. Natural disease has its own course characterized by the clinical stage and evolution which have been delineated in the Text book of Medicine.

Proving symptoms may mimic the incipient phase of the real disease in hyper-sensitive individuals. It is difficult to define the category they belong to. However, there are certain issues to recognize.

As mentioned earlier, proving symptoms with prophylactic remedies are superficial, functional and don’t cause much distress and are bearable. There are no symptoms in ‘proving’ which will point to any specific clinical condition.

Further, proving is unfolding the intrinsic action of the medical substance over the mind and body and hence, the whole presentation of the development of symptoms is haphazard, though sequential. On the other hand, real symptoms may be distressing and within hours or days the symptoms may point to a clinical condition. The natural disease follows a certain path and an astute clinician is able to define the real disease in its incipient stage.

Usually, proving symptoms pass off quickly after stopping the medicinal substance. Simply wait for the effects to wear off. If at all they persist (which is very unlikely), give an appropriate antidote from remedy relations. In choosing an appropriate antidote, select the one that corresponds to the totality.


Are you combining homeopathy and other methods of healing during the epidemic? (Ayurveda, naturopathy/herbalism: different kinds of tea, tinctures, algae, minerals, vitamins and so on).


Here, in India, Ayurveda and herbal remedies are a part of life. Immune boosters are used almost in every home. The AYUSH ministry has recommended them in their protocol against COVID-19. I combine them with  homeopathy.


Did your approach change the last two-three months of the epidemic? How has new medical data influenced your protocol?


Yes. Many new symptoms, signs and pathologies are getting added as the new disease Covid-19 is unfolding itself over the human species. The new information which is pouring in from many sources needs to be integrated with homeopathic thinking.

Yes, there is a change in approach. If a tiny corona virus is causing huge change in the world, it should also make a change in the approach of a homeopath.

However, even with changing patterns of the disease, the PQRS symptoms are yet scanty. In contagious diseases, when we consider the affliction of the masses, we get more common/disease/pathognomic symptoms.

Hahnemann § 101

”It may easily happen that in the first case of an epidemic disease that presents itself to the physician’s notice he does not at once obtain a knowledge of its complete picture, as it is only by a close observation of several cases of every such collective disease that he can become conversant with the totality of its signs and symptoms.”

These words of Hahnemann explain to the homeopath that:

A homeopath must study the disease
He must study collectively and
He must select GE on the basis of totality of signs and symptoms
In view of collective and modified data through evolution, as obtained through various sources (ultimately they are related to the COVID-19 patients), I offer my redefined work.



First the focus was chiefly on the lungs in terms of ground-glass opacities and ARDS.  Now it is clear that Corona virus doesn’t just target the lungs. Through cytokine storm, it damages many organs.

Gastrointestinal: Diarrhoea and vomiting. Liver: Acute hepatitis.
Musculoskeletal: Body ache. Soreness and achiness in the muscles that can range from mild to severe. A painful sensation in any part of the head, ranging from sharp to dull.
Neurologic system: Loss of smell and taste. Tingling sensation. Confusion. Dizziness. Seizures. Loss of consciousness. Thrombosis in brain.
Heart: Myocarditis. Arrythmia. Cardiac arrest.
Eyes: Conjunctivitis/Pink eye.
Kidneys: Blood or protein in urine. Renal shut down.
Blood: Formation of thick blood clots in kidneys, lungs and brains leading to thrombosis, embolism and strokes. Bluish lips or face.

Autopsy: Diffuse aleveolar damage and chronic inflammation and oedema in the bronchial mucosa. Acute bronchopneumonia with aspiration. Endothelial vascular thrombosis, with the corresponding diffuse thrombosis of the lung (26).

Air bronchogram: Gelatinous mucus attachment in the lung bronchus; instead of air. Bronchiolar dilatation (bronchiolectasis). (Dry cough in COVID-19 patients, may be explained by high viscosity of mucus and damage of dilated bronchioles, resulting in insufficient sputum motility).

CT scan of chest: Fibrosis or fibrous stripes. Air bubble sign. Nodules. Halo sign. Ground-glass opacities. Mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Pericardial effusion.

CT scan of brain: Inflammation, oedema, thrombosis, necrosis.


Coronavirus is coated in S protein and attaches to ACE2 receptors on host cells. As a parasite, the virus will replicate, destroy the host cell and go for the next nearest cell with ACE2 receptor (potentially anywhere in the body). The most relevant ACE2 receptor-rich cells are the critical surfactant-producing “type-2 pneumocytes” found in the lungs, specially the alveoli. If enough of these cells go down, the alveoli can’t maintain surface tension and collapse causing ARDS.

To make matters worse, auto-immune reactions destroy even more cells as the immune system creates a super-inflammatory response producing mucus and pouring liquid into healthy alveoli and blocking O2. Heart muscle has a large amount of ACE2 receptors, and the virus causes fulminant myocarditis and cardiac arrest. The picture is like disseminated intravascular coagulation (thrombosis).


CRS occurs when large numbers of WBCs including B cells, T cells, natural killer cells, macrophages, dendritic cells and monocytes are activated and release inflammatory cytokines which activate more WBCs in a positive feedback loop of pathogenic inflammation.

Symptoms include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, rashes, fast breathing, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, seizures, headache, confusion, delirium, hallucinations, tremor, and loss of coordination.  The symptoms match with COVID-19. Cytokine storm explicitly indicates the Tubercular miasm heading towards Syphilitic miasm.


The following changes are worthy to note from November 19 onwards up to 17th April, 2020.

There are more cases of asymptomatic types. There are no symptoms, but the corona test is positive.
‘Happy hypoxia’, a state where 02 concentration in the blood goes low (about 60%) but the patient doesn’t feel any discomfort and is laughing and chatting till they deteriorate rapidly and collapse.
ARDS is caused in many cases by bacteria or viruses or of combination of pathogens, but in Covid-19 it is caused by just one virus. In other words, the single virus is very potent to cause damage.
Pink eye (conjunctivitis).
Coughing blood and tingling all over the body have also been reported by some covid patients.
Skin: Covid toes. “Purple lesions” on feet or hands. The condition usually starts with red or purple discoloration, and the skin and may become raised like bumps or develop ulcerations. The skin is hot, burning or itchy; < touch. (Two hypotheses- due to inflammation or blood clots). Gangrene in severe cases.
Pathologic basis for the COVID-19 pneumonia are advanced Diffuse Alveolar Damage (DAD) and superimposed bacterial pneumonia in some patients.

a. Nature of disease

Per acute. Sub-acute. Later auto-immune activity.
b. Phase of the disease

c. Location

ACE2 receptors. Vital organs in the body such as lungs, kidneys, heart, brain. Skin. Lungs, chief locus.
d. Pathology

Explained already. See Monogram.
e. Monogram

f. Pattern of response

Usually gradual. Sudden. Progressive.
g. Pace of disease

Slow then rapid. Rapid.
h. Susceptibility

Lack of reaction. (Asymptomatic cases more than 60%. When the pathology is advanced, there is lack of reaction. We get lack of reaction at both ends-at the beginning and at the end of disease process).
i. Miasmatic assessment

With new information of auto-immune response playing its role in super-inflammation and cytokine storm and complications including thrombosis and bleeding, the Syphilis miasm becomes dominant in the later part of the COVID-19 disease.
The form: Syphilis3Tubercle2

There is neither ‘pneumonia’ nor ARDS. COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia by binding to the heme groups in ntipyrine in the RBCs resulting in desaturating 02 and eventually leading to organ failure. Gaiziunas argues that, it is the oxidative stress and not the pneumonia that causes all the woes including bilateral ground glass opacity in the lungs.
What the experts say?

The claim that Covid-19 causes hypoxia because the causative virus binds to haemoglobin inside RBCs is unsupported. The mechanisms proposed by Gaiziunas are founded on little to no scientific evidence, are highly implausible given what is already known about haemoglobin.

We should focus on hypoxia, in any way because this is the result. The remedy must have hypoxia or sub-oxidation.

