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Palladium: $6.59


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I dont want to disagree with what you are saying? Am I?

I think I didnt express it correctly. Lets say homeopathy would just cure with undesirable creatures which are nothing good. Than there would be no issue. But since there are remedies like palladium, platina etc And some people get those prescribed but not me it is an issue. There are remedies wich have good qualities, what I would want to be. Yea I think I am in my disease state and the reason why this is an issue. Maybe if I never got to know about palladium, platina I would have not have an issue. It is just depressing that it is in the periodic table and I might not be it, not get it. How can I get over it, that I am not the best remedy.

And I do not wish to be identified with a remedy. I felt the platina working, but it started working less strong since 2 days ago but there is still a calm. I do not really feel bad about it not working so strong anymore and probably meaning it is not my remedy. Like I said before I had issues with taking any remedy except platina or palladium the first time I took them. But after a dose of platina it did not matter anymore so I was ok with taking anthropleura.
[message edited by starface on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 00:28:53 GMT]
starface last decade
I would prefer being palladium over platina. And to me that would mean I have all the good qualities and people would always be interested in me. I would not have to do anything, they would just come to me. Which is my reality... But I feel some egoisem already when I say that, when I think of that I am lowering myself and it is the reason why platina probably worked compared to palladium why it didnt.
starface last decade
It is a crazy way to choose remedies. There are no 'good' remedies, they are all diseases. You need to stop being so irrational around it.

There is no best remedy, you are just making things up now to fit your own delusions. Platina is depraved sex-maniac, Palladium is a boot-licking coward, Lycopodium is self-rightous adulterer, Phosphorous is shallow and selfish, Nat-mur is bitter old maid who has dried up - they are all the worst things about us, not the best things. There is nothing good about a remedy. Nothing.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 00:56:32 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Where do I go from here? In the end I just want to get cured and not live a life alone. Being alone is not the issue. Since I do have an aversion to some people but not all though. There are things I am not getting while I am alone. That is the issue. Like experiences with life, good comments, compliments, told nice things about myself (sorry for mentioning this since it sounds palladium, but it holds true for me and I know palladium didnt work. Maybe there are more remedies similar to it). Attention probably something I wished too, but I see my ego is in the way. I could not admit to wanting that, or really want it. I can just admit to this over an internet forum
[message edited by starface on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 01:02:58 GMT]
starface last decade
Palladium is a boot-licking coward? Ok good to hear. SO I am not the only one who has issues with everyone around me great and perfect. Sorry I sound so irrational. I think I have issues with getting isolated. I will stop than.

Thanks for all those replies
starface last decade
palladium being boot licking and phosphorus selfish calmed me down. I think I am to involved with those homeopathic remedies. Reading the materia medica made it sound to me like how everyone is great and good but I am nothing. Everyone got it going on, but I have no qualities, nothing, and am isolated. I feel empty, there is nothing to me
[message edited by starface on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 01:14:28 GMT]
starface last decade
In the books there are things written like how palladium tries to be the best, how platina is the born leader, how aurum is the serious and responsible guy, how arg nit is the great crisis manager... and what am I? I am nothing, empty, what is my role, what are my qualities? I am just the empty, blank guy who tries to attract people into his life by his attention seeking, over emotionality, superficial intimacy which never works but just get told that I am creepy. I am nothing. I probably took all those remedies to experience being something and therefore loved reading the remedy profiles to get a feel for myself. I feel like I am nothing or on the other hand like I could be anything
[message edited by starface on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 01:13:40 GMT]
starface last decade
It is not about just 'snapping out of it'. Obviously you are not well, you obviously have all sorts of issues that need to be addressed.

But what you continue to fail to see is that you are the one getting in your own way of being healed. Not me, not the people on this forum, not your parents, not your brother, not the rest of the world. You.

And who is going to address that? You are going to have to commit to actually doing homoeopathy properly, or abandon it.

One of the most humbling things every homoeopath learns, is their own lack of knowledge when compared to what we need to know. The pure volume of information is staggering, beyond a single person's ability to learn even in a lifetime. It drives us on to be better homoeopaths if we are honest, or drives us to be the worst kind of homoeopaths if we are not. Those people that think they can pick up a book and a dozen remedies and have any idea what they are doing are deluded.

Homoeopathy is one of the hardest therapies to practice.

