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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Parkinson's disease

My grandfather, aged 80 has had Parkinson's disease about 5-6 years. He is careful with diet and exercises and has physiotherapy daily so his condition has not deteriorated.
Is treatment available in homeopathy for this disease?
  bala-krishna on 2011-12-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take only one dose of Nat Mur 200 weekly one dose for a month and report me..

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
To Deoshlok

I am interested to note that you have prescribed a weekly dose of Nat Mur 200c to treat Parkinson's.

You may like to know that I have had some success in the treatment of Parkinson's with 2 remedies:

Gelsemium 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Arnica 1M in the Wet dose taken taken twice daily.

The results have been very satisfactory and the patients are usually able to stop their intake of the standard L Dopa drug that they were prescribed. This powerful drug seems to dehydrate the patient while reducing the involuntary tremors and causes other side effects which are best avoided as the dosage has to be increased regularly.

The difference in using my 'Joepathy' is that the patient seems to be cured of the tremors in a few months when the Gelsemium can be discontinued while the Arnica can be taken in a reduced dosage in the 30c potency for life.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
Logging for studying.....
Nikkie last decade
To Joe De Livera:

Nikkie said to follow your line of treatment. I will give some more details about my grandfather. In addition to Parkinson's, he has had high BP for 20 years and cholesterol for 30 years. He takes allopathic medicines for control of both. Regarding Parkinson's, his symptons are tremors in jaw and left hand and some stiffness in fingers making difficult fine movements like picking up objects and buttoning shirts. Also there is muscle rigidity in the left leg, making it difficult to initiate movement but once he starts moving, there are no mobility problems. He is taking allopathic medicines for Parkinson's in the following dosages each day:

2x syndopa 110 1/2 tablet

3x parkin 2mg 1/2 tablet

3x ropark 0.5 mg 1/2 tablet

2x bcrip 2.5 mg 1/2 tablet

Should he leave any time intervals daily between taking the allopathic and homeopathic medicines?

Thank you.
[message edited by Bala_Krishna on Thu, 02 Feb 2012 18:22:50 GMT]
Bala_Krishna last decade

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