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Need To Get Rid Of masturbation Permanantly

Doctors,Please Read FUll message full details.
I am in problem atleast from age of 12 years right now my age is 18, I have Masturbation Problem and i tried my will power i cant left it i also take many medicines but unable to leave this habbit permanantly if i try my best i can only control this habbit for a week,
1st.: Problems I am facing, Hairfall sides are empty of my head no hairs remain i feel embarrassed in my frineds i want my hairs back grow again,
2nd. : Feeling Tickle On my penis and after that i become lazy and powerless and really hard to handle my body this requires me to do masturbate,
3rd. : When I Sleep Sometimes my penis becomes very large and it makes my heart beat fast and when i see any girl becomes heart beat fast unable to marry because of low age still doing studies,
4th Loss Of Memory i am facing Need Help For it cant remember anything for a long time even cant remember names,
5th : Feeling Too weak even sometimes even cant do any work
6th : When I sleep unable to wake up in the morning feeling lazy and powerless also need medicine for this to fix this And When I sleep really hard to wake up in the morning if my eyes opened cant get up from bed..
7th I Saw porno unable to leave this habbit to Please if possible Please help me to leave this habbit,
8th At the day when i do masturbate i feel active and when i sleep All The days i feel lazy powerless, even do work cant remember things even feels sleepy when try to sleep cant sleep, when i sleep cant wake up and if i wake up cant getup from bed And always feels tickle on penis and sometimes penis becomes large automaticly and sometimes impressed from penis and touches automaticly cant control it.
I have taken these medicines
Nux Vomica 30,Pullsatila 200, Kali Phos 6X, White Chesnut, Walnut, Avena Sativa, Acidem Phosphoricum,Ustilago 6c, Staphisgira 200, bufo 200.. Only these medicines i have taken.
Talking To Doctors,
Doctors Please Help me to Stop Masturbation Its my main problem i hate this habbit every doctor i visited it gives me Depression Medicines Which cant helps me and cant heals me . If possible also give me private contact details please i am in big problem many doctors i visited they cant help me I have Last Expectation From you doctors I told you everything when i was small my cousin do sex with me and teaches me to do masturbate when i was 10 or 11 years old. after that he gives me porn movies and starts masturbation, please doctors please you are my last hope
  Mrpolice on 2017-07-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Mrpolice,

First of all I would like to inform you that the treatment of this is possible but will take time. please be patient. You may click on my name to know my mail ID.


Please take the above remedy two times daily.


Get the remedy in liquid:
Put one drop of the remedy in half cup of mineral water, That’s one dose.

Morning dose: Early morning as soon as you get up, wash your mouth with plain water (don't brush), take the remedy, then wait for 30 minutes.
Night dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.

Don't drink water along with the medicine. Don't drink or eat any thing for 30 minutes before the medicine and after the medicine.

Avoid Coffee, Tea and Tobacco in any form.

Report back after 15 days with the changes observed during this period.

HealthyWorld 7 years ago
thanks doctor and thanks for the reply i will report you back changes after 15 days And i have noted ur email..!
Mrpolice 7 years ago
And My Mainly Problem Is Masturbation I nrrf to leave it first... and my skins also becomes really bad can i email you pictures of my skin and hair loss?
Mrpolice 7 years ago
First start the remedy and see the result.
HealthyWorld 7 years ago
i started from today
Mrpolice 7 years ago
Hello Doctor, 15 days or more are done. Now The report is
i do 5 time masturbation in a week and one thing i face before doing masturbation my penis were automaticly becoming large erecting and in my penis i feel some water like sperms in my penis and i becomes big and large automaticly . and one more thing i had an accident that is why sometimes after taking silicea i do breakfast without waiting for 30 mints but this happens only sometimes and only one day i cant take medicine because accidently my silicea bottle were broken so i bought new one. And the main problem i am facing in this 15 days period
i am not active always becomes lazy and lazy like my mind is not working like i am feeling before everytime sleepy boy
Hair fall reduced and my hairs are better using arnica oil
Skin is better then before and cant sleep early in night and unable to wakeup early in the morning if my eyes opens in the morning i cant wake my self up due to feeling too much lazy Cant do work due to my mind is not working like someone talking to me i feel my mind is not working just liseting and cant remember that thing And i forget everythig very fast like someone told me that things is there i forget instantly cant take interest lack of confidence penis is curved Doctor please help me to solve this problem but one more thing i think i am much better then before. my mind not think about sex too much and sexuality thoughts reduced like not thinking about girls and sex. is that possible my penis will not erect like sperms in my penis and becomes big hot and large and when this happens my becomes hot and very hot
Mrpolice 7 years ago
The main problem i face due to this period is Feeling water in my penis vessels and it becomes big and hot, heat is coming out and becomes large this mostly happens when i sleep and wake up in the morning how i stop this erection. waiting for your reply
Mrpolice 7 years ago
No. 1,


Please take the above remedy two times daily for a week.

