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Awful Milky Bad Taste in Mouth 2


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Awful taste in mouth. Page 4 of 6

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Thank you nbalan and barbara for replying. I thought I would mention what certain docs have told me to try. None has helped me, but it might be of help for some of you??? One Neurologist told me to take 1000mcg b-12, 250mg magnesium, and 1mg folic acid everyday. She explained that low levels of vit.b-12 can create nerve damage to the 7th cranial nerve which controls the sensory of the tongue. The magnesium and folic acid need to be taken with the b-12 for optimal results. Even if whoever reads this does not know if they have a b-12 deficiency or not, it will not be harmful to give it a whirl. B-12 supplements are very safe, it can not become toxic if taken when not needed like some other vitamin supplements. If you are getting an excess of b12 you will just urinate it out. Plus b12 helps to turn fat and carbohydrates eaten into energy that the body burns, therefore, fatigue may be decreased. Another Neurologist told me to take 50mg of Zinc daily. She has patients that have had success using Zinc, but she does not know why? Another Neurologist wanted me to start cymbalta and clonopin. She said that I have nerve damage to my tongue because of b12 deficency and cymbalta helps that. However my brain mri showed no abnormalities of any cranial nerves so I have refused to take the cymbalta. Nerve damage-whatever!!! When this damn mouth hell began, my family physican imediately thought it was neurological that is why I have been referred to these neuro docs. So with no luck in that area, I am being referred to an ENT on Wed.12/3 for an appt. that I am sure will go nowhere:( But it is interesting nbalan about the estrogen? This all began for me when I skipped a period 8 months ago, spotted lightly for the following month, then returned to regular, but heavy flow periods since. I have always had periods like clockwork before this. I have no children. I am 30yrs old. My mom has been convincted this whole time that this is all hormonal because that was the only change that occured when this hell began. And Barbara don't ever feel that some scotch or wine at night is ridiculous. If that gives some sense of relief - DO IT! I myself sip on whiskey straight with some diet coke as well. Whatever works. Especially when it is nighttime that my mouth is soooo unbearable. It helps to relax as well. I do not get drunk or consider it so-called problem drinking. It's more like therapy. It is so nice to have thoughs who can relate with this problem, because I never talk about it at home. I feel guilty if I do because there are so many who suffer greatly from cancer and other horrific diseases, that making such a big deal about my mouth makes me feel so guilty. I know things could be much worse, but this still really sucks too. I feel so sorry for each of yous on this site, I have read everybodies story. My prayers to you all.
jessieee last decade
Why do some suggest mercury??
jessieee last decade
Hi Jessiee,

thanks for all your feeback. I think that the vitamin thing has some merritt. I think I will be more faithful to my vitamin regime, definately cant hurt. I would speak to your Gyno and ask for a hormone pannel. That will at least let you know if there is any hormonal imbalances going on that may had led to missed periods etc..and if there is something off it can be taken care of. My menopause at 37 came out of nowhere!!!my mom did go through it early, but its really crazy- the endocrinologist said I had barely detectable estrogen, and once I started the pill, the taste seemed to improve-even though I do have days that seem more intense than others. I do believe there is a hormonal component to all this, as our whole systems are run on our endocrine systems. When one this is off it effects the whole. I did try taking mercury through a homeopathic MD and it did seem to help a bit, I would actually like to try it again now that my hormones are straightening out. I guess it is one of the remedies for bitter tastes- I will get more info and email. Good luck with the ENT, mine put me on an antifungal mouth wash and it made things worse...I think the solution for this issue is probably one that involves many aspects, nutrition, vitamin supplimentation, meditation, and some sort or herbal or homeopathic remedy. Be well, and let us know how it goes.
nbalan last decade
Hi all, while I am sure this remedy will not be the answer to everyone if it helps just one person it is worth it! I have an intolerance (not an allergy) to dairy and thought I was clever and overdid the cream etc. over Christmas! Result - that awful taste in my mouth :). I have now stopped with all the dairy for about a week and the taste is finally gone - so for those of you who have not tried to cut out dairy, it just may be the answer. Just remember that you have have to cut it ENTIRELY - alwys check ingredient listings on foodstuff as well. Good luck!
Shellbee last decade
thanks for that interesting piece of news. Congratulations, I am actually very happy that you have figured this out I am going to give it a try, cant hurt. I do have a couple questions for you: How long did you have the 'taste' and how did you know that you had an intolerance to dairy. I dont think I do, but you never know. Thanks
nbalan last decade
Hi again, I have an intolerance of wheat, dairy, glutan and sugar and was diagnosed three years back by my doctor. He uses a Quantum machine which for me is VERY accurate. I have cronic rhinitis, which is a very sure symptom of these intolerances. By the way, normal blood tests will not show this and most medical doctors poohpooh the theory, but belive me I know i need to avoid these things. I have got to the stage where I can tolerate them in small doses as I avoided them TOTALLY for over two years but as I said, at Christmas I overindulged and the symptoms came back! If you do try to avoid the dairy you really do need to ABSOLUTELY avoid everything for at least three months. I really do hope this works for you as I cannot wish this horrid feeling in my mouth on anyone! By the way, I had NO idea I was intolerant until I had the tests done on the machine - maybe you should try and find a hoeopathic doc who uses this machine? I would love to now how you go.
Shellbee last decade
thanks for all that information. I will definitely look into it. I have chronic sinus issues, maybe that is a symptom. I do have a holistic doc that I will refer to. Thanks, I'll let you know what happens.
nbalan last decade
Take carboveg 200 twice a day to bget rid of your problem.
askdrsukhdeep last decade
Thanks very much for that advice! I am in South Africa so will need to find an equivalent - can you perhaps tell me exactly what the carboveg00 is?
Shellbee last decade
Recently developed bitter taste, try 1/4 t baking soda in 8 oz water, swish around in mouth and spit out. Info given by dental assistant, learned of this remedy from inservice she attended last week.
charneym1 last decade
The baking soda makes sense. I have found that if I overdo the dairy and the taste comes back all I have to do is brush my teeth, gums and inside of my mouth with salt and I have INSTANT relief!! Then I have to try and avoid the cappucino all over again :)
Shellbee last decade
You have some entestinal problem. Mercury is good as it tones up the lower entestins which absorbs the required juices from the food material.

