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Save my baby from surgery! PLEASE help with perianal abscess!

Hello kind doctors!!
In the middle of February, our (then) 6 month old son was diagnosed with a perianal abscess. He was given antibiotics and antibiotic cream by the doctor.

It is now the middle of May (3 months later), and the abscess still has not healed. It goes through a cycle of healing somewhat and then developing pus, healing and then pus, over and over. The pus does not seem to be coming from as deep down as it once did, but nonetheless forms a little bit every 3-4 days. The surgeon I originally met with said to pop it whenever that occurs in order to expel the pus (which I have been doing), and that we should return at the end of June for surgery if the abscess hasn't healed by then.

In the meantime, I have tried antibiotic creams and diaper creams with zinc oxide. A homeopath recommend a teaspoon of a wet dose from a bottle of 6 pills of Arnica 30C dissolved in water twice a day (so 2 teaspoons of water a day). I am having a hard time getting the baby to take the water, but I just started succeeding today, so perhaps it is too early to really say that I've treated with Arnica.

The homeopath also recommended I insert a bit of antibiotic cream into the anus with a q-tip swab, and it seems to have helped a little, but not fully.

After hearing about the risks involved in general anaesthesia for little babies, I am desperate to avoid surgery (not to mention that surgery is so hard, as is pre-surgery and post). PLEASE HELP ME!!!
  Malkah on 2016-05-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi! I just wanted to add that this is my first time ever using homeopathy, so I am not so familiar with the terminology or how it works. I have always been a happy user of conventional medicine, but I am absolutely desperate. Thank you so much for any advice and information.
Malkah 8 years ago
Give him silicea 6x two tablets thrice a day daily.
Report after a week
mnaari 8 years ago
Hello! Thank you for your reply! Is this in addition to arnica? Should I just give the tablets on the tongue?

Also - do you think I need to give the Arnica in the wet dose, or can I just put a tablet on his tongue (which might be easier than having him swallow water he doesn't want to drink).

You think this can be healed even after 3 months?
Malkah 8 years ago
Stop arnica
Just give Silicea 6x
If deseases are left untreated they can servive whole life.
mnaari 8 years ago
I'm sorry, just to clarify (like I said, I am very new to all of this) - the Silicea 6x is just a ball on the tongue? Is that the right way to take it?
Malkah 8 years ago
Yes just put 2 balls on the tongue three times a day
mnaari 8 years ago
I appreciate the advice, I will buy some as soon as I can. All advice is appreciated!
Malkah 8 years ago
I am having a hard time getting my baby to take the silicea pills - he's only 10 months old and not used to hard foods like that. Can I dissolve in water?
Malkah 8 years ago
Also, someone suggested to me that 2 pills is a lot for a 10 month old baby - is this the correct dosage? Thanks.
Malkah 8 years ago
Yes 2 pills is ok
mnaari 8 years ago
Can I dissolve in water?
Malkah 8 years ago
Yes you can dissolve
mnaari 8 years ago

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