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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Multiple symptoms, please kindly advise Dr. Kadwa

Hello Dr,

Currently I am taking natrum phosphoricum 6x twice daily, 4 tablets and oleum jecoris 3x also twice daily 4 tablets. Due to work I was unable to take the prescribed dose of 3 times daily.

I have also taken Kali phos 6x and natrum sulf 6x for 3 months for mood swings which have since been resolved.

I experience chronic fatigue and frequent bathroom runs. I also have ravenous hunger but never am able to eat much. My weight is normal at this time. I also have a chronic body temperature of approximately 96.8 and 98 is reached only with a fever. I frequently become sick and have chronic dark circles and leukourrhea, which I presume due to the visible discharge. I have had terrible hirsutism and have thinner hair due to loss. I also had a history of hallucinations and delusions which have resolved.I previously was on prescription medication. I am now on no prescription medication.

I also experience chronic flatuence and usually feel very cold. Additionally I had ovarian cysts about ten years ago which have resolved without treatment but now have recently learned that I have fluid filled cysts in my breast which are very painful. I was told they are not a cause for concern but the pain is quite difficult.

Please kindly advise.

Thank you.
  Ogerenpia on 2016-04-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Lycopodium 30 twice a day for 7 days and report back.
One dose means 2 pills.
kadwa 8 years ago
Thank you Dr. Which should be the next course?
Ogerenpia 8 years ago
Whether you feel any changes after Lycopodium?
kadwa 8 years ago

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