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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

In Desperate Need Of Help For Husband's Throat


I am seeking help for my husband, Paul, who has been suffering with a weird throat pain for about 4 months now. Below is the questionnaire Rishimba has developed. Paul has suffered from acid reflux (GERD) for years, has taken Prilosec for about 10 years, and now has a hietal hernia.

From Rishimba's Questionairre:

1. Describe your main suffering?

Raw tender irritated throat pain originating on the left side in the area under the jaw bone. Worse when swallowing. Feeling of a lump when swallowing. Worse when talking. Voice becomes hoarse and painful as he talks throughout the day. Worse for cold drinks, better for warn drinks. Better for turning his head to the left and swallowing. Worse for turning his head to the right and swallowing.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?

If he does not take his acid reflux medicine, he gets heartburn. Heartburn usually occurs about an hour after eating.

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?

A lot of anxiety, wondering if it could be something like c.a.n.c.e.r.. He is very depressed, feeling hopeless. Yearning to find an answer as to what it is, and anxiety over whether it is treatable. About a month ago, Paul has a panic attack over it because he was afraid it was c.a.n.c.e.r.. He thought he was having a heart attack, and called an ambulance. It was a panic attack from worrying. A second panic attack occurred a few weeks after the initial one. When he experiences these panic attacks, he feels very hot, weak, dizzy, heart beating harder, very uncomfortable. These panic attacks were in direct relation to the throat pain as well as the fact that he was just laid off from his job of over 16 years.

He is very anxious and ridden with anxiety also over how he is going to provide for his family in leu of this job loss.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?

Mentally, during times when the throat pain is at its worst, he feels depressed, hopeless, and very angry.

Physically, during times when the throat pain is at its worst, he feels more tired and weak and just wants to lie down.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?

It started about 4 months ago.
Past event: Around the time this started, he had just gotten a huge paycut at work, and was very stressed about this.
Past disease: He has been told by an ENT that this throat problem is related to GERD (acid reflux).

6. Which time of the day you are worst?

Evening, around 10:00 p.m. until he goes to bed.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?

Ameliorates: When he touches the spot and puts pressure on the spot that hurts the most, it alleviates some of the pain. When he turns his head to the left it alleviates some of the pain. Drinking warm drinks. Heat.

Aggravates: Swallowing and talking aggravates the most. Drinking cold drinks.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

Internally, there is a good chance it could have to do with acid reflux and hietal hernia.

Externally, it could have to do with stress, loss of employment, suffering finances, exhaustion from constantly worrying about money and finances.

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

Feel better during hot and humid weather.

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.

He generally has a very mild personality. Very seldom gets blazing angry. Moods are mostly very even. Does not like arguing. Is on the quiet side. He is somewhat of a suspicious person. Very skeptical, especially of holistic medicines. He does not easily trust others. He gets irritated with others easily. (He's actually irritated that I am asking him all of these questions right now) Is somewhat arrogant. Lacks compassion. He is very closed, does not easily talk about how he is feeling. He is a silent worrier. Mostly about money and health. He gets annoyed easily, and does not like to be asked for help. He silently worries if he (and his family) are as good as every one else. Has a tendency to compare us to others, wondering why we don't do it like this family, or wondering why if so and so is doing things a certain way, why we aren't following suit. Likes to be on par with society's standards. Puts a lot of pressure on himself and his family in this regard. This described his personality on most days.

When he is in a really good mood, he can get a bit silly and fun and come out of the shell a bit.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?

He likes thunderstorms. He feels good before and during a thunderstorm.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?


- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?

Smells bother him. He has a very keen sense of smell, and if something doesn't smell right, it does bother him. Noise levels also bother him. If things are too loud, it bothers him. And he is usually bothered by a bright room. He keeps the shades closed in rooms he is in. However, he enjoys going outside of a bright, sunny day.

Also, ridges REALLY bother him. Like the ridges along the sides of coins. Running his fingers along anything with ridges gives him chills and makes him want to jump out of his skin.

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?

He taps his fingers and hands all the time, making beats.

He sits on his legs while at his deck chair.

He has a pillow (he's has his pillow for years), where he uses the seams of the pillow to press in between his fingers and rub on his face. Out of everything in the entire world, this pillow and this action calms him the most.

