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I am 24. I suffer from thinking way too much. I over analyse things. I am very shy yet sometimes I am very aggressive and over Confident as well. I dont feel like doing anything and am having a lack a motivation. I recently quit Engineering. Have been good at sports all my life played for my High school for various sports, Been to Nationals In Basketball and Track and Field. Still have Low self esteem. Can somebody offer Advice? I can answer questions or provide more info if needed.
  DeadThoughts on 2013-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Kali Phos 6x four times a day. Let me know after two weeks.
dhundhun last decade
Thanks. But I was reading all these other forums and they want details about the person. No disrespect but is that all th info you need? Maybe a questionaire like I have seen on this forum? I have so much info to provide and I can describe the way I function in specific details from my posture to my breathing etc etc. I will look into Kali Phos.
DeadThoughts last decade
Hell I will just post the info regardless. My parents are both the youngest in their families. My mom is from Punjab and my dad from uttaranchal. They are in many ways not that knowledgable and are normal people with simple needs. My dad I think is not very smart and the way I was raised he ingrained in me to be nice to others all the time. He never did sports nor has he ever been keen in my sports interests which still get me mad till this day. He also lost all his hair by the age of 30 he says its because of stress. My mom is brave than my dad I think in many ways. My dad never taught me to speak up for my self. I was bullied on many instances since I was a kid. Its almost like if you are raised up good you dont feel like doing bad or certain actions just disturb you so you never dare them so hardly ever stand up for myself. I have always been socially shy and have low confidence that Its not for me to be like that and kind of dont believe in my self. I almost never argue even when Im right.I think myself to defeat even before I start. Its weird because even though I know thats wrong with me I cant stop the process of worrying. Everybody says im too nice. and when that nice- ness gets the best of me I many times become frustrated and have after thoughts and regrets of how differently I should have handled the situation. I get tartled easy by sounds etc. But when I get comfortable in a situation man I have never seen this much confidence in my friends or poeple around me. I started to fight (boxing)in the amatures 2 and a half years ago and used to spar ranked kids here in Texas. Yet my girlfriend used to tell me that im meek and need to speak up more. I started developing fat tumors all over my body in the past 6-7 years or so. they are like small round balls of fat but the doc said they arent harmful. I have had a deviated nasal septum and as I cant breathe thru my right nostril I always constantly feel irritated and hard to focus. I have a underdeveloped upper jaw and so I have Obstructive sleep apnea. I get weird dreams almost constantly at night and speacilly while I am about to wake up. These days I dont get hungry maybe because I am sad that I broke up with my girlfriend. I dont feel like running or doing anything physical for that fact. I also wobble when i walk sometimes maybe due to my flat feet and am imbalance and I thinking about not wobbling. I am very consious in public. specially since I moved to the states in 2006 when I was 17. I procrastinate alot. But when I get into something I always wear my self out because I get obssessed with it or just over do it. I always try to stay away from confrontation. But when I do confront I just punch people in the face cuz I dont believe I can verbally win.
DeadThoughts last decade
One of the functions of Kali Phos is to work as brain tonic. There are good chances that situation improves to the level that remedies are not required. If needed, I'll recommend after two weeks.

Near Chandigarh, there are two orthopedic centers making shoes for flat feet (with DC soles). One towards Airport, the other towards Pinjore Garden. You should have started wearing from age 5.
dhundhun last decade
Alright I will let you know. How did you know I am from Chandigarh? or you were just probably mentioning that I guess Yea I am looking into posture control insoles I recently bought some online but I think My flat feet are related to genetics or My breathing which lead to a forward posturing head and chin.
DeadThoughts last decade
Numerous individuals who experience severe occasions of misery are feasible experiencing a major depressive request. The typical encounters connected with the jumble is feeling to a great degree level, lessened force levels, cynicism, and trouble in slumbering and in focusing on every day work and exercises. Case in point effortless things can effortlessly make flash aggravation and outrage. The thing is: What individuals experience when they're discouraged is comparatively achieved by edginess.
GloriaColeman last decade
Do you have an advice?Somebody advised me Cognitive therapy. I have yet to look into that subject but have been reading lots of info and it kind of looks like a good route. I do agree with your statement about lessened force levels, cynicism which has rapidly gone up in the previous year maybe cuz of too much Krishnamurti and philosophy not sure. I do suffer from slumber though and its scary. Your last statement, Kind of makes sense as well. Thank you
DeadThoughts last decade
Hi- there are sleep devices you can get for the apnea.
There is one on tv now called Z quiet that is cheap
you might want to try.

