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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Urgent help for earache please Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Wait 30 minutes and if it is still bad, then give the pulsatilla
30c. And then give it again in 2 hours unless everything is
suddenly major improvement.
simone717 last decade
thank you so much, i am feeling so helpless the poor thing ;-)
pixie wood last decade
is he still on antibiotics?

Naturopaths say, for pain, get some mullein garlic oil drops-do 3 drops in each ear 3x a day.
warm up the oil while in the bottle and put some cotton in the ear to stop the oil from coming out.

Also you can alternate hot and cold compress on
the ear. and they suggest using 50,000 units
of beta-carotene daily in an acute case.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 19:41:16 BST]
simone717 last decade
he only had first dose of antibiotics a few hours ago.

i don't have mullien but he also wont allow anything near the ear i have to get him to havea warm compress but he goes nuts and the pain is so bad right now even i could cry
pixie wood last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 20:10:51 BST]
simone717 last decade
i bet this is driving you nuts sorry, hes got better again but i have to tap his ear for him lol
i will give puls if he worsens. maybe the hepar aggravated... so confusing ;-)
pixie wood last decade
its certainly calmed
pixie wood last decade
Well good. I guess it did aggravate
for a short time. Let it be for awhile
simone717 last decade
thankyou so much ;-)
pixie wood last decade
You are welcome. I know how un-nerving this
can be as I had siblings who got this, and were
up all night screaming- knew nothing about
homeopathy then.

Guess we know the hepar sulph is working, so
now you don't give anymore unless things
start to get bad again. Then give a dose and wait
again. They say acute infections can resolve in
one to several days- by tomorrow the antibiotics
will be working.

When he is better, I would get the mullein- garlic oil
to have on hand, and I would for sure buy that
mushroom formula I told you about to keep him
from getting sick-really is amazing stuff.
simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone.
I use doTERRA essential oils that are amazing and have worked for everyhing so far except this..
He is still yelping and tappng the ear or it will hurt but has calmed an awful lot and it is such a relief. i usually make garlic oil and that works well too but no this time.this must be a very bad infection. i have used colloidal silver too. poor little thing he kept saying he wished he was someone else.
I appreciate your help thank you very much. ;-)
pixie wood last decade
WHAT a difference, so much better, he keeps getting stabbing pain and taps it now and then and he did go a bit cold and shivery but nothing much. so much better
pixie wood last decade
Remember that you have to finish the antibiotics- and I
would start giving him probiotics now- for 2 months to
repopulate his gut.

You can use that childrens Garden of life brand- Reva likes
that one- but switch brands if it does not agree with him
till you find one that does. ( many people have to keep
trying till they get a brand that works well with their body)

Best to you and a hug to your little boy.

simone717 last decade
It's just to say thank you again the pulsatilla and hepar sulph worked amazing together he is fine today and I'm very frustrated he's had antibiotics but in couldn't take the risk this time :-(
I love homeopathy
I will order the probiotics as the ones i have aren't as good,
I never realised people struggle to find one that suite them though.
Will look up the other products also
Thanks again
pixie wood last decade

Just curious, Yesterday did you just do 2 doses
of Hepar Sulph? or what?

On probiotics, I was surprised that my relatives
have to switch brands bc some just make them
uncomfortable, some give cramps etc and you
have to build up, but I went onto some IBS
forums where people take serious prescription
probiotics and many times those don't work
for people as well as some brand they get at
the store. They all have different strains of
bacteria, but Garden of Life has the strains that
Dr. Rozencwajg of NZ ( famous homeopath)
says you need to repopulate.
simone717 last decade
Have ordered garden if life , very expensive in the UK and hardly anyone selling it but found some on eBay.
It was two doses of hepar sulph and one dose of pulsatilla made the puss come out.
The first dose only helped a teeny bit and then started getting worse but the second certainly aggravated and very suddenly stopped hurting, I just wish all those skeptics could experience this with a child that had no clue about what your giving them and it works.
I have not really experienced dosing in that way as usually one dose works with my kids and my old homeopath said if it
Was the exact correct remedy it would cure the whole illness without needing other remedies,
Now I have for the first time experienced a different way if using pulsatilla first and it bringing the puss out and Hepar Sulph doing an amazing job of finishing it off. He aggravated then the pain lessened and he got a slight fever that didn't last long it even get very high. Few niggles with the ear today but pretty much back to normal :-)
pixie wood last decade
I found Garden of Life on Vitacost site where it is
not expensive- but expensive everywhere else.
I think they ship to UK.
simone717 last decade

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