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

He doesn't have any real close friends. All the friends he had from highschool have not started a family like he has. They still engage in drinking and partying, and Paul cannot do those things anymore. Sometimes, he secretly would like to go hang out with his old buddies again, but when he does, he usually comes home complaining that he has nothing in common with these guys.

He is very annoyed by his family. He loves his family, and he idealizes them in his mind, but he is very annoyed at them. Especially is 5 year old son, who has very whiny behavior, very defiant behavior. Paul wants nothing more than to connect to his 5 year old, but his 5 year old has such obstinate behavior, that it makes it literally impossible to get close. Paul also compares his 5 year old to his sister's children a lot, wondering why he can't act more like them. He is silently ashamed of his 5 year old around his parents because he knows his parents compare his 5 year old to his sister's children too.

He is also very annoyed with his wife. I have Tourettes Syndrome, and he is very annoyed and aggravated at my tics. My personality is also very different, more extroverted and eccentric than his, and he is more reserved and controlled.

I also like to talk about feelings a lot, and he does not. This annoys him. It also annoys him that I expect him to be more compassionate toward people and their situations, but in reality, he would rather not be bothered by other people's problems. He is annoyed by me that I go out of my way to help other people, and he believes that I allow myself to be a doormat for people to step on.

He is silently angry with his parents, namely his father. He has always had issues with his father, who is extremely critical of anything Paul does. Anytime Paul gets around his father, he automatically gets very defensive because he knows his father is going to start asking a questions surrounding Paul's money and parenting decisions. Paul feels like he will never be able to live up to his parent's standards. He will never be good enough. He has a serious inferiority complex around his parents. He also gets very annoyed with him mother because she never stands up for him.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?

Fears: Not being able to pay the bills. Having throat c.a.n.c.e.r.. Dying. Flying in an airplane.

Dreams: When he was younger, he would dream of aliens abducting him and performing mouth surgery on him. He hasn't had this dream for many years.

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

Cravings: Cheese, coke, chocolate
Aversion: Mexican food. Chicken. Yogurt. Milk.

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?


14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?

He has been more hungry lately because he has been trying to eat healthier due to the acid reflux, and he usually eats lots of fatty high calorie foods.

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

Spaghetti sauce, really high calorie foods with lots of grease and fat make him feel worse.

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?

Sweat is normal. When he does sweat, he sweats on his feet, his under arms and his back.

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?

Regular. No change throughout this throat ordeal. His stool has been, and is soft and solid.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

Sleeps well. Has no trouble falling asleep. Had insomnia about 10 years ago, but does not have it now. Sleeping on his left side feels better.

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

He is sexually frustrated. He states he is always turned on, but his desires do not get satisfied. He is not very aggressive in letting his wife know when he is sexually frustrated. He silently suffers without saying a word.

20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?

He had a really hard time connecting with himself enough to discover the answer to this question because he is not in touch with his own feelings very often. When asked this question, he took off his glasses and laid his head on the desk as if it hurt to think this hard, as if connecting with his own feelings was painful.

Finally, he did answer. See below:

More coordinated than others. Better control over his body. Example, when he plays sports, he is always the winner. Very musically inclined, especially drumming and beats.

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

He has taken Prilosec for 10 years for acid reflux. This throat pain occurred after the medication.

22. What major diseases are running in your family?

His father had Prostrate c.a.n.c.e.r. a few years ago, and also had a malignant growth removed from his neck when he was younger. His sister has major cat allergy. His sister also had a malignant growth removed from her skin. His mother suffers from recurrent pnemonias, and foot problems. She was born with club feet, and has had problems with her feet throughout her life. His Grandfather had lung c.a.n.c.e.r., and his Grandmother had heart problems.

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance

Short. 5 foot 6 inches tall. Thin. Dark complexion. Italian heritage. Dark brown hair that is thinning. Brown eyes. Straight teeth due to extensive dental work as a child. (when he was a child, he had 3 teeth coming in the same tooth hole, and very crooked teeth) Attractive facial features. Larger nose. Small eyes. Sideburns. Slight facial hair. Short, stalky arms and legs. Very muscular.

