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Nux Vomica: $4.19



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Yes I've used this method.

But can you see what I say when I seem to react to everything I take. I don't think there was anything in the detox drops that should cause the reaction I had but that is what it is like when I take anything.

And it worries me that if I take remedies have a reaction who do you go to for help when you deal on line with a therapist. Some reactions have lasted 3 days and I think it was obviously too high a dose to start. I know my body and what my toleration levels are like that is why when you said 200c - I knew there wasn't any way.

I hate 'losing' days when I am like this with remedies. The remedy you have prescribed especially makes me nervous because it is unheard of so although I've ordered it and on it's way I still haven't decided whether or not to take it - especially after the reaction at the weekend with the detox drops. I am nervous of taking it and i cannot be more honest than that with you.
june81 last decade
How many cups have you diluted the remedy through? The most sensitive patient I have seen, very much like you, was able to tolerate her remedy (which also then cured her sensitivity) after she diluted it 5 times.

It doesn't surprise me the detox drops have had that effect. They are raw herbs - very dangerous to an ultrasensitive like yourself. Until you are cured you need to avoid things like that.

The remedy I have prescribed is not unheard of. It is a proven remedy, and there are a number of cured cases where practitioners used it. It's relative newness won't be relevant to your reaction though - anything whether old or new seems to affect you strongly.

The right remedy will cure this. It is part of your disease. Frankly, I believe homoeopathy is your only hope - I do not know of any other medicine that can cure this kind of sensitivity.
Evocationer last decade
Probably down to two glasses before.

Why am I so sensitive to everything I take - is it just my body make-up?

The remedy chosen isn't one that seems to be used or heard of here in the UK - I follow the forums and no-one seems to have prescribed it that's all I am saying.

What have people experienced when proving this remedy and would you have any idea what I can expect initially from it. And will it sort out my weight and bloating.
kohler last decade
Two cups isn't enough. Many of my mildly sensitive patients do that anyway. I would start you on a 4 cup dilution to begin with.

There is no answer to why you are sensitive - it is part of your state, and as such must be cured. To some degree your sensitivity will always be a part of you, but should be put back in balance so that can be a positive thing rather than a negative.

The proving of this remedy was published in a book by Jonathan Shore about 10 years ago, along with a whole lot of other new remedies. All these remedies appear in the latest repertories so they are able to be arrived at simply by following the rubrics. The problem with many homoeopaths is that they stick only to the well known remedies, and some patients will miss getting their simillimum because of this.

Colum-p is the Wood Dove. I have used a number of the other bird remedies in this book with great success, curing cases that had come to me from other homoeopaths. I remember several of my own patients who were cured by Scarlet Macaw (cured CFS of 8 years standing), Blue Heron (cured a deformative arthritis of the hands), Peregrine Falcon, Red-tailed Hawk, Raven (cured a child who would not speak), and recently a case of Turkey Vulture (for a case of chronic nasal obstruction). The bird group is a valuable and under-prescribed group of remedies I feel.

As with any remedy given for hopefully the right reasons, there should be a mild aggravation of your symptoms followed by relief. If we can adjust the dose correctly, you should not experience any proving symptoms.
[message edited by Evocationer on Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:42:58 BST]
Evocationer last decade
OK - you are probably right that the English stick to the common remedies.
kohler last decade
Remedy arrived today.

So to clarify, please list what this remedy will do for me - if you don't mind - I need clarity in my own head that it will help my main issues, bloating, weight and really bad body image at the moment.

june81 last decade
I prescribe on the totality - one remedy for the whole disease. I would expect that all of your current problems would improve on that remedy. I certainly give it with this expectation. When a remedy is chosen, the mentals and emotional symptoms usually decide it, and it is often noted in homoeopathy that a remedy that covers these symptoms will cure any physical symptom regardless of whether it is found in the repertory for that symptom.

Bloating and being overweight are common symptoms, and every remedy in our books can be indicated for them. On their own they will never help you decide which remedy to choose. We choose medicines on the basis of peculiarity, and the most peculiar aspect of any person is the way their heart and mind works, their feelings and their thoughts and their beliefs.

The reality of treatment is that often patients need a variety of remedies over time, based on what kind of changes the previous remedy has made. People's diseases have evolved over a long period of time, and homoeopathy strives to devolve them back to a point where the patient was healthy (if that point ever existed before, and if not it creates that point for the first time).

I would expect that the emotional and mental state would improve first, then the general state of health (energy, sleep, appetite etc), followed by the specific local or physical symptoms. Sometimes the order in which this happens depends on the order in which those symptoms appeared. Often those changes which have resulted in tissue or structural alterations take the longest to reverse, as the body must literally unmake the changes.

