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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Adenoids in 2.5 year old child

My son was 2.5 yr old when he was diagnosed with adenoids. He used to mouth breathe and had high fever with thick mucous discharge. For first 2-3 months we put him on allopathy with nasonex spray and singulair medicine but each month he would get fever and complain of ear aches. And this would get normal only on giving anti biotics. Then we realised his condition would aggravate on eating sweets and fried food and in AC condition- so maybe he is allergic to the above. Someone has suggested we give him baryta carb 200 once a day on empty stomach ( in the morning), arsenic album 200 4 times a day and Agraphis nutan 30 at night. Please advise and confirm. His condition is quite bad. Even a single spoon of sweet or a single puri and he starts coughing and mouth breathing with nasal discharge. He may also have dust allergy but we are not sure. When he is well, he is a bright and active child but his health has started making him a quiet child. He doesnt eat properly and is a fussy eater too. he is thin and tall and is now 3 years old. He has now started going to formal school and if he continues to be this unwell, he will miss school most of the time. Please help and advise.
  Shruti2013 on 2013-04-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
YOu can give him
1. Brryata Carb-30 6 pills twice a day
2. Argentum Nitricun-200 6 at bed time

Pl give this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
So, you are saying that instead of baryta carb 200 once a day, I should give him this one twice a day. Ok thank you. What is the second one for? I shouldn't even try agraphis nutan 30?
Shruti2013 last decade
You should not try Agraphis right now.
In Homeopathy it is very difficult to say which remedy remedy is given for exactly what purpose. It is a totality of physical and mental symptoms at a time considered. We can not compare this pathy with other pathy on one to one basis.

Pl take the treatment as suggested and give a feedback after 15 days

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Thank you. I have been giving this since 3 April . Tonight- night of 4th and 5th- he has started snoring very loudly and seems to have a very blocked/stuffed nose. Just thought I should let you know. I have tried some eucalyptus oil to provide relief to him but let's see how he remains through the night.
Shruti2013 last decade
Pl give give him in additions to our earlier medicines
1. Nux Vomica-30 6 pills twice a day

Pl keep some time gap between two medicines (at least half hour)
This medicine is in addtion to Baryata carb and Argrntum Nit

Pl give feedback after one week

R.P. Tamhankar
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Fri, 05 Apr 2013 03:02:17 BST]
shouse_nsk last decade
Hi, thank you so much. The nights are very peaceful. This has really helped. There was some nasal discharge through the day and later the nose dried up and it stuck at the corners but he has been improving. I assume the discharge and drying up is part of healing process.
Another question- nux vomica seems to a lot of side effects when you search the Internet. But, I see a lot of people using it. Is it really unsafe? Thanks
Shruti2013 last decade
Almost all Homeopathy medicines are injurious/dengerous in their crude form. They gain medicinal value because of potentisation (Serial dilutions)
Therefore do not worry. All Homeopathy medicines are safe.
Pl continue the treatment for 15 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Hi, Thank you for the medicines. My son has improved. Though, he is still very sensitive to anything sweet and cold. Just yesterday he had a few jalebis and started coughing. Also, he starts sneezing in AC rooms and there is lot of white transparent nasal discharge but he is fine as soon as he moves in the Sun or outside the AC room. Please advise if we need to continue the medicines suggested by you earlier. thank you.
Shruti2013 last decade
Only change is
in place of Argentum Nit-200 Pl give him Hepar Sulph-200 6 pills at bed time
Other medicines to continue as it is.
PL do this change and give feedback after 10 days

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade

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