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Coffea Cruda: $4.19


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Remedy for Coffee withdrawl??

I have been a coffee drinker for the last 16 years. Always two or more cups a day. I have also had good luck with many remedies. However, it has become increasingly apparent to me that I would have even better results if I gave up the coffee. I am afraid to stop drinking coffe though, because i have tried to give it up twice before, at the beginning of both my pregnancies, and I became violently ill both times, not as a sudden onset, but over the course of 48 hours following the last cup. Severe head pain and vertigo, leading to the inabillity to stand at all, vomiting and feeling like voices and televison and all other noise was intolerable. Eventually both times i gave up and drank coffee and began to feel better soon after. I want to give up coffee but I'm scared of the withdrawl. Is there a remedy that will help this? I know its not the caffine that antidotes the remedies, but the oil in the coffe bean.
  samnbudsmom on 2005-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You have to use your will power according to my knowledge there is no homeopathic remedy that can produce disgust for coffee other may suggest you.
sajjadakram635 last decade
the best way is to cut down very slowly - if you drink mugs then drink cups, then take less or weaker over several weeks. Don't stop drinking it suddenly as this is what causes withdrawal symptoms.
after this time buy a decaff and mix with the normal to reduce further when you make the coffee.
with all coffee be sure you are drinking coffee that is as chemical free as possible, pref. organic coffee from its production point of view, as chemicals in coffee can be more harmful than coffee.
decaff made with the swiss water method is a non-chemical process.
It may help to take some coffea 30c if you get any withdrawal symptoms whilst cutting down slowly - take only if the symptoms appear not to prevent them.
Taking coffea if you cut out the caffeine suddenly may not work as the withdrawal will be so strong.
hope this helps.
erika last decade

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