Corona Virus (Covid-19) – A Homeopathic Perspective Update II 2
Two rubrics from Complete Dynamics

Generalities; reaction; lack of; danger, acute: ambr ars camph lyc posit

Heart & circulation; thrombosis: acet-ac ACETAN acon am-c am-caust ntipyrine APIS aquila-a arn ARS ba-sv bac bell-p benz biti-g BOTH-L bufo CALC-AR carb-v CARD-M chlorpr cortico crat CROT-H euph-pu FL-AC flor-p gels gink haliae-lc HAM hed hir interf ip KALI-CHL KALI-M kalm kres lach lat-m mag-f NAT-S OP OSM phos prot queb rad-br rhus-t SEC stront-I tarent-c thuj VIP



There is no reason to drift away from Arsenicum album as a Genus epidemicus. Arsenicum album does cover the modified portrait of COVID-19 in a qualitative manner.

The five rubrics, listed above, deal with the supervened pathology when COVID-19 is unfolding its destructive sway. Tubeculinum should retain its position in view of the ‘storm’ and the pathologies, it has in its pathogenesis.

Sulphur, Carbolic-acid and Hippozaeninum fall short in the recent study, though they have a field of their own. If Arsenicum album fails, my second choice is Phosphorus as GE.

TREATMENT OF COVID-19  Clinical tips of important remedies

The shift is now more for the remedies having hypoxia and thrombosis. However, it doesn’t mean that we have to neglect the sepsis as it is also a feature.


It covers oxidative stress, thrombosis, cardiac and respiratory collapse.
It is worth reading poisoning effects and Materia medica of this remedy.
Cyanosis and collapse. Destroys red blood cells. Mucous membrane blue.

Toxemia, disorganized blood.
Deficient oxygenation of blood. Adynamia and low states.
Shock stage of virulent fulminating/fulgurating toxemic diseases.
Hypoxia, thrombosis, respiratory and cardiac collapse.
Starts with congestions catarrhal, toxic or hemorrhagic (leading to brain stroke, thrombosis, gangrene etc.); acrid, hot, adherent secretions. But soon declining into low states, even collapse. From common cold to collapse.
In desperate cases (like shock), a sheet-anchor like Acet-ac., Acetan., Acon., Ant-t., Ars., Camph., Carb-v., Verat.
Blood: A well-defined tendency to breakdown of blood, dissolution of RBCs. Hemorrhage: from many parts; acrid, thin, dark or even decomposing. Blood poisoning, septic or from CO2.

Is an intensified, and close-up, of Carb-v. stands between its earlier and later stages.
Is a chemical snake (hence considered inimical to ). Similar in blueness, somnolence shock and hemorrhage but Am-c. is right sided, chilly and less sensitive than Lach.
Complementary: Adon., , Calc., Lyc., Phos., Sep., Stroph., Thuj., Verat.
Rescue remedies: Acet-ac., Acetan., Acon., Am-c., Ant-t., Ars., Camph., Carb-v., Crat., Crot-h., Dig., Hydr-ac., Kali-p., Laur., Verat.

Antim-tart and Antim-ars are more for severe to critical stages.
Rattling of mucus with less expectoration is characteristic of Antim group.
They cover the poor hemodynamic condition coupled with ARDS. But they do not have strong pathology of thrombosis and bleeding.

Nose: Flapping of nostrils; with quietness and respiratory symptoms like
Cough: Loose, rattling, much mucous expectoration, < lying down, eating. Strangling cough.
Dyspnea: Excessive; hard wheezing, rattling breathing, cannot lie, cyanosis; restless.
Pneumonia: Catarrhal; with influenza. Hypostatic pneumonia. Old (right or 1eft sided) pneumonias. Pulmonary sclerosis from (or not from) myocardial disease; severer than that disease would warrant, with emphysema.
Pleurisy: Serous or sero-fibrinous exudation on either side, but of right side it takes longer time for absorption. Pleurisy of 1eft side. Old pleuritic exudations, with sense of weakness.
Pleuro-pneumonia, esp. of (upper)1eft lung, with recent or old exudations; chiefly in desperate cases, threatening asphyxia, strength rapidly ebbing, pulse weak and rapid, cyanosis.
Heart: Endocarditis; after influenza, systolic murmurs, loose coarse rales over entire right lung, weak feeble pulse, temperature subnormal, profuse cold sweat over face and upper part of body (Dr. Royal). CCF; 1eft heart failure with nocturnal attacks of breathlessness, rattling, High B.P; after influenza, nephritis or pleurisy.                                                  

Onset usually sudden.
Congestion, oedema, thrombosis and collapse characterize this remedy. But in my experience, it is more for oedema than thrombosis.
When CT scan report will reveal much oedema in brain or lungs, or if there is anasarca, think of Apis mel.
Red rosy hue, intolerance of heat, slight touch < and sting like spots on skin typify Apis mel.
In severe encephalopathy with stupor, starting, sudden sharp cries, confusion and dizziness.

Pictures, in part,
Very acute or delayed onset.
Frequent relapses; very long drawn out recovery; very slow resolution.

Thin, acrid coryza; fullness better in open air, < in a warm room. Contusion-like pain within nose.
Rhinitis with sinusitis; spasmodic (hay fever); blocked nose; epistaxis.

Dyspnea: On smallest exertion, out of proportion to the physical signs. “Never seen such dyspnea and such, tough expectoration” (Griggs). Laryngismus stridulus (Brom.).
Cough: From irritation behind sternum (or pain there). Cannot cough (deep) enough, yet little expectoration. Rattling cough better in warm room, worse bending backwards, smoke. Suffocating croupy cough, sticky mucus, and intense pain behind sternum. Dry, deep, painful cough.
Expectoration: Sweet; tough; not rusty; blood-streaked.
Pneumonia: Influenza-pneumonia or pneumonia. Chronic interstitial pneumonia. Atypical and viral pneumonia. Pneumoconiosis. Sarcoids in lungs.
X-ray shows “snow-storm” like picture (as in miliary T.B. or intense infiltration). Multiple areas of soft tissue infiltration, later leaving a nodular appearance.

Behaviour: Insidious, slowly advancing but forcible processes, proceeding slowly from organ to organ until finally the principal organ-the target of pathological changes, the ‘unyielding tissues’ is reached. Regarded as slow in pace; however, some acute illnesses (like ‘flu) may come on with rapidity.
Inflammation: Where tenseness and swelling dominate the other features (redness, pain, heat). Inflammations that have become localized and advanced to the stage of serous effusions.
Violent effects.
Pneumonia: Gradual onset; congested, heavy- looking patient; dusky face; lips dry and cracked; headache < sitting up. Tongue:  thick, white coating with bitter taste. Dry mouth with thirst for large quantities of cold water. Doesn’t want to be disturbed; < contradiction. Usually right sided or pleuro- pneumonia; sharp pains < motion, > lying on painful side, pressure. Cough with intense pain in chest. Typical ‘going home’ and ‘business’ delirium.
Pleurisy: Friction murmurs in pleura. Dry pleurisy during pneumonia, pericarditis or phthisis. Pleuritic exudation when sharp pains continue; right side (Ferr-p.). After pleurisy a dull uneasy sensation inside.
Pleurodynia: Pain > lying on abdomen and painful side; pain in clavicles, then below nipples, first began in left, now like a horizontal strip of pain, lies on right side (which is less painful), no pain while lying on back, pain while coughing or sneezing.

A hemotoxic like or Bapt. or Lach. but with less zymosis, more paralysis and no disorganization. Vitality more degraded should suggest Bapt., Crot-h. or Lach.
In are mistaken early stages of the following medicines (i.e. they may be required when vitality is down beyond the capacity of Bry.): Bapt., Chel., Colch., Hyos., Lach., Mur-ac., Zinc.  

Hypoxia is central to carbon remedies. One more characteristic is GIT complaints, chiefly of distension of abdomen and flatulence. Carbn-sul, Carb-veg, Carbn-o, Carbmc are more indicated.

