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school phobia

my 16 year old daughter avoids going school bcaz of math problems. she was really good untill last year(average 80%). but noiw she complains teaher not teachin well, refuse to change school. any remedy to cahange her attitude. she is ver picky in food and eats very less. thanx
  nasirramzan on 2014-04-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Options are:

1. Talk to the school about this and see if they have a tutor program
for those who fall behind so she can catch up.

2. Get a private tutor to work with her so she does not have to rely
on that teacher.

3. See if she can drop that class or make it up in the summer with another
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 01 May 2014 04:46:16 BST]
simone717 last decade
It seems to me that this child could benefit from homoeopathic treatment. I see many children with issues around school, bad attitudes, laziness, behaviour problems, conflicts with teachers. While of course there could be a number of external factors here, the reality is that most of our problems in life arise from our own internal struggles. Once the internal state is put back into balance, very often many of those 'external' problems become much less important.

However, at 16 she is practically an adult, and as such she would need to give her own case directly. You could not give her case yourself. She would need to fully answer all questions posed, and be willing to follow directions and give detailed follow ups.
Evocationer last decade
This young woman sounds like she was doing well as the mother

More needs to be known about how the teacher teaches and
interacts with students to see what is really going on here.

The 'reality is that most of our problems in life arise from
our own internal struggles' is a bit of an over- reach when
you don't know the facts. Sometimes you have a very poor teacher,
or abusive teacher, or a lazy teacher and people do not do
well in their classes and get abused bc they are too young
to understand what is really going on.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 01 May 2014 04:47:14 BST]
simone717 last decade
Simone, to be fair, you have also assumed a great deal here. Without taking any case, you have assumed the child has no problem and that the teachers or the school is the problem. There is absolutely no proof for such a view. It might be true, or it might not be. However what we do know is that the child is struggling, and we also know that homoeopathy can help make ANY struggle easier for the patient, regardless of what it is.

I treat a lot of teenagers, and the changes within them can produce many problems quite suddenly around school. In ALL cases I have found that the correct remedy makes their experiences as school easier for them, regardless of whether another person is also involved in the problem. It may not completely solve it of course, but it will reduce the intensity of the problem.

I imagine that if it were simply a matter of a bad teacher, every student in that class would all be complaining of the same thing, and that they would all suddenly be doing very poorly. The teacher could be a good one, and it is the girl's attitude that is the problem, or her perception of the teacher. They may simply have a conflict of personalities, all problems which could easily be fixed with homoeopathy.

Even when an external event causes a problem to arise, it is the patient we treat not the external event. Out of this situation, the girl has become a picky eater and is eating less. There is the beginning of disease here, regardless of the trigger. Disease is only caused when a person has a specific sensitivity to it, and as such we can use it as an opportunity to treat.

It is rare for us as homoeopaths to be able to step into people's lives and see what is really going on. We can only examine the patient and their reaction to it, and it is the patient at whom we direct treatment. If a patient is having trouble with something, we treat them for it, always taking into account what is normal or expected in the situation and differentiating that from the imbalance caused by their internal imbalance.
[message edited by Evocationer on Wed, 30 Apr 2014 01:16:53 BST]
Evocationer last decade
Yes, we do not know the facts here- The girl could have
been a picky eater her entire life.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 01 May 2014 04:48:37 BST]
simone717 last decade
Well if she was a picky eater her whole life, she needs a remedy!

The things we react to in our lives always reflect the internal disturbance of the vital force. For me personally I would be considering this an opportunity to correct that.

I totally understand that the school system generally is a terrible one. I actually agree with you that many times children are blamed when it is the system itself that is failing them. I see that constantly in the children I treat.

However, you can help them to survive that system more easily with homoeopathy. Health is adaptability, disease is a lack of such. Once we give a child back their adaptability, it is surprising how easily they can make the best of a bad situation.
Evocationer last decade
I understand where you are coming from.

I am coming from- 'let us not make the best of a bad situation'
Lets change the situation if needed and empower the student to
know their rights and if you cannot do anything about the teacher,
( I am talking about teacher issues here) there usually is some
way around the problem so one does not have to endure frustration
or feeling like a victim .
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 01 May 2014 04:49:29 BST]
simone717 last decade
I totally agree with you. I actually think your advice is great! A lot of parents tend to assume something is wrong with their child when it is a shared problem that the school (or even the parents) have a significant role in.

And I really do believe the school system is so counter productive to actual learning.
Evocationer last decade
I agree with
you about the school systems.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 01 May 2014 04:50:42 BST]
simone717 last decade

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