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GERD patient. Feeling something stuck in my throat. Please help!

3 months back i had a lot of heartburn after taking meals and suddenly one day i felt there is something stuck in my esophagus and then after 2 days i had chest pain while swallowing. I went to gastro Doc. He advised me for endoscopy. After endoscopy he said that i have lower esophageal Sphinter LAX, severe dital and esophagitis and have test for H Pylori which became positive. I took a PPI omeperazole for 1 month and the feeling of something in esophagus were gone. But now i have feeling that something stuck in my throat and sometimes throat tightness that are not going with any PPI and allopathy medicine. I have not took any medicine for H pylori as they gave me high potencies antibiotics. My tongue has white coating and a wake up with bitter taste in mouth in morning. I burp all the day and something burp with some burning. Please help me out to resolve this problem. I am getting tensed now
[message edited by rukhshan on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 11:15:50 BST]
[message edited by rukhshan on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 11:17:06 BST]
  rukhshan on 2013-04-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Nux Vomica 200c for 5 days as 2 doses per day, one at morning and another at night 30 min before meal. Avoid taking meat and masala contained foods. Stop all allopathic medicines.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Thanks for the quick reply. Can you please tell me that will my lower esophaeal sphinter will be repaired with homepathic medicines? I am only 20 years old
rukhshan last decade
Please tell me one thing more that what is wrong with my throat? Why i am always getting the feeling like something stuck and sometimes pains while swallowing? How it will be resolved?
rukhshan last decade
i was also patient of gerd from last 10 years, but joepathy helped me a lot to take
wet of arnica 30 c
nat phos 6x after meal.

i hope it ll help u.

Sajidullah last decade
Dear Sajidullah, In homeopathy one medicine cannot prove right to all patients though the clinical name of the disease is same.

Dear Rukhshan, U should go for some USG report to see for urself what is actually wrong with u. Currently Nux will reduce ur indigestion and heart burn or suff stuck feeling at throat.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
It has only been one day- since you got the prescription- try it for the 5 days 2x a day as he said.

You have Gerd, but you also have Thrush - or candida with it. You can get that from
the antibiotics. When was the last time
you had the zole?

You need to do 2 things on that.

1. Get a probiotic- that is comfortable for you. There are many brands, Start taking that
and work up to 2x a day and do this for 2 months minimum. You have to put
back the gut flora that antibiotics destroyed. They are the army that controls candida,
yeast. Medicines will kill it, but if you do not change diet, repopulate the gut flora it
comes back.
2. Change the diet- stop sugar and high carb bread things. The yeast live on sugar in
the cells.

Dr. Showrav, I think he needs something for yeast- candida.

http:www.patient.co.uk/doctor/candidiasis.htm- scroll down to oral candidiasis,
dysphagia and oesophageal candidiasis.
link won't finish- the homeopathic treatment of candida
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 01:17:54 BST]
simone717 last decade
Dear Dr. Showrav
I agree with you but heartburn and something stuck in throat is very unpleasant feelings.

i have given arnica 30x and nat phos 6c remedies to my two friends and they says me that they are full free from gerd and now taking spicy food.

i think there is nothing wrong to try this remedie.
but in last you are doctor i m nt so i can not argument on it.

Sajidullah last decade
Dear Sajjad,

Ur friends were helped by Nat Phos only. Arnica didn't do anything to help their condition.

Dear Simone,

I have suggested Nux to get control over gas and bowel movement along with removing antibiotic effects which was previously taken by the patient. So After first step is done, we may advance his treatment to next step.

Dr. Showrav
[message edited by Dr. Showrav on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 21:40:41 BST]
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dr. Showrav i said i did not take any antibiotic for Hpylori due to thier high potencies. I want complete treatment in homeopathy because it has no side effects. Kindly suggest me some effective remedies for stomach problems. I am feeling slight burning in my heart side from last 4 days specially when i burp i feel burning in my heart. One thing more tell me that the feeling of something stuck in my throat is due to acidity/Silent reflux or it is due to something else?
rukhshan last decade
One thing more i forgot to tell that i pass only one stool which is loose in morning with pain in lower abdomem.
rukhshan last decade
U need to take Nux Vom as I said for starting with homeopathic complete treatment. SO please dont waste ur time with confusion and I hope ur throat and burning symptoms are only bcs of acidity. May b u r going to have a fatty liver symptom. SO as fast as u will start with ur medicine the better it will result for u.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dear Dr. Showray.

You seems absolutely right.
i am sorry but i want your valuable advise.

from last one year i had heart PVC three times in a minutes and BP 150/85, doctors suggested me beta blocker & anti hypertensive drug but no major improvement.
one homeopathic doctor suggested me to start crateagus q 5 drops three time a day. craetegus q worked magically now i am 90% free from PVC and my BP remains 120/60. i was taking alleopathy blood pressure med 20 mg that i have reduced at 5 mg but recently i checked my lipid profile that is
Serum cholesterol 221
LDL 154
HDL 49
Triglycerides 99
one homeopathic doctor has suggested me avena stiva q and other one has suggested me allium sativum.
so what do u think should i really start the med?
is my cholesterol high enough to start med?

sorry to bother you but again
one more my problem is allergy.
4 times a year i face throat infection and doctor says i have allergy and after allergy test i was diagnosed allergy with cockroaches so i have tried sprays at home for cockroaches but no major improvement so can you please help me on my both issues as you seems a best practice doctor.

have a nice day sir.

Sajidullah last decade
Please fill up a doctor Nawaz Khan's case taking form and open a new thread for me to look after u. Doing it in this thread will make things confusing for both of us.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
ok sir.
Sajidullah last decade
ok sir
Sajidullah last decade

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