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Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Antidote for Nux vomica

I am using Nux vomica to cure hernia. It has created new symptoms in me. In my right eye i see bright flashes of light towards the right side of my right eye. That bright flash is dancing is dancing towards my right side. and my right eye seem incorrectly aligned turned slightly outwards to the right side.
Should i use antidote or some other complementary drug.
Plz advise.
  taimmur on 2014-11-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

What potency of Nux and how many doses have you taken?

Was it helping your hernia in any way?

In homeopathy, when you start to have any action from
a remedy ( good or bad) you stop taking it. You wait
and observe to see how long the remedy is acting for,
and to see if the direction of cure is right. ( google Herings
Law of Cure)
simone717 9 years ago
How do you even know it is the right remedy?

The wrong remedy can create permanent side effects, so you want to be sure it is the correct one. What symptom picture did you use to arrive at this remedy?
Evocationer 9 years ago
Simone717:I took 200x for 10 days (1 time a day), then 30 for 2 weeks + (2 times a day). I felt my groin and navel are repairing, and I was happy it was curing me without surgery.New hair grew on my abdomen, and hair grew on my head which i lost to some extent over the past few years. Those flashes in my eyes which I have mentioned came only twice, each time when i experienced them I was using my glasses ( I usually don't wear my glasses). After that I discontinued nux vomica. I noticed slight dis-alignment in my right eye years ago, which corrected itself automatically with the passage of time. It also re-appeared with Nux Vomica.
taimmur 9 years ago
Evocationer: My doctor prescribed this remedy for me. according to him nux is the ideal remedy strangulated hernias, which is was diagnosed years ago with the advice to leave it alone as surgeries for hernias are not often successful.Mine is on the left side and if I lifted weight or over exerted, I felt small lumps in my left scrotum, which were not painful. Although in other activities like sports it didn't bothered me.
taimmur 9 years ago
If you have been prescribed it by someone who is qualified to do so, then that is not a problem.

We have hundreds of remedies for hernias - I wonder what lead him to this specific one. I hope he didn't just prescribe on the basis of you having a strangulated hernia - that is unlikely to work (it's not homoeopathy).
Evocationer 9 years ago

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