the therapy might be a very good idea, but you have to
get a good person. I think it is hard when you come
from one kind of culture and upbringing into another one.
I am in USA and homeopathy cured me of anxiety and
allergies a long time ago. I also used therapy but it took
me about 5 therapists to get one who had very good
knowledge and was also a good healer. You have to
research all the reviews on a person and get a sense of
them. You can pick out 5 best and call and ask about
availability and fees etc and say you are checking things
out. Many times you can tell by their voice and phone
manner that they are not going to work. And then you
go to first appts like a get to see if you are a match up.
You really have to shop for this. I recently found a
therapist for a friend who is Asian American and always submissive and too polite, never confronts.I was able
to find a therapist who is Iranian American who
understands how to work with two cultures. My friend
is slowly turning into a new person.

The great thing about homeopathy is how it erases
out of balance emotional states- it goes well with
therapy to support you in new behaviors.
simone717 last decade
#1. For blockage in breathing system, Buy a CPAP machine. If you are visiting doctor, he/she can prescribe (after prescription, it will be cheap otherwise it will cost about $600).

#2. Mostly fatty tumor and underdeveloped jaw is caused by problems in calcium metabolism and excess calcium intake (water or supplement pills). The Deviated nasal septum also can be caused by that.
#2.1 Get vit D level checked. It is important. Chances are that you may need to take Vit D for years.
#2.2 You might have to stop calcium rich foods/supplements.

#3. Buy Lapis Alb 6 in liquid 15 ml. You need to start it three times a day.

Update me effect of Kali Phos 6x.
dhundhun last decade
I yesterday found the book by Albert ellis- clinical applications of rational emotive therapy. Think its a newer form of Cognitive emotional therapy. I am glad to know that therapy helped you , gives me some hope. I am not sure if I can afford therapy at the current moment but will look into it this year for sure hopefully before summer. I agree with you about people having difficulty adjusting to different cultures. I think its hard for some people to Adjust because they have to let go of many forms of ideas, values, beliefs and this can be a Task. Myself I think I have been trained by my dad since i was a child so I am very much like him. I try to observe myself from others point of view and man I can be annoying if I start talking after a certain point cuz I wont stop or I get nervous or simply hesitate to do the right thing. Guess I just need to grow some balls but that is not happening anytime soon. If i was a little brave I think my life would be much easier and less stressful less regrets and all that. I looked up bipolar disorder and I might be that but then again maybe I am looking into too much info for the time being, who knows. About your friend, How has she changed? I wonder how many therapists actually have had these problems themselves and an relate to you in that way.Thanks for the feedback.

I have had cpap prescribed to me after my sleep study concluded I have OSA. I will look into buying that in the future soon. Just talked to my dad he said he has VIT D deficiency and takes pills. He also has Hypothyroidism for which I checked the symptoms and was kind of sure That I had it but the doc said the tests were negative. I have had dry scalp since child hood. It gets real dry around fall and then in spring goes down alot. I am not sure about calcium but I will try to get that checked too. I also have dark cirles under my eyes and doc said it could be sinuses due to my chronic nasal congestion. I was diagnosed with adhd and I think it comes from my inability to breathe as well as my racing thoughts. I am visiting a surgeon next week sometime to talk bout jaw advancement surgery and SAPRE. And then maybe another septoplasty. I kind of feel when I can breathe through my nose properly I feel like a new person my thoughts settle down I get calmer. still waiting on the Kali phos in the mail. Whats Lapis alb 6 for?

DeadThoughts last decade
Also I have low tolerance to cold, have alsways been skinny even when I tend to eat alot. I am muscular but not big. Doc said I have a virus for acid reflux or something. These days my appetite is suffering alot. Putting this info out there so maybe it can be related to some major problem or some common issue.
DeadThoughts last decade
Lapis can help with fat buildups, calcium metabolism, improving connective tissues, etc. It can have deep effect on overall wellness.
dhundhun last decade

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