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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

severe gerd

I am a 40 yr old female who has been suffering from acid reflux/GERD for the last 7 yrs. I have switched medications (nexium, prevacid, omeprazole) and now most are ineffective. I weigh 100 lbs, my height is 5'2'. I have not gained any weight in the last few years, but can lose it very easily. I exercise regularly.
I have been following Dr Joe DiLivera's advise posted on the forum for Natrum Phos 6x (4 tabs thrice daily) and Arnica (in mineral wtr 1 hr b4 meals and b4 bedtime).
Initially, i got a lot of relief, but now the symptoms are back especially in the morning:
Acidic taste in mouth
Sore throat/ cough
Dry mouth and thirst during the night
Bad breath during the day
Symptoms worsen when fasting (once a week)
No constipation, ocassional gas, stomach ache on right side

I drink 1-2 glasses of water on empty stomach after I wake up.

I have also been taking Pulsatilla 30 (1/2 hr before drinking water) to treat cervical spondilitis pain that has been there for 10 yrs. Pulsatilla has been effective in preventing and suppressing the pain, which kicks in only if i bend my neck excessively.

Please advise what I can do to improve my sitaution quickly and effectively.

  vanika on 2011-01-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please use the homeopathy patient intake form in order to give us the appropriate information about your case. Hopefully someone here will help you begin real homeopathic treatment to resolve your issues.

Homeopathy International 1 last decade

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