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Kidney Failure - Lets make a deal Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In many cases of ocd if one is Aware of how our vehicle( body) works curing this disorder can be done by fixing the mechanical breakdown.

The fight or flight set up in the primitive brain overrides all thoughts- put there to keep us alive.

In nature , if a lion takes down a deer
The deer will freeze. If the lion gets distracted, the deer will up and run.
If the deer gets away to safety , the deer will shake all over briefly and then resume normal behavior.

By shaking, the deer is offloading the nervous trauma. Same goes for humans. If a human does not process shock the trauma keeps circulating and agitating the nerve system.

After an event of trauma , if this release had not gone on,or been dealt with , many start doing o c d
Behavior. Naturally they do not want to revisit the trauma and shake or cry or whatever is needed.

Two cases come to mind. One woman in a multi car wreck- she walked away, not injured, seemed not stressed. Gradually o c d came on along with strange health problems.
In therapy, was asked several times about the car wreck. Not a problem for me was her answer. Later, with more trust of therapist, she was asked again. She fell apart, shaking, crying, etc for 45 minutes. Then she was fine, no more o c d. Or health problems.

Another girl at 12 was very shamed at birthday party. Kids threw liquids on her head teasing her. She never spoke about it, and then started o c d,to the point where it took 2 hours to leave the home with layers of behaviors. Therapist was able to ha e her confide , however therapy then was desensitization of poring liquid on her head, having her react, until she could care less and o c d stopped.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 11 Oct 2016 20:20:43 UTC]
simone717 7 years ago
I am surprised that the intro did not get criticism yet. I can't take seriously anyone who claims that everyone will be healed 100% without fail. That is not very responsible to say. Maybe that intro is a bit dramatic just because it was meant to catch the eye, but if there is something worse than allopaths who do not give hope to their patients, it is naturopaths who are giving patients a false hope. If we want to help people we need to be more careful not to do harm, and even more so there needs to be a reserve when it comes to serious, life-threatening conditions that might require urgent doctor's assistance. At times such damage has been done to the organism by diseases that it cannot be reversed, or that it cannot be fully reversed.

That being said, there is a lot of good insight in the OP and common sense reasoning how negative emotions damage the body and insightful comments by others as well. Although I'd argue about exact OP's attributions of certain emotions to the diseases in every case and making sweeping generalizations such as "feminine women do not suffer from reproductive organ diseases" (I've seen some quite feminine women with such diseases, not only type A personalities get them and it is not yay at all that some people would write things like this, it is demeaning).

It is, in addition, not just fear that causes damage (although it is prevalent), there are also negative effects of agitation, sadness, resentment, hatred and other emotions and they damage different functions of the body, traditional Chinese medicine deals with this in greater detail. Not all is seated in kidneys, although they have a primary tole. There are also outer factors that affect health, such as environmental pollution, exposure to germs, immunizations, lack of good nutrition, abuse of stimulants, suppression of illnesses, congenital factors, toxic side effects of allopathic meds, and many others. The OP brings up a good topic and a subject of learning, but I just disagree with the claims that everyone can get well physically just by getting rid of fears. Sounds good to get rid of fears though, I am giving it a shot with homeopathy at the moment!

Also, if anyone reading this suffers from or is threatened by kidney failure, please look into nettle seed. I do not know the exact recipy and the way in which it needs to be taken (this is herbalism, not homeopathy formula), but do research this, because I've read many reports that it saved many people from depending upon dialysis, and in lots of cases improved or completely restored compromised or failed kidney function. Obviously, it did not fix all cases... but it did help many, so it is worth a look. It is not toxic and there are not known contraindications, maybe only for pregnant women or if you are specifically allergic to nettles. And of course, if you want to try it do it while monitoring your condition with your doctor! Compromised kidney function is not a thing to play with.
cosmicweaver 7 years ago
Cosmic weaver,

If you have not heard of Anita moorjani, you may like to read a synopsis of her book"dying to be me"or listen to her story if you google her on ted talk.

I think this is a level that the op was hinting at.
simone717 7 years ago

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