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Prostate, extreme pain

I would request Dr. Kadwa to take my case and help me out since I am in great pain day and night.
My prostate gets enlarged at times, causing blockage of urine and stool. I used to take Sabal Ser Q and within a week, it will be normal.

2 weeks ago I started having urinary difficulties, but sabal ser Q is banned by the government so not available. Instead I used the SAW Palmetto (the herb that is the source of Sabal Ser). It was working but suddenly I had an asthma attack and doctors gave me prednisone steroid tablets and steroid inhalers. I think due to that, saw palmetto stopped working, in my opinion.
My condition is deteriorating. 4 days ago, I was visiting wash room frequently, had to pressure the urine and stool out. Stool would come out in very thin threads.
started taking sabal ser Q, but it became v painful to urinate, stream would be cutting. Doctor gave me conium 200 also, that reduced the cutting pain. Every 15 minutes, I visit the wash room, struggle 15-20 minutes to push out urine, then back to bed only to wake up again in 15 minutes. Pain is still very cutting and unbearable.
While sitting on a chair, I felt like sitting on a ball, making it very uncomfortable but I took Sepia 30 that seemed to reduce the size of the ball. I took sepia30 twice in the day-night and 3rd time in the morning and that is when I felt like a ball is stuck in my anus. Poti would not come out at all except for little dots. I took over the counter enema but nothing came out - jus the liquid enema solution but I got drops of blood since the enema bottle punctured my rectum. I still see small dots of blood after my struggle at times.
Since last night, it got even worse. While sleeping, urine will quirt out, waking me up and running to washroom, and then force the urine out but it would come out only I am almost bending backward flat on back on the pot (supporting myself with a counter next to the pot). Also, even after 15minutes, it feels like I still have to urinate. I have to go every 10 minutes now. I feel poti is not moving. My lower abdomen is distended and my anus is hurting like being pushed down by a ball.
With all the pushing and forcing, my back has started hurting and I am very uneasy, always feeling urge to go urinate.
Other than that, I am always chilly, have hypothyroid and sometimes take thyroidin30CH that helps though I have not taken It for a month now. Also, I feel cold in head and get better sleep with a woolen cap on. Even at home, in 21-22 degree centigrade temperature inside, I keep wearing warm clothes and warm socks.
Please let me know if any questions. Really appreciate your kind help as usual,
[message edited by vtechy1 on Tue, 26 Apr 2016 21:53:01 UTC]
  vtechy1 on 2016-04-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please help me. Can Dr. Mohla, Asad, Evocationer or Rishimba HELP PLEASE
vtechy1 8 years ago
I will go on with my story. Whole day, no urine - except for a few drops here and there. Stomach distended. Called my homeo doctor, he could not give me any explanation or medicine and told I had to see him. Travel time is 1Hr and I was in no position to drive that much. Night time I took hot water bottle with me to bed hoping to relax my muscles. Urine will quirt at times in the night, waking me up and rushing to washroom only to struggle and let out a few drops of urine.
By morning, I was willing to give up on homeopathic treatment. Called my homeo doctor and he could not advise me any medicine and told me to see him in the evening (he wanted to see me or my money??)
I told him I am going in emergency room to get a catheter to release my urine.
Then he gave his opinion that my prostate has completed blocked my urinary tubes. That reminded me of DIGITALIS I took a few years ago with a potency of XM. I quickly took 5 palettes of it. After two minutes, went to wash room, and standing tried to let out urine.. A few drops came down and then suddenly a water fall (not a normal urine stream) like a dam has been broken. All pain and burning disappeared and I sat on the pot and easily relieved myself of urine. My prostate had reduced only in a few minutes of taking the digitalis, breaking the dam.
Cancelled planned trip to emergency room, and felt a lot better.
Things slightly changed now. All this time before today, I would dose off for 15 minutes before getting an urge then rush to washroom, struggle for 15-20 minutes, let out as much urine and stool after much straining and come back to bed, only to rush again after 15 minutes. Now, I would dose off for longer minutes, suddenly a quirt of urine would let out waking me up and I will rush to washroom. Later on, I would sleep through and urine will involuntarily come out.

I started using disposable diapers.

Now for one day, urine flow was good only no stool, and stomach will be distended, so next day, took the second dose though I was not sure its safe. Same reaction as expected. 5 minutes after, my stool -- a lot of it- started and filled the pot, softening my stomach and releasing tension in abdominal muscles.
Now only in some position, urination is painful since the urinary tract is bruised due to my struggling. Hoping it will get better.

Doctors, please advise me how many doses on digitalis XM I can take per day? and for how many days?

Appreciate your attention.. I feel my case above can be an eye opener for those who doubt homeopathic treatment. I think some doctors who drag the patient to get more out of them may be to blame rather than the homeopathic treatment.
vtechy1 8 years ago
My urine escapes involuntarily after taking digitalis xm. How long that will happen? Do I need another medicine to regain control?
vtechy1 8 years ago
I need help from an experienced doctor. PLEASE PLEASE
vtechy1 8 years ago
Attn: Doctors .. please respond to my case above.
vtechy1 7 years ago

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