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RP Thamankar plz reply

I am a 27 years old female. My belly is distended, and i have excess gas both burping and flatulence. i dont know how so much gas gets produced. I have been trying to eat everything healthy but the problem is not going away. i might be intolerant to a lot of foods. i also dont drink milk as it causes gas. Eating chips or ice cream, potato and alot of other foods cause gas. No matter what i eat, the gas forms and when it gets trapped or if i am not releasing it or its not able to get released, it gets trapped in the rectum and makes a weird noise. This problem has become chronic since i was 13 years old as i didnt know how to treat it. I used to have constipation but now constipation is not the problem. It is just the excess gas thats ruining my life. I am scared to sit in a quiet room with other people, at many times i have been embaraced, so all my attention is on my stomach instead of paying attention to the lecture or meeting. Even when i am sitting by myself at home and not paying attention to stomach, the gas still forms and i end up burping for 2 minutes continously or passing flatus throughout the day many times. i have tried excersing, it didnt solve the problem. When i was 11years old i was on a preventive prophylaxis medicines for 9months just like my siblings to prevent TB but i missed a few days so i had to restart all over. Another thing around or after that time my stool lab showed i had Giardia lamblia, i dont know if i was treated for that, but now when i have stool test, no parasite is found. i dont know if i still have parasites or not, So i dont know what the root cause is. i also get cold hands and cold feet. i am sick of this gas and want to get rid of it forever. could it be candida?
[by sarah123 on Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:21:23 BST]
[message edited by sarah123 on Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:28:45 BST]
[message edited by sarah123 on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 02:02:35 BST]
[message edited by sarah123 on Fri, 24 Oct 2014 02:38:08 BST]
  sarah123 on 2014-09-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, it could be candida, especially if you have
had several courses of antibiotics and
no pro biotics after.

Do you have white coating on the tongue in
the morning?

Have you ever tried probiotics?
simone717 9 years ago
PL take
1. Carbo Veg-200 6 pills twice a day for 10 days and then give feedback
Avoid milk, dairy products and bakery products
Pl do some exercise every day

PL drink pro-biotic drink like 'Yakult' every day

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk 9 years ago
i do have a mild white coating on the middle of the tongue. however when i point this out to the doctors, they just say there is nothing. i have been suffering from this gas problem but conventional medicine has no answer so i dont trust the doctors. i do believe it is a mild white coating. I have tried probiotics for more than a month, it hasnt helped.

Shouse nsk:
which company do you recommend : hyland, standard, whp, boiron?
Is it 200C or 200X? after or before meal?
I dont know where to get Yakult from as i am in US.
Is there a way to get rid of food intolerances?
does carboveg kill parasites if there are any in the body?
Currently i have carboveg 30 liquid form. should i take 30 or 200?
sarah123 9 years ago
Also does anyone have experience with ICV Detox IIeocecal valve 2oz spray? i do have other symptoms they listed like dark circles under eyes, ringing in ears sometimes, food intolerances, nasal blockage, indigestion, gas, bloating.
would ICV detox help in my case?
sarah123 9 years ago

You cannot use icv detox spray while doing homeopathy.

You are also looking at all of these things as individual parts
of things.

In homeopathy on chronic issues your totality is looked at.
A remedy is chosen based on matching important symptoms
and what makes you better and worse.

If someone has now and then indigestion, or had antibiotics
and no probiotics or a cold or a flu etc you can suggest
the remedy for that issue ( which is one that happened in
the last couple weeks or so)

Remedies don't work how you are thinking they work. When there
is a good enough match, your body will not allow that match-
it will not allow 2 similar things. What it will do is raise your life
force to clear you of imbalance following a certain path (
please google Herings law of cure)


1. I will give a link to a form- please fill it out in detail for
every single thing you have-When it began, what are the sensations,
where it shows up, what makes it better, what makes it worse.

After that if RP Tamhankar still wants you to have Carbo Veg at
least he has all the info on you to decide.

2.Sometimes you have to switch probiotics- get one that is 8 strain
and when a lot of antibiotics have been given you need to take
this for 3 months to restore your gut.

3. You could have food allergies- you can get skin tested for
those and know within a half hour-what you should initially
avoid till you get stronger.

4. The Link is http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/188925

5. Important to list all remedies, herbs, and medicines you have used
for this problem also. Sounds like you used Carbo veg before in 30c?
Anyway that info needs to be given.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:14:56 BST]
simone717 9 years ago
Patient ID: Sex:F Age: 27

1. Describe your main suffering?
Excess gas and weird trapped gas noise in the rectum throughout the day. gas gets trapped in the muscle throughout the body.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Cold hands cold feets,Nasal blockage , ear blockage sometimes, dark eye circles, food intolerances, difficulty concentrating when reading books, read slow, lack of motivation, sometime sad when thinking about the reality of life and people behavior.