Although only Carb-v. is listed under Thrombosis, I will recommend to include all carbon remedies. Out of all carbon remedies, Carbn-s. has affinity for brain and nerves in general and it is a good choice in COVID-19 cases when neurological signs and symptoms such as loss of taste and smell, tingling etc appear. Zinc-met should be compared with Carbn-s., here.


Blood stagnate in the capillaries, causing blueness, coldness and ecchymosis. Body becomes blue, icy cold.
Bacteria find a rich soil in the nearly lifeless blood stream and sepsis.
Complaints are suspiciously insensible or painless.
Haemorrhage from any mucous surface; blood dark, oozing; from shock, after surgical operations, persistent for hours or days.
A lowered vitality from loss of fluids, after drugging. Consequences of abuse of China i.e. Hydroxychloroquine.
Last stages of disease: With copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, head hot; pulse imperceptible; oppressed and quickened respiration, and must have air, must be fanned hard, and loss of voice, the remedy may save life.
Want of susceptibility to well-selected remedies.
Pneumonia: Neglected, advanced; late stage; suppurative stage; with cyanosis.
Putridity: Tendency to putrid decomposition, disintegration; transition of inflammations into foul, septic and gangrenous forms.
Distinguished from Arsenic album by torpor and indolence.
Must be thought of in COVID-19 when a blend of thrombosis, bleeding, sepsis and shock are present.
More indicated for old people and corona virus attacks old people more.

Include all snake remedies under Thrombosis. Highly indicated: Bothrops lanceolatus, Crotalus cascavella, Crotalus hor, Lachesis, Naja, Vipera etc.


“Crot-h. affects the organism more powerfully and thoroughly than and therefore can cure many cases left out by it or Pyrog.” (Mure).
Is an intensified (its nearest analogue), Camph., Helo., Lach., Pyro.
Is a rescue remedy like Am-c., Ant-t., Arn., Cact., Camph., Carb-v., Crat., Hydr-ac., Kali-p., Lat-m., Laur.
Its range is more intensified [though narrower than its collateral (is its close-up so to say)] and it can meet very grave stages beyond the ken of Bufo, Lach., Pyrog., or even Carb-v. (e.g. hepatitis-B or hemolysis ultima).
Withal, its range is more acute, less sub-acute and not at all the enduring chronic or constitutional.
We have already mentioned Crot-h for Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in Absolute Materia medica.
Inter-relations between snake remedies are interesting: Crot-h. acts more on the blood and less on the heart, Naja more the heart and the blood but little; acts decisively on both. Naja is chilly while Crot-h. and Lach. are hot. Naja, Crot-h. terminate life more rapidly than Lach. Crot-h. Crot-h. presents a further deterioration than that of Lach. the break-down is there complete. Naja patients are less congested, less bloated-looking and a little paler than Lach.

Nose: Severe, coryza, thin, acrid secretion; nose sore, hot and swollen. Flow of water from nose.
Followed by intense sneezing, which > breathing
Throat: Roughness and scraping in throat. Suffocative choking grasps the throat. Constriction and dryness of throat.
Respiratory: Suffocative spells after sleeping (Lach.). Dyspnoea, < lying down. Respiration: Slow, shallow and scarcely perceptible; laboured and difficult; gasping for breath.
Heart: Damaged heart after infectious diseases. Acute myocarditis. Attacks of severe stitching pains, in region of heart, during which respirations almost cease and death seems impending.

Naja venom contains Zinc. So, when neurological symptoms are associated with cardiac symptoms, think of Naja.
Appearance: Naja patient looks puffy and cold. Lips dry, parched and cracked. Purple sordes on lips, gums and tongue.
Less haemorrhage but more oedema.
Is not a septic or hemorrhagic remedy (like Crot-h., Lach.).
Concomitant symptom of loss of control of sphincters.
A state of collapse.

Nose: Coryza with violent sneezing and acrid water; with coldness in the extremities, < morning; with fever from afternoon till morning, hot head and congested face, going down into the throat-tonsils, heaviness in the extremities, fullness at root; with muscular weakness, lethargy, sleepiness, thirstlessness.
Chills running up and down back, hugs the fire.
Throat: Feels rough. Burning. Feeling of a lump in throat that cannot be swallowed. Pain, extending to ears; swallowing causes pain in ear (Hep.). Sore throats, mostly catarrhal, rarely ulcerative, no exudate > warm drinks (swallowing warm fluids less difficult). Aphonia. Tonsillitis: Pain from throat into ear; painful spot deep in tonsil; rapid progress (Dewey).
Cough: Dry with sore chest and fluent coryza, < in spring.
Pneumonia: Catarrhal pneumonia from debility on return of warm weather at close of winter. Congestive pneumonia.
Dyspnoea: Severe attacks of dyspnoea with fullness and heaviness in middle of chest, threatening suffocation, desire for fresh air, cold extremities; with serous coryza; in winter chest colds. Long croupy (crowing) inspiration and sudden forcible expiration.

represents an early stage /mild form of Bapt., Carbn-s., Cur., Echin., Hell., Op., Verat-v., Zinc.
Gels. is midway between and Bapt. It partakes some properties of both Bell. and Bapt. but lacks violency of Bell. and toxicity of Bapt.
Am-c.: Is an early Bapt. appears to be the later stage of both Am-c. and Gels. Gels. stands between its earlier and later stages. Gels. is a sycotic and vegetable Lach. while Am-c. is a chemical snake. Hence the trio Am-c.-Gels.-Lach.

A neglected remedy against tubercular, tuberculo-syphilitic complaints (like Ars.)
Hemorrhagic tendency. Oozing of dark blood, coldness, with prostration.
Thrombosis, bleeding, collapse and syphilitic miasm.
Stront-c has haemorrhage and it is also for consequences of haemorrhage (like Chin.).
Stront-iod is also an interesting idea.

A mild and chilly Lach.
A version of Naja.
A less intensified Crot-h.
A timid and sober Ferr.

Phosphorus is appearing strongly. Rather, it can become a mainstay of ICU and should be competed with Lachesis and Crot-hor.
It is ironical that Phos is not mentioned under thrombosis but include it in your repertory notes.

All Lobelia remedies have respiratory problems.
Lobelia inflata and Lobelia purpurascens are for arrested respiration.
Short inhalation but long and deep exhalation; dyspnoea so severe as to cause fear of death; sudden and most urgent oppression characterize Lobelia inflata.


Ars-alb, Bryonia alba, Beryllium, Chelidonium, Eup-perfoliatum, Ferrum-phos, Gelsemium, Hepar sulph, Merc-sol, Merc-cy.

Acetanilidum, Apis mel, Ars-alb, Antim-ars, Antim-tart, Beryllium, Bryonia, Camphor, Kali-carb, Kali-iod, Lobelia inflata, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Pyrogen, Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Ammon-carb, Ars-alb, Antim-tart, Antim-ars, Camphor, Carbolic-acid, Carb-veg, Crotalus-hor, Hippozeaninum, Kali-iod, Lachesis, Naja, Phosphorus, Strontium-carb

In the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, all investigators of various disciplines –virologists, microbiologists, chemists, pharmacologists, pathologists, physicians of all therapies – should come forward to study homeopathy. There must be adequate funding to make breakthrough research about homeopathy in general and for some remedies like Bacillinum, Tuberculinum, Corona virus nosode and other prominent remedies mentioned for the sake of treatment at various stages of COVID-19.

It is time to study Hahnemann, the Father of Experimental Pharmacology. The Corona outbreak is a wake-up call to look at the paradigms through a different lens. Are we ready?
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Homeopathic Treatment of COVID-19 / SARS-Cov-2

Dr. Filip Degroote shares his thoughts on the homeopathic treatment of COVID-19. He treats patients constitutionally and also uses miasmatic remedies as well as sometimes using the covid nosode. He also uses ‘Energetic Examination’ to confirm the remedy.

This treatment of Covid-19 has to be built in the first place on the ‘individual remedy’ of the patient  (supplemented by the ancestral correction mostly by administering Psorinum), verified by the E.E. Then, further application of the E.E. reveals  in most of the cases the need of the isopathic nosode, which will help to accelerate a total healing during the first stages of the epidemic.

