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Thanks joe.

Your suggested method has proved to be more benefical for me till now for treating insomnia.

As advised i am taking one teaspoon twice daily,
can i also increase the doses for my hair loss and for getting more calm and timely sleep.If yes, could you tell me how much and how many
moksh last decade
putting 2 drops of arnica in water and then using it has proved to be more benefical for treating insomnia
As i am taking 1 teaspoon of it 2 times so can it be further increased to get more calmy and timely sleep.

I am also losing lot of scalp hair(alopecia), any advices for this
moksh last decade
Glad to learn that my advice worked.

You may like to know that this it the first time that I recommended this new method and it is nice to know that it works. There has always to be a first !

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have always used Arnica 30 for Insomnia and it has invariably worked except in rare cases like yours where the pellets did not work but the liquid succussed remedy did.

As for your hair loss, you can increase the frequency of the dose to 1 tsp 3 times daily as the standard dosage I recommend for hair loss is 2 pellets tds. I presume that the wet dose method should perhaps work better than the dry dose method that I have used and recommended so far.

Please keep me advised of the progress of your hair which should stop falling in about 2 weeks and you should also observe the new hair growing in replacement in about 2 months or sooner.

Arnica will not help to calm your mind. You will have to give me more details of this problem and I can try to help you with another remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade
About details of my problems which i am facing with insomnia is lack of confidence, feeling of so much anxiety-nervousness without any reason,depression like disgust of life with social phobia.

All this started with lack of confdence and anxiety feeling in my teen age and then they keep worsening with coming of depression at lot many times.
moksh last decade
The remedy that I would like to prescribe for you is Nat Mur 6c. Please follow the following instructions to use this remedy and let me know how it helps you.

Get a 500 ml sealed bottle of water and decant 100 ml. Get Nat Mur 6c either in liquid form or in pellets. Put 1 drop of the liquid or 3 pellets into the water. Potentize the remedy by hitting it hard on your hand and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottle of soda. This is the homeopathic method of succussion and this has to be done 3 times before you take a dose of 1 teaspoonful twice daily, morning and evening for the first week.

Observe the response of your mind in various situations and report in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe:

Have tried the 30C water dose of Arnica for insomnia -no good - what else can I do - strengthen the amount? Take more tsps.?
Mousitsa last decade
Why don't you try sulphur, helps me sleep.
saltOftheEarth last decade
Do you do any form of exercise like brisk walking, jogging or gym, which makes you perspire ? This will increase the demand of your body for sleep and may help you.

Arnica always is the best remedy to induce sleep and I recommend that you use it twice daily as it is very safe to be used on a daily basis.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Salty:

Thanks for the info - how do you use the sulphur - pellets, liquid - exactly what is the formula you use and when exactly do you take it - has it helped you fall asleep and stay asleep?

Mousitsa last decade
Hi Joe:

I would like to stay with the Arnica as a tonic - can't hurt - but I want to make a smaller amount and have a fresh supply more often - can I do 3 pellets in 200 or mm of water?
Mousitsa last decade
Yes you may have a smaller bottle but you do not gain anything by having a smaller bottle which you make often.

The potency or strength of the remedy remains the same whether you put in 3 globules into a 200ml bottle or a 500ml. I recommend that you use a 500ml bottle and keep it in the refrigerator and have a smaller bottle outside which you refill as you use a teaspoonful daily.
Joe De Livera last decade

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