Thank you for taking the time to look over this! I really appreciate it!

  aprilm on 2014-03-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Will come back to you with some probing questions. Please wait
rishimba last decade
PL take
1. Lycopodium-200 6 pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Thank you both. Rishimba, I will be waiting on your answer. R.P Tamhankar, I am going to see what Rishimba says, hopefully it will be the same recommendation as yours, right?
aprilm last decade
I forgot to add that he has had medical testing done. A CT scan showed nothing but some swelling behind his larynx, and an esophagus scan showed he has GERD and a hietal hernia....(which we already knew he had GERD), and one throat scan showed he had some 'smooth raised projections' (that is what it said in the medical report) in his throat around the area of the swelling, and another throat scan by another doctor showed nothing. So, just FYI, in case this info would help you prescribe.
aprilm last decade
There are three remedies, one of those can cure this problem.

If one goes by the etiology and totality, NAT MUR is coming up as the first remedy to be tried for this condition.

If I take the general mental make-up and the specific symptoms, LACHESIS is very close to similimmum.

The third remedy is HEPAR SULPH if this problem is connected to swelling of some gland and is suppurating.

If you ask me, I would suggest my first prescription as LACHESIS 30C every 6 hours, that is, 4 doses only on a single day. If Lachesis doesn't work even in 200C potency, you can try Hepar Sulph later and then nat mur.

But first, try out lachesis. Hope you know the way to administer homeopathic doses.
[message edited by rishimba on Sat, 29 Mar 2014 08:12:38 GMT]
rishimba last decade
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hello Rishimba,
Thank you for your recommendations. Yes, I am familiar with homeopathic dosing. I am certified in Homeopathic First Aid.

I had actually tried 30C Lachesis with him a few months ago when his throat first started hurting, I had given him about 5 doses over the course of a day. It didn't seem to help.

I do have Lachesis 200C here. Should I try this instead of the 30C? And if so, how many doses of the 200C?

If, based on this new info, Lachesis is no longer your first recommendation, should I try the Hepar Sulph? If so, 30C 4 times in one day every 6 hours apart?

What do you think about the Lycopodium recommendation by R.P. Tamhankar? I have always thought my husband's constitutional remedy was Lycopodium due to his extreme issues with his father and need for others to accept him. What do you think?

Also, the doctors say that his glands are NOT swollen. They did not refer to this area behind the larynx as a gland. So, would Hepar Sulph still make sense?

I will be awaiting your recommendation based on this new information.
aprilm last decade
You will rarely see me suggesting alternatives here. This time the modalities of lachesis didn't match his symptoms. You said, warm drink ameliorates but in lachesis it actually aggravated by hot drinks. You will see, in hepar, the pain gets ameliorated by hot drinks. But again, the disease picture of hepar doesn't match the patient. Mentals match lachesis to some extent.

Lycopodium has a lot of variety and you will find many males have lycopodium characteristics. I am not sure about lycopodium being his constitution but for nat mur I am pretty sure, the etiology of the disease and the modalities match. If its not a gland swelling, nat mur should help. You said he was a closed personality and doesn't talk about his issues to others. This is more of a nat mur trait along with aggravation to consolation, sensitive to sound, better with pressure on the affected area etc. To me he is more of a nat mur person than a lycopodium one.

I am actually not sure which one would help, so lets try out one by one.

Try LACHESIS in 30C potency of a different brand or from another shop, If it doesn't work, go for 200C and only after that discard this remedy.

You can try lycopodium, it might work as it has been suggested by RPT. Its possible he has read your post in between the lines and thought of lycopodium.

Your dosing was fine. Keep the same dosing...4 to 6 times only on a single day for 30C potency. If you go for 200C just dose twice or maximum thrice only on a single day.

Lachesis takes time to show response, so please wait for some days before you switch remedies.
rishimba last decade
Ok, thank you. I will start out again with Lach 30C. How long would you recommend I wait to determine if it is or is not working?
aprilm last decade
If you start with Lach 30C again, you should wait for a week to check out if there's a response. If there's no response, you should try out one higher potency and only then discard the remedy.

Similarly, you can do for lycopodium or other remedies.
rishimba last decade
Ok. Will do.

Sorry for all the questions, I want to get this right. A few more questions:

1) If I give a 200C, do you advise waiting a week (just like the 30C) to determine if it is working?

2) If the Lach 200C does not work, would you recommend I go onto Nat Mur, Hepar Sulph, or Lycopodium?

3) Should the potency of the next remedy start out with 30C and move up to a 200C just like the Lach recommendation?

4) Just to be sure i have understood you correctly, when giving the 200C, I should give 2-3 times during the course of 1 day?