When confronted with a hospitalised patient in the last stage, a more clinical approach can be considered.



Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses include some cases of the common cold (which has other possible causes, predominantly  rhinoviruses) especially in winter and early spring, while more lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS and COVID-19.

Symptoms in other species vary: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract disease, while in cows and pigs they cause diarrhea. Of the more than 30 strains of the coronavirus isolated in the laboratory, there are seven variants that can infect humans:

SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19, also called Wuhan-virus, which caused in 2020 the Corona-panepidemic.
SARS, MERS and SARS-CoV-2 can cause lethal lung infections.

Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2:

The genetic material of Covid-19 consists of a positive single stranded RNA. Covid-19 has barely 15 genes and 27 proteins, while humans have about 25,000 genes and 20,000 proteins. And yet the new coronavirus – a billionth of a meter in size – manages to bring our entire society to a halt.


– A-variant: Wuhan (China) – source: can bats — USA

– B-variant: Azia (low virulence towards European people)

– C-variant: in Europe coming from Singapore, Hongkong and South Korea

Homeopathic Treatment of COVID-19 / SARS-Cov-2 2
High risk population :

Eldery people (men more than women)
People suffering from chronic diseases
People having blood type A = risk is 20% higher (in contrast with blood type O which is much less sensitive).
An elevated ferritine level seems to have a link to the possibility of developing the ‘cytokine release / storm syndrome’.
The viral survival and contamination:

The infectious amount decreases by half after 3 hours. Researchers have reached this conclusion by determining the TCID50 (Tissue Culture Infectious Dose), the dose that decreases a given concentration of target cells by 50% due to a cytopathogenic effect. Based on this, viability was estimated at 24 hours on cardboard and 2-3 days on plastic and stainless steel.

The Sars-CoV-2 could not longer be detected on printing paper and tissues after 3 hours and on wood and tissue after 2 days. The virus was detected the longest on smooth surfaces such as glass (4 days) and plastic and stainless steel (7 days). After 7 days, the virus could still be found on the outside of surgical masks (approximately 0.1% of the original inoculum).

Other studies suggest that the estimated median half-life of SARS-CoV-2 was approximately 5.6 hours on stainless steel and 6.8 hours on plastic. (Dr. van Doremalen, Mr. Bushmaker, and Mr. Morris;  NEJM.org , March 17, 2020)

Latest information: The estimated viability on copper is 4 hours, 24 hours on cardboard, and 2 to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel. The survival on clothing seems to be very limited. (Domus Medica, Belgium, 29/04/2020)

Some recent studies suggest that patiënts can continue to secrete SARS-CoV-2 virus up to 6 weeks after the first symptoms started.

Diagnosis :

RT- PCR-test

SARS CoV-2 IgM and IgG antibodies test

CT-scan thorax

Homeopathic Treatment During The Different Stages Of The Disease


a. Administration of the individual remedy of the patient, if indications are present! This makes the patient ready to defend him/herself.

b. Administering a preventive remedy.

c. Ocillococcinum or influenzinum in case of flu.

The preventive administration of such a nosode is not justified if not confirmed by Energetic Testing.  Moreover, by administering a wrong remedy the energy of the patient disrupts and weakens instead of strenghtening.

2.ACUTE (curative) :

Symptoms and course of the disease:

1. Incubation time: Symptoms develop 2 -14 days after viral exposure. The highest virulence is about 3 days before the first symptoms appear and the first days of the acute phase. During those first days, before the onset of the first symptoms, the infection is already passed on through the normal contacts, without being aware of it. Only 10% of the patients who test positive develop flu symptoms, including fever, myalgia.

2. Mild symptoms (dry cough and fever).

(1.) At first it is like an ordinary flu. Fever (90%), dry cough (70%) and fatigue (40%). Rarely diarrhea, little myalgia, sore throat and headache. = ‘First stage’.

In 30% one of the first symptoms is a loss of smell and taste.

(2.) After a week one often feels healed and even very fine during about 2 days. ( Feels well before going worse) = ‘Second stage’.

III. Possible evolution to a ‘Third stage’: dyspnea / pneumonia / ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome or shocklung).

(3.) The dry cough persists and the patient quickly becomes short of breath, which requires admission to a hospital (IC unit). It feels like there is a brick lying on the chest or a band around the chest, as if the lungs are no longer able to fill completely.

Severe lung damage occurs in about 20% of patients admitted to hospital (ICU). This is attributed to an excessive production of cytokines, a hyper-immune response that can even lead to a cytokine storm syndrome.

On CT scan it is seen that the alveoli at the level of the lung base are filled with pus and fuse so that hepatisation of the lung develops.

Afterwards (after leaving the hospital), patients may remain contagious for approximately 14 days (or more) and therefore have to remain quarantined at home for another 2 weeks.

General rehabilitation (of muscles, heart and lungs) after intubation / ventilation is an average of 1 week or more per day of intubation, depending on the age of the patient.

Unique Place in the Treatment of Covid-19 by Isopathy:

Covid-19 remedy : radionic code rate = 894835

Covid-19  nosode available from homeopathic companies:

Gudjons pharmacy, Germany
It’s called sputum. To order, order “Sputum” (as they can’t name it Corona officially, too risky in public).

Farmacy Sollie (Antwerp) : made of the sputum of a Covid-19 positive woman.
1. Energetic testing reveals the following energetic imbalance:

Hypotony of the right m. supraspinatus little finger upward

Hypotony of the left m. latissimus dorsi

Hypotony of the left m. gluteus medius

Hypotony of the right m. soleus

Hypotony of the right m. quadriceps femoris

There is also a Therapy Localisation at the Acupuncture point Lung 2, left.

(With Eyes Closed there is a hypotony of the right m. latissimus dorsi)

2. The prescription approach is like I treat flu as well preventively as curatively:

See: www.flilip.degroote : Publications, ‘Influenza and sycosis’

a.First the individual remedy, followed by (usually) Psorinum.

b. Then:

– Let the patient close the eyes for about 5 seconds. Then mostly, if the nosode is indicated the energetic picture will appear.

– In case it doesn’t appear, then try a glabella tapping with eyes open (without winking). Then sometimes the energetic picture of Covid-19 at last appears.

So, if the nosode Covid-19 becomes indicated, the muscle tests will appear!

Then of course administer the nosode.

(If you have a radionic machine at your disposal, the current dose is mostly MK, which can be directly administered via the right thumb.)

NB: Do not blindly administer preventively this isopathic nosode!!

Schedule of Therapy

Stage 1:

Cough, fever, pain in muscles and joints, coryza, loss of smell and taste, headache, nose obstruction, sinusitis, nausea, weakness, restless, anxiety,

– Suggested remedies in the literature: bry., gels. (= anti-flu remedies – Vithoulkas), ant-ars., ant-t., ascl-t., eup-per., merc., phos., ph-ac.,  …


First the individual remedy of the patient, based on peculiar symptoms and dreams originating from before the Covid-19 disease, followed by (usually) Psorinum, and then – moslty confirmed by the Energetic Examination – the isopathic Covid-19 nosode.

Stage 2:  (INTERMEZZO) : the patient feels well

Stage 3:  Severe pneumonia, myocarditis, pericarditis, …

… day 10: cytokine storm syndrome leading to ARDS and multiorgan failure.

Probably important symptoms to be taken into account:

‘Respiration, difficult, lying on abdomen amel.’

Only to be found in the rubric: Generalities, Lying on abdomen amel.

(Also similar:  Respiration: difficult, lying on back agg.; lying on back agg.)

Feels well before getting worse

The following remedies, mostly selected on clinical symptoms, score the best: (acon.), ant-ars., ant-t., ars., ars-i., ascl-t., bell., bry., (calc-p.), chel., hep., iod., kali-c., kali-i., (lyc.), nit-ac.,  nux-v., ph-ac., phos., psor., stann., sulph. (californium, pyrogenium, radon.

