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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Combination Medicine Query.

Hi, A question for all the doctors here. I have a query which is.

1) Are combination remedies ( two remedies mixed together ) effective or single remedy are better. Coz if a person has two tendencies of different remedies and if both the remedies complement each other can they be mixed together?

2) If combination remedies are given .. can they be of different potencies or should they be of same potencies? please give examples if possible.
  samur420 on 2010-09-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
single is better for case management and is ideal from the perspective of homeopathy as the basic principle is: Single similar medicine, minimum dose and treating the organism as a whole.

Some homeopaths though have had success with alternation or rotation of closely related remedies. Remedies may be complementary or collateral.

Commercially available combinations are mostly of lower dilutions. Most of the reckweg combinations are in 6x strength. Individual homeopaths may use different potencies.
maheeru last decade
Hey.. Thanks Maheeru.. well one question, You said Individual homeopaths use different potencies , does that mean different potencies combined together for one remedy or different potencies on the same day of different medicines.
samur420 last decade
It can mean either way.


a) Different potencies of a same remedy used at a time. Sometimes this is called rainbow potency. It depends upon the experience of a homeopath and this is not for a beginner or a patient to try out to be SAFE.

b) Sometimes a homeopath may use 200c at one time and 6c at another time on a same day to have remedies working on different planes. This is different though from using many different potencies at a same time.

c) Using ascending ladder method. Pierre schmidt used this method. According to this method, three successive potencies will be given on three successive days. The exhaustion of action would be waited upon and next dose will be again three successive potencies but this time the starter potency would be the middle one used the previous time. For e.g 6c,12c,30c on successive days and then 12c,30c,200c next time and so on.

2) Using different remedies at a time. Mostly the potency would be uniform, say 30c of two or more remedies. This is polypharmacy and is not in line with classical homeopathy and is usually frowned upon.

Or to make matters simple stick to the classical one remedy one potency at a time for a good case/patient management :)
maheeru last decade
thanks a ton... for clearing my doubts in such methodical and easy method, coz the classical method and the combination method system is not discussed well on the internet and if it has been it is not easy to comprehend them. Thanks .
samur420 last decade

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