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Attention Issues with son- spacey, no energy Page 4 of 4

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Wonderful, thanks!
mishelle76 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

I just noticed my son's hands last night and I'm a little concerned. He's had eczema for a while and we have recently been using aloe on hands and feet/ankles. The lower part of his body was always more troublesome.

I don't think I mentioned this before but he has always had skin peeling around his fingers/nails. Now his nails look different. This is something new. They have ridges and the cuticles look swollen with bumps but just on his thumbs and a couple fingers look like the nail and skin are almost receding...like his nails are lower than the skin.

I'm a little worried. I wonder if this is just another stage of eczema- never really an issue on hands though. Or maybe a fungal infection? He did have this on his toes when very little.

Do you think this could be due to the aloe I'm using? It contains several ingredients including vitamin A & E. I've just recently been using the aloe on his hands because all my good creamers have petroleum listed as an ingredient. I cannot seem to find a soothing cream that doesn't have petroleum.

Or, is this just something being pushed out into the physical from the remedy?

What do you think?

Because of the skin peeling around his fingers (always), I thought iron deficiency but his levels came back normal at last physical.

Can you or anyone on here recommend a really good moisturizer that's without extra additives/vitamins or chemicals?

Thank you.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Hmmm...that sounds like pompholyx, an unusual kind of vesicular eczema. It actually is often associated with chronic fungal infections and almost always with stress.

The remedy may aggravate the eczema - in fact almost definitely will - and if he is improving on other more important levels it is a good sign (disease moving from within outwards).

This website has some good advice for non-chemical moisturizing

Evocationer 9 years ago
Interesting. I found it odd that it's only occurring on his thumbs at this time and it just happened after the 2nd day of the remedy. Ordinarily this would really concern me but better on the outside than the inside.

So I just gave him his 3rd dose and I was hesitant because I'm always unsure what is an aggravation and what's not. Didn't notice anything the first night. By the next morning, he seemed a little down- withdrawn but by afternoon on 2nd day, he was very energetic- hyper but no other signs of aggravation- until the fingers. He's been sleeping good.

Today, he's even more hyper but very happy and busy playing with toys. He hasn't even looked at the tv or video games. He's great but also seems like he's had 10 cups of coffee. I did notice his movements or fidgety behavior is a little increased in the legs and arms but this could be due to excess energy.

So, looking good but want to know if we should stop at 3 doses and wait or continue? I feel that he's near the point where he could become too stimulated- I could be wrong though.

Thanks for the link. I'm going to read up on it and see what I can pick up at the store for his itching.

Thank you.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Hi. I just wanted to let you know my son is doing really well. We only did 3 doses of the 0/2 nearly 2 weeks ago. He is really out of himself and expressing himself more. I think he still struggles with some things at school (attention and social skills) and I'll know more at conferences this week but I'm certain it's an improvement.

He still tip toes and isn't willing to let me in at times (especially regarding emotions) but I think this is also a part of him getting older. There are likely some things that won't change but just seeing him more alive and not spacey, is amazing. He no longer has a fog in his eyes and he's not very tired anymore. Lazy sometimes, yes but not legitimately tired.

So for now, I think the progress is great.

His eczema has gotten worse- not so much itchy but looks pretty bad. It doesn't seem to bother him much but it's scarring. His ankles and front of ankles are very dry and red- like a layer of scabs and his hands are very dry and look almost raw in some spots. His nails look a little better than the last we discussed. I'm using some good lotion with no additives just to moisturize.

You mentioned a possible fungal infection- I almost wonder if he had some type of internal fungal infection- is there such thing? Since a lot of his issues seemed to happen overnight a year ago and now moved to his hands. I think I mentioned he had some sort of fungal infection on all his toe nails when he was very little. The doctor said it would never go away but it did shortly after without any treatment.

Anyway, so far, so good.

Thank you so much for bringing my boy back.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Excellent news. Really great to hear.

It is very important to leave the eczema alone as long as it is not bothering him. This is an external manifestation of the internal disease, and the body will do this to relieve the internal disturbance. Blocking it can reverse the improvements. Keep me informed on how he goes though so we can adjust treatment if necessary.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Okay, so if the eczema isn't bothering him, try not to moisturize either? The lotion I'm using is all natural- no additives or petroleum or anything like that.

But if even doing that could sort of block healing a bit, I'll refrain- he doesn't care either way- unless it's very itchy and it doesn't seem to be at this time.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Moisturizing the skin is fine. That isn't going to suppress.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Okay, I'll keep you in the loop with his progress. Thanks!
mishelle76 9 years ago
Hi there,

I was meaning to write you about my son last week but I was too caught up in my own health.

I had a school conference for my son and they noticed great improvement in his motor skills- large and small. They attributed that to OT but I feel homeopathy had a hand in that as well. But they said his lack of attention has not improved at all. I was seeing some improvement in this area at home but lately- as of the last week or so, his attention span has gotten somewhat worse. We were on vacation and splurged quite a bit on wheat and food coloring- this could be the cause. I'm getting very frustrated with him. His mind seems all over the place and his body looks a little more restless. I'm working on getting his diet back on track. Will homeopathy eventually balance him out so diet (or occasional splurges)won't be so detrimental on his state of mind?

Also, this attention issue is the biggest complaint at school and they tell me he's going to eventually fall very behind. They want to push meds- I told them no- not at this time and likely never in my eyes but I wanted to quiet them for the time being. Can we hope to see his attention improve after some time? After many months or years?