NB: Relation  ‘Acon. – Sulph.’: I want to remind you of the relation between the acute remedy Aconitum and its chronic remedy Sulphur, in the way Kent reports:

Kent: Lesser Writings, page 506:

‘ A case of pneumonia that has reached to the stage of exudation and where the patient is in a state of mental anxiety. You find Aconitum to be indicated, but as sure as you give it you will fail. When I first commenced prescribing I gave Aconite and I never had anything but failure. Give Sulphur at once and you will cure the patient. I say in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred give Sulphur! ‘

EXAMPLES (my own cases with mild symptoms) :

A little boy of 15 months old has fever and cries violently, and even more when the mother tries to console him. On the other hand he calms while putting a cold hand on his left ear.
Clinical examination reveals a left otitis media and cold hands during fever.

A remarkable symptom to me was that the mother told me that he had frequent copious stools during the last weeks in the evening.

So, Aurum metallicum was found:

Homeopathic Treatment of COVID-19 / SARS-Cov-2 3
So I administered him Aur.  (supplemented with Psorinum). Then after keeping his eyes closed during a few seconds the energetic picture of Covid-19 appeared and so Covid-19 MK could be administered. The little boy recovered soon and is still OK!

2.A man of 72 years old, suffering from recurrent colds, came with a sudden upset of cough and dyspnoea. Also he had throat pain on swallowing, as if grasped with a hand around the throat, preventng him from breathing. He also had, several times, a stitching pain at height of the left parasternal intercostal space.

He could tell about two dreams:

In the first dream he and his wife were walking. At a certain place his wife noticed acquaintances in a feast hall and she wanted to greet them. While she entered, he waited outside and was distracted by a silly jumping cat-like animal so that they missed each other and each of them returned home separately.

In another dream he noticed that the waist belt a man was wearing, was actually a snake!

Lachesis is the simillimum!

Symptoms and themes:

Throat, Constriction, as if grasped by a hand

Pain, 4° intercostal space, parasternal, left (= an energetic painful point – Pladys , A.)

Snake themes:

Dream, separated (as result of being distracted)

Dreams, Waist belt is a snake

So I administered Lachesis (supplemented with Psorinum). Then after keeping his eyes closed during a few seconds the energetic picture of Covid-19 appeared and so Covid-19 MK could be administered too. He soon got better with disappearance of all the symptoms.

ote: Sources concerning the  Energetic Examination (www.filipdegroote.be):

Physical Examination and Clinical Observations in Homeopathy, F. Degroote (1992 – revised and updated electronic edition 2014 – Radar Opus)

Notes on Miasms and Heredity, Filip Degroote (1° edition: 1994 / 2° edition: 2010)

Energetic Pictures, Filip Degroote, 2019 – Radar Opus

(Wrong) Search for a Genus Epidemicus

– My convinction:

There is not ‘one ’genus epidemicus. This conclusion is in analogy with my experience of the yearly flu-epidemic for the last 20 years.

The most important remedy during the first and second stage of the disease is the individual remedy of the patient which can act in 90% of the cases, both preventively as curatively, followed mostly by Psorinum (as ancestral correction)!   Then often the energetic indication to administer the isopathic Covid-19 remedy is found.

Since the outbreak of the Covid epidemic I found in about 70% of the cases ’with or without covid symptoms’ that besides the individual remedy and the nosode (mostly Psorinum)  the Covid-19 isopathic nosode must be supplemented. The healing effect in all cases was complete.

Further on, during the third stage, which is very severe during which hospitalisation is mostly necessary, about 10 % of the cases need an acute remedy or a remedy in relation to this severe pathology. This is to be followed afterwards, once better, by a deep individual treatment – cf. stage 1 and 2.

– This third stage, which is a ‘pathological’ state, is the stage on which most of my fellow homeopaths now are focused to find one of the ‘Covid-19 genus epidemicus’ remedies, based especially on clinical symptoms.


Report from P. Debaets / J. Sherr (20/04/2020)  concerning the treatment of Covid-19 and the search for a genus epidemicus:

Nosodes, related

Remedies related to classical drugs

ANISUM STELLATUM (related to Tamiflu®)
CHINA (cf. hydrochloroquine, an anti-malaria remedy)
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) -A Homeopathic Perspective Update III

Dr. Ajit Kulkarni answers readers’ questions about the clinical approach to asymptomatic patients, treating and preventing lung and other organ pathologies during progressive stages of Covid-19, increasing lung function after covid-19, and the role of RNA in Covid-19

Cytokine storm (a rubric prepared by Dr Ajit Kulkarni)
ACET-AC ACETAN ACON adren AM-C ANT-M ANT-A ANT-T ANTHR ANTIPYRIN APIS arn ARS ARS-H ARS-I bapt bell calc-ar CAMPH CARB-AC CARB-AN CARB-V CARBN-S carc CHIN crat CROT-H CUPR CUPR-ACET CUPR-AR DIG ELAPS ferr ferr-p glon graph HELL HYOS hippoz HYDR-AC iod ion-rad KALI-BR kali-n KALI-P kreos LACH lat-m LAUR lob lyc MED MERC merc-c merc-cy mur-ac NAJA op ox-ac ph-ac PHOS plb PSOR PYROG SEC SENEG SEP stann stram STRONT-C STRY SUL-AC SULPH TAB thymu TUB VERAT VERAT-V vip ZINC zinc-m

Cytokine storm represents the tubercular miasm. If the pathological changes become irreversible, the patient lands in the syphilitic miasm. Apart from many remedies which can be used to tide over the acute crisis as developed after cytokine storm, one of the nosodes is Tuberculinum.

It is observed in Covid-19 cases that the fever gets resolved within a span of 3-5 days even without any treatment. Then oxygen saturation has to be monitored. Usually it starts falling from 5-7 days onwards. In severe cases, it may fall early too.

If fever is intense (39.4°C (103°F) to 40°C (104°F), right from the onset, usually it is not Covid-19 infection. Most patients demonstrate the pattern of response of gradual onset followed by rapid development.

Usually a correct homeopathic remedy should bring fever to normal within 24 hours. If fever is the same, or increased and generals are not better, reconsider the remedy. If you are quite sure that the remedy is the same, give the same remedy in high potency every 3-4 hours.

It is necessary to explore biomarkers to determine the extent of lung lesions and disease severity. Patients with positive RT-PCR had significantly higher neutrophil count and C-reactive protein (CRP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and Urea levels in serum.

In addition, patients with positive RT-PCR had lower white blood cell (WBC) count and serum albumin level compared to others. ALT), CRP, NEU, LDH and Urea had very good accuracy in predicting cases with positive RT-PCR for COVID-19, respectively. Interleukin 6 (IL6) and Ferritin levels also have a big share in prognosis

CRP is an indicator of inflammation. There is correlation between CRP levels, lung lesions and disease severity and this can provide reference for clinical treatment. CRP levels can be used in the early diagnosis of pneumonia and patients presenting with severe pneumonia are found to have high CRP levels. Hence, CRP levels should be used as a key indicator for disease monitoring. (95)

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a multi-functional cytokine that regulates immune responses, acute phase reactions, haematopoiesis and may play a central role in host defence mechanisms. IL-6 is usually not produced constitutively by normal cells, but its expression is readily induced by a variety of cytokines, lipopolysaccharide or viral infections.
When COVID-19 infects the upper and lower respiratory tract it can cause mild or highly acute respiratory syndrome with consequent release of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-6. Increased IL-6 in serum is expected to predict the severity of pneumonia and the prognosis of patients.

Ferritin is the cellular storage protein for iron. Elevated levels of ferritin, or hyperferritinemia, may indicate severe COVID-19. Ferritin is able to activate macrophages which play a critical role in innate immunity. This is evidenced by hyperferritinemia in patients with septic shock. When activated, macrophages begin to secrete cytokines. At high levels, the so called “cytokine storm” develops. Thus, hyperferritinemia has been associated with severity and adverse outcome.