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Loneliness(maybe because single), Depressed low self esteem because of being trapped/cursed with this embarrasing problem.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
Avoid people, go to bathroom.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
At age 13. Took TB preventive prophylaxic antibiotic for 9 months, missed dose so had to restart 9months again. After that stool sample showed Giardia lamblia parasite. Didnt get treatment for this at the time as did not report to doctor. 4 years back, i was told i had H.pylori, mild gastritis, mild duodenitis from biopsy endoscopy.

6. Which time of the day you are worst?
In a quiet room with people.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Junk foods. Icecream, chips, potatoes, beans, milk, pizza, and alot more foods.
Eating healthy fresh food can keep gas a little at bay but nothing helps, gas is always there.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Quiet room/place makes it worse.

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
I am nice and friendly and try to recieve kindness from others. Changeable. People avoid me when they hear the noise coming from me and therefore i have lost the confidence and have difficulty keeping conversation and have difficulty making friends.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
No. weeping only when i recall my problems.

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
People dont understand my gas problems.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Fear loneliness sometimes fear when its quiet outside when nobody is around feels like the world is over. Get depressed when i dont talk or dont have a meaningful conversation on several days. Day dream about guys, or happy thoughts from the day lingers in my mind which makes studies difficult to concentrate on.

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Ice cream, cookies, candies, chocalates, cakes, salty or spicy chips.

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?
Listed above.
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
I noticed when i get off from a leather chair, it leaves a wet big spot (sweat) and goes away after 2 minutes. Have been seeing this since 13years old.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Pass stool everyday. consistency changes sometimes solid sometimes soft broken pieces. when the problems started i used to have constipation.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
I sleep alot. try to sleep for 7 hours now. In the past few years couldnt get up without having 9hours of sleep. Have difficulty getting up in the morning feel tired.

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
Have lack of things to say to people, difficulty coming up with things fast enough.

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Took antibiotics to treat H.pylori 5 years back, took omeprazole, mylanta for a few days. This year went to GI doctor, found out i had SIBO, was given antibiotic for that. After that i took a probiotic for 10days.

22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Grandfather had TB. Parents border line diabetes, cholesterol, stomach rumblings.

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
5feet3inch. 120pounds. fat on the belly (distention).

Please answer the following questions:
(Please give details of your past menstruation if you have attained menopause.)
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general?
Sometimes a week early maybe due to stress.
How long do they last?
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
Pain in the legs.
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
thick red, some red clumps. Got pelvic ultrasound everything was normal.
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?

Never took carboveg 30 before, found it in my home, so i took 10drops three times yesterday for the first time.
[message edited by sarah123 on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:06:53 BST]
sarah123 9 years ago
I have a question on the SIBO
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) (cont.)

There are no specific complaints or physical findings that can make the diagnosis of SIBO. Instead, small intestine bacterial overgrowth should be considered in the presence of a compilation of many non-specific symptoms; each by themselves would not be worrisome but together can point to the potential diagnosis.

Initial symptoms are specific to the gastrointestinal tract and abdomen and include:

abdominal pain,
diarrhea, and
excess gas or flatulence.
A person with SIBO does not need to have all of these symptoms.

As the disease progresses, the bacterial overgrowth inhibits the body's ability to properly absorb nutrients from the diet. This can lead to vitamin and electrolyte abnormalities, protein deficiencies, and difficulties with fat absorption

-------Did you feel better after Antibiotic treatment?-----------

fyi on food allergies- you said you feel a little better after eating fresh,
healthy foods. What you may not know is that allergies to dairy specifically,
can cause general inflammation and gas and difficult digestion for two
weeks after one meal with dairy.

And people often crave what they are allergic to. So you must be vigilant on
your diet. Beans of course are noted for causing gas, cut out dairy products-
it may take two weeks to notice the difference. The bad part is that people
then try some dairy and it seems to not have a bad effect, and then 3 days
later they are having gas, bloating etc bc the dairy from 3 days ago has
inflammed your system. Stop eating everything that you know leads to

After you do this you can introduce one of those foods at a time and then
watch what happens over the next week. With homeopathic treatment your
immune system can get rebuilt and foods that trigger now perhaps will be fine.
But you have to give your system a break to detox.

_______ Will let RP Tamhanker take it from here_____________
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:30:49 BST]
simone717 9 years ago
I was positive for SIBO after taking hydrogen breath test. Then i was prescribed antibiotics. But the problems persist. so conventional medicine isnt working for me. I am willing to stay away from certain foods, its hard to know what i am intolerant to when i am eating a combination of foods at a time. its hard to take down dry food with no taste plus i am a slow eater. I just wish my immune system can get rebuilt and food intolerances go away as well as this major gas problem.
sarah123 9 years ago

you can go to an allergy dr. and they skin test you-
bumps show up for the allergic substances.

They can give you a list of everything in 45 minutes.

