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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

heel pain

the pain started occasionally about 2 months ago. Now its a constant pain, in the middle of my right heel. My job requires alot of standing and walking.{manager conveince store} The pain is so bad have a hard time going to sleep at night. I have a great tolerance to pain, but this is getting me down. I work from 4:00am till 2:00 pm dailyand needless to say my energy level is ziltch. My stress levels are over the top. I take herbs and vitamins, a friend suggested I post here. I know nothing about homeopathy, but from what I have read it makes perfect sense to me. That being said I don't want to take the wrong thing. I checked our area, closest homopathis Dr. is 100 miles a way. Thank in advance for any help you all my have. I would like to heal all of me instead of quick fixes suggested by my medical doctor. Im female 42 years old
  marjorie on 2005-11-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Use homeopathic medicine "AMMONIUM MURIATICUM 30" thrice a day for 3 days, then inform.
Dr Sajid Mahmood.
drsajid last decade
Madam, first you take the medicine recommended by Dr. Sajid Mohammad, if find no relief please try Antimonium Crudum 200 weekly dose.
Dr Kumar last decade
Also soaking the heel in a small pail hot water with a handful of salt helps.
new2town last decade
if all fails then try symphytum 200 daily two doses for a month and report to the forum it is very dependable medicine for heel pain.
deoshlok last decade
In addition to whatever medication you take, please visit sports-goods shop and buy cushioning heel pads(for insertion in the existing shoes) and also look for shoes with soft heel.

The reason for the pain being in only one leg is our natural posture while standing, throwing more weight on one leg. Now that your right leg is inflammed, left will have to take more weight and get into similar trouble. Hence, provide cushioning for both legs simultaneously.

In my opinion, Zingiber 6C is your medicine. Buy 1 drachm tincture(liquid medicine). Put 1 drop in 1 ounce of distilled water/non-medicinal spring water(boiled)/rain water(collected after it has rained for a few minutes)/drinking water(boiled) and shake it vigorously at least 10 times. Out of this, use 1 tea-spoonful as a dose.

Take next dose when the improvement from the previous dose starts fading off. Shake,as before, every time, just before taking the next dose.

Do not put strong smelling things(including tooth paste) in the mouth one hour before and after taking the medicine.

Try to give as much rest as possible to the feet. Avoid lifting heavy objects.
sahai last decade

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