Normal ferritin levels range from 12 to 300 nanograms per milliliter of blood (ng/mL) for males and 12 to 150 ng/mL for females. In Covid-19, if the ferritin level crosses 500, you must expect active lung pathology and if it crosses 1000 ng/ml, the prognosis is not good.

High Ferritin level (a rubric prepared by Dr Ajit Kulkarni)
Ferritin, high/Iron overload: adren ant-c antoa ant-t arn ARS ars-h ars-i bell bry cadm calc-a calc calc-p CHIN CHIN-AR CHIN-S cob-n cupr FERR-AR FERR-I FERR-M FERR-P HEP iod ip LACH lyc merc mur-ac nat-m Phos, plb PULS sec, SUL thea TUB vanad verat ZINC

It is interesting to note that excess of iron in the body causes skin colour change which becomes bronze and Adren, Sec and Tub do cover this rubric (Skin; bronze).
In this rubric, there is Ant-c also. If one Antimony is available, we can include the other two grand remedies – Antim-ars and Antim-tart and this explains why they are useful in averting the lung pathologies and cytokine storm.

Incidentally, I mention the recent finding that COVID-19 could accelerate activation of dormant tuberculosis. If the novel coronavirus activates a sizable proportion of these dormant infections, it could severely upset the global health. Tuberculinum (and Bacillinum too) could help avert a global TB pandemic.

The researchers say that CoV infections could be causing lung inflammation that leads to reactivation of dormant TB in the lung. Others say that both lung lesions and liver infection by the mycobacteria, are enhanced by the presence of influenza A which also shows a type I interferon signaling pathway that increases mycobacterial growth. (93)

It is clinically verified that patients of TB are highly susceptible to influenza.

In Tuberculinum, we have given the following indications in Absolute MM, “Rapid and complete physical break-down without any apparent cause, but generally after acute infections as pneumonia, influenza, no signs of vital reaction, declining, a running down without finding the right relief, or at best but temporary, in spite of well-selected remedies and best attention which fail to impress; they simply do a lip-service, without touching the deep-rooted dyscrasia and chronicity”. (43)

Tuberculinum should be a standby, an immediate deployment remedy, not only during Covid treatment but also after the patient has recovered from Covid. In view of neurological affection of corona virus, resulting in necrosis and thrombosis of brain, the patient is likely to develop organic psychosis and cognitive and behavioural problems and Tuberculinum is one of the prominent remedies.

For the prevention of progressive pathologies, I recommend two grand remedies Ferrum phos and Veratat-viride. Early intervention of them in Covid-19 cases will help avert the complications.

First stage of all inflammatory affections.
Can be use in early stage of all febrile conditions before exudation sets in
Susceptible to chest problems.
Hemorrhagic diathesis. Hemoptysis of pure blood in pneumonia.
Covers thrombosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Marked Prostration.
Act on hemoglobin, can improve oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin.
Laryngitis with fauces inflamed and red. Croup. Hoarseness. Much mucus in throat and rattling in chest.
Short, painful, tickling. Hard, dry and sore chest. < night. Hacking; < morning and evening; bending head forward or touching larynx; night or during day when asleep. Incessant, tormenting cough à epistaxis; < cold air.
Hemoptysis in pneumonia.
Congestion of lungs.
Very little thirst; first stage.
Pleurisy; stitching pain < coughing and deep breathing.
Ferr-p. is a remedy par excellence for inflammation. It is indicated when there is consolidation. The concomitant is bright red flushing. Ferr-p. usually runs a high temperature and has a rapid, bounding pulse.
Viral proteins rip off Ferritin from Hemoglobin which causes reduction in oxygen carrying capacity of RBCs leading to happy hypoxia. Abnormal Hemoglobinopathies are caused by corona virus and hemoglobin fails to carry sufficient O2.
Ferrum remedies such as Ferrum ars, Ferrum met and Ferrum phos are indicated at this stage. Ferum phos averts Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) and reduce the risk of thromboembolic episodes (cerebrovascular accident like stroke, infarction and myocardial Infarction.

Excitement and terror of Acon. is not observed in Ferr-p.
Midway between sthenic activity of Acon. and Bell. and the asthenic sluggishness and torpidity of Gels.
Earlier stage of Phos and Ver-vir.

Suddenness and violence. No haemorrhage.
Rapid violent congestive conditions.
Inflammations any and everywhere.
Shock: Peripheral circulatory failure and low blood pressure leads to: (Pictures) a vasovagal attack / syncope: pallor and cyanosis, cold, clammy sweat, slow respiration, dilatation of pupils, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, slight convulsion of face, trunk, arms. Causes: emotions, sudden fright, sight of blood, violent pains, severe fatigue. Subacute shocks (Nux-v.). Nervous shock, not due to depletion (unlike Carb-v. or ).
Tendency to cyanosis.
Collapse: Vomiting, very slow pulse, cold sweat.
Coma: Spasms, blue face.
Sub-acute allergic conditions (Bellokossy).
Nose looks pinched, blue, cold.
Sneezing rapid and persistent, with warm biting feeling in mouth.
Dyspnea with cold sweat on face. Bronchial asthma. Stertor (Op., Visc.). Violent cough from the very start. Cough < entering a warm room from cold (Phos.). Spasmodic cough from spinal congestion or cerebral irritation, with spasms. Croup, membranous.
Intense pulmonary congestion, great arterial excitement, high fever. Broncho-pneumonia patient not anxious (unlike ). Old pneumonic congestions with superadded acute pleurisy (Lyc.). Pneumonia with full, fast pulse, faint at stomach, violent (cerebral) congestion, arterial excitement, oppression and heaviness on chest, nausea, vomiting, expectoration of pus and florid blood, high fever.
Congestive and hepatization stages; flushed face like Bell., cold surface, constriction. Chest oppressed as from a heavy cold; with eruptive fever. Constrictive zigzag temperature. follows well later, dizziness, faintness on attempting to sit up, orthopnea, cold sweat and the ubiquitous nausea (symptoms of heart failure). (Burning) pain under one nipple. Croup with high fever, Phos. controls cough since but not fever, later convulsions.
Respiratory congestions of hypertensives. Chronic chest affection. Pleurisy, early stage, stitching pain, cannot breathe, must hold sides (). Pleurodynia more on left side, pain spasmodic, > walking, with nausea and gush of sweat.
Inflammatory affections of the heart and its membranes, especially those caused by infections.
First stage of inflammatory fevers in robust, plethoric persons (Ferr-p. in anemic). Farrington says, “Rather pictures asthenic fever of a low type.”
Fevers beginning with chilliness, nausea, vomiting and cold limbs. Intense critical excitement during febrile state with cerebral congestion (due to vascular irritation) or irritation of spinal centres.
A wonderful remedy in cytokine storm and application of this remedy will prevent damage to the lungs. It has a big sphere after Ferrum phos in tiding over the acute crisis.
Represents like Bell. or Ferr-p., the acute invasive stage of inflammation and is useful until the inflammation is fully established, but not later unlike , Phos. or Sulph. Has (like Op.) no anxiety or losing about as in Acon., but has the sthenic violence of Bell. and also the paleness of Ferr- p. is wanting. According to some writers Verat-v. will not reach beyond the sthenic stage like Bell. etc., hence not useful in conditions like typhoid, septic fever etc.
Brain group: Bapt., Gels., Op., Phos., Verat-v., Zinc.

There are 3 trios to be considered.
One of the important remedies for prevention of pathologies (after Ferr-p. and Ver-v.) is Ant-ars. A patient of Covid-19 where Ars-alb has helped only partially and the patient is developing severe breathlessness, think of Ant-ars.

