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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Enlarged adenoids

My 5 year old daughter has enlarged adenoids which frequently interferes with her sleep - snoring, frequent position changes in order to breathe better. Visits to the periatrician always results with the same reco - adenoid removal.
My wife and I are wary about doing this and wanted a more natural remedy. Any advice is welcome.
  toto_mama on 2005-08-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, stay away from operations.
The best things that show up here are

Hepar Sul

I would be inclined to try Belladonna 30c daily for a week and then stop and wait for 2/3 weeks to judge result.

If there is improvement stop at that point and only start again if the problem returns.

Otherwise try Hepar sul 30c on the same basis.
walkin last decade
After trying the medicines recommonded by walkin,try also agraphus nutans.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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