Thank you.
mishelle76 9 years ago
It should improve yes, and if it doesn't it provides the focus for a change in direction for treatment.

We may need to repeat or go up in potency though, so let me think about which is best.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Thank you.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Wheat and food colouring will do that to a child - it is a major cause of ADD, ADHD and hyperactivity syndrome. It's hard to say how much of that poisoning effect can be mitigated by homoeopathy. I think it takes a long time to build up a child's strength to resist it. It is the food colouring that is the main problem though, not wheat. Wheat is a food - that should not create a huge impact on a healthy person.

As he had done well on the 0/2, I would give him another 3 doses. Are you able to get hold of 0/3 as the next step?
Evocationer 9 years ago
Yeah, food coloring is not really something we should be consuming frequently anyway but I do think the wheat really makes him tired and foggy.

OK, I'll give him another three doses and then procure the 0/3.

Thanks very much!
mishelle76 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

Now my son’s turn. =) The last dose of Tarentula 0/2 was finished up one week ago. He took three doses and I really didn’t notice much this time. As usual, he immediately gets bright red ears, flushed pink cheeks and quite warm. This seems to happen everytime he doses. This started immediately on the second dose but by the third, it was less noticeable. Should I have stopped at the second dose? It seemed like a minor reaction because it typically happens but did not come with increased energy or irritability when I would normally stop. I usually push through this with him.

Since then, about 3 days ago he complained of being very warm and has the pink ears and red cheeks. I don’t think this could be an aggravation since it stopped after the last dose. He may be fighting something but he is having a difficult time sleeping the last 3 days. He starts tossing and turning around 3am and continues until he wakes up around 6 or 7am. Once he does settle down, he twitches a lot! He also makes a sucking sound like when he had his pacifier. He had this much longer than the typical kid. This was all normal before he started homeopathy and since homeopathy, his sleep has been much sounder and better. Not sure what to think.

His attitude is cranky but I’m sure it’s because he’s tired. His attention isn’t great and it takes forever to transition from one activity to another without a fuss. He’s zoning a bit more- not responding to his name right away. All this is not as bad as it used to be but he seems to have regressed a bit. But then again, it seems that way when he’s fighting off something.

I’ve ordered the 0/3 and should be receiving it in the next day or two. Should we wait a bit and see in case he’s fighting something or should I proceed with the 0/3 once received?

Thank you.
mishelle76 9 years ago
I think he's becoming depressed.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Please advise if I can give him the 0/3 potency and for how long.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Not sure if David is coming back- hopefully he is but in the meantime, can someone else answer my question- Simone?

I gave my son his first 0/3 dose last night. Not really any noticeable difference or aggravation except he didn't sleep well. He was very restless. It's hard to tell if it was the remedy or another restless night. Typically he gets red and heated from remedies. Last time that happened on day two but I pushed through to day three. How do I know when to hold off or when to push? Sometimes it's hard to tell when he doesn't talk about how he feels.

Thank you.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Hi Michelle,

I would hold off now, and see
what happens over the next
few days. It is not going to
harm anything- by NOT giving it
to him.

Report after a couple days what
you notice. I will be watching
this thread.


simone717 9 years ago
OK, will do. I'll get back to you in a couple days.

Thank you Simone.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Welcome back Evocationer. Glad you are feeling better.

I gave my son one dose of the 0/3 on 5/10/15 and he responded well. Slept very restlessly that night so I didn't give him a second dose. The next day he had more energy and was very playful- not nose in electronics. Since then he had been sleeping well.

However, the last several nights he hasn't been sleeping very well. It could be because it's a bit warmer and he gets very hot when he sleeps like me. He missed school yesterday because he was just too tired. I did send him to school today though but he was really dragging.

He's not very withdrawn anymore- in fact one teacher that works with children who are on the autism spectrum said she doesn't feel that he has autism. I've been on the fence about this myself but I was very happy to hear this. The attention issues remain the same- still hard to focus in school and still hard to sit still.

Should I wait or give him another dose of the 0/3?

Thank you.
[message edited by mishelle76 on Tue, 19 May 2015 20:03:44 UTC]
mishelle76 8 years ago
bumping up to the top
simone717 8 years ago
Thank you Simone!
mishelle76 8 years ago
In addition to my post the other day, my son seems to experiencing something similar to anxiety or depression. I mentioned this earlier when you were out. It seemed to improve with his last dose of the 0/3, however, it seems that his body movements have increased like he used to do...he moves around a lot at home and moves from side to side and stands and then sits. Very squrimy and on edge. He is also starting to blink a bit more but I think he's just very tired since he's not sleeping well. He had rapid eye tics for 6 solid months last year but they went away on their own.

The anxiety with him I'm not familiar with. Again, it could be because he's not sleeping well. He's constantly telling me "don't rush me." It takes him forever to do anything. He also whines a lot if I try to get him to go do anything.

It seems he is sliding backwards from all his progress.

Do you think he needs a different remedy? The 0/3 was stimulating and seemed to perk him up- his energy, that is but not sure.
[message edited by mishelle76 on Thu, 21 May 2015 17:28:07 UTC]
mishelle76 8 years ago
For the time being...we are going to try and get help outside of the forum.

Thank you so much for all your help.
mishelle76 8 years ago

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