You have to plan your diet out for the day/week-
it takes time to rebuild the immune system and at
the start you must stop triggering inflammation bc
that lasts for weeks and then seems unrelated to
what you are eating, bc it is from something you
ate days ago.

Google elimination diets for allergies.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:23:59 BST]
simone717 9 years ago
I have stopped triggering foods for a month in the past. but it hasnt helped. it seems like anything i eat i become allergic to it. i dont know what to eat for breakfast,lunch,dinner. i have gotten skin allergy test upon request from doctors but they only tested me for pollen and environmental things, and for foods told me to do elimination diet.
sarah123 9 years ago
What were you allergic to regards pollen or environment?

Test for foods so you know. Tons of
people get tested for foods all the time. It can feel like
anything you eat you are allergic to it- IF you ate something
that you really are ALLERGIC to in days before.

bc- the allergic food will not let your digestive system
work properly - the digestive tract will have inflammation
and then digestion will be very slow, bloating and gas.

Up to you.

RP Tamhankar-

Do you want to change her prescription or keep it the
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 19:32:17 BST]
simone717 9 years ago
I was prescribed allergy panel tests to which i tested negative to all of them. But food allergy test was not given as doctors have difficulty writing it. will try again to get it. Thanks for help.

RP Tamhankar:
should i take carboveg 30 or 200 liquid or pills? before or after meal?

Also i have difficulty concentrating/focusing on what i am reading, i feel like escaping my responsibility of studying. my mind diverts, whole day i would be just staring at the book and thinking about something else. Also when i am talking to somebody my conversation doesnt flow, i have difficulty coming up with things to say fast, my mind becomes sluggish. i feel lazy. I feel shameless and dont feel/care about money. its hard to motivate myself to study because i am not worrying about how i will survive. so need help to fix this problem as well.
[message edited by sarah123 on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 02:37:48 BST]
sarah123 9 years ago
You pl take Carbo Veg-200. If pills then 6 pills, if liquid then 3 drops in one teaspoon water

PL take the treatment for 15 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk 9 years ago
Thanks. should i take before meal or after meal? is hyland homeopathic medicine good?
Can i take green tea during those 15days?
[message edited by sarah123 on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 03:31:02 BST]
sarah123 9 years ago
RP is in India- they don't have our brands
Hylands is a well known brand. You can
order off this site remedies shop from
Boiron, Hylands, or WHP.

RP can answer you about before or after
and green tea.
simone717 9 years ago
Homeo medicines to be taken when generally stomach is empty It means 2 hours before or after meals
You can take green tea

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk 9 years ago
Thank you i will order this and will let you know how i feel.
sarah123 9 years ago
Is there a difference in quality of these medicines?
Rxhomeo is selling carboveg 200c for $4.50 for 1oz. while other sites are selling 1oz for $26.
sarah123 9 years ago
Just get the pills off this site-
pills on here for a vial which is all you need is $9.26 plus shipping. Liquid
is way more in usa.

Rx homeo -for usa, I would not order
from them.
simone717 9 years ago
whats the difference in effectiveness between pills and liquid? for 1oz pills are $26 and liquid for $29, not much difference in price.
whats the reason for not ordering from Rxhomeo?
sarah123 9 years ago
I don't trust how they make them -this
is some homeopath out of India trying
to create something here on a large
scale-they are new here-

You just need a vial of pills- they
are $9 plus shipping. Liquid is more
in the usa.

Liquid in India is same or less than pills-
liquid can be easier to use if one has
a specific type of dosing to do-Which you do not and on Carbo veg
you don't even know if this will have
an effect so get the smallest amount-

Up to you to decide.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 19:33:22 BST]
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 19:40:27 BST]
simone717 9 years ago
I see. But the pills for $9 has only 2drams which has 160pellets and i need 180pellets for 15days.

Also i took carbo veg 30x for only 2 days 10 drops in 4tbsp of water twice a day and my feets are freezing now. is this some kind of side effect, i was feeling very cold at night as well, weather has gotten colder but i am wondering if carboveg has something to do with it.
sarah123 9 years ago
Yes, one of the symptoms of carbo veg is:

extremities, limbs; coldness; lower limbs; foot; icy cold:

Have you ever had this happen before to your feet?

If yes, or if No, it means different things.

Regardless of the Yes or the No that potency is having an action.
When you are having a reaction, you stop dosing and wait and

So for right now I would observe and note the reactions for several days
and then report them.

The amount of pills can be reduced so that you only have to get
one vial.
simone717 9 years ago
well my hands and feets are always cold, people get shocked when they shake hands with me. but it was feeling icy cold after i took it for a day or 2. anyways i will order the pills. does the liquid have more benefit, how does a person use a carboveg liquid?
sarah123 9 years ago
RP Tamhankar-

Please advise her on the use of liquid.
simone717 9 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.