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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Bad cough? Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks, I have another mammo in the summer, that's the only way I can know if the remedy worked.
Mika80 last decade
Just one dose will not cure it. We will need more doses later. Your body has an inherent tendency to such growths which requires careful dosing to cure that tendency.
fitness last decade
Oh, how many doses do you believe I am going to need and how can we know if it works if there is no way for me to know if it shrank without a mammo?
Mika80 last decade
Keep updating the status weekly and we will decide about dosing.

Since you said that you can't feel or see anything, we are left to the mammo.
fitness last decade
BTW I think it's called fibrocystic breast
Mika80 last decade
fitness last decade
Hi, yesterday I started having a little dryness on the left side of my throat, that's usually the beginning of a sore throat for me ... What can I take? Thanks
Mika80 last decade
Try single dose of Pulsatilla and report back.
fitness last decade
Mika80 last decade
If you have 200c that's better, otherwise 30c.
fitness last decade
Thank you, will report back
Mika80 last decade
Since taking the remedy, first sore throat moved to right side and now is slowly getting worse. Will wait tilltomorrow.
Mika80 last decade
btw i took 200
Mika80 last decade
Sore throat didnt seem to have progressed, still scratchy though, more general now, not specific side.
Dry throat now triggers dry cough.
Mika80 last decade
Do warm saline water gargles, 3-4 times a day.

Eat raw crushed garlic clove, once a day with anything you want.

Keep me posted.
fitness last decade
Thank you
Mika80 last decade
My throat is finally better.
Now I am ready to take Thuja 200, can I take my single dose during a cycle or should wait after?
Mika80 last decade
Have the dose now.
fitness last decade

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