So maybe you can come from a place of ignorance into a place of hope - accept that you are unable to self-treat, put yourself in the hands of a homoeopath and do whatever they say. Don't sabotage their efforts, don't fight with them, don't aim to deceive or prove how much cleverer you are than them. You are only going to get out of it, what you put into it. So if it is lies and deception, then you reap the rewards of that.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
If someone could tell me the swollen lymph node is not c_ancer I would be happy, seems like something more towards the left is kind of swollen or different compared to the other side aswell. C_ancer feels like pure isolation. It would make me feel like I need to reach out to people quick. So that people know about me.
starface last decade
'So maybe you can come from a place of ignorance into a place of hope - accept that you are unable to self-treat, put yourself in the hands of a homoeopath and do whatever they say. Don't sabotage their efforts, don't fight with them, don't aim to deceive or prove how much cleverer you are than them. You are only going to get out of it, what you put into it. So if it is lies and deception, then you reap the rewards of that''

That has been my experience since taking platina. There is more trust, more hope, things seem easier, more possible and I could believe that things will work out. But this is easy to say now since I am in a better mind set and I fear when I get into another state it might get bad again.

I am kind of tired of platina right now and wished something else. But there is no desire. I cannot take a remedy. I dont know what the reason exactly is. Is it because I got burned last time so it was a good experience to see that homeopathy can be dangerous, or is it because platina brings up the emotional hurt always which does not want me to take another remedy. Or is it that I feel good in my state and do not feel the need for change.

I am really sorry for how unmanagable I was. I was in a bad state before. I feel more calm and trusting right now but I am still afraid it would return. I am just the type of guy who cannot work with someone together. And I felt this aversion, problem with intimacy again. It would not feel good after what happened to work together again. I feel guilty. But now that I say this I also feel sensitive to how you might feel that I say I would not want to work together because it doesnt feel good after what I did. Hope it didnt sound rejecting.

I know you havent asked me to work together again though. On one hand I would want this ofcourse and this is why I am posting always, but on the other hand I feel bad somehow, it doesnt feel good. This is my problem often generally with people... I want to but something about closeness, intimacy does not make me want to. So it is a conflct, that does not get solved.
starface last decade
I dont like to hear that something is wrong with me ( that I have all sorts of issues that need to be addressed)... It feels unsafe, a danger to me. From the isolation, rejection point.

Ok please help me. I have emotional issues with relationships, people, emotional hurt and do not really know who I am I think. But I wish to say I am better since the platina. I felt closer to people, easier to interact. To not appear like some undeveloped guy or whatever. I can be perfectly normal, the most fun peson in company when I feel good. I am not handicapped or undeveloped lol.
starface last decade
People did bad things to me. The time when I begun smoking marijuana and my friends circle changed. How the people treated me badly. I am scared for life. Lots of hurt. My depression and anxiety issues began there
[message edited by starface on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 01:52:22 GMT]
starface last decade
This is going to be so uncomfortable if I will see there will be a reply from you in here.

And I notice I said I am not handicapped or underdeveloped which will probably mean I am in denial about this. I could not leave this alone, not comment on it that I know I denied this. Because it is a form of protection. It is like not leaving windows open. Closing windows, closing all holes where someone might get in and think I dont know something. That I left a window open. A vulnerable spot. It is about being in control I believe
[message edited by starface on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 01:58:09 GMT]
starface last decade
It won't be me and it cannot be on an internet forum. Stop hiding. There are good classical homoeopaths in NZ. Find one and go see them. Make the committment.

You will only do the same things again while you hide anonymously on this board, or through email. Like an addict, you now have to put measures in place to ensure you don't slip back into the behaviour that is harming you. Staying hidden on this website is like an alcoholic living above a pub. You will not resist the temptation, and you will just sabotage yourself again and again, as you have shown here for a long time now.

There is no shame is owning up to your problems and trying to do something about them. Someone who sees you face to face will not be someone you can easily hide from or lie to. Preferably they should not tell you the remedies they give either so you need to make that a condition with them, at least until after they can assess the effects. Be honest about what you have been like, what trouble you have caused homoeopaths in the past, and especially the behaviours I have pointed out as being disruptive to the homoeopathic healing process. Then follow their instructions to the letter, ignoring the whispers of your ego to show them up, to prove to them you are the smart one and you know yourself better.

And most importantly, be willing to accept that part of healing, is pain, and do not run from it. Stop applying bandaids to every little feeling you have, and throw away all your remedies so that you are not tempted to take them. Just like an addict, you cannot sit with your drug of choice in your home.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I don't mean to start any problem here, that is not my intention, starface - I am just geniunely curious as to why you think some remedies are bad while others aren't. I haven't read this entire thread, I get curious when people are looking for comparisons between remedies, and that general statement stuck out to me (that some are bad, while others aren't). I don't think I understand the better/ worse idea. I hope you don't honestly think that some people are better than others. No one has more inherent value than another, no matter their perceived 'status', it is all an illusion that insecure people take comfort in. We all have goodness in us, and darkness, weakness and stregnth. We all express those things in different ways. When we are out of balance, our weaknesses are different, and call for different remedies. Not better/ worse. It just is. Just like our names. That's my opinion, was curious as to your idea of a caste system of remedies...lol. You seem rather bothered by this notion.
allicando last decade
hmm weight thrown on me again. Unfortunately I cannot do this. I cannot present myself the way I am to anyone. There is no motivation. I will just feel bad in the presence of the homeopath and I am talking here about feeling really bad. I could not speak, I would cry like a child or be quiet all the time and the homeopath would have no idea about me. I would be a blank paper not able to reveal anything. But I could write down things on a paper. I cannot show my emotions.

