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bad breath, sweating, body odour. 22


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Sweating and body odour Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Filing up the form for further help

Gender: Male
Age: 21
Body Type: obese
Height: 5.2 ft
Weight: 68
General appearance:
Have you used homeopathic medicines before? If so what, and what homeopathic potencies did you use?
Lycopodium 200c, For feet corn homeopath doesn't provide the name.

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.

1. Describe your main suffering?
Intense sweating and body odour.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Body fat and Inguinal hernia.

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Doesn't like to share my problem with anyone.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?

6. Which time of the day you are worst?

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.

9. When do you feel better,
during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Cold weather

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Nervous Quiet and lazy.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?

- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
talking to one self.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Spicy and fried item, sometimes for sweets.

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
More, on upper body and head

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
sleeps for 6-7 hr, doesn't like to take a nap at anytime of day.

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Lycopodium 200c.

22. What major diseases are running in your family?

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
kartik sharma last decade
Kartik ,

As per your answer i believe you are improving though slowly . As long as improvement is felt we will wait and dont dose further.
vikas_grower last decade
Whats the update.
vikas_grower last decade
The improvement has been stopped, but its not gone to the previous state considering both physical and mental state
kartik sharma last decade
Do you have Lycopodium 1M in hand .
vikas_grower last decade
Yes, i have it of Dr Reckeweg's brand.
kartik sharma last decade
Take 200 ml (naturl mountain water bottle - Himalaya , QUA brand ) .

Drop one drop of Lycopodium 1M in it , gently shake to allow the drop to mix in the water .

Keep the Lycopodium 1 M away , no more to be added

Take one capful from it . this is first dose

On second day hit the same water bottle against a hard surface 6 times and take a capful of it . this is second dose .
( DONT add any Lycopodium 1M to water bottle )

On third day hit the bottle again 6 times and take a capful from it .

( DONT add any Lycopodium 1M to it )

Throw the water bottle away .

In case of any confusion plee ask
vikas_grower last decade
Whats the update
vikas_grower last decade
The sweating problem still persist but their is improvement towards the mental state.
kartik sharma last decade
Is there some reduction in sweating this time as you had (last time) felt some reduction in sweating when you had taken Lycopodium 30

What improvement have you felt on mental side
vikas_grower last decade
Their is no improvement in sweating compared to last time. But it had not gone to the previous state.
On Mental side, now can speak freely with teachers and strangers. And also didn't feel any discomfort among the strangers.
kartik sharma last decade
Has the odour in sweating beome less.
vikas_grower last decade
The odour has become less but.
kartik sharma last decade
Ok we will again review after 3 weeks , in the mean time enjoy your new found confidence.
vikas_grower last decade

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