Further in additon you need something to clear your entestinal infection. You may try 'CHINA 30' 4 pills three times a day for few days alongwith 'mercurius 30'
Rajendra last decade
Hi I wanted to check in and see how Jessieee and barbara are doing. I am on month 9 and things are better, I actually have days that i dont notice it at all, and the only thing I can attribute the change to is going on Hormone replacement therapy. I read somewhere that when you have low estrogen it effects the membranes in your mouth that can cause a bitter taste. ( ?) who know, I have no idea- the call it Burning Tongue Syndrome ( except I dont have the burning)Hope there is some relief out there. Be well.
nbalan last decade
Hi Nbalan, So pleased to hear that things are a bit better. I still have good days and bad days. I am however coping better on the bad days. Beginning to wonder if my sour taste is a sinus problem (just seen that you have sinus problems)I have a feeling that something is dripping from the back of my nose into my mouth. Can't manage tea or coffee yet or anything tomatoe based. I keep in my handbag a packet of small sweet biscuits and break off pieces to eat when I get desperate. However every cloud had a silver lining. I have bitten my nails all my life, but for the past 8 months cannot bear to put my fingernails in my mouth. The result is that for the first time ever I have lovely long nails - anyway might try the ENT man again about the sinus. Best wishes to you all.
Johannah9 last decade
Hi - I just read the log of posts on this. I have the same metallic taste in my mouth. For the second month in a row now I have gotten it 2-3 days before my period and then it went away until the next cycle. It must be hormonal but I wonder if it is a combination of hormonal issues and something else.
izzy2 last decade
I do think there is a hormonal connection, as well as sinus etc.. I believe that its something that waxes and wanes.. Keep a record of when you get the taste and then maybe get a hormone panel done from your OB, see if there is a connection to low Estrogen. Good Luck.
nbalan last decade
Hi, I am new to this forum, but very interested to have found it. I would be particulary keen to hear from Nbalan and Johanna9 as my experience seems to be similar to theirs. I would really like to know how you are getting on as I have read all your posts.

I have had a horrid bitter taste in my mouth for 10 days. It is not present in the morning but comes on worse as the day progresses. And then it stays all day. I have no stomach symptoms, no mouth symptoms, nothing wrong with anything else and so far the doctors have been at a loss.

Like many of the people on the forum, I had, a week before the trouble began, finished taking a course of antibiotics for a water infection. I also frequently suffer from sinus problems. I am on the depo-provera method of contraception, and I believe this affects the level of estrogen in your body.