No. 2,
Please take the above remedy two times daily for a week.

No. 3,
Acid Phos 3xC,
Please take the above remedy once a day, in the morning for a

Bio Chemic Combination # 16,
Please take the above remedy 6 pills once a day, in the
afternoon for a week.

Please take the above remedy once a day, in the night (before
going to bed) for a week.

No. 4,
Please take the above remedy once a week in the morning.

Start the above remedy as below:

1. First week: No. 1.
2. Second week: No. 2.
3. Third week: No. 3,
4. Single dose of No. 4. (never take any remedy on this day)
5. Fourth week: No. 3,
6. Single dose of No. 4. (never take any remedy on this day)
7. Fifth week: No. 3,
8. Single dose of No. 4. (never take any remedy on this day)

Repeat the above remedy till you feel very energized.

Please stop the above remedies and then start the bellow remedies.

No. 1,


Please take the above remedy two times daily for a week.

No. 2,
Please take the above remedy two times daily for a week.

No. 3,
Please take the above remedy once a day, in the morning for a week.

Start the above remedy as below:

1. First week: No. 1.
2. Second week: No. 2.
3. Third week: No. 3,

Repeat the above cycle again, starting from 1 to 3, till your PE stops.

Get the remedy in liquid:
Put one drop of the remedy in half cup of mineral water, That’s one dose.

Morning dose: Early morning as soon as you get up, wash your mouth with plain water (don't brush), take the remedy, then wait for 30 minutes.
Afternoon dose: 6 hours after the morning dose.
Night dose: 12 hours after the morning dose.

Don't drink water along with the medicine. Don't drink or eat any thing for 30 minutes before the medicine and after the medicine.

Avoid taking any other medicine during this treatment.

Avoid Coffee, Tea and Tobacco in any form.
HealthyWorld 7 years ago
Doctor which redemy i take first to leave masturbation and stop coming sperms in my penis and stop becoming big and large.And if i take as i need to reprt after 4 weeks if nothing happens to me what i do i want to leave masturbation permanantly instantly
Mrpolice 7 years ago
Dear Mrpolice,

Masturbation is not a disease it is a habit, you must stop it from your own action and commitment.

Please start the remedy in sequence as given above. Kindly keep updating me weekly or fortnightly.
HealthyWorld 7 years ago
Okay Sir. and One more thing my feelings and heart, brain why forces me to do masturbate. even my health becomes bad my penis burns and sperms leakage and sperms starts coming in my penis . thanks doctor i know you are too good doctor and i am understanding you really good. you are the first doctor who helps me alot.
Mrpolice 7 years ago
These remedies will help you
HealthyWorld 7 years ago
Doctor Also Happening Tickling on my penis , why tickle everytime... :( and feeling sleepy
also facing
-eraly ejaculation
-curved penis
-Weak memory
-Weak Digestive problems
-Early white hair/beard
-Mood Swinds
-Loss of self respect
-fatigue/ weakness
-No mucsles
-Shameful matrimonial life
-Semen in urine
-Many many more believe me as i got them.
[Edited by Mrpolice on 2017-07-28 11:29:46]
Mrpolice 7 years ago
and i think erection means penis large or big ,, is that possible to stop penis erection i think erection will force me to do masturbate
Mrpolice 7 years ago
And The Last Thing is you said to take above remedy
first week i take dioscorea villosa 6. two times daily but how many drops or pellets
No. 2
Selenium 6c , How many drops or pellets?
Acid Phos 3xC Cant Understand and what is Bio Chemic Combination # 16 i cant understand
unable to understand how i take those redemy and which one i take first. :/
Mrpolice 7 years ago
Dear Mrpolice,

I think u did not read my advise completely.

About dose it is clearly mentioned under section 'WHAT IS A DOSE'

Biocombination No. 16 is a very famous in homeopath.
HealthyWorld 7 years ago
Doctor Here is the problem, I am doing homeopathic treatment 2nd time in my life so i cant understand this, not much experince in homepathic.
you told me to take no. 1 medicine 1st week. How many drops i take of
No. 1,
and then i start No.2 Medicine in 2nd week how many drops,
sorry for taking your much time but please tell me,
Sorry Sir
Mrpolice 7 years ago
Dear Mrpolice,

Get the remedy in liquid:
Put one drop of the remedy in half cup of mineral water, That’s one dose.
HealthyWorld 7 years ago
Doctor thanks and i am going to take this remedy first week one drop in half mineral water
No. 1,
i'll report you after a week tommorow i will buy this remedy
Mrpolice 7 years ago
Dear Mrpolice,

Start with SILICEA 30C first.
HealthyWorld 7 years ago

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