5) What do you think of RPT's advice of giving 200C twice a day for a week? Would this be a more aggressive approach? Is it recommended?

Thank you so much Rishimba, I really appreciate your help. I numbered my questions as to make it easier for you to answer. '-)
aprilm last decade
1) If I give a 200C, do you advise waiting a week (just like the 30C) to determine if it is working?

I feel 7 to 10 days is enough to see if the 200C potency created a response. So, to be on the safe side, just wait for 10 days. You should keep on asking your hubby everyday if the pain or its nature changed for better or worse.

2) If the Lach 200C does not work, would you recommend I go onto Nat Mur, Hepar Sulph, or Lycopodium?

Go for Lycopodium as lyco will work well after lachesis, being complementary.

3) Should the potency of the next remedy start out with 30C and move up to a 200C just like the Lach recommendation?

Yes, if you dose for just one day and then wait for about 10 days, the body would still be sensitive to the lower potencies. Its only when you keep on dosing for long, the body becomes insensitive to lower potencies and thus they can't create response.

4) Just to be sure i have understood you correctly, when giving the 200C, I should give 2-3 times during the course of 1 day?

That's right.

5) What do you think of RPT's advice of giving 200C twice a day for a week? Would this be a more aggressive approach? Is it recommended?

It is not recommended. As soon as a response is seen, maybe in a a couple of days, we must stop further dosing. I would not recommend a continuous dosing method. If you agree with me, you can give lycopodium 200C twice for two days maximum. If lycopodium is the right remedy, it will definitely create a response after a few doses. Based on the condition, you can then repeat the doses to complete the cure at the right intervals.
rishimba last decade
You have been extremely helpful. Thank you for the detailed responses you have provided. '-) I am starting with the Lach 30c first, then will wait the 10 days to give the Lach 200c if no response. I will keep you posted. Thank you again!
aprilm last decade
Thank you Rishimba for your very detailed response! It is much appreciated. I am very thankful for your willingness to give thorough explanations on everything. '-)

We started the Lach 30C today, so I will update in the next 10 days unless there is some drastic change.
aprilm last decade
Sorry I posted twice there, I didn't realize there was a 2nd page, and thought that my first response hadn't posted.
aprilm last decade
You are welcome aprilm!

You had written a very detailed account of your husband's symptoms.Its always a pleasure to do homeopathy with people who give a detailed case. It makes physician's job easier.
rishimba last decade
Hello Rishimba,

It has been almost 9 days since I gave Paul the Lachesis 30C.

On March 31st, I gave him 5 doses of Lach 30C 5 hours apart.

Over the course of the last 8 days, he has reported these changes in the following order:

1) Tickling in his throat and an urge to cough. (this happened 3 times..... 2 days after the remedy)

2) 3 or 4 days after the remedy, he reported his throat had felt the best it had felt in 4 months. Pain was still there, but not as strong.

3) After the good report, his throat became more tender to the touch, almost like a bruised feeling. Feels kind of like the pain is closer to the surface of the skin.

He reported to me last night that swallowing, talking, and drinking cold drinks aggrevate the most.

The pain resides on the left side of his throat. When he turns his head to the left and swallows, it is not too painful. But if he turns his head to the right and swallows, it is very painful, feels like something is 'pulling' from the left side.

My own personal observation: I have noticed that he does not sound as hoarse when he talks. He also seems like he has been in a better mood lately.

This is where we are at in this process. It appears that the Lach 30C did produce some changes, but not very strong changes.

Based upon this update, would you advise to move ahead with the Lach 200C or does this sound like a different remedy picture altogether?

Thank you,
April '-)
aprilm last decade
Hi Aprilm,

And that's again a very detailed account of his response and your observations. Thank you!

Based on what you have said, I think the healing process has begun and he doesn't have any particularly new symptom arising out of nowhere. Some of the symptoms have ameliorated and some have shifted a little in sensation and location. So, I would not change the remedy at this stage.

Let this dose-set exhaust itself in the next 2 weeks and you should keep noting further changes in him.

As soon as you feel his symptoms entering a plateau or going backwards, give him a single dose of LACHESIS 200C early one morning.