I am feeling really quite depressed due to the horrid bitter taste, and any even short term ways of reducing or getting rid of the bitterness would be really appreciated.
spaghettisue last decade
Hi Sorry to hear you have this awful taste thing.. Well, mine actually went away in the begging of the year when I was on birth control. Strangely, I had to switch to HRT in the beginning of August and had yet another sinus infection that required 3 rounds of antibiotics and did not go away, so to top it all off, the metallic taste has yet returned.. IT could be due to two things: HRT- s there is less estrogen than in BC pills or the Sinus infection and its treatment.. that is the only thing I can attribute it to at this time... I am tempted to go back on Birth control and see if it leaves again, that would be the test, or just increase my estrogen, I will let you know what I do and the result. As for the sinus, it has improved I couldnt go on another round of antibiotics, so I am just trying supportive treatments ( steam, nasal gel, and musonex) Try and sit an wait, it should improve, try no to worry.. I feel that its related to imbalance in the body in some way.. Let me know if I can help you further.. I will keep you posted with my situation.

Good Luck.
nbalan last decade
Hi Nbalan, thanks so much for such prompt reply! Was pleased for you to hear that you had got better, if only momentarily, and I hope you get relief again soon. Please let me know how you get on. It was good to know that the taste does go. I am just wondering when you talk about birth control if you are meaning the combined pill or is it another type of pill? I will let you too know how I get on. Have tried gargling with salt water tonight and think that has given me some relief. Don't think I feel the bitterness as much as I usually do this time at night. Once again, I really appreciate the prompt response!
spaghettisue last decade
Hi spaghettisue,good to hear from you. Yes the three of us all seem to have the same issues. Mine came after anti-biotics following a urine infection, it comes and goes. The bitter taste is not so apparent in the mornings but seems to worsen immediately I get up in the morning. I am really beginning to think it's something to do with hormones. I have kept a log of the times of the month when the taste is at its worse. It never actually goes away completely, butfor the odd week in the month it drives me mad, then slowly it decreases. I am unable to drink tea or coffee, fish and tomatoes taste awful. Strangely enough though I get some relief from eating pickled onions (don't laugh!}When this first started in June 2008 I was almost suicidal but now I am coping. I know that at some times of the month it will be bearable. So take heart, it may not get completely better but the bitter taste will lessen as time goes on. I have a very sympathetic doctor, who hasn't got a clue what it is. However, I'm now going to ask her if I can get some HRT. I've never been on it and am elderly now, but who knows perhaps it will help me. Keep writing, it's nice to hear from folks who know what I'm talking about. Don't like to complain to my friends anymore - they just don't know what it's like. Regards from West Sussex, England.
Johannah9 last decade
The metallic taste in my mouth went away for good when I started taking progesterone. I used the lotion and now some pills. Two doctors that I went to see both said it was a hormonal unbalance and that it is from low progesterone. Worked for me.
izzy2 last decade
Thank you so much for that izzy2, i'm going to print out your reply and show it to my doctor. I feel at last I'm getting somewhere.
Johannah9 last decade
Wow Izzy2 that makes total sense.. It disappeared with Birth control pills, as there is a continuous dose of estrogen and progesterone, whereas the HRT, I am only on Progesterone for 14days a month.... and none for the month of August when the taste restarted... I will also discuss with my drs... Thank you thank you
nbalan last decade
Dear Johannah9, thank you so much to you for getting back to me to. I am sorry that you are still not right, but it was encouraging to know that it is not a constant thing with you any more and that you are coping. I am in the north east of England, so the other end of the country to you!

Thanks also to Izzy for her really helpful and encouraging comments. They must have provided a lot of sense to people.

I look forward to hearing about anyone's experiences in this forum. It has been great to find it.
spaghettisue last decade
Hi there everyone reading the forum

I have been spending hours on the internet googling different things to do with this bitter mouth taste.

I am wondering if anyone has read up about burning mouth syndrome. It is usually associated with menopausal or postmenopausal women. It creates a burning on the tongue, but it can also cause bitter pain, and like lots of people seem to have, it isn't there 1st thing, but slowly gets worse over the day.

Doctors don't know what cause this (no surprise there!) but they treat it in different ways, one being with alpha lipoic acid. Apparently it takes about a month to work, but one study
has shown it to have a 96% success rate.

Am wondering if anyone has tried this and how they got on.

best wishes to you all, sue
spaghettisue last decade
I'd be interested to hear about this as well. Have had a bad day today. The tongue and saliva is now just plain sour. I can't exactly call it a burning sensation. It's more of a taste thing. However the hormones aspect seems to be cropping up all the time, so I have a feeling we are getting nearer to the solution.
Johannah9 last decade

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