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Potatoes and curd burn my stool.m not constipated.doctor has given me hydarstis 200 which i took thrice in a week.i have taken sit hot bath twice a day per it never helped me.if i eat everything i will not become constipated.yes but i face hard stool problem if i dont take hydarstis becz when i pass stool in morning and its never full fresh.but when i go in evening.it always hard stool.dat makes my fissure worse.so doctor is giving me laxative and occasionaly hydrastis.
Priya1991 5 years ago
Sir i never feel acidic.but the problem is only during stool only and after dat
Priya1991 5 years ago
One thing when i was given pionia 30.it cures my burning after stool and pain was gone
Priya1991 5 years ago
First the diet has to be right. Homeopathic meds
Cannot cure a person if diet is bad or they are eating foods
That bother them, that they may be allergic to those
Foods or they cannot digest certain foods well or they
Have got an acidic ph instead of an alkaline ph.

You have to fix the problem of hard stool and burning
Which burning can come from too much hot spices.

When you pass stool in the morning is there burning
And pain then?

Are you taking laxatives now? What kind?
Are you taking hydrastis now?

How much water a day are you drinking?
simone717 5 years ago
Please get these cell salts:

Nat mur 6x
Ferrum phos 6x
Kali phos 6x
Nat sulph 6x
Cal phos 6x

Start taking 2 pills of each( 10 tabs)

4x a day for 3 days. Morning , lunch , dinner,
Before bed.( ferrum phos will help anemia and
Feeling strong )

Stop eating the grapes. No citrus fruits or drinks. And if you
Know potatoes and curd burn the stool? You
Must stop them for now- switch to other things
Until you are back to normal.

Do you like eggs? Have a couple eggs with
A roll or toast - in the morning. Have a cup of warm
Or hot water when you wake up . I would like you
To have one tablespoon of flax seed oil or olive
Oil in the morning.

Also please buy a good multi vitamin with
B complex and all the other vitamins.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-04-12 04:24:01]
simone717 5 years ago
I have left potato curd everything for 2 years.no change in fissure.i was getting weak day by day.dr has told me to take dem.it will cause me more problem.n egg that burns alot if i eat.i dont have any option left to eat.
Priya1991 5 years ago
Hi Priya,

I am having difficulty understanding what you are doing or taking.
You tell me you are having potato and curd, then tell me they bother
You.. but there is no other food left???

If paeonia stopped the pain - why are you not taking it?

If you are still taking hydrastis - you did not tell me that.

Please google DrHomeo top 10 remedies for fissure.

You will see that paeonia, Aesculus, ratanhia
Are all indicated for your type of pain.

The nitric acid is not helping.

1. You need to fix the problem of hard stool.
If you drink enough water, if you take flax seed
Oil that will help the stool. You cannot get well
Having the hard stool everyday.

2. I would start the cell salts for the stool-
They will help and I would start the flax seed oil.

3. Look over the drhomeo description of
Paeonia, Aesculus, ratanhia and pick one.
Try a test dose of 30c and wait for 48 hours
To see which one helps you.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-04-12 14:31:19]
simone717 5 years ago
Ok .i dont know dr told me to take pionia occasionaly.thats y i stopped it.he himself give me nat mur n told me to update in 15 days.he nevwe changed medicine till 15 days.i will start cell salts.
Priya1991 5 years ago
No hard stool.i told u pain is minor only burning is dere
Priya1991 5 years ago
See i dont eat spicy and citrus.but if i eat boiled food everyday not like others.i vill not have burning.dis i have done for continus 6 montths.but d day i eat anything like normal people my anuus burn.how will i know medicine is suiting me or not
Priya1991 5 years ago
Also one imp thing u r telling me Nit acid was not helping.but my pain and burning before stool was not dere when i was taking it..might be slowly it was acting on my body.u told me never too quick to judge the medicne bfore 15 days.but when i left it..my problem has increased.

Ok left dat medicne.now it has been 4 days since i took nat mur.how can we judge before 15 days.
Priya1991 5 years ago
Nat mur 30 should have some effect within a day
Or two days.

You did not make clear that nitric acid was having
Any good effect.

Sorry, but it is too confusing to understand
What is actually going on with you. And what
You are taking? And things like paeonia got
Rid of pain? If it did , why take nitric acid?

You need to go back to your homeopath
Or find a new homeopath and have a
Meeting face to face about your entire case.
This will not work on the forum.

Best wishes for getting well.
simone717 5 years ago

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