Ask him if his sleep has improved after taking the remedy. His mood and his sleep are the best two indications that the remedy has acted favorably, apart from the amelioration of physical sufferings.
rishimba last decade
Hi Rishimba,

I will do as directed and keep detailed notes. Thank you for such a quick response. '-)

When you say 'early morning', do you mean as soon as he rises in the morning, or do you mean around 12 or 1 a.m.?
aprilm last decade
I mean whenever he gets up on a weekend so that after taking the dose he can go back to sleep for another hour. The remedy will get absorbed by then.
rishimba last decade
Hi Rishimba,
I am reporting back to you about my husband's throat.

I gave him LACH 200C at 5:30 a.m. on April 26th. When he woke up around 9:00 a.m. I asked him how his sleep was, and he didn't report his sleep being any different than normal.

For the first week, he was in a very bad mood. He seemed very stressed out and irritable. The bad mood subsided eventually. On April 28th, he reported having a headache.

He has reported his throat pain going from a 5 to a 3.8 since the start of homeopathy, but some days he says the pain is back up to a 4 or 5. There were exactly 2 days that he reported hardly any pain since the last time I posted, but the pain has always come back.

Just today, he said he has had a headache for days. He used to get headaches all the time, so this is a past symptom possibly returning. Or it could be a new symptom, not sure.

So, where would you recommend going from here?

Thank you so much for your input. :-)
aprilm last decade
I have a few questions before we decide on what we should do.

1. Has the nature and sensation of pain changed after the dose?

2. Does he believe there has been a perceivable change in his sufferings for the better after the dose?

3. When is the present bout of headache maximum? What causes the headache?

4. Has his sleep improved a bit after the dose?

5. What changes in his behavior and attitude have you seen in him after the dose?
rishimba last decade
Hi Rishimba,

Sorry it has been a few days since your reply, my husband had a follow up appointment with the Ear Nose Throat doctor, and I wanted to wait to see if there was any new findings with that before I responded.

At the appointment, the doctor did another throat scope and saw something she referred to as a 'smooth raised projection'....very similar in description to what the first doctor saw before he went for the second opinion. (where they saw nothing)

So, she scheduled him for a surgical procedure called a biopsy so they could snip a piece of the tissue from that area to test it.

He just got wheeled down to the operating room now.

In answer to your questions:

1) Has the nature and sensation of pain changed after the dose? His answer was 'no, nothing has changed'

2) Does he believe there has been a perceivable change in his sufferings for the better after the dose? The only thing he has reported is that the pain has gone from a 5 (being the worst) to a 3.8, sometimes fluctuation between 3.8 and 4.

3) When is the present bout of headache maximum? What causes the headache? He says that he wakes up with a headache and it in at the same intensity all day long. He reports it being behind his eyes and radiating to the upper top of his head. He doesn't have a headache today.

4) Has his sleep improved a bit after the dose? No change has been reported after either dose of 30C or 200C Lach.

5) What changed in his behavior and attitude have you seen in him after the dose? The only changes I saw were for about a week or so after I gave him the 200C, he was very moody and irritable. This has since worn off, and no change to behavior or attitude has been observed.

Like I said, he has just been wheeled down to surgery, so I gave him a dose of Arnica 30C before hand to address swelling and bruising.

Where should we go from here? What are your recommendations?

Thank you so much, I hope I have provided you with a clear enough picture to prescribe.

aprilm last decade
I wanted to quickly add (because I just talked to the surgeon).....

she said she was very surprised when she went in to his throat the other day to look, and she had found something because it had only been 6 weeks since she had looked last (and there was nothing).

She said she has never seen something like this appear so quickly. She thinks it is an inflammed salivatory gland, but still says that it is unusual for it to appear so fast. Could it be that it is the homeopathy that is bringing things to the surface?

Just a thought....
aprilm last decade

Let us wait and see what the surgeon has to say after the biopsy. If the swelling is benign, and she doesn't prescribe anything for it, we can re-take the case based on the presenting symptoms.

In case, he is prescribed some drugs, we have to stop homeopathic treatment for the time being.

Homeopathy will never cause any inflammation on its own. Also, he has taken very few doses infrequently, so we cannot call it an aggravation.

The pain has reduced a bit, which means, whatever was wrong is gradually becoming normal. If there was an aggravation, the pain would have increased.

Anyways, its early to decide on any further homeopathic treatment. Come back with the results of biopsy and her proposed treatment plan. We will decide accordingly.
rishimba last decade

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