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Posts about Depression

Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression187Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1Postpartum depression1anxiety, urine drops, depression2Anxiety and depression3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Depression, and sad mood

I am 26 years old male and want a permanent remedy for depression. Since 8th standard I am having allopathic treatment but the problem relapses when i leave the medicine. Sometimes even the medicine does not work.I read somewhere(Mumbai Times - health column) - homeopathy has a parmanent solution for this and it is very specific treatment from case to case basis.

I also went to a homeopathic clinic - she gave me some medicines, but not effective - have been having since past one month. Since she gave medicine in form of sugar balls, i dont know the name of medicine.

I am really tired of fighting it and want to lead a normal life.

Earlier in exams, during my engineering, i used to get obsessed from a particular thought. I could not even study due to those thoughts. I was full of anxiety and fear. However, things worked out quite well and by God's grace i got a good job in a company.

The problem is still the same. Sometimes I dont even understand the reason why I am tensed. A small quarrel over a small isuue in office(eg with my boss) makes me tensed. It remains for a couple of days - sometimes goes, sometimes stays even more.

Also I feel it is because of my behaviour - I am always occupied in some or the other thoughts, i stay alone. Even while in group, I cant enjoy because I am unable to chit chat with people.

I am always reluctant of talking to people. I am even afraid of people.This also may be one of the reason but I am not sure whether any medicine can treat this. I need your help, please give me solution for this.

I have also tried counselling, psychotherapy etc, but helped very little.

Please suggest.

Thank You,
  Arpit Gupta on 2012-04-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi there,

The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.

1. ID
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height Â….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

nawazkhan last decade

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