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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pulsatilla for GERD?? Help!

My 13 week old son suffers with severe GERD, he has in the past been hospitalised due to feeding refusal as it became to painful for him! He was put on omeprazole which had horrible side effects, I sought a more natural approach and paid to see a local homeopathic specialist who prescribed Pulsatilla and said she wanted to treat him as whole and not just the GERD, as he is also hot to touch, irritable, flushed cheeks, sweaty head, poor sleeper, has to always be occupied! While waiting for the Pulsatilla to work his GERD has again got to the point where he is not taking his bottles and crying all day! He is so uncomfortable and distressed yet she wants me to continue like this for another 2 weeks then book another appointment to see her! From research I have done online I think maybe Nat Phos, Chamomilla and Nux Vomica may be more suitable, PLEASE HELP, should I change to something else if so what dosage?
  jRoberts on 2015-10-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give nat phos 6x, 2 tablets as and when required. It will help in reducing acidity.

Make sure total no. of dosage are not more than 4 in a single day.

mani_jee 8 years ago
Thank you for your reply. Should I continue with the Pulsatilla or would there be another remedy more suitable? I would love a second opinion on which medicine would be best suited to my son.

He suffers with severe GERD, struggles to fall asleep & maintain sleep, cries & wimpers a lot, hates pram & car seat, is happiest when lay on back with minimal clothing, left cheek goes extremely red during sleep, hot to touch, back of head sweats a lot, cold clammy hands and feet, stomach gurgles & makes popping sounds, screams hysterically with every few mouthfuls of milk, bad tempered, very shouty & vocal. Loves meeting new people, will be held by anyone, not sensitive to sound, needs constant distractions. My main concern/his main problem is the Acid Reflux, he has in the past become settled when reflux is under control.

I would love your suggestions for best cause of treatment as a whole

Many thanks
jRoberts 8 years ago
The sweat on head and cold hands and feet indicate calcarea. In puls, hands and feet are hot rather than cold. What is the potency and frequency of puls you are giving at the moment.

You may stop puls for the time being and just continue with nat phos 6x and see how it effects.

mani_jee 8 years ago
At the moment he is on 4 drops of puls 3x a day.

I have Nux vomica 30c in the liquid form at home, would it be worth using this along side Nat Phos? If so what dosage?

jRoberts 8 years ago
I also have Chamomilla 30c in the liquid form

Could I give this aswell as Nux vom? If not which one would be best

Thank you so much for your help
jRoberts 8 years ago
Please dont give chamomila or nux for the time being. Just nat phos 6x and see how it effects.

In my personal experience and feed back from many other people, i have found nat phos very much effective in gerd.

mani_jee 8 years ago
Thank you. I will start the Nat Phos today and report back in a few days

Many thanks
jRoberts 8 years ago
Any feedback.....!!!!!

mani_jee 8 years ago
Hi, there hasnt been much improvement to be honest - still has bouts of reflux inbetween feeds where he will scream in discomfort, he can now take half his bottle before the discomfirt begins so that is the slight improvement. The relief from the Nat Phos doesn't last long.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks,
jRoberts 8 years ago
Are you giving Nat phos 6x before feed or after.

It should be at leat 15-20 mins before feed.

mani_jee 8 years ago
You may give a single dose of Calcarea carbonica 200 - one dose only, not to be repeated daily and continue with Nat Phos 6x.

mani_jee 8 years ago
I have been giving him 2 tablets 3 times a day inbetween feeds (so atleast 1 hour beforeafter feeding) the packaging States up to 8 tablets a day - shall I increase to 2 tablets 4x a day?

Thank you I shall proceed as advised.
jRoberts 8 years ago
No need to increase the dose. You may consider it reducing with the passage of time. See if the kid is doing better, then you may skip a dose and bring it to 4 tablets a day rather than 6.

mani_jee 8 years ago

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