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2-yo twins: nearly no hearing, glue ear, enlarged adenoids + tonsils. ANY HELP? 4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Enlarged Adenoids and hearing

My daughter is 2.5 years and went to ent for fluid behind ear drum. He said she has enlarged adenoids and prescribed nasal spray to just for 4 weeks. Since birth she has had issues with passing hearing test. She did pass the sound booth test a year ago. ENT wants to put tubes in and take out adenoids if spray doen't bring down swelling. Is there anything we can do to help shrink adenoids? Could this be the cause of her hearing issues from birth?
  ljw40 on 2014-07-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can try to find a suitable remedy but first I’d suggest to click on my username to learn about me.

Please answer the applicable questions below so that I may be able to select a remedy. Answer under the questions leaving them in place:

1. Age, weight, height
2. Physical appearance of the child e.g. thin, chubby, tall, short
3. Describe the nature of the child (shy, headstrong etc. give details)
4. Have the growth milestones (e.g. teething, standing, walking, talking etc. )achieved early, on time or late
5. What are the symptoms of the health problem
6. What makes the problem better without using medicines
7. What makes the problem worse without using medicines
8. How is the child behaving emotionally during this problem
9. How long the problem has been there
10. What is the reason of the problem in mother’s view
11. How is the child’s thirst & appetite
12. What does the child like to eat
13. What does the child dislike in food
14. Is there any strong preference of taste e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter
15. How is the stool & urine
16. How is the child’s sleep
17. What is the child afraid of (animals, insects, darkness, alone etc.)
18. Where does the child sweat normally
19. How much does the child sweat (little, moderate, a lot)
20. Any problems with nose, throat, ears, chest
21. Is the child normally cold or hot
22. Was it a planned pregnancy, if not, how did you feel on finding about it
23. How was the pregnancy of the mother (morning sickness, bleeding, happy, sad, tense etc)
24. How is the relationship of mother & father
25. What diseases run in your family (mother & father)
fitness last decade
1. Age, weight, height
will be 3 in Sept., 28 lbs.
2. Physical appearance of the child e.g. thin, chubby, tall, short
pettie, thin but not underweight
3. Describe the nature of the child (shy, headstrong etc. give details)
shy with strangers, independent, strong will
4. Have the growth milestones (e.g. teething, standing, walking, talking etc. )achieved early, on time or late
has had a rough time with teeth but on schedule, talking late not very well.
5. What are the symptoms of the health problem
no health issues
6. What makes the problem better without using medicines

7. What makes the problem worse without using medicines
8. How is the child behaving emotionally during this problem
some outbursts of hitting, biting
9. How long the problem has been there
on and off since birth
10. What is the reason of the problem in mother’s view
just not sure of what is going on with the ears since birth. Times of hearing good to not hearing well at all.
11. How is the child’s thirst & appetite
has been good not great. does drink lots of water. eats more at dinner time.
12. What does the child like to eat
loves cheese but has stopped giving in the past month. beans, vegs, salsa, smoothies.
13. What does the child dislike in food
meats, all but turkey.
14. Is there any strong preference of taste e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter
likes more salty
15. How is the stool & urine
all good
16. How is the child’s sleep.
never has been good until lately. as a baby it was very bad, very sleep deprived.
17. What is the child afraid of (animals, insects, darkness, alone etc.)
18. Where does the child sweat normally
19. How much does the child sweat (little, moderate, a lot)
20. Any problems with nose, throat, ears, chest
ears, nose stuffy
21. Is the child normally cold or hot
22. Was it a planned pregnancy, if not, how did you feel on finding about it
yes, planned, had hard time getting pregnant. stressful job
23. How was the pregnancy of the mother (morning sickness, bleeding, happy, sad, tense etc)
happy, stressful, not much sickness
24. How is the relationship of mother & father
25. What diseases run in your family (mother & father)
heart disease, diabeties
ljw40 last decade
How are her tonsils.

Is there any nasal discharge, if so, what color

Smell her mouth and let me know if there is any foul odor, if so, can you describe it

Smell her ears and let me know
fitness last decade

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