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small stye on lower right eyelid

Dear Drs.
I have a stye only lower right eyelid that is not healing. No pain, but a small red bump. The swelling goes down with wet compresses, but does not dissolve. I have had this for two weeks. Would you have a remedy for this problem?


  cath1 on 2016-06-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Staphisagria 30, 5 pills three times a day for three days and give a feed back.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Dear Doctor:
Thank you for your recommendation a few days back. I need to describe my symptoms better: I have a blood-filled sac on the lower right eyelid on the outside corner. I took the Staphisagria 30 (5 pills - three times per day for three days). The blood-filled sac has reduced in size since three days ago. I also have a ganglion cyst ( 1/4 inch in size), on the left inner wrist, which appeared in October 2015. I am taking Symphytum 200 for the ganglion cyst twice per day. I also take one to two doses of Arnica 30 wet per day.
Thank you very much for your guidance and time.
cath1 8 years ago
Dear Doctor,
I apologize; I forgot to mention I have only taken the Symphytum 200 for the ganglion cyst for four or five days.
Thank you,
cath1 8 years ago
For the cyst take Ruta 30, five pills thre times a day .
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you, Doctor. I will start the Ruta 30 for the cyst. The style on the left eyelid continues to get smaller.
cath1 8 years ago
Dear Doctor:

My small blood - filled sac on the lower right eyelid is the same. When I rinse my eyes with water, there is burning later. Should I continue Staphisagria 30?

cath1 8 years ago
Continue for four days and give a feed back.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I took the staphysagria 30 three times per day for four days, but the blood filled sac on the lower right eyelid on the outer corner remains the same. Would you have any other recommendations?

Thank you, Doctor, most appreciatively,

cath1 8 years ago
Calc Flour 6x 5 tabs three times a day for 4 days and feed back.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Thank you - I will get CALC FLUOR and report back .

cath1 8 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I took the Calc Fluor 6x five tabs three times per day for four days, but did not see change to this blood filled sac on my eyelid. Would you be able to offer another recommendation for me to try?
Thank you,
cath1 8 years ago
Continue for four more days and then we will reconsider.

Send me a pic of the condition on my mail id --in my profile pls.
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Wed, 29 Jun 2016 17:02:21 UTC]
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Dear Doctor:
I sent the pictures.

Thank you,

cath1 8 years ago
have not received
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I resent the pictures to your email of my eye and ganglion cyst. My eyelid is showing improvement .


cath1 8 years ago
I have not received the pic if it is improving continue the same remedy pls.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you. Doctor. I resent it to your email once again, but will continue remedy. The ganglion cyst is as well. included
cath1 8 years ago
Not received check mail id again pls.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
May I write your email address in the post to check if it is correct?

Thank you,

cath1 8 years ago
Mail id in the profile is correct
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Dear Doctor:

I resent the pictures again showing my progress. I will continue with your recommendations with Ruta 30c and Calc Fluor 6x. Would you also have a recommendation for pain felt in my second toe (metatarsal on the plantar aspect of my right foot). Pain is felt if I press on it or when I walk on it. I appreciate your help greatly.


cath1 8 years ago
Saw the pics good progress will not change any medicine at the moment.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Dear Doctor:
I sent current pictures to you for an update.

My ganglion cyst and eyelid have not changed, however, the Ruta 30c has helped my second toe ( less pain when walking, but needs more healing) and I believe that the Calc Fluor 6x has also helped my right knee. (I fell off a bosu ball in an exercise class two months ago and I had significant pain when kneeling on the right part of my knee bone, but could perform all other movements of my right knee with no problems).
May I ask if I should wait a week or two longer for the cyst and eyelid?
Thank you, Doctor.
[message edited by cath1 on Tue, 12 Jul 2016 03:28:10 UTC]
cath1 8 years ago
I could see a change when I compared the pics pls continue for a week and give a feed back.

Pls start taking Calc Flour 12x
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Tue, 12 Jul 2016 04:08:45 UTC]
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I will start your remedy at a later date. At present, I have contracted strep throat. I am 56 years old and had my tonsils removed at the age of 24 for recurrent strep throat. I have not had it since then. I believe I have taken too many remedies at once and I have brought this strep throat on as a result. After having strep throat, I was plagued with repeated sinus infections with many antibiotics. For the past five years, I have tried herbs and then later tried homeopathy instead of antibiotics. I haves fared much better as a result, but now, the strep throat has returned. Any recommendations?
Thank you kindly,
cath1 8 years ago

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