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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

GallBladder Stone Please Help

My Wife is suffering from gall bladder stone about 1.2cm in size. I am looking for suitable medicine for this problem. Is there any Dr. Schwabe medecine For this problem? Reply me as soon as possible.
  Wajid on 2005-06-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
my husband had a gallbladder stone he was in agony in the end they had to remove his gallbladder
dylis last decade
I have just been told that my gallstones are gone. I had multiple large clusters of gallstones and to disolve them i took acti-gall for 3 months and had a very restricted low fat diet. I suffered from attacks several times per month,sometimes several per week. I refused surgery because i knew it could be treated and i wanted my organ (to disagree with surgeons...it is not an unnecessary organ!! no organ should be removed unless completely 100% necessary). with the low fat diet alone i didnt see much results other than preventing the attacks because excess fat in your diet is a major cause of attacks for those who have gallstones. after long consideration of the drug actigall or surgery, i chose to give actigall a chance. the only symptom i had while on the drug was a slight increased need for food due to the main cause of the drug produces extra bile to disolve the stones. it left that hungry grumbly feeling after i took it during the first month but then my body got use to it. I know that actigall is not all natural but it was my last resort and definately better than surgery. so i am attack free and i have a completely healthy gallbladder inside my body and fuctioning. I hope this can help someone as so many of these sites have helped me.
Nikos last decade
hello Wajid u asked 4 schwabe med for gallblader,there is one CARUUS MARIANUS PENTARKAN..This is combination of ...card mar Q,fel tauri 2x ,acid hyd 5x , Quassia am Q ,Aur chlor natr 4x dont know how good is that never used it ....also there is one combination by Dr reckeweg R7 >>>carduus mar d2,chelidonium d2 ,china d3 , cholesterinum d6 , colocynthis D6 , Lycopodium D4, Nux vomica D4 .......organic and functional complaints of liver and gall bladder etc,etc... for information u can write to Dr.Willmar Schwabe ,, P.O.BOX 410925.D-7500 KARLSRUHE 41 , GERMANY
princeofnoland last decade
I agree with Nikos, anyone suffering with gallstones should seek an alternative to surgery.

The doctors won't tell you this. It is your liver that fills up with these fatty chlorestrol stones then it gets so full that they spill into the gallbladder. The majority that go through with gallbladder removal have the same painful symptoms within 1-3 years later because the liver was never flushed.

I have seen and tried, know of friends who have also used very simple cheap gallbladder flush recipes that cause the stones to soften, pass through the bile ducts and out through the colon. Never heard of Actigall but if it works without surgery I think that is great.

As always, we need to consider the root of the problem. Most gallstones are pure fat and have often formed around a parasite. Gallstones are most common in overweight people and found in diets that are heavy in meat and dairy with very little fiber or sufficient water intake.
cdhokc last decade
I also have numerous small gallstones and was told by a surgeon to have my gallbladder removed. However, what he didn't tell me was that I could still have the same symptoms post-surgery but it would be then from the liver (stones).

I am on Berberis at the moment from a homeopath and have not had an attack yet. I strongly suggest you seek professional help on this one (see a qualified Homeopathic Practitioner, do not go it alone.
Traci_London last decade
Eating protein from plants and vegetables saves your gallbladder, research shows-

A new study shows that eating vegetable protein saves your gallbladder. In the study, as subjects consumed higher quantities of vegetable protein, their risk of needing their gallbladders removed plummeted.
This is yet more evidence showing the health benefit of avoiding red meat and protein from animal sources. You can get all the protein you need from plants: soy products, nuts and seeds, sprouts, green vegetables, and even quinoa.

The study didn't even mention the remarkable high protein content available in spirulina and other superfoods such as chlorella and wheat grass.-Health ranger(with thanks to mr Mike adam)
munish last decade

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