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Chronic pain in lumber region, both shoulder bladesand neck

I am suffering from this problem since last two years. when I sit on chair the back pain starts and when I stand up and walk it goes away, similarly when I do table work and stressing the neck, the pain in neck starts.I also feel the crawling type pain on lower side of my shoulder blades.I consulted orthopedic doctors, they did the tests for rhematsim, but it was negative. so they suggested some exercise and NSAID medicines. This does not benefit much. I used Rhustox 1M, but it fails to cure back pain. Please help me if any body can I have also a 4 years homoeopathic diploma.I need some guidence in this regard. Thanks
  akbar on 2004-06-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what medicines/treatments have you used in the past for any ailment(s) you may have experienced (not just the back-ache)?

any white spots on/under fingernails?

what incident occur prior to this?
John Stanton last decade
have you had chiropratic adjustment performed yet?
John Stanton last decade
I have chronic flu problem since 17 years. I got vaccinations for the dust and polen allergies in 1994, but not benefitted much. Then I got homeo treatment from some local doctor and that cured my problem. Now The frequency of the flu is very low.In 1998 I got stomach problem and that lasted about 8 months . The gastroentralogist did the endoscopy and colocoscopy, but could not find any thing wrong and he diagnosed it the irritated bowl syndrom(IBS).I got ridof the IBS by using one tablet, Debridate for 6 weeks. During that period of my illness i experienced the neck pain, Which is still not cured even the IBS was cured in1998. Then in 2003 I got some click in back while doing computer work and that started the back problem. The orthopadic adviced the exercise for the back pain. during this course of time I lifted carpet and tried to clean by jerking it with arms in hanging positon. that over stressed the both scapulas of the shoulders, so this pain started from there.I had used gelsimium and silicia for the neck pain, but silicia relieves the pain temporarily. I have used rhustox 1M, bryonia 200, agarcus 30, kali phos 1m, phytolace bery 30 as single remedy treatment at different times for the back problem, but it is not cured.
1. At a time I experience pain at one place only either in back or neck or scapula. Never had pain at 2 or 3 places collectively
2. When I walk all the pain goes away
3.When I sit on chair and start table work, the pain comes in the back or neck, mostly in the lumber region of the back.
4. When I do some work with my arms keeping away from body, the crawling pain in both scapula starts.
5. All the pain are not for all time, but they come in certain posture and go away when I change posture, especially when I walk.
Please ask if u need mre detail and thanks for the quick reply
akbar last decade
No any white spots on the nails. My calcium is not low . What is chiropratic?
akbar last decade
any steroid use or antibiotic use in health history?
John Stanton last decade
chiropractic treatment is manuel manipulation for reason of aligning mis-aligned vertebrae--much causations in improper alignment of vertebrae --and is a course of action/treatment that is commonly neglected..
John Stanton last decade
please explain the chronic flu problem you mention...
John Stanton last decade
yes When I was sick from IBS in 1998. I visited to some hakeem for herbal treatment, I think he gave me steroid and used that for 2 weeks only and then I doubted about his medicine hence I discontinued that.That I think affected my eye sight and now I am using Glasses. so this is the storey.As for as antibiotics is concerned, yes doctor gave me ciprofloxacine for stoamach problem.The chronic flu means, I always had runny nose in the morning through out the year, More severe in humid hot weather.But now a days it is under control and I am not getting any treatment since 5 years.
akbar last decade
ok start treatment 1 dose "ONLY" phosphorous 200c.

NO other remedies-medicines-treatments--skin ointments...etc at all.

MUST AVOID--all acidic foods and drinks...i.e...coffee,tea,vinegar,fruit and juices,coca-cola,pepsi and other carbonated drinks,sour foods...etc;;no spicy foods and limit salt use.

post response to phos or lack of ..may need to change remedy or potency
John Stanton last decade
well - as hahnemann suggests in his organon: forst thing to do, is to remove the cause, as nobody xan be healed without the cause being removed. eg that means, if you are sick from toxic flowers sitting on your night table, there is no remedy ever, that can cure you until these flowers are gone.
People are sitting far too much these days, and sitting is one of the worst causes for back pain. then the human spine is not exactly made for sitting long times anyways. you probably need to mobilize you pelvis, as it kind of "shifts" to much to the front from sitting a lot - especially if not sitting straight. this will result into lumbar pain and can develop into tension down in the back up to the neck and even result into dizziness.
i don't want to say, a hom. remedy can't help, but you also have yo remove the cause.
do 20 minutes of RELAXED walking 2-3 times a day. get up of the chair every hour and walk around the table and stretch your back. keep yourself straight. make it a habit to control your posture every so often you can (10000 times a day is good!). maybe get one of these excercising balls for 10 bucks to sit on whenever you can and move the pelvis back and forth. never support yourself with the arms on the table or elsewhere, while sitting on the ball. draw your tummy in and try to keep the pelvis straight whenever you can. imagine it's a pale of water and you are not supposed to spill any. this is just a few tipps, but from experience i know, it is very helpful and if you go through this, you will experience results within a week. even without remedies or chiropractor.
ooh... go swimming if you can - on the back..
itsme last decade

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