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Advice regarding potency from qualified homeopaths


I took Sulphur CM after studying my constitution.The medicine acted wonderfully on mental and physical platform.So I am quite sure that I am sulphur patient.One month has passed after taking Sulphur CM.
I know CM potency act for 6 months and nothing is to be taken now.However if I take MM potency after one month of taking CM potency,what will be the effect.please elaborate.will there be severe aggravation or CM would be antidoted?please explain.
  gopal18 on 2015-05-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please reply
gopal18 9 years ago
Yes , you could have severe
aggravation that could last
for months and wreck your
positive results.

One has to be patient and
disciplined in regards to waiting-and you cannot supervise
yourself in these things-homeopaths go to other homeopaths for this reason.
simone717 9 years ago

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