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i have been detected with grade a esophagitis. 2detected with grade a oesophagitis/ lax les/ fundal mucosal prolapse/ antral gastritis 2


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can anybody help me please?????????????????
Akshat last decade
I need an advice of any doctor please?????
Can somebody help me ........
Akshat last decade
Hi All,

Can somebdy please help me.....
I am not able to understand why I am not getting any reply now :-(
Akshat last decade
Thank you for alerting me as I did not get the auto email alert again.

You state that you now have some pain in your knee:
'Now another issue is from last december I am having pain in my right leg at Knee cap area.
And yesterday after walking ( no running) in treadmill, it is again paining a lot. '

What was your doctor's diagnosis of your problem the last time when you took the Xray and also the drugs you were prescribed ? You will have to give me more data on these points to enable me to advice you.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for your response..
Well last time I just remember he told me the fluid which is there in between the joints has been dried somewhat.
He told me some medicines which i am unable to recollect at all.
But he told me to haave ample amount of water as it helps.
The first time this problem happened was 2 years before when I was in different city as compared to now.
Akshat last decade
Did your doctor diagnose your condition as Osteo Arthritis ?

I must know the diagnosis to indicate the remedy to you.

In the meanwhile you are advised not to use your knee as far as is possible. In other words do not walk unless essential as you must rest your knee to enable it to heal.
Joe De Livera last decade
No I am pretty sure ho told me its not arthritis.
He just showed me a diagram of a knee cap stating this is the place where fluid has been dried up.
Now again from last two days pain is less as compared to earlier.
so pain also varies from day to day...
And basically its not being affected by weather too.
Akshat last decade
If you do not suffer from Osteo Arthritis, I believe that the remedies I prescribed you for your GERD will help to overcome your knee problem.

You will take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily for the next few months and report how you respond to its daily use.

You may like to know that I have used it nightly since 1996 and can reassure anyone who reads this post that it is perfectly to use Arnica 30c in the Wet dose nightly for life if necessary.

I am mentioning this matter as many classical homeopaths will never advise patients to take any remedy on a daily basis but I have disproved this rule and many of my patients are using it in the Wet dose and can testify to its efficacy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Does Dr Joe De Livera has a personal email? I have severe acid reflux. I need to consult him.
wtt69 last decade
I regret that I do not normally do any consultations by email.

Please post your ailment on this forum preferably on a new thread addressed to me.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dr Joe,

Are you based in Singapore?

I am a 40 year old male Singaporean, with no habit of smoking and drinking alcohol in my life.

I was diagnosed with acid reflux in February 2008 and was precribed Omeprazole 20 MG by the ENT doctors at the National University Hospital (NUH). My condition has improved after that but occasionally still have relapse that makes me feel like a ball stuck in my throat.

In May 2010, I had another relapse whil eating my dinner. I rushed to the A & E of the NUH. A doctor examined me through endoscope but found no foreign body in my throat. I was back to the NUH for 2 reviews in the same month and the doctor repeated the message to me.

On the 27th May 2010, while eating my lunch I spit out saliva with blood in it. This lasted for about 5 minutes. Again I rushed to the NUH's ENT clinic. The doctor examined me and said I have acid reflux and anxiety. She was reluctant to refer me to a cancer specialist for further examination as she said I am 'shopping around the hospital'. Instead she wanted to refer me to a psychologist for counselling.

She also told me that my bleeding could be due to the food that scratched my mouth.

On the next few days, I have had regular stomach palpitations and chest pains. The chest pain shifts from the left to the right of my chest and stomach. There were twice I had a sharp pain below my throat in the middle of the chest area. The pain lasted a few seconds.

Actually I have had chest pain for many years. In April 2009, angiogram results from the NUH's Cardiology department shows no blockage of my arteries.

I am currently taking Lisinopril 20 mg for hypertension and Lovastatin 10 mg for cholesterol. My dad had stomach cancer in the year 1995 and is still healthy till today. He is the only person in the family that has the disease.

I met the NUH's ENT doctor on 7th June 2010. This time I insisted her to refer me for further examination. I will be meeting the MO at the NUH's Digestive Center on the 27th July 2010.

However, I may get an appointment in a private hospital as the waiting time is too long.

I have losted some weight within 3 days from 83.5 kg to 82.6 kg. I have no difficulty in swallowing food but feel my stomach bloating easily after a small meal.

Are these symptoms of esophanus cancer or Barrett's esophagus?

Thank you.

Wong TT
wtt69 last decade
To Wong

I live in Sri Lanka.

It seems to me that you suffer from GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease).

I would like you to type this word into the Search Box on every page and read the many posts by me and others on this ailment.

Your remedies are:

Nat Phos 6x to help accelerate the passage of food from the stomach which is usually the reason for the build up of gastric juice which then escapes up the Espophagus and results in the acute distress you experience. Dose 4 tablets after every meal.

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose to heal the Esophagus which as you state is badly lacerated internally and can result in Barrett's disease. Dose 1 capful of the bottle taken twice daily.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle which can be used as a dose.

It is understood that you will stop all other drugs including those you are taking for your BP as they will othewise interfere with my therapy.

You will not eat large meals and no oily food which place a heavy overload on the stomach thereby promoting the acid reflux.

For the record I would like to have your BP, BS and Lipid Profile levels.

Report response in 3 days after you commence this therapy aka 'Joepathy'

You may call me by phone on 9411 2696789 if you wish to have any matter cleared. I shall be at this number for the next hour. Or later at 9411 2380001 after 10AM OT.
Joe De Livera last decade

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