General sick feeling. Sense of weakness. Great prostration, strength rapidly ebbing.
Flapping of nostrils; with quietness and respiratory symptoms like
Excessive dyspnea; hard wheezing, rattling breathing, cannot lie, worse a.m.; emphysema.
Cough: Loose, rattling, much mucous expectoration, < lying down, eating. Strangling cough.
Chest: Colds, bronchitis, marked dyspnea, rattling, wheezing, cyanosis from hard breathing.
Bronchiolitis; hyperventilation (rapid abdominal breathing), temp. 100, pulse 90, tongue clean, very restless, rapid heart- beats, CCF.
Pneumonia: Catarrhal; with influenza. Hypostatic pneumonia. Old (right or 1eft sided) pneumonias. Pulmonary sclerosis from (or not from) myocardial disease; severer than that disease would warrant, with emphysema.
Pleurisy: Serous or sero-fibrinous exudation on either side, but of right side it takes longer time for absorption. Pleurisy of left side. Old pleuritic exudations, with sense of weakness.
Pleuro-pneumonia, esp. of (upper) left lung, with recent or old exudations; chiefly in desperate cases, threatening asphyxia, strength rapidly ebbing, pulse weak and rapid, cyanosis.
Fibroid phthisis.
Pericarditis, with effusion. Myocarditis. Endocarditis; after influenza, systolic murmurs, loose coarse rales over entire right lung, weak feeble pulse, temperature subnormal, profuse cold sweat over face and upper part of body (Dr. Royal).
CCF; left heart failure with nocturnal attacks of breathlessness, rattling, High B.P; after influenza, nephritis or pleurisy.
Warm-blooded (unlike , but like Ars-i.). Restless (like Ars.) and rattling; expectoration (like Ant-t.).
Similar: Am-c., Ant-t., Ars., Aur., Hep., Lach., Merc., Phos., Puls., Stry-p., Sulph.
Clinical; hypoxia (a rubric prepared by Dr Ajit Kulkarni)
ACET-AC ACON AM-C am-caust ANT-AR ant-c ANT-T APIS ARN ARS ARS-I atro AUR bapt BELL bov brom bry butho-t CAMPH carb-an CARB-V CARBN-S CHIN CHLOL crat CROT-H CUPR cupr-ar cur DIG FERR ferr-i FERR-P GRAPH HELL HEP HYDR-AC just kali-c kali-cy kali-i Kali-n kreos LACH lat-m LAUR lyc merc merc-c mur-ac naja nat-s NICOT OP ph-ac PHOS PSOR pyr, samb sec spong stann stry SULPH TAB TUB VERAT VERAT-V vip zinc

Mechanism of fibrosis is complex and an individual’s immune forces are involved in repair.
Fibrosis is defined by the excessive accumulation of fibrous connective tissue (components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) such as collagen and fibronectin) in and around inflamed or damaged tissue, which can lead to permanent scarring, organ malfunction and ultimately death.
Fibrosis is the final and common pathological outcome of many inflammatory diseases. Although collagen deposition is an indispensable and typically reversible part of wound healing, normal tissue repair can evolve into a progressively irreversible fibrotic response if the tissue injury is severe or repetitive or if the wound-healing response itself becomes dysregulated.

What is your approach towards asymptomatic patients?
How do you treat and prevent lung and other organs pathologies during progressive stages of Covid-19? How can we increase the function of lungs after the patient is out of Covid-19 disease?
As a homeopath, how do you interpret the role of micro RNA in Covid-19?

What is your approach towards asymptomatic patients?
This is a pertinent question. Many homeopaths think that if there are no symptoms, no remedy is needed at both preventive and treatment level. But there are many issues that need to be looked into.

If we accept that ‘no’ homeopathy is needed, we are outrightly rejecting the contribution of Hahnemann of Genus Epidemicus (GE). This is not only a discredit to Hahnemann but also to fellow homeopaths who successfully used the concept of GE in several infectious diseases such as Scarlet fever, Dengue, Swine flu, Japanese encephalitis, Chikungunya, Viral hepatitis, Spanish flu, etc.

Should this golden treasure of homeopathy’s success be buried because corona virus doesn’t produce symptoms in some cases? Further, who will guarantee that today’s asymptomatic will remain symptom-free throughout life?

Cases are reported showing that today’s asymptomatic stage is replaced by symptoms and even rapid progression within a couple of days. Are we risking the lives of the asymptomatic patients by refusing them Homeoprophylaxis (HP) based on the Law of Similars or Isopathy?

The vaccination in conventional medicine is given to healthy people. How many homeopaths raised the question to allopaths, ‘Why do you give vaccination to healthy people’?
It is interesting to see that there is a clear demarcation line between the healthy individual and asymptomatic patient. I reiterate through three sentences.

Prophylaxis is an employment before getting illness.
If you ask about asymptomatic patients with a positive test, it means that virus has entered the body and it is not prophylaxis. However he can be helped by GE which can arrest the development of replication of virus in the body.
Subclinical stage cannot be ascertained unless it is known to be positive.

Asymptomatic patient
A Covid-19 patient is considered asymptomatic if he/she has already contracted the virus (as he is tested positive) but doesn’t show any symptoms such as fever, dry cough, pain in throat, loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath etc. Such an infected person continues his daily life without having any discomfort but continues to be a ‘silent spreader’ of the disease. As a result, they end up transmitting the virus to many uninfected individuals.

These are the infected individuals who do not develop any Covid-19 symptoms almost a week after contracting the novel coronavirus. They later display symptoms such as coughing, fever, loss of sense of taste and smell etc. In the above two types, the patient has corona but not covid-19 as a disease.
Mildly symptomatic

Individuals who display mild symptoms, such as common cold/cough, fever and do not feel exceptionally sick as Covid-19 patients have been stereotyped to be. These are three types of Covid-19 carriers which can induce the silent spread of the infection.

I put below the recent research.
Observations on outbreak of Covid on Cruise Ship` `Diamond Princess’ (New England Journal of Medicine)
Of 712 patients being infected 410 (58%) were asymptomatic. The symptoms developed only in 10% asymptomatic Covid-positive patients. The majority of asymptomatic positive cases remained positive throughout the observation period.
The median time (from test positivity) to develop symptoms was 4 days (Range 3-7 days). That means they were transmitting infection without symptoms.

The risk of duration of pre-symptomatic was higher with advancing age, hypertension and diabetes.
The median duration of RTPCR positivity was 9 days (duration between positive and negative test ), range 3-21 days.
This study clarifies many facts
A Large proportion of Covid positive patients (58%) are asymptomatic throughout the period (range 3-21 days , median 9 days).

Time duration from test positivity to development of symptoms is 4 days (3-7 days)
Asymptomatic patients transmit infection throughout the duration (median 9 days)
If an asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic person happens to live in a red zone, a homeopath has every reason to be particularly wary of the silent COVID spread and he must institute HP for arresting the further progress of Covid-19. Mildly symptomatic patients must be treated as per presenting totality based on the principle of individualization.
If someone in the family is over sixty-five years of age and already has other health conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, DISEASE etc., he is in need of HP.

Demographic data as obtained across various countries about Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of Covid-19 by age shows very large differences. It is not that only old people are dying; the children and young people have also succumbed to the virus.
Assume that there is not a single Covid-19 patient in Andaman Island. It is obvious that no GE is required. However, there is one family of 10 people in Andaman and amongst them one is recently tested covid positive. GE is required for the family and also for those who have come in contact.
Q. How do you treat and prevent lung and other organs pathologies during progressive stages of Covid-19? How can we increase the function of lungs after the patient is out of Covid-19 disease?

The issue is not only of prevention of lung pathologies but also of cascade of progressive pathologies in the whole body. This is a big question and unless one studies the patho-physiological and clinical aspects, one can’t dive deep in homeopathic management.

Corona virus has an affinity not only for the ACE2-alveolar receptors, but also for ACE2 receptors on the vascular endothelium. This leads to vasoconstriction and thrombotic intravascular activity. Bleeding occurs through mucosal macrophage activity after endothelial damage. The uncontrolled activation of the coagulative cascade may be explained on this line.

The sequential pathway is not that there is pneumonia followed by disseminated vascular coagulation and multi-organ failure. Rather, endothelial damage, immune cascade and systemic vasculitis are followed by pneumonia, ARDS, renal failure, disseminated vascular coagulation and multi-organ failure. This knowledge will help to perceive the clinical stage of the patient and if a correct homeopathic remedy is given at the right stage, the further progress of the disease could be averted (95).

