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Food related spots


I noticed the spots I have been getting in my face is related to the foods I eat.

Whenever I eat a burger, I wake up with a spot in the same location always near my lower right cheek.

Whenever I eat dairy, I wake up with spots around the chin.

Whenever I eat fruit I guess the fructose and sucrose is why I always get spots on the wings of my nose.

Whenever I eat too much wheat I get spots in between my eyebrows and forehead.

When I don't consume none of the aforementioned foods I get no spots on my face but then this is no way to live and enjoy life, plus I would starve if I lived this way.

I want to be able to eat all foods without waking up with small zits in my face.

Is there a homeopathic remedy that treats spots related to food and food only?

Thank You
  unified on 2018-04-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I just find it really odd that I see replies instantly to everyone else's posts but no one replies to mine.
unified 6 years ago
Everyone does not get an instant reply. The forum is all volunteer effort-
When people have the time.
There is no “remedy” for breakouts in general.
In Chinese medicine the liver rules the skin. What is probably
Happening is your liver is not processing the foods you mentioned
Very well.

The remedy choice depends on many things.
One of them might be your regular diet, amount of water you drink , etc.
May have to be modified. You can look thru the forum,
Click user names-see cases etc. do a new thread
And ask someone to help- they will have questions to determine what specific remedy that you need.
simone717 6 years ago
Thanks simone717 for your reply.

I did suspect it maybe possibly something related to my Liver.
I may have a weak Liver.

Are there homeopathic remedies for Liver?

unified 6 years ago

You are thinking of homeopathic meds as western medicine.
You could have 10 people with breakouts from food and each one could
Have a different remedy to cure the issue. Remedies are to match a number of symptoms . Google any remedy name - Materia Medica of xyzz. See
All symptoms listed. Homeopathy works because it is based on the fact that our bodies will not tolerate two similar disease states. The remedy is a highly diluted molecule copy of the substance. If a good match to your symptoms, the body raises your life force - to get rid of the remedy bc it is seen as a “second” similar disease. As the body raises life force to
Do this, it also targets the real problem.

You should check your diet to make sure you are eating , healthy
Home cooked protein , vegetables, fruit and enough water. If your diet is not good then your digestion will not be good. If you have fast food, too much oily food etc this has to be eliminated.

If you already eat well, then go get a CBC blood test, and a liver function test to get facts first, as that will help with remedy selection.
simone717 6 years ago

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