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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Enlarged adenoids (8-month-old) - Dr. Kadwa

our 8-month-old baby boy was diagnosed with enlarged adenoids and is up for a surgery at the end of this month. We want to avoid the surgery. Please advise what remedies we should use to help our baby.

Our son started having a congested/runny nose when he was 4.5 months old. At first his pediatrician told us he caught a virus so we waited for it to run its course. The mucus had become greenish over time and two weeks later the baby was diagnosed with mucopurulent rhinitis, and was put on amoxicillin antibiotic that was changed to cefdinir antibiotic after 6 days. None of the antibiotics helped with reducing the mucus, and the baby was referred to an allergist. The allergy skin test detected an allergy to cats when the baby was 6 months old. We had two Himalayan cats at that time that we had to find a new home for. The house was cleaned thoroughly. The baby ran through two cold viruses one after another at that time. That took a whole month of December. The baby became completely congested by the end of December and the mucus was green. He was put on Cefdinir antibiotic once again at the beginning of January, which helped with the sinus infection he developed. Right after his nose had cleared from the infection (nose was still congested and the mucus kept producing)the ENT specialist looked inside his nose with a camera, and told us that his adenoids were somewhat enlarged. The ENT specialist prescribed a steroid spray for his nose (Fluticasone) that we don't want to use due to enormous side effects such as eye problems - glaucoma and cataracts as well as slowed growth in children. We were told that a surgery had to take place if the spray did not work. The surgery is scheduled for the end of February. The baby will turn 9 months the day before the surgery.

The baby just had yet another sinus infection at the end of January that was treated with Cefdinir antibiotic (2 sinus infections in 1 month). He does not seem to ever recover. It's just sometimes he goes through periods that are bearable (like right now), and over time his sinuses get infected, his nose becomes congested, the mucus green, and the infection has to be treated with antibiotics.

Current symptoms:
Our baby son wakes up every morning with a dry nose only to have it running 1 hour later. He wakes up from naps with a dry nose that stays dry for about an hour. Greenish mucus in the morning (1 hour after he wakes up), after that the mucus is thick and clear. We suction his nose frequently using saline spray to make it a bit runnier in order for us to get it out so the baby can drink his milk (he is breastfed). The mucus keeps producing throughout the day.

At night the baby sleeps on his tummy with a humidifier next to his bed. He wakes up 4-5 times every night. He did not snore until recently, when we noticed him snoring very lightly one night. Sometimes he makes sounds like he does not get enough air and then gulps the air with force (comparable to sleep apnea). That uneven breathing can be heard through a closed door. His nose is DRY during the night, and does not have to be suctioned. His nose is not congested during the night. He nurses just fine when he wakes up at night. He breathes through his mouth at night AND during the day though. He is used to breathing through his mouth. His nose is currently not congested. It is the constantly producing mucus that is not letting him breathe.

About the baby:
Our son is a happy baby and smiles all the time. He likes people and attention. When someone starts talking to him, he becomes all smiles. He is not afraid of strangers. Likes being outside. Likes to observe people and the world around him. Interested in toys. Loves baths, even when is tired, starts smiling and laughing when put in a bathtub full of warm water. He is a content baby, and only fusses when hungry or sleepy. Has a great appetite and eats everything we give him (eats baby solids 3 times a day).

He currently weighs 8.3 kg (18.5 lb).

Please let me know if you need to know anything else about the baby. Thank you!
[message edited by yuliak on Mon, 08 Feb 2016 19:18:38 UTC]
[message edited by yuliak on Mon, 08 Feb 2016 19:21:22 UTC]
  yuliak on 2016-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1 and day 2

Sulphur 200 twice a day

day 3 to day 7

Nux Vomica 200 twice a day

One dose means 2 pills.
kadwa 8 years ago
As much as I understand you mean potencies of 200C for both remedies when you write 200? Please confirm.

Should I crush the pills and mix them with water, then give the solution to the baby?

Could you please explain what these two remedies will be doing to our baby son's condition? Will they work directly for his enlarged adenoids or will they cause reduction in mucus production and thus adenoids will return to normal condition over time? What to expect?

Thank you for your time!
yuliak 8 years ago
Your baby should enjoy pills dissolve in his mouth like a chocolate!! 200 means 200C. The remedies should act directly on adenoids and mucus.
kadwa 8 years ago
Okay, so we started the baby on the remedies you suggested. So far we have given him 4 doses of sulphur 200c (2 doses on Monday and 2 on Tuesday). The baby started feeling grumpy and sleepy on Tuesday afternoon (after 3 doses of sulphur 200c). His nose has been running nonstop since then. The mucus is white and runny. The baby has been sneezing a lot. Most of the time he acts like he is either in pain or extremely tired. This morning (Wednesday) we continued with Nux Vomica 200c, he has gotten 1 dose of 2 pills of it so far. The baby continues acting tired and goes to sleep sooner than usual and sleeps longer than usual for his naps. When he is up from his naps, he is cranky (he is usually a happy baby). He slept poorly last night waking up every 2-3 hours and unable to go back to sleep longer than usual. Is this a normal reaction to the remedies? Should we continue or stop Nux Vomica 200c? Thank you for your help.
yuliak 8 years ago
Please give him Nux Vomica 200 for 2 days and wait for a week. If there is no change by that time five him a single dose of Tuberculinum 200 and wait for 15 days. These remedies don't do any harm and you should not worry anymore on this account.
kadwa 8 years ago
The baby now has an ear infection (1st one for him) and a sinus infection that are being treated with antibiotics. :( He was miserable yesterday (March 31) and the night before (woke up 8 times). Had to stop Nux Vomica due to antibiotics in his system. I would have preferred homeopathic remedies if only I could get your advice sooner!

The baby is now coughing too so I am wondering if all these symptoms were brought up by the remedies or a cold virus that he may have caught.

I only gave him 4 doses of sulphur and 1 dose of Nux Vomica.

Would you suggest to revisit the treatment course from the very beginning when the baby is off antibiotics and is feeling better?
Thank you!
yuliak 8 years ago
okay, this will be better.
kadwa 8 years ago

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