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nonsleeping toddler

My 18month yr old Ned was a great eater and sleeper, but now he seems to not want to eat much, and will sleep from his usual bed time 7pm till about midnight the wake 4 or more times during the night stsnding in his cot wanting to be held. I just lay him back down a he sleeps for awhile before waking again. During the day he is happy and social likes to play alone or with me, and gets some fresh air too, he has a 2 hour Nap after lunch.Please help with any ideas, i am stuck at what to do.
  happyaby on 2010-11-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you dont hold him what does he do?

yogeshrajurkar last decade
He will carry on crying, I have tried to just place a hand on him for securiy, he is blond and blue eyed but not a clingy child during the day .
happyaby last decade
Jalapa mother tincture 5 drops in 10-15ml water at night before going to bed.
Do this for 3 days and report back.

Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade

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