As per the principle of Direction of Cure, healing often flows in this same direction, which means that you may see improvement in the more important symptoms while the ones lower in the hierarchy aggravate. You may also see old symptoms suddenly resurface for no reason other than the remedy has provoked them, and this is an excellent sign. In most cases, when this happens, I can assure the patient they will improve markedly.
[message edited by Evocationer on Wed, 30 Apr 2014 01:40:07 BST]
Evocationer last decade
How long do you think it will take to see improvements and a cure
june81 last decade
There is no way to predict that. Prognosis depends on the reaction you get, how similar the remedies are, how advanced the changes to your body are, how high your vitality is, how much suppression there has been previously, Improvement might be rapid then stop while a new obstacle presents itself, or it might be slow and steady.

However, any remedy should show a reaction within the first few days. Improvement should be seen by the second week as a general rule. How it will go with you is hard to say at this stage.
Evocationer last decade
Out of curiosity and because I've not heard of this remedy ever before - what would be the most similar in one of the older remedies and would you get a similar cure
kohler last decade
I don't think that question can be answered. The only remedy that will really cure is the right one - sometimes a remedy that is similar will have a good effect, but it would really depend on the case the patient presents.

But I suppose if you were looking for a differential diagnosis, one might consider Staphysagria, Carcinosinum, Cocculus. For other patients the remedies you would consider might be different.

My experience over the last 20 years has often been that I have attempted to cure specific patients with the polycrest remedies, and the results have been unsatisfying. Then I have stumbled upon a relatively new remedy and bang! The case cures rapidly and dramatically. Our materia medica has expanded to such a large extent now that most of us have trouble keeping up with it. But it is part of our job to try.

This isn't to imply that I know for sure you need this remedy and no other. At this stage, I can only make the same educated guess we always make. The proof is in the response of course. If the response does not bear out the choice, then I will look around for other possibilities.
Evocationer last decade
How often are you planning on repeating the remedy after the first dose
kohler last decade
How often will you repeat remedy after first dose?
june81 last decade
There is no 'formula' for repeating the dose.

It depends on your reaction to the dose.

Some reactions can be:

A. nothing happens at all, so repeat it a couple times to see
if there is a reaction.

B. You have a reaction- good or bad.That means the remedy
is having some type of effect. Then you wait and watch and
see what the outcome is.Depending on the outcome, it
could be weeks before you repeat the dose.

This is why you have a homeopath guide you and you report
what is going on after the dose- so they can then evaluate
how your body is responding and what to do next.
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 02 May 2014 15:30:24 BST]
simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone - so used to them telling me to take it every day or every other day.
june81 last decade
Simone is right, we need to assess your reaction to one dose first, then see how to proceed. Considering how sensitive you have been, I don't want you to suffer unnecessarily.

My habit with 12c is to do 4-7 doses in a row, but with you we might space those every 2 or 3 days instead.
Evocationer last decade
OK - so instructions as to how many drops - 4th cup dilution.

Things to avoid - coffee? I drink coffee do I stop?

I'm really bloated the last few days and just don't understand because I've done nothing different food basically the same - clean - and exercise but this is what I find - no reasons but my body just doesn't seem to be the same two days running and when I'm bloated like the last two days my mood goes way down. So hoping this remedy sorts the weight and bloat out.

Await exact instructions on taking the remedy.
june81 last decade
Also in terms of support if I have a problem or reaction how do you support if I am worried - how quick will you respond and advise as I need to know that I've got back up if there is a problem and that a response is quick.
june81 last decade

maybe you should email him and work this out that way.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone
I am waiting for him to reply to my questions - think he prefers to use the forum as opposed to emails.

I'll wait for his response.
june81 last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Sun, 04 May 2014 01:24:00 BST]
simone717 last decade
OK thanks for that if he's not on here on weekends well I don't want to be intrusive - I can wait another day or so and I'm sure we can set up an emergency contact. I'm out tomorrow anyway so not really wanted to take something to upset the applecart and my aggravations with it being a bank holiday weekend.
june81 last decade
Hi. I am here, but Simone is correct - weekends are a bit harder for me as my family usually demands my time then.

Alright these are the instructions.

Hit the bottle 3 times.
Place a single drop into 250mls of water.
Stir thoroughly (30 seconds).
Take 2 teaspoons out and place them in a second cup of 250mls.
Stir thoroughly.
Take 2 teaspoons out and place them in a third cup of 250mls.
Stir again.
Take 2 teaspoons out and place them in a fourth cup of 250mls.
Stir again and take 2 teaspoons out and place them in your mouth.
Hold for 20 seconds and swallow.

This is one dose. I would repeat this process 3 times to begin with, stopping of course if there is any marked aggravation of any type.
Evocationer last decade
When you say repeat 3 times to begin with is that the first time I take it I take one dose then the same the next and again on the 3rd day or is it 3 doses one after the other?

What about coffee?
june81 last decade
Ah my apologies I meant take the remedy 3 times, not 4 times. Once each day.

Coffee should not be a problem, unless you are normally aggravated by it.
Evocationer last decade
On a 12c would an aggravation be severe?
june81 last decade

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