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Female infertility due to pelvic tuberculosis (blocked tubes) 5Female Infertility 7


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Female infertility

Patient ID: Folio
Sex: female, married
Age: 32
Nature of work: freelance editor
Habits: photography, travelling, reading.

Describe your main suffering and from how long?
- Inability to conceive for almost a year; no previous pregnancies. My husband has got perfect sperm scan; my tests are all good so far (hormones, ultrasound scan, no infections), though no tube scan has been done yet.

What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
- Migraines (located in right-hand temple), lower back pain (hernia).

What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
- Despair, anxiety, fear.

When did it all start?
- Unable to conceive for around a year.

What are the things which aggravate or ameliorate your suffering?

When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
- I dislike both extremely hot and extremely cold weather; prefer it to be humid and mild.

What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
- Cravings: dark chocolate with nuts; eggs, fried meat, salmon, persimmon.
- Aversions: smoked dry sausage, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes in soup, lard, spicy food.

How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
- Less to normal.

How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
- Normal to high.

How is your bowel movement and stool type (Constipation etc.)?
- From twice a day to once in three days; normal to thick type.

How sleep, how are your dreams?
- No sleep problems; very vivid and realistic dreams.

Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings?
- No.

What medicines have been taken earlier?
- Folic acid; before that - pregnancy control for a year.

How do you look like (Appearance (fat, thin, smart, tall, lean etc)?
- Average height, curvy (65 kg), pale pink skin, prone to acne, thin dark hair.

If your are female how is your menstrual cycles and from how long (normal, irregular, painful, clotted, colour etc.)
- From 12, almost always regular, 31-35 days, moderately painful, dark red color.

Family history
- What major diseases are running in your family?
- High BP, heart attacks.
[message edited by Folio on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 15:31:09 GMT]
[message edited by Folio on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 15:32:20 GMT]
  Folio on 2015-01-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can consider your case but you need to give many answers, copy the questions list in notepad,
write answers in same way with questions and then paste in post reply, NO SHORT answers explain MAXIMUM you can.

1. Age,sex,weight,body and face appearance, country, occupation.

2. Main complaints and other associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc; duration of trouble.
b)What exactly do you feel, Sensation as pain, how pain feels or burn etc.
c)What are the factors that causes this trouble according to you.
d)Condition under which the complaint is reduced or you feel better like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
e)Condition under which the complaint is increased like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
f)Any other complaint any where in the body.
g)Onset time of troubles in detail, i.e which came first, after that what problem and so on.
h)Treatment method adopted and its result.

3. History of diseases in family.

4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
b)Academic performance.
c)Any major incidents in life and the effect of it on life.
d)How you are satisfied with your sex life, friends, family members, company etc.

5. Habits/Addiction.
a)Smoking, Alcohol,Sleeping pills, Laxative etc.
b)Masturbation and frequency.

6. How is your Appetite and Thirst.

7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-drink Ice Ice cream Chocolates Tea Coffee.
b)Anything else about like and dislike of any activity with you or surrounding.

8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency, satisfactory or not.
b)Any discomforts associated with stool.

9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature, volume.
b)Any discomfort before, during or after urination/odour

10. For men.
a)Any difference in erection/want of erection/weak erection/Ejaculation early/late.
b)Any other trouble in sex.

11. For Females.
a)Menses, Regular, Irregular,Early, Late.
b)Duration of menses.
c)Nature of flow, Scanty, Blood colour, Consistency, Odour, Staining, itching/ when and what makes it worse/better.

12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the quietness or restlessness of sleep,
position of sleep, times of waking and reasons for waking,
need for cover over various parts of the body,
whether the window must be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar sounds or gestures during sleep, etc.

13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts, staining, Odour.

14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and cold, dryness, humidity, weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts, closed rooms, etc.

15. Mental Status
a)The quality of the patient's life in relationship to loved ones, family, friends and colleagues. Overall quality of energy available to function in daily life, and under various circumstances.
b)Any mental/emotional shocks occurring in the patient's life-grief, major financial losses separation from loved ones, death, identity crisis and other stress in life.
c)Memory,ability to concentrate/comprehend.
d)Are you fearful of anything eg: Animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, thunder, storm, high places.
e)Are you anxious about anything: if yes, give details.
f)Are you impatient.
g)Are you doubtful or suspicious.
h)Are you hurt easily (emotionally)how do you react. Does it cause hatred/revenge.
i)Does your pride get hurt easily.
j)Are you depressed, if so, reason/circumstances.
k)Do you like to share your problems.
l)Effect of consolation.
m)Do you ever become suicidal when? How.
n)Memory- quality if poor, for what ( eg. Names, places, people, what you read).
o)Do you weep easily, effect of weeping, ie, does it make you worse or better.
p)Are you easily irritated. What makes you angry, how do you express it.
q)Are you destructive.
r)How good are you in making decisions.
s)Do you like company or like to remain alone.
t)How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanness in your surroundings.
u)How does failure appear to you?
v)Are there any matters that you deeply dislike?
w)What activities you deeply like? How does it affect your mood?
x)Are you affectionate? How does others sorrow affect you?
y)Any present fears in your life or future.
z)Any present life or future life desires.

NOTE-- if proper reporting will not be done by you, then i will close the case, you can take advice from others.

homeo.mzp 9 years ago

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