My worry is that my mind might give me c_ancer since part of my pathology might be lifted in an attept to bring back the heaviness.

So right now I am alone, having this c_ancer threat, BDD, social anxiety and no help, ? Nothing is ok.Great. At least something to feel good about. When I get pushed to much than comes my ego and I will not be defeated, let myself be touched by those things. But at the same time the depression can come when i think of it is just a defense mechanism... nothing great about me. I disown everything very quick. Whished I never read spiritual books on one hand. I cannot take any effort I do in this world as mine. It is just some mechanism that made me that way. I disown everything
[message edited by starface on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 02:50:27 GMT]
starface last decade
I dont know what to say to you allicando. What you say is true but unfortunately I dont feel it emotionally that way. There are remedies that count, matter, and there are remedies which do not count as if they do not exist.

And I am slightly scared for my well being. Fainting attacks again by saying what I just said. It came from all this stress, from feeling like throwing my glass against the wall. There is fear in what mental state I am and fear something might get worse. Racing heart and I want to run away. I feel like I have to fight again for my life. THe platina experience of aggravation left me in a state where feel uncertain about my mental health. Like that it can really get bad. The problem is when I am alone, around people there is no worry about my health. I fear all those negative emotions might really cause me c_ancer in the end.

I think I am a remedy that needs to be something to be seen. There is an issue with isolation and ego. Probably why platina worked to a good degree. But my ego is kind of back and this horrible fainting.
[message edited by starface on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 02:55:37 GMT]
starface last decade
So it is your emotional perception of the remedies but you know it to be incorrect intellectually? Usually things begin to resolve emotionally before anything else (except during any aggravation), and if they do not then it is my understanding that it is not the direction of cure. I'm sure you don't care for my opinion, but I honestly don't like to see anyone suffering and think that if you cannot bring yourself to speak with a homeopath face to face then you would be much better emotionally if you stepped away from using homeopathy at all...maybe in time as things settle out you will find you are not as unwilling to go. Many homeopaths also use Skype (video conferencing) on the computer which may feel less threatening than a typical face to face consult.
allicando last decade
Or phone - many also do consults by phone. I'm not sure that would be your best option but its better than trying to manage your own case - better for anyone. I don't even think a trained homeopath should manage their own case. Psychologists and counselors even have their own psychologists and counselors because no one can be truly objective about themselves. The feelings always get in the way and that is the impediment to any amount of cure.
allicando last decade
I care about what anyone has to say to me. I am particularly sensitive to when I am told something I should do, because it is probably right and I should do it which leaves me feeling bad. It stays on my mind.

I will probably stop now because I am getting into this ugly victim play which is highly unattractive and repulses people.
starface last decade
I don't think you sounded like a victim in your last post or that you should feel bad that someone has given you advice. It's not about that. We all get advice at different times and it doesn't mean we are any less, just that someone cared enough to share it. I think we are all on this forum because we need or want advice! There is nothing wrong with that. It is human.
allicando last decade
Dont be hard on me David, There is 0% chance I will see a homeopath until I am somewhat cured. I always get things to do I cannot do. I thought I talked with clarity earlier today but now I do not anymore. I need to step back and get away from the computer. I want to socialize, have fun, be young, not old and have this pass me
starface last decade
But you CAN do them. You are afraid to. Anything worth doing takes courage. You can do it. It is a choice that is up to you.
allicando last decade
when I get advice it feels like an expectation. In the sense that if I dont do it I will make people angry. That is why I feel bad and it stays on my mind when I get advise that I cannot do. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.
starface last decade
Yes I am. It is so great homeopathy can be done over a forum but I am on the sideline now for quite a long time
starface last decade
It won't make me angry, I don't need you to do what I ask...I am not codependent on anyone else's behavior. I won't know either way, will I? Hopefully it is something to think about, for YOU, not for anyone else. So, take the expectation out of it, and take it for what it is, advice from a stranger that might be beneficial in helping you achieve the life you say you want.

I don't think anything happens by accident. You are on the sideline because you need to be right now. For some reason it is interesting that you are being directed down a path that you are refusing to go down right now, but it just might be the best thing that ever happened to you that you have no one willing to oversee your case anonymously on this forum. Everything in you desires to be known, but you are afraid of that.
allicando last decade

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