The ‘cytokine storm’ is the most dangerous and potentially life-threatening event related to COVID-19. The cytokine storm, and the consequent ARDS, results from the effects of a combination of many immune-active molecules. Interferons, interleukins, chemokines, Colony-stimulating factors and TNF-alpha represent the main components involved in the development of Cytokine storm.

Decreased number of immune cells
Elevations in markers of kidney or liver damage
Elevations in inflammatory markers (like CRP)
Abnormalities in markers of blood clotting
Elevated ferritin (involved in infection response)

Symptoms include fever and chills, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle and joint pain, swelling of extremities, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, rashes, cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, cardio-vascular collapse or shock, acute renal failure, sepsis syndrome, seizures, headache, confusion, delirium, hallucinations, tremor, and loss of coordination.
Out of the above symptoms, we should focus on those symptoms which are intense and indicative of a cytokine storm.
Stomach, appetite, wanting
Kidneys, renal failure, acute
Chest, abscess, lungs
Generals; pulse; frequent
Blood, oxygen, diminished
Perspiration, cold
Generals; collapse
Generals; collapse; sudden
Generals; reaction, lack of
Generals; violent complaints
Generals; vitality decreasing
Respiration; accelerated, quick
Clinical; hypotension
Intrinsic, autocrine and epigenetic mechanisms regulate fibrosis. As tissues become more fibrotic, the increased tissue stiffness and decreased elasticity result in mechanical stress, which exacerbates the tissue injury and perpetuate the activation of local fibroblasts.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress which leads to apoptosis of key structural cells (epithelial cells, endothelial cells and hepatocytes) is an important driver of fibrosis. Also, telomere shortening in mesenchymal cells promotes injury leading to fibrosis. Any remedy you select must attempt to target activation, proliferation and/or recruitment of fibroblasts.
Numerous studies have suggested that macrophages have stage-specific roles in fibrosis. Macrophages show profibrotic activity in the early phases of the wound-healing response by producing inflammatory mediators that can exacerbate tissue injury, such as IL-1β, TNF-α and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.
They also produce profibrotic mediators such as TGF-β1. But in the later stages of the wound-healing response, a subset of macrophages converts into a suppressive phenotype that expresses a variety of anti-inflammatory mediators, such as IL-10, Arg1, pr grammed death ligand-2 and Relm-α, which promote wound healing and direct the resolution of the inflammatory response.
There are many distinct immunological and molecular mechanisms that can contribute to the progression of fibrotic disease. Dysregulated innate and adaptive immune responses are major contributors to fibrosis. However, cell-intrinsic modifications in fibroblasts and other structural cells can also contribute to fibrosis.

Fibrosis is a defense mechanism. Small fibrosis which doesn’t hamper the functional capacity of the affected organ is Psoric. Hypertrophy of scar tissue (keloid formation) is Sycotic. Fibrosis in the tissues of vital organs like lungs, liver, kidneys, brain etc. which affect the functionality of the affected organ is Tubercular in nature. A large area of fibrosis which has replaced the original tissue of the vital organ and such a structural damage causing functional incapacity of a grave type. denotes Syphilis miasm
CLINICAL; FIBROSIS (A rubric prepared by Dr Ajit Kulkarni)
ANT-A ANT-T ARG-M ARG-N ARN ARS ARS-BR ARS-I AUR AUR-AR aur-m aur-m-n bar-c bar-i bar-m bar-s bell-p brom BAC BERYL bry calc CALC-AR CALC-F CALC-I CARB-AN CARB-V CARC chr-met caust CON crot-h CUPR cur dig dros ferr ferr-p, FL-AC FLOR-P germ graph GRIN HEP hip-ac HYDR IOD ion-rad kali-ar KALI-BI kali-c KALI-I kali-p kali-s LACH LAP-A LYC mag-c mag-m mag-s MED MERC MERC-D MUR-AC nat-ar nat-f NAT-M NIT-AC penic PHOS PLB PSOR ran-b sab sep SIL stann streptoc STRONT-C SULPH SYPH THIOSIN THUJ thyr TUB V-A-B Ver-alb, Ver-vir, vip X-RAY
Out of the above 71 remedies, taking into account the severe pathology of lung damage in Covid-19, I suggest following remedies as prominent.


Arnica mont: Damage to the lungs is nothing but wounds and Arnica is always indicated for repair of the wounds. Three monogram words typify Arnica – Overworked, Stressed and Aged. Breathlessness and Covid-19 put a great load over the system. ARDS makes the lungs work heavily; inflammation of heart makes the heart work under stress, plus if a patient has consumed Hydroxichloroquine, it is an additional load to keep the rhythm of heart harmonious. Thrombosis, bleeding are also the indications of Arnica. Arnica promotes fibrosis and saves the organ from further damage. Once fibrosis has set in, Arnica should not be used.

Ars-brom is when you get a strong halogen being attached to strong Arsenic. Hence the remedy becomes syphilitic (like Ars-iod). The co-morbidity of diabetes, hypertension and obstinate intermittents are major points to prescribe Ars-brom.
Drosera is an interesting idea. It has action of absorption. Drosera heals the wounds as caused by tubercular bacilli or viruses by aiding fibrosis.

Kali remedies have fibrosis in their pathogenesis. Kali iodum ranks high and Kali-bich as well.
Crotalus hor and Lachesis are major anti-inflammatory remedies when there is cytokine storm, fulminating infection and affected tissues are rapidly damaged and fibrosed.
Remember, fibrosis is better than “ground glass opacities” in the lungs.

For improving the lung function, I suggest the indicated remedy (including the constitutional one) in LM scale to be repeated frequently.

Diaphragmatic and Pursed-lips breathing are important breathing exercises for improving the lung function.
Q. As a homeopath, how do you interpret the role of micro RNA in Covid-19?

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs. They play an important role in regulation of gene expression. miRNAs work by interacting with the 3’ untranslated region, also known as 3′ UTR of the target miRNA and induce its degradation and translational repression.

It has been reported that miRNAs bind to toll-like receptors, activate downstream signaling events, and eventually lead to biological responses, such as tumor growth and metastasis and neurodegeneration. Thus, miRNAs acts as an important chemical messenger (89).

MiRNAs play a vital role in the pathogenesis of various diseases, including viral infections, disease progression and inhibition (90). A recent study published in the journal Aging and Disease has correlated MiRNA with aging.

The in-silico studies and pathway analyses have shown that that some of the human miRNAs targeting COVID-19 decreased with aging and underlying conditions. However further in vivo and in vitro studies can validate this (91).

We have already formulated ‘Senile’ as a word of Monogram for Covid-19. It means that the remedies that cover the Covid-19 pathogenesis and aging act on miRNAs. It is presumed that a proper indicted remedy will prevent the degradation and translational repression of miRNAs.

Let us take the example of Conium maculatum. Typical symptoms in covid-19 patients include fibrosis of lungs after the patient has recovered from corona virus infection. Conium is of particular importance in old age. It has action of rejuvenating the damaged tissues and thus it can be employed for fibrosis.
One of the indications of Conium is emaciation and it is a point of entry when one comes across it in Covid-19 patients.
Relations of Conium

Conium is a bridge between Gelsemium and Baryta carb. Conium is an intensified Bryonia. Note that all three – Gelsemium, Bar-carb and Conium have senility.

*Dr Ajit Kulkarni M.D.(Hom.)
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear anuj srivastava

Can you tell me the source of the article that you posted on page 3 post no. 1 (the very first post on page 3) which starts with "I am giving a brief pictures with key features for homeopaths, of the remedies that have worked in corona infected patients..." and discusses Dr Jeremy Sherr's medicine description?
Aromatic 3 years ago
Lots of people are experiencing lack of Oxygen in blood, what should taken be to prevent this and what is the cure. Are there any symptoms that can tell us that there is lack of Oxygen in the body.
[Edited by AlexN on 2020-08-26 16:57:30]
AlexN 3 years ago
Buy a finger pulse oximeter to show oxygen level in seconds.
simone717 3 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.